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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

Hello, Java!
@Doorknob ping
Hi @Doorknob! Hi @Code-Guru!
Hey all. Got a problem. How do you stop an image from trailing like a snail on a canvas?
What do you mean?
@SpicyWeenie graphics2d.repaint()
or thingThatYouHave.repaint()
hello @Code-Guru!
@Doorknob hey, long time no see!
hi! :D
How's it going?
good, you?
i'm so frustrated with programming tonight! :(
good now that it's the weekend. Gonna work on some Android tonight.
@Code-Guru I have filled square draw in the canvas. When I move it in any direction, it acts like a I'm drawing with a crayon
@user2096518 s/tonight/all the time/g
i know!!! :(
@SpicyWeenie Did you try my code
@SpicyWeenie Do you call super.paintComponent() in your paintComponent() method?
@Doorknob AMEN TO THAT!
or if you are overriding JPanel super.paintComponent(g)
@Doorknob I suspect that's the real issue.
of course, we can't know without some code...
I'm not using paint component
@SpicyWeenie What are you using
@SpicyWeenie Then show us some code. You can use gists.github.com to paste it.
Rectangle2d.Double to make the square and BufferStrategy. Everything is being update based on time, but it's not erasing the old position. I will give you a link
use pastebin! It's better! pastebin.com
Better than what?
@SpicyWeenie Okay but what are you painting on
how come?
Does pastebin let you paste multiple files?
other than craming them all into the same textarea?
um you don't paste files. you paste code
you know what i mean =p
um well no
but you can just use more than one paste!
also, entertainment:
then you have to switch tabs
or windows
gists puts them all on the same page
@Code-Guru Okay, it's better at some things :P
@Doorknob I remember seeing that. Glad someone got a screenshot to keep it for eternity.
It was FredOverflow
this is why I wish I had 10k :D
@Doorknob Im painting on a regular canvas
@SpicyWeenie What do you mean "regular"
what class
I think you can do canvas.repaint()
@SpicyWeenie So you are doing AWT?
I have never used Canvas
I always use JPanel
@Code-Guru yes, it is all AWT
@SpicyWeenie Please show us some code.
@SpicyWeenie use JPanel
it's better
pastebin.com or gists.github.com
or what Doorknob said...
yah, too lazy to type the http
but DO NOT post code in chat
The code is too big. I'm finding the page I got the info
@SpicyWeenie how big is "too big"?
@SpicyWeenie Did you even try the links that Doorknob gave?
You can post your code at either of those sites and then paste a link here.
also did you try canvas.repaint()
Hold on. I'm going to post a working example that compiles...
did you try canvas.repaint()
did you try canvas.repaint()
@Doorknob that didnt help and it caused flickers
@Code-Guru @Doorknob here is a working example that doesn't trail the square:
you have WAY too many comments
        // true if the down arrow key is being pressed, false otherwise
        private boolean                         down    = false;

    //...I think that's pretty self-explanatory
Its not my example ;)
oh ok
a comment that says the code is self-explanatory? gag
@Code that's mine :P
because apparently you can't have code and normal text in the same message
I had to break it down into smaller classes to implement it into my project. Everything works except when the square moves, it's not erasing its last position
@Doorknob my bad
it was confusing :P
@SpicyWeenie I suggest that you create a small program that illustrates the issue you are having and then paste that into pastebin.
oddllama.cu.cc/music <- Tell me if it finally works, I've been trying to make it work for a while :/
it's blocked on this comp
oh, right. the .cu.cc
I really should change it to .com...
yes you should
I keep delaying that :P
how much did you pay for that domain?
it was free
but I can get .com for less than $10/yr so it's not that much
I'm just too lazy to migrate over to a new domain :P
> Let there be stack traces! And we were no longer confused.
ooh, time to vote for mod
I already cast primary, now must do the 1st/2nd/3rd thingy
Where do you vote at?
Sorry. Not Java discussion. A user correctly edited my answer. Is there a way I can give him credit? Or is that built in?
... hmm he's basically the only one I wanted to vote for. WERE COOL EPOPLE
I only know one of the people running for mod.
@ndoogan A lessthan 2000 rep user gets +2 for an edit
@Code-Guru Ya, I only know Raghav. He's on chat sometimes.
@CCInc But nothing I can do to say thanks? I got more credit than he did and he improved the answer substantially, in my opinion.
@CCInc I know him from Android. I think he's an owner of that room
@Code-Guru ya
@ndoogan Link?
@ndoogan He's already got 17.5k rep, so he's probably not too worried about it.
Most of the users with that high of rep are mostly about improving the content of the site.
You can post a comment to thank him and @reference him.
@Code-Guru you are probably correct :)
ah. @ref. That would have been better. OK. Thanks guys.
Is it sexist to refer to an SO user as "he" without knowing for sure?
@CCInc Hi!!!
Do you know java? :)
Me know all.
I heard you know C#
I try not to do that...but sometimes it slips.
But do you know java?
@Code-Guru It's implied that everyone on the internet is a male.
37 secs ago, by CC Inc
Me know all.
