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madara is a very nice guy.why not vote for him too?
Doesn't look like a great start for me though :D
neal has 19 23 25 26 downvotes already
Let's see how that goes.
@Lusitanian LOL
@PeeHaa I get +10-23
Primaries: Gordon | Madara
But why does it say 0
@PeeHaa Cache?
I always tend to vote for the people with more interest in PHP or javascript, because I'm a biased partisan in all things. All things.
Andrew Barber is on fire
I wear boxers, and if you don't well then I don't even consider you a human being.
Or they might not displaying score lower than 0?
@Gordon Yeah, wtf.
@webarto voter fraud
That escalated quickly.
@webarto actually I think he'd make a good mod if his flagging history is as described
I love how neal is getting all the downvotes he deserves :)
and yes, I'm a bad person
@Gordon I never "saw" him, it's just that, probably another tag :)
@NikiC :D
@Gordon Holy shit, wow.
I have 11 downvotes. That must be fraud. why would 11 people not like me? I expected 2. but 11?
@NikiC same :D
I really wish SO would publish a live-updating vote-feed so I could watch the votes come in.
That would be sweet.
@Gordon You know what they say, if it's more than 6 votes, it's true.
@rdlowrey And showing live video stream with a commentary? :P
What are those explosions of up and downvotes based on? On people having dealt with the candidates on the site before or is it something else?
@Jasper On who payed how much :P
Like all elections :P
That vote will be up for 3 days, right?
@TillHelgeHelwig Yes
That would be one extended live stream. ;)
How many votes do you have? 3?
I wouldn't personally vote for Neal, but why do you guys think he deserves downvotes? Not trying to stir up a bashing session, just curious if you have some specific grievance that would make for good reading :)
@PeeHaa Primaries? You can vote for everyone
stackoverflow.com/questions/15201976/… <-- Hmm ... I feel like this was erroneously closed as there's a good answer to be presented and the comments are incorrect in regards to GET request entity bodies.
Both up and down.
@MadaraUchiha No way?! People are going down!!!! :D
Good luck @Gordon && @MadaraUchiha - you've both got mine!
@Jimbo Thanks :)
@Gordon you got mine too, definitely.
@PeeHaa What do you mean? Someone withdrew?
Godon and Madara have mine, but I wanna see tereško on there.
@MadaraUchiha I think that he means that if he's going to use the fact that he can cast any number of downvotes (but one per candidate, of course)
That ^
@Chris teresko abused educated too many people, they won't vote for him even if I do :P
SO needs a firm hand
I came here to say that I voted and there were only like 20 votes. Now, there are hundreds (thousands?) of votes in the primaries
(Unless they are obfuscating it somehow)
Yeah, he's not getting elected thank god.
I'm not sure I'm on the top 10 actually :o
Voted for Gordon (because i like a cheese brand named like that) and for Madara (because i just like the name)
kidding :P but +1'd you guys
@MadaraUchiha as I counter, it, you were #11, with the number 10 only slightly more votes than you...
Feb 25 at 9:40, by DaveRandom
Star this if you want Uncle @Gordon for moderator
^-- that's quite amazing
Who do I need to dv to help @MadaraUchiha? :)
Is that the message with the most stars in this room?
@NikiC I think it is.
The good old php sucks even has only 29 votes:
Jul 4 '11 at 14:19, by salathe
PHP sucks.
@NikiC Hahahaha, I never saw that one
No comments :)
Me and Lix are really close
Andrew really is on fire
@rdlowrey I think all people are downvoting the other competitors
Those are more like revenge downvotes xD
@Alexander Not true, I've upvoted several.
@MadaraUchiha That doesn't mean you haven't downvoted anyone
Which was my point actually
@Alexander I've downvoted those I don't think need to be moderators.
Like Neal.
@Jimbo thanks
It's nothing personal, and it has nothing to do with competing. I'm voting my mind on this
@MadaraUchiha thanks. same here
@MadaraUchiha Yeah, I did.
Wow, the race for #10 is a really close one :D
I want to put together a small script to order the list!
Or, is there any available already?
I wonder why you all get so excited. You can repeat that process basically every evening for the next 3 days.
in 2013 Stack Overflow Moderator Election, 6 mins ago, by Jeremy Banks ᐛ
Current standings (generated by running this script https://gist.github.com/jeremybanks/2913432/raw/9dd9f8bb52f1f295f4927ac8adaaa576efd44026/soElectionGraphs.js on the election page):
1. Andrew Barber [367] (21686 rep, 9174 helpful flags)
2. minitech [236] (57727 rep, 3168 helpful flags)
3. ChrisF [225] (60724 rep, 428 helpful flags)
4. Flexo [213] (28663 rep, 7378 helpful flags)
5. animuson [168] (14849 rep, 1565 helpful flags)
6. Gordon [159] (110705 rep, 562 helpful flags)
7. Lord Torgamus [158] (6975 rep, 572 helpful flags)
@TillHelgeHelwig Huh?
@TillHelgeHelwig Because it's fun :P And I think that today's votes a much larger percentage than the amount of time passed would suggest
everyone vote for madara
that is all
have a nice day
@TillHelgeHelwig what? you can vote each day again?
@kaᵠ Nah. But there will be votes cast for the next 3 days as well.
@kaᵠ No, you can't, hence my "Huh?"
Although you're probably right and the majority will be cast now.
@TillHelgeHelwig Yeah, but by then, the trends would be quite obvious
@MadaraUchiha i find it funny how you are not entirely sure whether i have harmed or helped them
better, anyway it's a bit strange so many votes piled up so quickly, voting just started minutes ago
@tereško You've helped them, but they don't see it that way, probably :P
should we expect the runners up to have thousands?
@kaᵠ > 30 minutes, i believe, so not surprising
@kaᵠ Yes, definitely.
That Andrew dude is a winner for sure
nice, first election i participate
Meh, I've actually never expected much in the first place, but nothing's over until it's ended.
@MadaraUchiha you're down 1 for spot #10
@Lusitanian I know, me and Lix are this close
@MadaraUchiha YOU GOT THIS
I wouldn't personally vote for Neal, but why do you guys think he deserves downvotes? Not trying to stir up a bashing session, just curious if you have some specific grievance that would make for good reading :)
@Chris Nothing personal too. I just don't think he's ready for moderatorship (not even close to it).
@Chris Because it is an idiot
Still looking for one more vote on this one ... I've got a nice answer all ready and the comments are incorrect :)
Wow, me an Lix are really tight, 122-122 and it continues!
@MadaraUchiha it takes time for the lessons to sink in , if person is curious enough , the "thanks" that i get are usually some weeks after the fact
@tereško That's true. I remember I was like that as well.
one of these days i might try and nominate myself. course, then i'll get to see how many haters i have... :)
@cHao woah, you're still alive
@cHao they should just make a separate event for that .. around summer solstice, for example
@tereško you might win the "most haters" contest, but you'd also be close in "most helpful"
maybe i should have gone in academia =D
sigh developer.paypal.com ... here we go :(
@Chris godspeed
why are you @Lusitanian & @tereško not up for nomination?
@grasshopper i don't have the requisite badges, haven't been around long enough and don't want to spend my days processing flags
I had to call paypal tech support the other day, and I had a surprisingly useful encounter. The reason I had to call to begin with is maddening, but the guy fixed my sandbox account and sent me a PDF with the actual documentation for what I'm doing... and the document is actually accurate.
@Chris nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
run while you still can
And he actually acknowledged that they have a serious problem with their documentation, and that they have a new initiative to clean it up a little. I highly doubt THAT, but anything has got to be an improvement over the 80's-awesome cheeseball that is x.com
@Lusitanian aah, ok
> sent me a PDF with the actual documentation
@Chris I'm sorry but I couldn't help but laugh when I read that ^
Sounds like my APIs ... "Yeah I know the wiki says this, but it's super-outdated and totally wrong. Here, let me just send you the latest documentation snapshot."
@rdlowrey It is clear you never had the pleasure of implementing anything paypal'ish or you wouldn't even think about laughing at somebody in pain :D
holy crap. paypal's APIs are the most miserable experience ever, the fees are outrageously high and they suspend accounts for no reason
tell me again, why are they popular?
Because they got there first during the ebay boom ...
I think their process is something like that, rdlowrey. Except they leave the old documentation online and just add a new one on some other page.
in my religion, hell is being forced to interact with their APIs and customer service
@Lusitanian it's one of those classic tales when power went up to their heads and messed everything up
I do have to give them credit: once I have the API set up and working, it runs like a top. The project I'm working on right now will be processing $100,000 in payments over a couple of days (radio station call-in fund drive), and we won't have a single hiccup. Getting to that point develops new ulcers in the beginning, but I will give them credit for being reliable for us when it counts.
When I quote a project that is even slightly related to Paypal, I always add a 5-20 hour pad just in case.
So it's top-10 make it past the primary stage? And then how many moderators are elected during the final phase?
> moderator positions available: 4
@TillHelgeHelwig Thanks :)
<--- needs to RTFM on SO moderator elections.
It's not that spectacular. ;)
Let's say I'm using 3rd party websocket means of transfer, I don't trust the 3rd party by default, do you think it makes sense to "fire" an XHR call by websocket?
WS gives "signal", XHR is fired, data is retrieved.
@webarto I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "3rd party ws means of transfer" ... can you elaborate?
@rdlowrey e.g. pusher.com :)
So basically they do all your websocket everything for you? (I haven't seen it before)
@rdlowrey Yes, all the thingies, notice I use it here: cv.webarto.com
var pusher = new Pusher('1d0d3d0811e16da4fd8a');
var channel = pusher.subscribe('33bmoiiaagfrkvgqb219v582l4');

