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but holy hell is that guy productive
I would have chase him if I had see him in Victoria
I couldn't be that productive to save my life.
@rlemon eh, its just a matter of looking at what you deem productive.
@dievardump good god you're right. Time to submit a bug with chrome :(
I mean thats badass he writes a lot of code
@SimonSarris Mouhahahahahaha
ON THE BRIGHT SIDE I know where to submit a bug for chrome! Exactly where. And I know that it will be ignored with all the rest.
but he writes a lot of useful code
boobshower is not useful
fun but not useful
well if it makes your life better who cares :P
if I thought that way I would probably never play games :P
well I did learn how to simulate rain now
just s/boobs/rain drops/ and i'm set
TJ's code has a severe lack of boobs
so I would say he isn't productive at all in life.
doesn't he write some haskell?
if so; i'm sure he's used boobs operator in his code
$green: #81cf3e;
$red: #ff462f;
When I see that, I wannna cry.
I decided only noobs use hex
Q: What is the Javascript event for an item being added to the cart in Woocommerce?

Justin BeaudryI can't seem to find this in the docs or through google. So basically I'm just looking for the Javascript event that fires when an item is added to the cart. For some reason my default added to cart notification isn't working.

It's JavaScript! Not Javascript. Especially not Java Script...
@dystroy hsl is bogus
who uses hsl
hsv maybe
Just like C-sharp is not C-pound, and especially not C-octothorpe.
I prefer rgb
@KendallFrey my gf calls it "Capitol 'C' and a number sign"
today she called "the IT crowd": 'the it crowd'
Like the in crowd, but better.
C♯ is C♯ and not C# anyway, it's a different sign
@BenjaminGruenbaum pedant
♯ (Sharp, as in music) and # (as in number sign) are different :P
again, pedant.
even wikipedia says it's pedantic
> By convention, a hash sign is used for the second character in normal text; in artistic representations, sometimes a true sharp sign is used: C♯.
Let's not be pedant. Who wants to propose the merge of the [java] and [javascript] tags ?
@rlemon your gf is funny. Is she as kinky as she is funny?
I'd be ok with merging java and common-lisp
imagine how many people that would fuck with?!
@dievardump only when shes sleeping ;)
@BenjaminGruenbaum But # is easier to type ;-)
never tried common-lisp
@rlemon oh, with you too?
I think I know what he means.. but he's french.. so idk.
@RyanKinal have you seen the boobs yet?
I have, yes.
And I'm horribly offended that you'd objectify women like that.
ok, now look at the source code and review for actual code quality
@rlemon Well, that she does the same with me.
and I will make a penishower for you as well if you'd like
it's really objectifying showers
@rlemon Clean. Simple. Well done.
penis shower
Lots of globals, though :-P
(it makes me think of LMFAO, I wrote "penis shower" and heard it on "champagne shower"'s beat in my head)
and draw_bg function is kinda pointless no
I should just put the code in the loop() fn
@rlemon Kinda
But who knows, maybe you'd want to add something more to the BG?
for some reason I thought I would have to clear the canvas before drawing a new bg image
Extensability is friggin' sweet
Friggin's weet indeed
ok, now I'll review Loktars water script and make my rain drops water and not boobs and have the waves react to the rain.
will be weet I say, weet.
@rlemon Just thought about a thing : if you set the shower image as background of the canvas using css, do you have to draw it or can you simply clear the canvas ?
I could clear the canvas at that
performance in clearning vs drawing a cached img?? anyone?? I would think because the image is cached not much difference.
@rlemon what do you mean precisely?
@rlemon Aaaaaand I'm now going to be using "weet" instead of "sweet" as well as "The Microsoft" instead of "Microsoft"
is there any good file downloader like idm or fdm for ubuntu 12.10 ?
@SimonSarris ok if in the boobs demo Instead of redrawing the bg image I set it in css and just clearRect() the canvas
how much performance gain should I expect.
I nay know this demo, nor should I open it at work I think :P
hehe, they are in a bathing suit!









