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02:00 - 12:0012:00 - 00:00

Hello everyone!
I hoped to see Martijn here… I don't understand one of his post ^^
If anyone else understand it… stackoverflow.com/questions/14339511/…
It seems to me it can't work, weird, I tell you
I need this baby ^^
@Kevin That capslock rage ^^
It does miss a "return" or something like that, doesn't it?
@JeromeJ -- What's the problem?
I haven't tried it, but it looks OK to me.
the decorator
What does it do? It doesn't return anything
I'm pretty sure it must miss something small but I'm not quite sure what is it
Can decorators be classes instead of functions? If so maybe it wasn't supposed to be a function? I don't get it
Anyways, this code don't do anything on my computer (as expected from my point of view)
Ahh, that's the problem
Yes, classes can be decorators (and I believe this was supposed to be a class)
As I thought, I'm gonna check if the code now runs ok
(I'm not sure I can already edit on SO though …)
Anything callable can be a decorator (it's just syntatic sugar)
Yeay it works now \o/
I edit him
(turns out I can)
it'll be a suggested edit though
it still needs to be approved
Yep :)
I voted to accept the edit.
Do properly editing give us points? I don't think so but I'm not sure
2 pts per edit I think
suggested edit
Yes, 2 reputation per approved suggested edit to be precise
Yes, that was just what I needed to reach 100pts on SO :D this made my day
congrats ;)
Now you just need 100 more for a mortarboard :)
Aha thanks, so few opportunities to earn some points on SO compared to some sub-SE
@mgilson Is that a badge or something like that? ^^
Yeah. . . but I thought you meant it was 100 pts for today, not 100 points total. Mortarboard is for 200 points in a day I think
yeah, just checked, it is
Aha no :p I was pretty satisfied that I unlocked the basic features (voting, editing, chatting :))
Btw I've got a very cryptic error earlier today ^^ and I found no trace about anywhere on the net
There is a windows command that works in os.system but won't work with subprocess.call no matter what I try
It only keeps telling me that the specified file doesn't exist, which doesn't even make sense, no files are involved :) that's the chcp 65001 command (that allows to print some non ascii characters in the terminal if you have the right font enabled)
oh, i wouldn't know anything about that :/
Otherwise the Windows terminal is ASCII only :/
Yeah I know that's really weird and as I said I found nothing on the net
That's not a big deal because I can still use os.system but I heard it was deprecated :)
I think that command may interfere with python. If I run it from cmd.exe (even without any arguments), and then run python.exe, interactive mode really doesnt work unless I close that terminal and restart python, and I can't even get ipython to start (gives me the file not exist error).
@user2097818 I haven't got any problems so far but, please note that, where I found this tricks, it was said that, in order to properly work you have to change the police font of your terminal to Lucida Console
But it wasn't said that, if this wasn't this font then it wouldn't work. Although, I just noticed that my font setting isn't permanent :/ How annoying. Now I would need to find a way to automatically set the font police of my terminal ^^ (from within python ideally)
start digging through win32 modules
oh lord …
true enough :)
do you Python on windows often?
Half of the time ^^
I'm building an app wich is server sided (so on this side it's unix only) but what uses the client may change
I actually want to be able to, in the future, share my program so that it can run on any machine ideally
Oh looks like I might have found something interesting for me stackoverflow.com/questions/3592673/…
I apparently wasn't the only one looking for doing that
I love terminal, but I have nearly given up hope when in Windows. There are alternatives (cygwin, mingw,...), but I always end up finding reasons to hate them.
QtConsole from IPython is about the only solution I continue to use, but its not a complete terminal :(
are those some kind of terminals? (cygwin, mingw,) I'm sure I've already seen those names somewhere :)
I would like to avoid to start having to get into graphic (like Qt, Tkinter or idk what)
No, but they provide terminals. Cygwin is an emulator that provides a posix environment, bash and xterm included. But Cygwin is so heavy if all you want is to run xterm.
It would be simplier to push everyone into using unix ahaha
MingW is similar to Cygwin, but much more stripped. Provides a GNU compiler environment (bash included, but thats where it stops for the most part)
When you say bash, does it means it uses unix command? Or did I understand nothing?
It provides bash on windows.
