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@blackbee You can use kses to filter the output from md if you are concerned about xss, but I'm sure there are other ways. The important thing is to filter the output, as you would for anything that's come from the user.
I wouldn't be surprised if Mr Astley came up with the Rick roll himself :)
I hate being Rick rolled!
Don't lie! You love it; maybe the next time he will give it up.
what to do in the room?
@web2students.com what room?
@web2students.com sudo stand in the corner.
cook in the kitchen, sleep in the bedroom :)
@vascowhite i mean chat room
I tried sudo on my wife, it doesn't work!
@web2students.com chat?
@vascowhite other ways!!
@vascowhite she wouldn't make you a sandwich?
@vascowhite sudo means?
@Jack Nope
@web2students.com sudo google sudo
sudo ( or ) is a program for Unix-like computer operating systems that allows users to run programs with the security privileges of another user (normally the superuser, or root). Its name is a concatenation of the su command (which grants the user a shell of another user, normally the superuser) and "do", or take action. Unlike the su command, users typically supply their own password to sudo rather than the root password. After authentication, and if the /usr/local/etc/sudoers (sometimes found at /etc/sudoers) configuration file permits the user access, then the system will invoke the...
@Jack ok, @vascowhite thanks
> Unlike the su command, users typically supply their own password.
Sometimes they use someone else's password >D
@web2students.com I find it a bit strange that somebody who teaches web programming doesn't know what sudo means :)
@vascowhite i don't know linux. i only knows php, mysql, js, html etc only which are related to web-developer ( minus command line ). and i am not teacher
@vascowhite That's probably because it's a front for a mafia enterprise ;-)
@web2students.com but development requires interaction with the platform you are developing/hosting on. Quite often some flavour of Linux.
RTFM should be added as a reason of close-vote.
Q: Custom error handler function?

don kakaIs it possible to write a custom error handler function? Now if there is an error on my website, then the server prints it into the result html. But I would like to create an error handler function instead. function errorhandler($error) { echo '<span class="e">'.$error.'</span>'; } // rest...

@vascowhite yes i also want to learn command line.
4 mins ago, by vascowhite
http://stackoverflow.com/q/16980360/212940 as RTFM
@web2students.com I'm far from being a linux expert, but I can find my way around. Usually with the help of SO & google :)
Q: phantomJS : Absolute path working, but Relative path giving problems

asprinI'm on a Linux web server. The following files are being used to create a screenshot: ons.php ong.js ons2.php All these files along with phantomJS binary are in the same folder. The folder's permission is 744 ons.php $forMonth = date('M Y'); exec('./phantomjs ons.js '.strtotime($forMonth), ...