Shadow alternatives, if you want to make an image: http://jsfiddle.net/uWkwN/

http://jsperf.com/image-caching-canvas <- vs Text

http://jsperf.com/image-caching-canvas2 <- vs Paths

Making of image-caching-canvas: http://jsfiddle.net/55SZG/
no naked boobs. That would be untasteful.
@rlemon have you used that shower :P:P
no tell me in more general terms
I think you should set background-image on the canvas instead of redrawing a background, yes
if thats what thee means
@SimonSarris correct
let me show you with SFW images
@rlemon all the CL ones. The java wouldn't notice with all the crap they've got, some little beauty in it would please them
100% work safe I promise you now
I figure if I slowly dabble in small areas of Canvas dev I will one day have enough knowledge to build a proper game / app
you dont need that many images
@FlorianMargaine: any way to ${$var} in SaSS?
you can just load it once, and reference that one
@Loktar ahh yea that makes sense.
okay I'll cut the caps I swear
but loke is spot on
allocating anything new in a loop is bad really, but images is super bad :D
ok, I was thinking of having different images per drop I think thats how that became so
var drop = {};
		drop.img = new Image();
		drop.img.src = 'http://dkg88rp4qbe6q.cloudfront.net/avatars/Aqua/water-drop_thumb.png';
also you need some load management
Are you sure you know how to code JavaScript?
wow that does a number on performance
@dievardump no but I know how to punch assholes in the throat ;)
@dievardump like I know sass
the "r" in rlemon stands for "RAGE!"
@FlorianMargaine I thought you did.
@rlemon I thought it was for Robert, sorry.
@rlemon oooh :(
for future it would be a good idea to use some load management fyi @rlemon
dont want your loops to start w/o images being loaded
yea I know that :P
just too lazy for this script
lemonmeme and the like I'm very diligent on waiting for images.
So are you making a porn site?
You mentioned rain and boobs
no, Florian wanted "boob shower in js"
> They call me the rainmaker
so I made it
haha nice
I didn't "want it"
you wanted something to do; I gave you an idea
sorry: he suggested it
and btw, I said "boobs shower" as in "thing that shows boobs"
and my bad english was a good thing this time :P
> Don't give me credit for the wet tits!!!
...what did I walk into?
the JS room, as usual.
shower (bath) and shower (show you stuff) is too ambiguous. It's a wonder this is the first time this has come up in my life.
oooh ahaha
I didnt get it until you explained it @rlemon
I got it but probably because I'm not a native, just like Florian.
yeah idk if show-er is ever used.. if so its rare
what about a boobs puzzle?
its usually shower like @rlemon said, as in bathing with water sprinkling on you, (and your boobs generally)
I noticed today my boobs are growing
that's a lot of edits
I edit like a mofo because I type too fast.. and mess up a lot
u suck
@FlorianMargaine I think half of the old Android games were boobs puzzles...
@rlemon in a good way.. or bad way?
Hi, I'm newbie in the chat feature. But I would like to exploit this functionality. Does anyone knows where to find a nice JQuery File Upload plugin EXAMPLE eith MVC 3 , that really returns JsonResult, because I need to receive it in a view. Thanks
and as a man I am concerned by this: I'm not like big boobs or anything
@dystroy haha, reminds me of the flash boobs puzzles...
but my "pecs" are getting jiggly
ooh the bad way lol, you need to hit the gym dude
I need to hit the gym for overall out-of-shape ness
@FlorianMargaine Im too old to be fixed :(, but I'll check it out
winded taking the stairs is a problem
Your parallax and z-order don't match. FAIL.
@rlemon yeah thats how I was, then I started this workout routine I've been doing since Oct
I feel pretty damn awesome now (besides waking up between 4:30-5 every morning)
Not to mention perspective distortion.
@KendallFrey I actually was just thinking of how to do "depth of view"
Hello guys
there are some old demos of it @rlemon even pure css depth of field iirc
@Loktar I used to be an avid gym goer - was super fit and played sports and shit
then yea...
Yea I know how it is, other stuff comes up
as you get older less and less of your time gets devoted towards things you need or want.
wow nice @FlorianMargaine
yeah, quite surprised
how do you call that ${$foo} in php?
I'm trying to create a script to allow me to filter a second dropdown using some conditionals of the first dropdown. Currently, I'm using a data attribute, and it is working when I only have one value in the first dropdown, however, I would like to have the possibility to have more allowed "parents" to be filtered in the second dropdown. You can check what I am working on at pastebin.com/HjgSh5QM Any suggestions?
@dievardump variable variable?
@rlemon hmmm where is the output on that page
stupid me lol
figured it out :-P I need to learn how to read ^_^
@rlemon you can event do this: tehplayground.com/#jeew9gTZC no need for the curly braces.
ok so the further away the drop the smaller they are - my physics is not working today
the further away they are the smaller they are: but from our perspective should they fall faster or slower?
I can't remember
@rlemon faster.
ahh, ok so my calc is backwards
I think...
I could be wrong...
drop.speed = Math.random() * 5 + 3;
drop.size = (drop.speed + 1) / 16 * 32;
but I do not think I am.
Five slots from the front page (upvotes?): news.ycombinator.com/item?id=5292381
wait, would't it appear to move slower because the distance being the same, but relatively looking smaller...
so the drop still covers the same distance in the same time but it is perceived as a shorter distance - ergo slower drops?
now i'm confusing myself.
hmmmm Idk...
@SomeKittens whenever I try to load HN links, it's always so slow that I end up closing the tab
Really? I had issues with that Monday.
It was only on one PC
I have issues with that on every single PC/day/whatever
closer you see less of the path to travel, farther you see more, so further away the drops would fall slower, closer they would fall faster
@Loktar poo... I got it backwards :-(
I've done so much stuff like that :P
I love snow!
^ crappy quality, but one of the times I dealt with it
god i need to redo the videos.. so bad looking now..
That's racist.
Someone's about to get flagbanned for a bit
heh I was surprised it took so long to be flagged
@Loktar yea I just walked away from the desk and thought about it a bit
makes sense
my code is correct then as is! woot
it wasn't that it took so long to flag, as it was that it took so long for everyone to weigh in
now to make it perform-ant at full screen.
after lunch ;)
I think I missed something.
@rlemon ehhhh I call it the it crowd... so much easier to say...
'IT' == 'I Tried'
A: What is the best comment in source code you have ever encountered?