So its a step up from cmd.exe, but its missing so much of the stuff your accustomed to from unix
I, currently, only need the simpliest possible solution to display non ascii character in the terminal :p
Because ascii is a bit poor and because I, as a French, always translate my app in English and French
If you are struggling with cmd.exe, the quickest way is maybe Cygwin. It will give you a 98% functional Xterm.
But Cygwin is kind of a large download
Yeah that, sadly, might be overkill then, my program is just a quick light program
But dealing with cmd.exe seems to be harder than what we could expect
cmd.exe is a nightmare
maybe try this, I think it supports fonts, but it is still not as cozy as *nix, hanselman.com/blog/Console2ABetterWindowsCommandPrompt.aspx
@user2097818 I'll have a look to, thx
(Python2 though…)
Thanks for your help anyway :) I'll keep you up if you are still there
for a while yet
Do you ever use BlackBox window manager?
One of my favorites, and I found a really good Windows port that seems to be active, bb4win.sourceforge.net/bblean
Never heard about it :)
I wouldnt run it on your production computers at first
now we just need a good terminal running python and I might even forget Im on Windows (well, for a few minutes at least).
I only have production computers :p
Looking at the screenshots boxshots.org/screenies/5441.jpg I can't believe it's on windows
The installation was a bit wacky/unstable. But once I got it going it was fine. Pretty cool stuff
I have ambitions to make some python extensions that would at least get me some plugin functionality, but I probably will never have the time for it.
Yeay, bb4win.sourceforge.net/bblean works just fine :)
That may help you with your fonts, I believe there is a plugin that wraps cmd.exe
I don't know how I would feel about it in production though, I havn't used it long enough
Seems like if you avoid excessive plugins it should be pretty solid.
I think it is my bedtime.
Have a good one.
@varahram swearing is not welcome here
yellow? :)
yes hello all
@InbarRose Hey Inbar Rose!
Hi @JeromeJ , you seem excited. :)
@InbarRose I know you! Ya remember me?
Some people are strange when it comes to getting help.
Cabbage all
rinkydink jon
@limelight I assume you are referring to me ?
@Bry no, but you fall into the category
@limelights Some people are just strange. They don't need to come to get help for that ;)
Thanks for the suggestion on the books, but it outside of the scope of my question.
I don't even cabbage.
@Bry you're welcome ^^, but actually they fall right into your question. The books provide super awesome advice on how make older browsers graciously style and be responsive as well.
You taught me a new word actually.
@Bry @limelights Which question are you talking about? One on SO?
@JeromeJ No it's on responsive design.
@JeromeJ so its broadly off topic for this room :)
I'm really dubitative about responsibe design
I think I'd finally choose to say that it's terribly bad idea (and not as cool as it looks)
@limelights The question was not about how to make responsive design. It is wether responsive design apply to a media-queries non compliant browser (IE8) which no one use on mobile devices.
Coz, ya know, browser should let me resize my window as I want, without it to change everything on the screen (I just want to display this goddamn thing) But ok, I stop too, off-topic
anyway just wanted to try the chat for the occasion and not clutter the comments there. :)
@JeromeJ Of course. I know/remember a lot of users..
Yeay :D
I am the one off topic here :) so later!
See ya!
@JonClements that is so annoying, that split list into tuples question..... that some people answered the obvious duplicate, and got 8 upvotes....
Yeah - not good
And even though it is closed now, they still keep that rep. It is like if every person who asked "how do I get a specific item from a list?" would get an answer, and each answer would get tons of upvotes... I wonder... who gives these upvotes?
And I noticed it is only on those REALLY simple questions.
i call them warmongers
The harder more complex ones, even if the answer is perfect... very few upvotes.
well - that itemgetter one which I got 33 upvotes for still amazes me...
Which one?
The one where you simply timed all the other answers?
No - I just pasted two lines of code which was the same as jamylak's, except with less content
However, this one which definintely deserves more upvotes, lost out to a blantantly rubbish answer: stackoverflow.com/questions/16142740/…
Something I've also noticed is that there has been an increase in people not accepting answers/upvoting answers unless the code provided solves their exact problem.
No kidding.
I tried to address that,.
Q: Solicitation Flag, Queue, and Rep Reverter