@vascowhite i have windows installed on my computer and at server i have cpanel access not ssh. so, i don't know how to getting started using command line.
@web2students.com Install a VM on your windows box and play around. That way you can't break anything. virtualbox.org
@vascowhite Can't break anything? Challenge accepted! :)
@Jack lol
@jack haha...
@MadaraUchiha I love it when I get the last CV in :)
@vascowhite See the page refreshing :D
The feeling of power :)
i want to create a room at stackoverflow. i am getting message "Please check for an existing similar room", when i opened i got list of rooms which has 42 pages. on each page, there are 20 . so total 20 * 42 = 840 rooms. so i have to be unique among 840 rooms...
how to develp os commerse site in Arabic?
@krishnaarag may be this helpful addons.oscommerce.com/info/31
@web Thanks will check it
@web2students.com Run a quick search to see fi your page already exists
if not, open the page.
@MadaraUchiha i created it but i am lonely there, i need to promote it :P
PHP help for new programmers?
it's web2students-com
@MadaraUchiha not a bad idea actually
@web2students.com you want stackoverflow to host your site's chat?
@DaveRandom here you go chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/9857264#9857264 you were basically right, but wow what a crazy thing to happen. The script was running in background while I was doing my updates via Synaptic so the HDD working was viewed as normal and when the update was done just coincided with when it had finished deleting everything. This is going down as the worst comp accident ever for me. I got all my important data back, and just lost some tv shows and movies.
I'm going to do a daily and weekly backup schedule from now on and marking all scripts as non-executable from now on.
@crypticツ What happened?
@crypticツ lol, environment sanity check fail. Still, at least it wasn't malware as such
see chat link
@DaveRandom It had never occurred to me the missing var would cause the command to be interpreted that way.
@crypticツ ouch! Sorry, your link goes two posts up, so I missed your explanation.
@wes lol not just testing how chat works here
any yii framework huy
any yii framework guy ?
What Linux backup software you guys use? I'm looking into rsync but apparanlty Bacula is really good, but it won't install for me, complains about not having proper permissions and some config error.
@crypticツ I just grep'd through a few of my shell scripts and found 3 examples of the exact same potential problem :-P
I need to use the js framework for the front-end experience with yii ?
can anyone suggest the best suited
i came across backbone and angular js
@DaveRandom better do the [[ -n $VAR ]] check before running them
I'm just adding ^^ that check for all the required env vars at the head of all of them right now
Is there a way to make bash scripts error and exit if an undefined var is encountered?
error_reporting(ALL) ?
@DaveRandom lol
Not that I'm aware of without an explicit check, although I've never looked
@crypticツ #!/bin/bash -eu as the shebang will do it apparently
> # -e: Exit immediately if a command exits with a non-zero status.
> # -u: Treat unset variables as an error when substituting.
Stupid markdown
Although -e sounds dangerous
hey can any body help me with a simple questio
@DaveRandom can you link me to the docs for that? I don't see them listed in the man page
does any body know how to print lots of html lines in single echo in PHP
@crypticツ I found that here, not looked at the man page but just tested under CentOS and seems to work
i have a large table to print i don't want use echo in every <tr> and <td>
@DaveRandom can u help
@rahul888 u can join them into string and echo it after loop
@rahul888 search for NOWDOC syntax, that's the better for HTML printing
Or better yet, don't use echo at all, just ?><html><?php and get syntax highlighting for the HTML in your editor
Or even better, use an includeable template file.
@DaveRandom PhpStorm will highlight HTML inside of PHP strings automatically
@MadaraUchiha it does?
That is pretty neat
@PeeHaa埽 Certainly
That is indeed pretty neat
@PeeHaa埽 it's pretty awesome
I really must try it out some time
As well as JSON, RegEx and most other languages.
Also js, css, sql in strings
Oh yeah! SQL! Definitely SQL
Actually EditPad Pro 7 will theoretically do it as well, but my regex-fu failed me a bit when I tried
@MadaraUchiha how about php code inside css files? n++ does a bit of a mess, php isn't highlighted and css will be partially highlighted
@Wes Last I tried it worked perfectly.
@Wes php in css is actually css in php
@Baldrs Yo dawg!
I've really gone properly off n++ now I have epp7, they've fixed most of the things that periodically annoyed me about n++
@Baldrs good point
@Baldrs welcome to the matrix
@MadaraUchiha Does SQL have syntax highlighting? :P
@PeeHaa埽 and even autocompletion :)
@PeeHaa埽 Yeah
I hate auto completion
But it won't focus on it automatically
You can continue typing and it won't correct you
Only if your press TAB
@DaveRandom selector folding for CSS?!?! =oO
I don't like the distraction or the fact it tries to steal keys when I don't expect it
@PeeHaa埽 It's the matter of taste
@PeeHaa埽 Not to mention that you can configure it to not appear in CSS
There are some good shortcuts there though
bg TAB will expand to background: <CURSOR>; for example
I only really need a couple of things in an ide / text editor: syntax highlighting, column selection, ability to show whitespace, outline view
Everything else just gets in the way
And maybe some refactor tools sometimes
@crypticツ Yeh but the thing is, if you don't like something about the way epp handles folding/highlighting, you can just change it, using the best regex engine known to man (IMO)
Except possibly Perl
But only sadists use Perl
Point proved, I feel
I use Perl so that I don't have to cut myself.
I felt too distracted in Perl after PHP