Rohit// somedev1 - 6/7/02 Adding temporary tracking of Login screen // somedev2 - 5/22/07 Temporary my ass

So you speak all abbreviations as actual words?
lol conversations would sound much different where I work if people did that here.
> I work for Dod.
> Whos your doddy and what does he do?
@rlemon Most of 'em
So, this is the Jizz room?
hit-a-mole + kiss + jizz = website
Has anyone here looked at the json-pointer & json-patch drafts?
json-pointer can only drill down into an array with a specific index.
({ foo: [{ bar: 1 }, { bar: 2 }, { bar: 3 } ] }).pointer('/foo/0/bar') // => 1
w00t I got a point in my favor for the election :-)
would there be a reason slices aren't included?
'/foo/0:1' => [{ bar: 1 }]
'/foo/0:2' => [{ bar: 1 }, { bar: 2 }]

'/foo/0:1/bar' => [1]
'/foo/0:2/bar' => [1, 2]
@neal you mean that ?
> fine pitch, you are a contender to watch closely. kudos. your gracious response to criticism is a major point in your favor. instead of stubbornly defending your position, you are open to reexamination of your view and actively seek out suggestions. i removed my previous comments due to your timely edit of your pitch. another point you scored there,
@dystroy I believe so. :-)
OOP stands for "Oh Oh! Poop!"
who is @SOChatBot ????
@TimeToShine Hint : look at its name
!!/stat SOChatBot
@dystroy @TimeToShine Hint : look s SOChat its name (source)
@dystroy @TimeToShine Hint : look SOChat its name (source)
@dystroy SO ChatBot has 121 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 0 questions, gave 1 answers, for a q:a ratio of H̸̡̪̯ͨ͊̽̅̾̎Ȩ̬̩̾͛ͪ̈́̀́͘ ̶̧̨̱̹̭̯ͧ̾ͬC̷̙̲̝͖ͭ̏ͥͮ͟Oͮ͏̮̪̝͍M̲̖͊̒ͪͩͬ̚̚͜Ȇ̴̟̟͙̞ͩ͌͝S̨̥̫͎̭ͯ̿̔̀ͅ.
A thing that would be nice : sharing between javascript's room mods the account of SoChatBot and gaining him reputation...
rrrrg why did chrome change their console?
They removed the icons..... Is there a way to get them back?
what icons ?
Oh, I typed F12 and I see what you mean. I have icons.
@dystroy on top of elements, resources, network, etc
In fact I have icons on Chromium 24.0.1312.56, not Chrome 25.0.1364.97
rrrrg. now it is so hard to switch tabs on the console...
@FlorianMargaine Ok, now what? :)
Do I apply?
Except for Debian and the perfect English, I can
@Neal click on the cogwheel on the bottom right of the inspector and check Show Toolbar Icons
@dievardump You want to live in Boston ?
@alisamii Thanks... Wow they changed the settings page too... very confusing now :-\ I liked the old version...
I could. Boston is not bad. Good underground life.
People are easy going.
@Neal yvw
And working for the w3c
I could be a real chance to get really involve in standards
I would love that.
WTF question
Q: What does the second parenthesis do in a: prompt('blahblahblah', 'WHY ARE THESE HERE? '){} in javascript?