channel.bind('update', function(data) {
so I'd just send "update" via websocket, and fired XHR to retrieve the data I need etc.
Firing the XHR seems like a "hack-y" workaround to me ... Personally, I'd much rather implement the websocket stuff myself instead of using something like Pusher. That takes the third party (and any security concerns) out of the equation entirely.
Of course, that's easy for me to say because I've been working on a ws:// server for the last couple of weeks ;)
True, then I'll just wait and steal your work :P
Sounds good :)
Are you just basically using pub-sub functionality right now?
The twitter thingie on pusher.com strongly reminds me of the fake testimonial pages you used to see everywhere. Just with a twitter logo and possibly even the suggestion that it's dynamically generated...
lol it does look like that!
right, but more importantly, it uses the word "scalable" multiple times
/me checking for gratuitous "webscale" usage
maybe it uses mongodb as a message queue...because mongodb is webscale
> your developer time is best spent making awesome features, not creating infrastructure
^ only if you never need to service more than a handful of requests/second
pfft. heroku and mongolab will solve all of your problems.
Sounds so startup*y*.
Apparently Groupon uses Pusher ... which further substantiates my claims that Groupon is a fake company that doesn't actually do anything that didn't actually write any useful code.
That is/was only popular in US, I think.
so true ^
Have you ever seen a test case fail more miserably than the one I'm about to post???
Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
--- Expected
+++ Actual
@@ @@
+Binary String: 0x8104776f6f74
I mean, that's not even close.
had to star
Double that.
xkcd has a story now o_0...
what do you mean
@rdlowrey btw 776f6f74 (at the end of that binary string) === 'woot'
but i dunno what 8104 is
I know, it just made me laugh ... the problem is simply that the resulting string isn't being decoded from its binary format. It's an easy fix but it was funny because it was so vastly different from the expected result on the surface :)
lol, yeah, hence why i laughed as well
The beginning of the string is just websocket frame header information, FWIW.
@Pheagey It's always had stories from time to time...
@Jasper My bad, meant store; not story.
Good evening
Good night. ;)
guys, where do I see the comments on my nomination now that primary has started?
There is no commenting in this phase, only one up or down vote per candidate. The candidate vote scores are all public. Initial voting should provide a rough sense of which candidates are most electable.
that's what's confusing me. according to my inbox, I got a comment 7 minutes ago
Q: Inbox links break after nomination phase