@Jack So, now you just do it for the fun of it?
When I need some Bash hackin' done.
It's good at what it does ... it becomes problematic when you want to write a web server in Perl.
I'd forgotten how good ss64.com is
Storm chasing is broadly defined as the pursuit of any severe weather condition, regardless of motive, which can be curiosity, adventure, scientific exploration, or for news professions/media coverage. A person who chases storms is known as a storm chaser, or simply a chaser. While witnessing a tornado is the single biggest objective for most chasers, many chase thunderstorms and delight in seeing cumulonimbus cloud structure, watching a barrage of hail and lightning, and seeing what skyscapes unfold. There are also a smaller number of storm chasers who chase hurricanes. Nature of and...
been looking at ^^ all morning
@iroegbu sweet the Roughneck 3000, way better than the 1500
Hi everyone .. Is there any way to clear the complete contents of webpage using jquery on document ready. Actually I need this because I have stuck in this need for ajax
document.open(); document.write(''); document.close();
Ugh, document.write() :-(
and $('body').html(''); with jQuery.
yay! @crypticツ where have you been?
I'd prefer for (var i in document.body.childNodes) { if (document.body.childNodes.hasOwnProperty(i)) { document.body.removeChild(document.body.childNodes[i]); } }
Although I'm sure everyone is now thinking "wtf, why would I write all that out?". Well, because it's the right way to do it.
@DaveRandom It might be the right way to do it, but in practice it's the same thing as $('body').html(''); right?
@dragon112 =oO
@dragon112 Yes, but it's considerably more efficient.
Like, at least an order of magnitude more efficient
guys any google reader alternative? web, or web+mobileapp?
Where is that difference coming from?
helo guys
This webpage has a redirect loop
getting this error on my website
how can i fix this :O
actually i have added some social media plugins
you are redirecting to a page that is redirecting to the page you are redirecting from :D
and after that my domain redirect to ( mydomain.com/?id=1232#.usdasew1
@dragon112 From the HTML parser. Actually in webkit it probably won't make a huge difference, but in mozilla and IE there is a lot of unnecessary work happening just to fire up the parse. That ^^ just iterates a list of objects.
@DaveRandom Hmmm that's pretty nice, I'll remember that. Thanks!
ok how to fix this error :O
@DaveRandom pastebin.com/tNLiVC24 that is from jQuery 2.0.2 branch. This doesn't take into account the the search for the element. So your method looks to be way more efficient.
what is this things stand for lol
That's one of the big things I don't like about jQ, that it's so fixated on strings of HTML instead of the much more efficient object structure of the DOM. And that's even discounting the insanely complicated parser for arguments to $() (is it a DOM element?, is it a jQuery object? is it a selector? is it a HTML or XML literal?), when you factor that in it gets even worse
my domain redirection to this
Oh it looks like .hasOwnProperty() isn't a good filter for that though, oddly document.body.childNodes seems to have it's own length property, so a for (var i = 0, l = ...length, i < l; i++) would be better
this is my actually url ( http://******.com/damn-i-just-washed-the-walls/ ) but when i go to its redirect me to this ( http://******.com/damn-i-just-washed-the-walls/#.UbHCxvG18s )
i dont understand what is this ( #.UbHCxvG18s )
@MalikUsman Google "url hash/fragment" first result is wiki article on it
Your search - #.UbHCxvG18s - did not match any documents.
@MalikUsman google.com/…
well i am know why its redirecting i have added facebook social plugins that why i think :'(
We need to send out a search party. @Gordon has not been on SO for 5 days =o\ Did he say he was going somewhere?
hello everybody
i have gmail contact import script
i am using curl to get contacts
@crypticツ He must be away, even if he's stopped coming in here he'd still be floating around SO because of mod commitments
its working fine to get emails from gmail
using this code
@DaveRandom but his account shows he last signed in on the 2nd
@crypticツ Yeh he must be on holiday
so can anyone let me know the max limit to get contacts for now i put 250
@UreshPatel I'm pretty sure there's no (practical) upper limit but the API docs would be the place to look ;-)
> For any service that has a default max-results value (to limit default feed size), you can specify a very large number if you want to receive the entire feed. - developers.google.com/gdata/docs/2.0/reference
So yes, that seems to imply no upper limit
thx budddy
For any service that has a default max-results value (to limit default feed size), you can specify a very large number if you want to receive the entire feed.
$feed_url = "http://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/$user/full?alt=json&max-results=10000";
$feed_url = "http://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/$user/full?alt=json";
which you will prefer @Dave
How do I bypass this shitty DNS protection set over the WiFi I'm browsing through?
I want to access deviantart.com and it won't let me, as well as imgur
Depends what you want. Do you want the entire feed? If so I'd suggest a number so large that no-one could possibly have that many contacts, such as 1000000000 <-- 1/7th of the population of earth
ahhahahaaa my client have 10,000 Contacts
@MadaraUchiha Manually set your PC's DNS servers to
Although it might not just be DNS, it might a HTTP filter as well
In fact if it isn't it's pretty useless
Nope, seems to have failed
Yeh realistically you need a VPN or a proxy then
@MadaraUchiha: set up a VPN?
How do I do that? I'm on Ubuntu
And if they are even remotely trying to actually block stuff they will have blocked the common VPN ports as well
posted on June 07, 2013 by Henri Bergius