Inbar RoseI have an idea for a new multi-part feature. A flag that one would raise on questions which appear to be soliciting work from the community. Questions flagged as such would enter a new review queue. This new review queue would be available to users after reaching a certain amount of rep. In thi...

Yeah, i upvoted it
And @JonClements still has not made his answer for me :)
@InbarRose now that you've reminded me - it certainly wouldn't hurt to bump the post
The accepted answer here doesn't even address the question!
Q: Are there efficiency differences in extend vs. adding vs. appending in Python?

AgainstASicilianI refer to list operations: L = myList + otherList L = myList.append([5]) L = myList.extend(otherList) I am curious if there are efficiency differences among these operations.

@Volatility You are just sour because you did not get accepted. That answer is decent minimal, but it does address the question, and provide an answer.
Err, it doesn't say anything about efficiency
It does.
Never uses the word, but to someone who is concerned about efficiency, and is not a noob, then knowing the difference between them as explained by that answer is enough to understand.
Sometimes the person asking a seemingly simple question does not need a simple answer, because maybe it is an expert in C who simply does not understand Python, once he learns how each operation works, he knows which is more efficient.
And maybe the answers that were worded as if to noobs were offensive and he purposefully accepted the one that did not baby-talk ? :)
lol, i was merely speaking the truth ;)
And there is nothing wrong with that.
But you can not claim that an answer is wrong or that it does not address the question when the OP accepted it.
Barring certain cases.
hey there
it's been a few days
heya @rxdazn
sorry guys, having dinner
or, bon apatite.
(I am not French, no idea how to spell that)
bon app
bon appétit *
ok i'm back
i see jamylak didn't decide to pop in
Bonjour tous le monde :D / Hello everyone
where do you come from ?? =) it's nice to see people from all around the world here
I'm in Australia :)
Same as Volatility :)
Okay =)
I'm from France
but i'm not french ;)
je ne parle pas français :p
lol :p
haha :D what was that then
has anyone contacted a mod about the John Smith/miik incident?
Je peux t'apprendre si tu veux :p
That means "I do not speak french"
mais en retour tu m'apprends python ahahah :D
I don't speak any other French xD
I know i know =)
Volatility: Nope, I don't know much about this. Ask a question on meta
I'm not french but i do speak french ^^ i'm in france for studies
Ah cool
are you all engineers ?
No lol, I'm a student :p
@Volatility not me
Is someone going to?
hi Jon :)
I'm on it
heya @Haidro
except that i'm watching The Voice right now
heya @Tshepang
hey, wsup
should i just flag, or post on meta?
Probably just flag I guess - @Tshepang is a bit more meta aware whether that's appropriate ;)
what? what happenin
possible multi account
Lol The Voice
it's a good show!
Is it any good? @Volatility
any of the 2 is fine
I don't watch much TV anymore :3
flagging or Meta
Dinner time bye
Cabbage folks
@pcalcao cabbage
aaah, bored out of my skull
@Volatility how's the voice?
cabbage folks
@Haidro it's good
bizarro @bas! How goes it? :)
Anyone has a Samsung 840 SSD?
not bad. got bored with using a calculator to determine if a number was a possible combination of other numbers (in different division states) so i'm writing a simple calc right now
i seem to be gathering a weird collection of nick names recently... flying dutchman, bizarro bas, mad scientist (by my rl friends) o.O
starting to love itertools
umm - I misread that and thought you were saying that itertools was a nickname you were starting to love ;)
haha lol
keep up with my mind's random outbursts ^_^
umm.... import random as bas ? :)
that's only pseudo
i claim to be properly random
import random; bas = random
>>> bas is random
Lucky @bas has a good sense of humour, otherwise this could be considered bullying ;)
i think it's inherent to my job
we need a good amount of self mockery as
(quoting an old supervisor)
tests/experiments fail 95% of the time, the other 5% we consider to be 'true'
Huh, chat works on my phone
or similarly, science is 49% fact and 51% interpretation :P
"true" = "pleasantly surprised?"
very yea
@haidro you seem surprised by that?
like damn this data! It should read 'stuff'
then modify it long enough untill it does
and scream eureka
(well... i want to do that somewhere along my career)
Well, it's actually good, and not some small window and hard to read messages :p
Can't see who's in chat though :3
That's a button on the bottom left that opens up a window
and then there's "people in room" or something
Oh wow, that's neat
I normally swap to the full site (if you know what I mean) when reading questions
is there a proper pythonic way to determine a boundary to search for in a list (i normally do low = item - tol high = item +tol and than for i in list: if i > low and i < high but that's ugly)
@bas keep the list sorted and do a binary search?
btw, if i > low and i < high can be written as if low < i < high
not sure if a binary search would be helpful here
i'll perform a homer motion in reply to your second sentence tho
you're going to eat a donut?
drink a beer?
strangle bart?
smack my own forehead... tho those sound good as well
finally got around to posting about the multi:
Q: A possible multi account

VolatilityI have noticed that there are suspicious similarities between these two users: John Smith miik The two have both asked several questions in the last couple of hours, all of them related to lists in Python. Secondly, all of these questions seems to follow the same format: I have these lists. ...

