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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

washu you have to go outside
@Michael working... fixing some information
Yeah, Washu.. go outside. Stop depressing us with your depression
Ok that so didn't make sense ha
if you're a programmer, you make good money so you can take them out to nice dinners
Are we talking about girls here?
The problem with me is I can't ask them out :(
Or talk to them
But why? @LewsTherin
@ShotgunNinja any classes today?
@Washu They are girls.
Anyone here works with Tomcat for web java apps ?
@LewsTherin so...? is easier to find a topic to talk about
@Washu Really? What'd I talk about? I don't go out much
@SimonDurand Ask.. if someone knows they shall answer
@LewsTherin you are on the internet most of the time... you now all topics
Topics that girl likes? You are right I'm on always on the computer.. therefore I am socially inept :(
gtg bye
hey guys
I've a question please
how to create a two dimensional array of enum values ?
@LewsTherin liez i'm on the computer all day and i have many topics to talk about
@LewsTherin you have to invite a girl to watch a movie.... or go in group
That's because you know somebody
@KareemMesbah Mmn
What did you try that isn't working?
             EnumType[,] ads = new EnumType[2,3];
That's how I'd do it in C#
@LewsTherin mmm
I tried something and it works well
but the thing that isn't working when I am trying to specify the size of the array when declaring it
for example you already know if I am trying to create a 2D int array I'd write
int[][] array = new int[m][n];
but this doesn't work with enums
I discovered that I've to write
EnumName e[][];
then I initialize it as follows
for (int row = 0; row < m; row++){
for(int col = 0; col < n; col++)
e[m][n] = EnumName.value;
Why does it not work?
I am a noob at Java.. hold on let me get a file open
@KareemMesbah Do you really have to init it like that?
I did using the two for loops as you can see
Shouldn't it have default values by default?
I don't know each cell has already a default value or not, but if it has what would it be ?
I'm guessing the first constant
I'm testing it now
Or if not.. nulls
Sorry, just getting used to IntelliJ and it tells me I can't use the enum. Fsake
Switching to Eclipse
Yeah it contains null reference by default
Can you not have enums in separate .java files?
public class Main {
    public enum EnumTest

    public static void main(String[] args) {
       EnumTest[][] enumTest  =new EnumTest[2][4]  ;
        for(int i=0;i < 2; i++){
            for(int j=0;j<4;j++){
                enumTest[i][j] = EnumTest.TestOne;
        for(int i=0;i < 2; i++){
            for(int j=0;j<4;j++){
                System.out.println(enumTest[i][j]  );
        System.out.println("Hello World");
@KareemMesbah That works for me
So what is the problem?
well, no problem for now I will just try this please wait
I don't get it.. wtf is wrong with IntelliJ, it doesn't see the enum if I place it in a separate .java file
well, this works for me too
thank you @LewsTherin
are you sure the name of the file the same of the enum ?
But it isn't working :S
Who uses Intelli J IDEA here?
I think I found something
@Lews @Washu
Hey bud
@Doorknob are you canadian?
@Washu No
@Washu it is a good and important q
Fuck, he is back.
@user1690130 What is?
@LewsTherin Maybe time to ignore him again for me
He left he he
Okay then...
Good.. whew.
@Doorknob cause i just read a news article about some kiddo that hacked an online game
@Doorknob and you are the smartest kid i have ever seen so maybeh xD
@LewsTherin he he
@user1690130 ...
In canada
no I mean a link or something
@Washu Lulz
@Doorknob Lews Therin said: "He left he he" so i said it back.
Oh fuck.. he came back
I spoke too soon
@user1690130 Um...
@LewsTherin Darn it!
@Doorknob i had a bad day or two. ever hear of redemption?
Who called the mod?
@Lews ?
@user1690130: Didn't you get my warning yesterday? And now the first thing I see is you flagging completely harmless messages...
Hello friends.
oh, yay @ThiefMaster a mod has arrived!
hey @zoid
@Zoidberg :O Whoa?
@Zoidberg omg a crab
@ThiefMaster hey :)
s/crab/lobster/ you fool.
@ThiefMaster what did i do wrong now?
I think that's a lobster lol
1 min ago, by Lews Therin
I spoke too soon
What's up.
@user1690130 Ah, so it was you.. aaaaaaargh
tell me how that is spam or offensive...
@user1690130 Flagging
It is not nice to be cursed at.
Alright we've got an overflow of people here
Here in Peru that is a crab. @Zoidberg
I thought it was foul languge
Not here in The Netherlands.
@Doorknob that is good usually this place is very quiet
@Doorknob Maybe we should start a flagging spree
and it was directed towrd me
Here it's a kreeft.