The growth of mobile web users is staggering. While some of us have been browsing the web on mobile devices for nearly ten years, most of the world population is only now getting there. The number of mobile web users is already at 1.5 billion, which happens to be quite close to the total number of Internet users back in 2009. And it is growing rapidly. In 2015 there will be an estimated 2 b

@DaveRandom I could try, how do I set up a VPN?
Also, they blocked all the proxies I tried.
Though I haven't tried via entering proxy details into the browser and trying to access that (only Google "free proxy" and try those)
@MadaraUchiha: you can set up your own VPN server, use one of the free ones, or one of the paid ones. If you're on Ubuntu, you can configure your VPN setup through the NetworkManager as far as I am aware. If it's a OpenVPN-type VPN, you'll need to install the required packages first.
@NiekBergman I have no idea how to do any of that xD
@MadaraUchiha: if you want a coupon for a paid one that I can recommend, feel free to ask :-)
@MadaraUchiha: I'd recommend looking up a guide on the matter. It's not trivial, unfortunately :-(
@MadaraUchiha One minute, let me try and set up a sensible proxy
@DaveRandom Aight, thanks
i just want to know that
FROM admin`
it gives string of ids like 1,2,3,....
yes it is correct
but can i use it like this
FROM user
IN (

FROM admin
Hey @Dave There ???
but it gives me wrong result
Both the query you have posted gives different results...first one gives you all the ids with comma sepration and second query give you all feilds corresponding to the ids which are not present in admin table
@RajuJain yes i know
what you want to fetch give me details
i just want to fetch records from user which id is not in id of admin table
than the query you have tried is absolutly right
i know i can do it with the SELECT * FROM user WHERE `id` NOT IN
(SELECT id FROM `admin`);
yes i think these will give more accurate results
but why not that i just want to learn that
sorry i can't get you
i have 2 domains.Lets set example.
1. ABC.com
2. XYZ.com

This backend for admin only.
1. Select which site they want to login ? drop down : with -ABC.com -XYZ.com
2. They are standing in this site ABC.com and select the site XYZ.com from dropdown
3. So i check login credential at ABC.com and create session in ABC.com for XYZ.com
4. so how to create session for XYZ.com after redirect ?????
i think that is cross domain sesison issue. ???
@RajuJain why not with the previous query?
In previous query it is providing null result for the nested one and thus i think all the results will be coming...am i right
yes @RajuJain you are right
but on second one valid results are coming
@deceze , Hi. I wonder when this escapism was written? There is some mysql_* code... it's confuse some people.
hmmmm several times when we use mysql inbuilt functions will not wrking in nested forms ...you will try this thing using join and you will get valid result
yes i got with that too
@Jimbo no idea about the slides yet - asked him to upload them, but it was really a lot of talking with very simple code examples (not sure how much it helps without audio)
@Ocramius Fair enough, thanks for replying anyway
posted on June 07, 2013 by Anthony Ferrara

Today, I did a talk at The Dutch PHP Conference 2013 on how PHP works under the hood. Click through for the slides! Read more »

@sectus He does go on to say:
> This is an anti-pattern! This is the worst thing you could ever possibly do! This is a security nightmare!
While I know this is referring to variable interpolation, perhaps it could be interpreted now as a blanket statement for mysql_* ;)
Really wanted to go to the Dutch PHP Conf =(
Is only 1.5 hours away from me...
@dragon112 so y u no go?
Because we have customers from Japan in our office this week
I need to show them around and answer questions
Show our newest software
You know, stuff :p
Pretty much ;)
@dragon112: I didn't know there was a Dutch PHP conference going on right now :o
Yes there is, I think it's held every year
Ah, just found it.
At the same time the Dutch Mobile Conference is going on
Went to another conference late last year.
One of my colleagues won a tablet PC there.
There was some challenge by a company there with a tablet as grand prize, for the person who was the fastest typer.
They had you type PHP code and awkward leet-style sentences :P
I was number 1 there for some time until he beat me :P
(it was an Android tablet, to be precise)
(but one with an attachable keyboard)
Ah if it's only Android... :p
@NiekBergman Ah well, didn't miss much then ;)
@dragon112 beat me to it!
@DaveRandom any success with that proxy? :D
@MadaraUchiha Sorry I got distracted by work, I'll get back to it shortly
@DaveRandom That's like you
Getting distracted by unimportant things like "Work"
completely of topic question : any one know why web logic got stuck i.sstatic.net/25GGU.png ? it doesnot even show any error :(
and its java related software ... which has nothing with php
I think you should ask in the Java section.. :P
@AliTrixx that room is inactive
(weekend counter!)
@DamienOvereem: Little more for me left.
@DamienOvereem: 30 more minutes.
My day just started, but it's gonna be a no-op ;)
@DamienOvereem: You're eerily close to me, by the way. In the same city :-)
@DamienOvereem whoot 1 weekend in 16 days .... it must be like 4/16
it's friday, friday...
Don't get that started again
you dont say
I just did.
than what you say does not make any sense ...
Refiddle is down :-(
@DaveRandom Please tell me you have something for me, because I'm a few seconds away from putting a bullet through this laptop :X
:9870534 I have an armed M16 assult rifle.
@MadaraUchiha EEK!!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaand my mac crashes again...
I'm done for today
What mac do you have?
macpoop pro
What Year?
last year
hi guys, can anybody help pls? thanks! wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/102246/…
Oops. Just discovered 200GB of temporary garbage files :-)
@NiekBergman haven't you seen hackers?
@TillHelge I've had a few replies.
@PeeHaa埽 I've had no trouble with my 13" w/ Retina. Glad I haven't had the same issues you have.
Hello everyone
posted on June 07, 2013 by Liip

