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A: NSString being set but appears empty when calling from another class - iOS

schYou are creating a new instance of Username in TestViewController: - (void)addItem { username = [[Username alloc] init]; // New instance // Use XMLparser to check for updated new feeds. if(username.strUsername != NULL) { NSLog(@"ViewController username.strUsername is:%@...

How would use the same instance in both ViewControllers?
Can you post the code you use to create and display the UsernameViewController instance?
I have updated the code the include the Username class. It is then declared in UsernameViewController like Username *username;
I have updated the code to include UsernameViewController.h so you can see the creation. I tried removing username = [[Username alloc] init]; in UsernameViewController However that does not set the UITextfield value to the NSString strUsername in Username Class
You didn't understand me. Can you post the code where you do something like: [[UsernameViewController alloc] init];
Sorry. I do not have any code statement like this. I did not think it was required. Why would I need to do this If I am setting the Username Class NSString from UsernameViewController? Thanks
How do you make the username view visible? I mean the view where the user can input his username.
The user can input their username (into UITextField *test) on the UsernameViewController. I am using a storyboard so the view (in storyboard) has its custom class set to UsernameViewController.
Ok, if you did that programmatically, I think I could help you, but I still didn't didn't try storyboard. Sorry :)
Oh right. How Can I do it programmatically
I have a UITableViewController with a button in the top right (in UINavigationController) bar. When this button is pressed it takes the user to UsernameViewController where they can insert their uername in UITextField.
They can then pressed back button (in UINavController) on UsernameViewController which takes them back to UITableViewController.
When the user freshes the tableview I want the refresh method to get the value that has been set in the Username class
Username.h/m and UsernameViewController.h/m are different
i hope that makes sense
Try to take the username from the usernameviewcontroller when the back button is pressed and pass it to the next view.
What you should do is clarify your question so that people can understand your problem and help you.
good luck.

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