@Washu Yep
@Zoidberg That sounds alien
@Zoidberg alien crabs
@LewsTherin You haven't seen Haskell.
I have
I am still wondering how I passed that exam
in Lounge<C++>, 37 secs ago, by sehe
yesterday, by sehe
@Rapptz Also, he got largely ignored despite repeated attempts to create turmoil. Then he picked offense with a random message, flagging for a moderator. BIG MISTAKE :)
about usersomething
evidently same thing happened this time
He's gone again! Yay
@ThiefMaster Thanks! Mod saves the day! :D
@Zoidberg Crab People, Crab People, Tastes like Crab, Walk like People
But for how long? :O
@Washu Crab people?
@LewsTherin South Park episode
Oh.. I don't watch that.
Fair enough
@Doorknob I don't see how this is improvement. Also, I think people by now are way too edgy when they see a prior offender return.
For reference (@LewsTherin), we had him back in our lounge the minute his 24 hour ban was over yesterday. It took only 1 minute of gentle prodding, and then we had ... 2 hours(?) of normal conversations with the guy
@Doorknob You're just here for fireworks. Go away :)
@sehe was that a complment towards me? thank you if so :)
@user1690130 Yes, in a way. Or maybe, just a general reminder to not snap judge all the time too soon.
@sehe thank you so deeply for vouching for those lovely 2 hours :)
@user1690130 Well, don't overdo it.
So give him a chance then?
Extra chance given.
Sigh, fair enough.
@LewsTherin My point is mainly: you can't have mods save the day forever, but you can prevent things from escalating
Lews: C++ people are acting normal towards me. I act norml back.
You act like an a$$ to me, how can I act normal back?
@sehe Right, gotcha. I will try my best.
Don't do it for me :) Just observing that it works better. It deffo worked before in the lounge with more than 1 case of the eternal trolls.
hey @thief again
apparently we have decided to be more civil to usersomething and he won't flag random stuff
@sehe Sorry I can't resist.. Ich sehe
@Doorknob who is we?
@Doorknob Being in the Java room makes him feel dirty lol
I can't believe @sehe as survived this long
@LewsTherin :)
@LewsTherin I don't mind. I have done my share of Java. Never hated it.
Oh wow.. that's a first. If you said that in the C++ room will you survive?
@lews Nope
@LewsTherin Probably.
I'm going to go with Door and agree no lol.
It's being tested
Yay! It worked!
This I have to see
I wrote a script that replaces a chat message with removed if you click on it
But now it's hard to highlight stuff
He didn't get destroyed :(
Somewhat disappointing.
Let's give him a chance
@Doorknob That's cool :P
@Doorknob who, sehe?
Time to post my chat-message-remover on stackapps
@user1690130 yes
Brb, I've to finish this line of code I am writing
Door: I'm very sorry.
I thought we got along the other day. I am sorry bout anything after that that I did. You were very kind and helpful to me.
@LewsTherin Well. I'll let you know when we have something more interesting going on. People are just preoccupied. If they're bored enough, it would probably have worked.
As you can see, common sense is only a weak catalyst
Yes, sehe, timing matters there. Plus, don't post a link. Post the line directly.
@user1690130 Even then. I don't think it would have mattered much. Timing: much more :)
Zoid is getting dirty
@user1690130 Anyways, I have never hidden the fact that I liked the years of Java experience I had. I was in love with Eclipse for refactoring tools. It was lightyears ahead of VS/C# if you ask me.
It's mainly Pattern Sickness and SuperstitionFactoryProviders that I have an allergic reaction to. But, even then, I could live a code base that has them, provided that there is enough coolness to offset it
Hi there, I have a very simple problema, I had two jars in eclipse, they appear under Reference libraries, how do I import them in the class file?
import the packages/types?
inside the jars, the class files appear inside (default package)
yes, import, like import stblib.*;
@user583311 Add them to the build path
no the solution
not the solution
after you put them in the build path,
what happened?
can you import the classes now?
@user583311 You mean: you fail to see how it works? :)
they appear under "Referenced libraries"
@user583311 Then import them
but if I try to use oine of the classes, eclipse says, "type not found"
You have to import them!
that was my first question
how to import
um... type "import package.classname"?
inside the jars, the class files appear inside (default package)
What's the name of the package?
If they're in the default package then you can't import them
(default package)
Welcome back lews.
why are they in the default package?
I know dont
not my jar
which jar is it?
@user1690130 Hiya
jars from algorithms course in coursera
@LewsTherin friends?
should I rename the package, and then it sgould work?
@user1690130 Yeah, sure.
@user583311 Do you have the source file?