As every year, the JsDay and PhpDay conferences were taking place mid-May in the beautiful italian city of Verona. According to tradition, a bunch of Liipers visited both two day conferences. This year we were a crowd of twelve people, eager to learn the latest techniques for producing great web applications. Both conferences are organised by the italian PHP user group GRUSP since a couple of

yeah, i've had a macbook pro for over 2 years and its never crashed :] you're doin' it wrong @PeeHaa埽 :P
first it totally went bonkers after a java update a couple of weeks ago.
and it seomtimes just crashes on xcode for fun
really? i don't use xcode
what os version?
i'm on 10.7.5
@PeeHaa埽 apparently xcode is unstable
There is this site called 4Chan. It has many channels, one for each purpose. You're looking for one called /r/ (the r is for "Request"). In there people can ask for anything. You can do it anonymously, no registration needed. You'll have more chances getting your question answered properly there. — Renan 7 mins ago
^^ I hope he be trawlin'
25 minutes!
@NikiC Based on what we were talking about yesterday, does the variable parsing issue explain why __getStatic hasn't been implemented?
@Bracketworks It's related
Phooey; so probably not gonna be around for a long time.
Would be nice for typed enums.
Q: PHP How do I sort a very deep array?

MoeIve never used the sort function that much and need a hand here. I have this weird looking array: array (size=1) 'MostErrors' => array (size=2) 2048 => array (size=1) 'Declaration of ADODB_mysqli::MetaIndexes() should be compatible with ADOConnection::MetaIndexe...

Implementing something like __getStatic would currently be pretty hard. I had a look at this while working on the accessor proposal, but the code there was just too complicated
guys, how do you promote questions to chat like that?
@reikyoushin Post the link on a line of its own
@DamienOvereem: 15 minutes!
(45 for me :))
@NikiC Gotcha. I know that an implementation of __getStatic is going to make for a testing nightmare for those who make start making super-singletons, but further implemented with some __equals magic, typed enumerations would be cleanly implementable.
(I used the words "make" and "implement" too much there)
@MadaraUchiha oh cool. thanks!
and a useless key (F7) falls off my keyboard
I can use __callStatic, but the fucking parenthesis seem so dirty.
@iroegbu another one bites the dust
@Bracketworks I think the fucking dollar would seem dirty too ;)
lol; true, but it's semantically more ... sensible
@NikiC You don't have much choice, unless you want to start declaring types as well
anyway, even if we could implement it, I'm against __getStatic
(Which you may would, but I think it isn't how PHP rolls)
simply because ... static
@NikiC Understandably; are you against enumerations too?
Bleh, static.
Static's scope should either change, or it should promptly die.
@Bracketworks Implemented in that way, yeah
@NikiC So you'd favor a native implementation?
if any, yes
though quite honestly I don't see much need
There are few instances where they are "necessary", but they offer a clean solution to a problem that crops up from time to time.
Other languages have supported them for obvious reasons, and for quite some time.
in other languages there are obvious reasons
5.4.0 Removed the ability to pass in variables (e.g., $num = 2; break $num;) as the numerical argument.
Lol wut
but in php, the reasons are not so obvious
as a) the language is not so focused on type safety
@NikiC Sure they are; the same as any other language. Flags, codes, and so forth; in a type-safe way.
and b) we have more-or-less sane strings
@NikiC less, but fair enough ;)
@Bracketworks Actually more

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