@Code-Guru It's a poor assumption, but frankly ubiquitous :/
I try to base a gender guess on the user's handle, but even then it's not always clear
@CCInc Can you please help me understand some java code?
I would assume it's male unless it's obvious otherwise (like a pic)
@user2096518 who are you
You change avatar's every day so it's ahrd
huh? i'm hardly ever here.
Hmm how you know me?
I don't. I said I heard you are good at C#. That is all.
I am good at C#.
Continue on.
@user2096518 You could start by picking a real handle. You'll be taken a little more seriously than if you continue with the default.
so i am wondering if you are good at java and can help me understand some code that someone wrote for me :)
oh ok.
how do i change my handle?
hold on.
Try your profile =p
@CCInc In other words, (s)he's just pinging you because you are here.
Hmmft. All these default names confuzzle me :(
like that :)
i thought ij ust changed . .. .
@CCInc zactly
@user2096518 It might take some time to update on the chat side.
@user2096518 Your SO profile shows the new handle, though.
well i did it, i promise
@user2096518 Anyway...paste your code at pastebin.com and ask your question.
Now that avatar is confusing. It's too much like @ndoogan
  61 /**
  62   * This application is a simple text editor. This class displays the main frame
  63   * of the application and provides much of the logic. This class is called by
  64   * the main application class, DocumentEditorApp. For an overview of the
  65   * application see the comments for the DocumentEditorApp class.
  66   */
I'm a genius. No need to thank me, hold the roaring applause.
@user2096518 And your question?
How do I "run" the program? Can I get the output saved as a .txt ?
Put it in a file and see what happens be my answer :D
@user2096518 Save it as a .java file.
Did you write that code?
Well it has a Main entry point.
No, I did not write it.
Someone gave it to me.
I need to use it.
it's from Sun
so she stole the code from Sun?
and is claiming she spent 65 hours on it?
You must be halucinating.
@Code-Guru Are you just collecting code from other users or are you actually trying to help, because I'm weary (and others should be) of users always requesting code to be posted
No, I'm not.
@user2096518 I suggest that you read the comments at the top of the file
   1 /*
   2   * Copyright (c) 2007, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
   3   * All rights reserved.
   4   *
   5   * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
   6   * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
   7   *
   8   *  * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
   9   *    this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  10   *  * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
  11   *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
Some woman wrote that code for me telling me that she spent 65 hours on it.
Yes I see that.
Oh wait is taht too much code on chat? @Code-Guru
But I dont know anything about java.
I assumed that might be standard to java code . ..
@user2096518 I suggest that you start with this tutorial: docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/getStarted/index.html
like maybe that gets put up there everytime? I don't know. I have no frame of reference.
I know 0 (nien) java and I saw throught that.
@SpicyWeenie I like to collect code that is an example of what not to do.
CC: yes, I saw that too.
@SpicyWeenie Besides, how do you expect someone to help you fix a problem with your code without looking at the code itself?
I did look at the code.
But I know nothing about Java.
I use other languages
@user2096518 If you want to learn, then go to docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/getStarted/index.html
@SpicyWeenie Umm... I have a feeling he's not a TEH RANDOM CODZ HARVESTERZ TROLLZ
Ok, but that didn't answer the question
what is the q?
@CCInc shhhush
Don't rat me out =p
wat huuh?
No worries lol I just get a lot of "post your code" requests then the person just becomes a ghost or gives a bull answer (not saying you are Code-Guru)
are you talking to me?
Typical vampire.
who me?
i'm sorry
i don't know what that means.
but if i offended someone, i'm verry sory
              /   \###/    \
             /     \#/      \
          /\|               |/\
          | | \ ==\    /== / | |
           \|  \<|>\  /<|>/  |/     /|
    \__     |    -   \  -    |     /#|
     \#\     |        |      |   /###|
      \##\   |       \|     |  /#####|
       \###\  |   _______  | /######|
        \####\ | / \/ \/ \|/#######|
        |######\|        |#########|
        |#########\    /##########/
@Code-Guru are blocks discouraged here?
Who's offended?
Do you want me to leave?
just say so.
Nobody is asking anybody to leave
 .-----------------. .----------------.  .----------------.  .----------------.  .----------------.  .----------------.
| .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. |
| | ____  _____  | || |     ____     | || |   ______     | || |     ____     | || |  ________    | || |  ____  ____  | |
| ||_   \|_   _| | || |   .'    `.   | || |  |_   _ \    | || |   .'    `.   | || | |_   ___ `.  | || | |_  _||_  _| | |
| |  |   \ | |   | || |  /  .--.  \  | || |    | |_) |   | || |  /  .--.  \  | || |   | |   `. \ | || |   \ \  / /
I hate vamps... Especially after that dreadful Twilight series...
@CCInc This room is pretty loose on any rules.
Because I knew there was one room that was like NO CODE POSTED ON CHAT AT ALL OR YOU LEAVE
@SpicyWeenie It is incredibly difficult to answer a coding question without code, so what do you expect?
@CCInc yah, Android is that way.
Ah, that's the one.
I'm starting to see the value of that and have started asking ppl to paste code to pastebin or gists.