@LewsTherin i promise to never mention that TV show
no, just the jars
@user1690130 Lol, you can talk about your show.. I don't care. I like talking about books and shows as well
@user583311 Mmn, link?
@LewsTherin i'm afraid still to do so. you seemed very upset the last time. so i think it is best not.i
@user583311 I mean a link where it describes the .jar file
Like what package, classes it contains
dont have that
@user1690130 Be afraid not :P
Feb 5 at 0:59, by Doorknob
HELP MY HOUSE IS ON FIRE - You can perform this action again in 10 seconds - retry / cancel
I found that message I was looking for :D
@Doorknob is it?
is what?
your house on fire?
oh haha no
that was a joke
about the thing that doesn't let you post for a while after posting quickly, which is annoying
that is no fun
@user583311 Um, right.. sorry no idea :(
OK. thanks
@Doorknob chat throttling. It's on Meta, by use sbi
@sehe for half a year :(
@Doorknob MOAR upvotes
the solution is to use code.google.com/p/jarjar to repackage
bounty time?
maybe I will
@Doorknob Frankly, I don't think it's that much of a problem. I know when to delay for a second and there's always Ctrl+Space from the SEChatExtension userscript
@Doorknob I keep forgetting that
@user583311 Good stuff man!
@user1690130 where are you?
@Washu here?
@user1690130 where are you from?
Incremental Inquisitive
@Washu you mean like the united states?
@sehe I've seen the room in a new light
sehe is a peace maker. they could use you in in the white houe
Eh, Eclipse sucks :P too slow xD
I like how he doesn't waste Java ;)
@LewsTherin You've obviously not seen the last link yet :) The net balance wasn't in favour of Java. But most of that is expressing that C# is nicer
That's pretty cool.. if only some maintained such a stand like yourself
And yeah C# > Java
no perl! hahahahah
what about pascal?
@LewsTherin To be completely honest, I think most people do. They just conflate Java with UML, Enterprisey frameworks, Paula beans, Singleton fetish and OO adulation.
or basic?
@user1690130 Pascal wasn't bad. Well, at least not Turbo Pascal 5.5+ (which had OOP)
@user1690130 Get out!
@sehe basic was joke. pascal is cool
@user1690130 You are kidding right? :P
@LewsTherin not at all
@sehe Paula beans? :S
Basic is where COBOL meets PHP. Avant la lettre
@LewsTherin "Brillant" - google it
why did we stop using pascal?
@user1690130 Because N.Wirth went on to work on C# Modula2
Jokes aside, I think the lead designer of Delphi started C#. Delphi being basically TurboPascal++
Pascal was user friendly
do any of you know R (statistics)?
Can't say I do
it is so not user frienly
Goes with the territory
i don't see the point of a language whose code is like reading hyroglyphics
@user1690130 You mean, APL!
APL (named after the book A Programming Language) is an interactive array-oriented language and integrated development environment, which is available from a number of commercial and noncommercial vendors and for most computer platforms. It is based on a mathematical notation developed by Kenneth E. Iverson and associates that features special attributes for the design and specifications of digital computing systems, both computer hardware and software. APL has a combination of unique and relatively uncommon features that appeal to programmers and make it a productive programming langua...
@sehe Omg, I hope that's just a story
what's your point, sehe?
@LewsTherin Well, it's a story that models a prejudice. And as with many prejudices, they tend originate in truth: Java gets a bad rep from too many poor programmers on too many large enterprisey teams. The same things that pesters Oracle developers, in a way (Ironic that Oracle bought Sun)
@user1690130 Hieroglyphs
ok, sorry
> This following immediate-mode expression generates a typical set of Pick 6 lottery numbers: six pseudo-random integers ranging from 1 to 40, guaranteed non-repeating, and displays them sorted in ascending order:
@user1690130 Anyways, see Malbolge for true horror. Or, if you want ultimate pain, PHP
@sehe Programmers can't be only to blame though. Take Servlets and JSP.. shudders
perl is bad enough.
@LewsTherin Mmm. No firsthand experience with things like e.g. TomCat. I've seen people be quite productive with that. However, I've seen many bad websites based on them too
@user1690130 True
@sehe do you mean tom cruise and katie holmes?
Ha ha, that's sort of funny :D
@user1690130 No - my Hamming Distance on typo's is usually not that high
@sehe I did a bit and God, hopefully never again after college :D
@sehe I think he meant TomKat Maybe you got that? :P
@LewsTherin what's funny?
@LewsTherin Yup.
@user1690130 I thought you made a joke on purpose.. Oh this is even more hilarious :D
I'm heading to bed.. later guys.
Good to have you here @sehe even if it was only for a short while :(
@LewsTherin Night
@LewsTherin are we friends yet?
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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