DennisEven during the primary, users can still leave comments under the nominations. However, the link just points to the elections page, but it doesn't specify the phase. For example, the link to the last comment I received pointed to http://stackoverflow.com/election/3#post-10982188 while it ...

@Gordon on the nomination tab maybe/?
apparently, the didnt fix that
@kaᵠ yep
'Just want to note that, unless SO works differently than I remember, if you acquire a diamond, you won't be able to "keep closevoting as I do now", because a single "vote" from you will close the question.' on the '?tab=nomination'
@kaᵠ yep. already answering. thanks
@kaᵠ so + moderator = breakage
@Jasper nah, can vote as 5th person.
(in the positive sense of the word, of course)
I don't think people who operate outside the can truly appreciate how necessary really is.
@Jasper that quote was actually the last comment on Gordon't nomination post, and yea... that's about right :)
> @Martha in that case I'll try to put my vote in as the last one then. Just wanted to express that, except for obvious cases, I wont close without reaffirmation of the community. – Gordon just now
Uncle Gordon has ~110k rep. The four people currently ahead of him in the rankings have ~165k rep combined.
haha, made a typo Gordon't vs Gordon's :)
@rdlowrey well, they have enough to have unlocked all privileges. I consider that a basic requirement
Yeah, just throwing it out there. I know rep isn't the one and only factor, but it's still worth noting :)
upvoted comments should get a +1 rep maybe, did anyone suggest this on meta?
@kaᵠ i think more than once. its not a good idea though because the highest rated comments are often just snyde remarks or jokes, like "the answer is 42"
checking out...
oh and btw REPCAP FTW!
and I think I have had 200 profile views since primary started
aa... funny vs useful debate
what I find interesting is that minitech has some many upvotes. wasnt that the boy who got dv'ed into oblivion last time?
@kaᵠ There's nothing to debate IMO, humour has its place in constructive discourse, but rewarding it would rep would cause the site to dissolve into a comedian competition.
i really wanted to point out the little flag near the comment and the fact that some comments really do help a question (the constructive ones or those that point in the right direction)
i mean, you could flag the comment for 'too chatty' if it's just funny
If a comment isn't malicious in nature I'd say people handling flags already have enough on their plates without addressing "@user1234 said something funny but not useful, it should be deleted" flags ...
i wouldn't know @rdlowrey but makes sense
im off to bed. night night
@kaᵠ I've only had access to flag review tools for a couple of days and I'm already tired of looking at all the stupid flags people raise ...
@Gordon later
gnight G
@Gordon Nope, and I see no reason why he should have been either, every time I have run across him in the past I've found him to know what he's talking about and I've not really seen him get involved in lost-cause questions
@Gordon night night
@Gordon what is with you and 42? Give it a break will ya
@DaveRandom i think to remember there was an "incident" with him in the past. cant remember what it was though.
@PHPNooB so long and thanks for all the fish
anyway... laters
laters Uncle
@PHPNooB Google "hhgttg"
@PeeHaa What an odd post
true that
Oh my.
I used a blink tag last week in a payment system to call attention to the fact that many people weren't following procedure
The only way to stop the blinking is to do what they're supposed to do in an approval process.
Since I added the blink tag, there is a 98% compliance rate with procedures.
I thought support for <blink> was not good?
Or was that <marquee>
IDK about that, but this is in an intranet application and staff is only allowed Firefox, it works there :)
CSS/JS would be better :P
A: How to make a text flash in html/javascript?