,---.   .--.    ,-----.            .--.      .--.   ____       ____     __
|    \  |  |  .'  .-,  '.          |  |_     |  | .'  __ `.    \   \   /  /
|  ,  \ |  | / ,-.|  \ _ \         | _( )_   |  |/   '  \  \    \  _. /  '
|  |\_ \|  |;  \  '_ /  | :        |(_ o _)  |  ||___|  /  |     _( )_ .'
|  _( )_\  ||  _`,/ \ _/  |        | (_,_) \ |  |   _.-`   | ___(_ o _)'
| (_ o _)  |: (  '\_/ \   ;        |  |/    \|  |.'   _    ||   |(_,_)'
|  (_,_)\  | \ `"/  \  ) /         |  '  /\  `  ||  _( )_  ||   `-'  /
What the hell is that?
I mean is it supposed to be a picture of something?
It says "NO WAY"
in Flower font.
never heard of flower font
 ________   .---.       ,-----.    .--.      .--.    .-''-.  .-------.       .-'''-.
|        |  | ,_|     .'  .-,  '.  |  |_     |  |  .'_ _   \ |  _ _   \     / _     \
|   .----',-./  )    / ,-.|  \ _ \ | _( )_   |  | / ( ` )   '| ( ' )  |    (`' )/`--'
|  _|____ \  '_ '`) ;  \  '_ /  | :|(_ o _)  |  |. (_ o _)  ||(_ o _) /   (_ o _).
|_( )_   | > (_)  ) |  _`,/ \ _/  || (_,_) \ |  ||  (_,_)___|| (_,_).' __  (_,_). '.
(_ o._)__|(  .  .-' : (  '\_/ \   ;|  |/    \|  |'  \   .---.|  |\ \  |  |.---.  \  :
oh...that's better...
I see it now. I had to maximize my browser.
line wrapping turns it into gibberish lol
well.. that's odd... anyone have FireFox installed with the default bookamrks?
I need to see if this behaviour is or isn't my fault sigh
I think she got the code from: infolab.stanford.edu/serf/#soft
Does that sound possible?
I think she got it from Sun.
dang it it IS my code
you wrote the sun code?
7 hours later…
4 hours later…
Hello, World!
Hello universe
hey @uba!
Feb 9 at 15:20, by Lews Therin
I love this room.. we all greet each other with the hi hi's and conversation halts :(
2 hours later…
@Washu hi
-invisible mode-
hey @Washu
hi guys I've got a problem with JList. It's got a size and then when I add a element it re-sizes to the size of the text(element) which is in
@Kneel-Before-ZOD hey
how to set the size lets say 300x150 all the time?
@knowbody recently everyone i know has a problem with JList...
thanks @Washu
did you wrap it in a scroll?
wait.....adding an element re-sizes the whole JList to the size of a single element?
that's the work version: pastebin.com/3bbJczii
@knowbody use setPrefferedSize and the layout manager
works fine now
is better to setPrefferedSize of JScrollPane than JList
how's Java going? @Washu
good for you
wish someone can help me with my test
@Kneel-Before-ZOD Java is doing as always, giving me headaches :)
And what is the problem with your test?
80 questions in 90 minutes
I haven't really touched Java except with my classes and on Android
ain't nobody got time for that :)
The test is not about java?
no....some project management stuff
@Code-Guru I think the code was from a scam artist.
@CCInc I think the code was from a scam artist :(
@paso which code?
@knowbody what do you think?
what's so funny?
@knowbody do you think it is scam artist?
@paso why it bothers u?
@knowbody because i think they hacked into my paypal account
it looks like it
but I'm not sure
@knowbody how can you see that?
@Washu all the operations work in background
all the password matches
@knowbody i'm checking the code and i see nothing ._. sorry i'm a noob
but I might be wrong
I don't think u are
are you talking to me?
probably is not if I want to hack someones account the code won't be sophisticated with all of the comments, error checks whatever
but I'm not a hacker so don't know, is just my way of thinking
what do you mean?
@paso to me... is just that i don't see what is wrong with the code i;m kinda noob
she stole the code from the internet and tried to pass it off as her own
if u want to hack something u are not making helpMenu in ur map
google www.java2s.com documenteditor
i try to do drag and drop, that work... but there are some problem. i put some button on a jpanel. each button have a objet inside them also everyone (button) have a transferhandler. i transfer a button on a jpanel, i modify the objet. i transfer another button and its objet have the modification done on the previous button.. it's like there a reference problem. with netbeans, i checked reference that seem ok.
@knowbody so you think the code is legit?
i think so
are u not happy because someone did plagiarism or because functionality of the code?
the functionality
it does not do what i want.
i wanted it to do the EM Algorithm and record linkage
I just looked through the code I didnt check it
looks ok
so the code does not do what i want. it comes from a website written in 2007. and you think it is legit?
I don't understand what are you asking for, sorry
@Washu do u know how to use \t in JList
or is JList rendering it as a zero width character?
anyone knows the way how to do \t in JList?
@knowbody -invisible mode-
@Washu ok
@knowbody why do you want /t?
because I need it lol
I can do " " but it looks crap
ok hold
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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