ColperIn JavaScript; I'm unclear on why the comma and the second parenthesis are needed within the prompt variable. Thank you in advance

And being able to say that my employer is the same as Lea Verou... OMG
What did the farmer say when he couldn't find his tractor?
"Where's my tractor?"
@twiz this page is horrible. Even scrolling is painful
@dystroy umm what? plus I think you missed the fact that it is a joke.
of course it's a joke
a little similar to vanilla-js.com
but my eyes hurt
I need ya, I need Ya, This song ain't getting out of my mind Lol
beige on purple... ha
Q: Sencha Touch not initializing

ninjasenseMY sencha touch application is working fine in all browsers, however when I save the url to the iPad home screen. It will not load and only shows a blank screen. I get no JS errors and nothing comes through the log when debugging. Heres a sample of the app: script type="text/javascript"> ...

hey everyone, I'm writing something up to convince our team to give angularjs a shot for a new project that needs quite some client side dev compared to our usual needs which we used to cover with jQuery. I'm looking for good articles about the drawback of jquery and how it manipulates the DOM
Tabs are better than spaces
what can be C# equivalent of Math.floor(Math.random()*1000000)+this.microtime(true) ?
anyone around to take a look at something?
show me
@AlistairChisholm no. im invisible.
alright guys
I was just in a "github" lecture in my university, I only showed up to show support.
@Neal and as light isn't stopped by invisible objects, your retina doesn't intercept photons and can't let you see. Right ?
i made hey.ac yesterday. Iwould like to add infinite scroll so it doesn't load everything at once
So the guy goes 'Well, it's ok if you hate git, I hate git, but everyone is moving to it so you have to learn it"
Felt like punching him :(
not sure how to merge the infinte scroll code with mine :(
I don't like the action in the top left
@BenjaminGruenbaum He hates git?!?! He probably also doesn't like videos of CUTE LITTLE KITTENS!!!
i know, it needs to go!
maybe make the text not shift on the delete.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Converting people to git is a hard work. I got one coworker whining and telling me source safe was better just 2 hours ago...
@dystroy Can't see who?
it's the shifting text that REALLY throws me about it
btw: Seems like Chrome 25's JSON.stringify() is broken :/
@Neal : Guy say "can you look at something". You answer "No I'm invisible"
@IvoWetzel What do you mean ?
@dystroy he wants to be a mod remember ;)
@IvoWetzel @dystroy he was an idiot :/ Did everything wrong, did not understand basic git concepts and was not a programmer. He did not talk about github one bit
@dystroy var e = []; e.foo = {}; JSON.stringify(e); // Tab freezes, can't be killed, either snaps or chrome completely dies after about 30 seconds
Most students should know git for their personal projects, I backup and version everything with git, it's very easy
He went on about how big companies use it, and he did not understand it
Then you get people who go on about 'how git is complicated'
@IvoWetzel If you don't see me in 1 minute, my browser died...
"git init" bam, I got a repo... really hard. If that's too hard for you get a GUI, it's just as easy...
We actually found this out due to JSON coming back from php... where PHP had replaced empty object's with empty arrays... which we just used as objects and patched our stuff onto them as usual, only to see the whole thing instafreeze when we were saving it back to the server again :(
@IvoWetzel Neither Chrome 25 nor Chromium 24 did die
@dystroy lol i am playing with your mind
@Neal my your ? What do you mine ?
@dystroy OS? We saw this on multiple MacBooks today
@IvoWetzel doesn't php have a standards complaint json library?
But how really do you do this ?
Are you really sure it's this line of code ?
So, where's @Zirak ? I haven't seen him here in a while
@BenjaminGruenbaum Probably... but well... tell that to the guys who wrote the backend code
also, it will probably break other stuff which depends on it being broken (just because nobody ever noticed...)
@Zirak when you come back to 117 pings will you understand we need you.
Where did @Zirak go?
@IvoWetzel I really don't think that trying to reverse engineer how a non-standards complaint JSON serializer works is a good idea, but I've seen stuff like that happen quite often in production under time constraints
@IvoWetzel The lack of testing is a lot more bothersome
it seems to be a usual problem in some php versions, god knows what's deployed on that server. And I don't want to be god in this case, we added a workaround for now, so it doesn't freeze any more
now I just need to figure out why it doesn't load in Firefox 19 on Windows and why Safari seems to accumulate gigabytes of ram due to some obscure leak
@BenjaminGruenbaum Last time he was here he said he was busy and didn't have time to work on the bot
@Zirak ping ping ping
Also IE 10 is crap. Oh, and Windows 8 is even bigger crap.
also, you can probably crash IE 10 as it determines the sound decoder for Audio tags by the mime type you serve it
Report those bugs
no time, our own bug tracker is full of stuff and we have one day left for the "soft deadline"
also, I still have a open FX ticket on some canvas stuff which instacrashes Firefox on OSX 10.7.4 and upwards
You should still report them, make life easier on yourself in the future
Q: Display RokNavMenu as a two-tier menu system

alisamiiI am trying to modify the was RokNavMenu displays its dropdown menus. Assuming a 3-level menu, I need to have level 1 and level 2 be horizontal and level 3 drop down from level 2 This image shows the layout: http://snapshots.ergonomiq.net/menu-items.png The PHP code that controls the layout i...

Chrome's Bugtracker is a blackhole. Even Bugzilla is better in that respect, at least that's my experience

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