@Volatility fairly quick replies to that ;)
people also seem to be downvoting the question on which I commented as well
yeah - I find it amusing that sometimes when someone comes on and moans about why their question was closed, it normally ends up being downvoted into oblivion - so I reckon they figure they should just have not drawn attention to it
heya @mgilson - early start?
Just putting on the Muppets Celebrate Christmas so my little guy will let me sleep a few more minutes ...
Okay - kind of seasonal I guess? :)
lol, i came back from watching The Voice, and saw "Closed as too localised". I thought they closed my meta post, until I saw that I closed the question -.-
looks like me meta post's got 9 upvotes already
@Volatility I +1'd it
@Haidro congrats on 40**2 rep ;)
Lol thanks :)
Can't wait till 2k :D
@haidro LOL - then you'll want 3k ;)
You just need another 20**2 rep to get there ;)
2k, that is
Okay - err, congrats on 11001000000 rep - you just need another 110010000 ;)
Or congrats on 640, just another 190? :)
you mean 0b110010000? ;)
Nah, 2k just for the privileges :p
What's the most amount of reputation you guys have gotten in a single day?
Most I've got was about 300, but I don't have that much rep anyway.
245 i think
ACtually I just checked, mine was 245
Mine's 140 I think
Sometimes you just have those lucky days :p
Umm, not sure
So amazed how Martijn gets over 400 every day :p
does he really?
symptoms over overanswereritis
327 I think
i usually just stop once i hit 20 upvotes
I was going for the legend badge, but can't be bothered these days
Which is that?
Oh, 200 rep like 40 times
I think
no rep 150 times ;)
sounds hard :x
I got my first gold badge a few days ago :)
i'm on 8/150
welcome to the fanatic club
a few days after i got that badge, my internet broke for a few days
so lucky it didn't break a few days earlier
@vol That would have sucked
Very lucky
I was up to 92, then didn't have a phone or laptop... so missed a day ;)
I have my phone, just incase :3
(well, had a phone, but no charge)
Ouch that sucks jon
Yeah - wasn't too fussed, all I really wanted was the Gold python badge ;)
I've almost... actually... I think I should have it now
The bronze python :D
i have the silver python badge
Wouldn't it be cool if they offered diamond (or something badges)
lol, what would they be?
well, maybe diamond could be 2,000 upvotes on a tag
and then errr, kryptonite for 3,000 or something ;)
Platinum 10k :D
Well - it'd be a badge skeet doesn't have for sure ;)
I have the bronze badge for Java and Python
what's needed for the silver ones?
votes, that is
400 votes
at least 80 answers
Everyone has the 80 answers tho :p
I have...
97 votes (Almost bronze :D!)
I have 333 answers, but have no idea how many on Python :P
I have a lot from Java, regex, etc
You check on your user page
Under the Tags header
your profile says 145
88 answers
Wow - another mis-understanding of comparing multiple values with or - stackoverflow.com/questions/16167832/…
I don't even bother answering those questions anymore ;)
Massive spate of those the other month (I think they were calculator related as well) - wonder if they're all the same course or whatever
Back from what was a lovely lunch. The barista at the cafe gave us all chasers! :)
The luxury of High-Tech firms :)
^ sounds nice!
a chaser eh, what type of chaser did you bless your tastebuds with?
Maybe the translation is a bit off, chaser = a small shot of alchohol.
:For the East Asian liquor, see Arrack. Arak, or araq, is an alcoholic spirit (~50–63% Alc. Vol./~100–126 proof) from the anis drinks family. It is a clear, colorless, unsweetened anise-flavored distilled alcoholic drink (also labeled as an Apéritif). It is the traditional alcoholic beverage in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan, and Israel. Etymology The word arak comes from Arabic ' , meaning "sweat", its pronunciation varies depending on local varieties of Arabic: . Arak is not to be confused with the similarly named liquor, arrack (which in some cases, such as in Indonesia—espe...
Ah, yeah, a chaser is the right word
never had arak though
It is nice. Almost like Liquorice.
Goes well with the meal.
I'm assuming you had ethnic foods?
Actually no.
Well... I dunno if you would call it ethnic
Lamb, fried with potatoes, carrots, zucchini. garnished with Tomatoe confi, garlic confi, and topped with varried seeds and some rocket.
With tahini
I guess it could be a crossover
I am so used to all these foods, at my company every lunch we go out to restaurants around the area, and the company pays....
So thats fun.
02:00 - 12:0012:00 - 00:00

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