Chris<div id="myBlinkingDiv">Hello World, blinking is back!</div> <script> var blink_speed = 1000; // every 1000 == 1 second, adjust to suit var t = setInterval(function () { var ele = document.getElementById('myBlinkingDiv'); ele.style.visibility = (ele.style.visibility == '...

@Chris Thanks for making the world a worse place
@0ɟɟouoɟıɹʇuınbɐɥs Fix your busted markup, son: jsfiddle.net/kMPph
@Chris Did you know that it's invalid to close <marquee> tags?
Don't think I've ever seen this before: stackoverflow.com/users/187291/user187291 A 22k user with a user<number> name...
@Jasper Gives a nice touch
@Jasper impressive :O
Ummmm there is no "valid" marquee (http://www.w3.org/wiki/HTML/Elements/marquee). It is implementation specific, and I'm not aware of any vendor that DOESN'T close it: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/HTML/Element/marquee (for example).

So. Whatchyoo talkin' 'bout Willis?
@Chris ha ha ha, I'm not serious. It's invalid to not close the tags too :P
who uses <marquee anymore?
@kaᵠ No-one
Hey, try adding overflow: -webkit-marquee to #container on chat :P
Yes. Super useful @0ɟɟouoɟıɹʇuınbɐɥs
It resets when typing though :(
@0ɟɟouoɟıɹʇuınbɐɥs jsfiddle.net/pTzjw
OK, I'm going to create a worse example (with old tags)
Man, I've already been through 1994, there is no need to rehash it.
Hi everyone...
anybody feel like helping a lost and hopeless blogger dealing with ALLLLLL the troubles of permalink structures
all of 'em?
specifically needing help with wordpress-based blog, 301 redirect, permalink structures, etc. etc. etc.
YES. every damn one.
Paypal just acked success all over me. That's good enough for a Monday. Have a good one guys, take it sleazy.
I posted a question and it's not getting any replies - how can I get more people to see it?
@DaveRandom, you there?
@Bobbix I'm having the same issue. no clue
hmm anyone?
@DaveRandom lool noice
@DaveRandom Run this:
var $main = $("table > tbody").first();
var sorted = $main.children("tr").map(function(){
    var $this = $(this);
    return {
        "$tr": $this,
        "votes": +$this.find(".vote-count-post").text()
}).get().sort(function(a, b){
    return b.votes - a.votes;
Where? On the election page?
@Brighton what is your question?
@bobbix hi! dealing with permalink redirects - are you familiar with them? (using wordpress)
I am - please elaborate so I can see how I can help...
@Alexander -1 not enough jQuery
@DaveRandom LOL
It may work in Chrome. No idea about FF
But yes that is quite a nice little routine, even if the jQ does offend me slightly
ok. hmm where do I start. Ok so my blog is brightontheday.com. 1. old permalink structure = /archives/%postid%
2. desired new = /%postname% (for seo purposes, of course)
@DaveRandom Convenience!
Alexander, Ghent, Belgium
10.1k 3 12 31
3. installed redirection plugin to help
@PeeHaa Have you messed around with --git-dir? How are you running the site sync cron job, shell script cd'd in the working dir or what?
4. see example of how old permalink structure is not redirecting to new --> brightontheday.com/6286
I'm just trying to wrap my head around the git hooks

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