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@sehe do you like Valentyn Sylvestrov? I don't listen to classical music much but heard him on the radio and liked it, don't remember what song but can maybe find it tomorrow
@JohanLarsson Don't consciously know the guy. But I'm terribad with names (also don't care about them nearly enough) so that doesn't mean much
hmm, my favorite answer of mine just got another upvote. Apperently I have fans! :D
Looking him up in Spotify
@Eli brothers in arm, youtube.com/watch?v=g8Yoz9Nh21k , but there is another I find anthoglogic
@MooingDuck did you get a reversal for that?
@JohanLarsson reversal? guess not since I don't know what that is
@MooingDuck Right, that answer where you essentially did the research for the guy?
@EtiennedeMartel yeah
@MooingDuck I think there is a gold badge for bad questions with good answers, don't knw the number of votes required though
@EtiennedeMartel but he also did it for himself and the rest of SO
@stephane brothers in arms is good but not the song I'm looking for. Can't think of it! Also its ell with two L's as in Elliot, just letting you know so I get pinged properly
@JohanLarsson mostly it was for the asker, since I still have no idea what anything in my answer means
@MooingDuck There you go. I just downvoted the question to -5.
Although I'm on my tablet so I won't get pinged atm
> "@JohanLarsson WTFMeter Release Party!!!"
I just got that haha
Have fun with your Reversal badge. Don't break it.
Won't be restituted
Cool beans.
@sehe whoops, that got out of hand :)
@MarcusStuhr ןoןsdɐɔ
Woah, Reversal badge on SO?
That's hard.
I like this one
(10k only.. now.. :|)
but I know what it is
@Rapptz Yeah, that's a good one.
But a number of other tracks irk me
do you lose badges if it gets deleted?
@Rapptz nope
@Rapptz Diamonds Badges are forever.
You don't even lose it if you disassociate the post from your account.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I just looked at teh reversal badge. I'm excited now!
Tag badges are the only ones you can lose.
@R.MartinhoFernandes They can stimulate and please me? /cc @MooingDuck
@sehe bookmarking it, have forgotten pw for spotify will check it out tomorrow
@JohanLarsson not sure that you'd like it. Seems that there is quite some variance in style from that composer. I'm still liking that Sylvestrov track I just linked to, though. Quite a bit.
hey there! trying to design API backend for mobile app, with a DDD approach. does it look overengineered?
takes cover
hides in a corner
@VictorMiroshnikov It's overengineered as soon as you use UML to design it.
What made you choose the name User Manager?
@VictorMiroshnikov Does it do what you require? Why is there no UserNotifications instead of the Manager? The domain is supposedly about notifications, I guess
@EtiennedeMartel You're over engineered
@EtiennedeMartel But! But! Glowy drop shadows!
Oh, look, a manager.
UML was a customer workflow requirement, though for me thats not a problem )
@Ell there is piano in this one @4'"10 Dire Straits - Private Investigation, I used to like it a lot youtube.com/watch?v=P9K27HvhDxA
@Ell It's worse than that: it's got a manager, a factory, a repository, and there's even a "specification" (whatever that means) in there.
The diagram does look pretty standard
3D images in PHP eh
Aesthetic s wise

No Managers Please, 1

Aug 8 '12 at 11:32, 19 minutes total – 92 messages, 10 users, 6 stars

Bookmarked Jan 4 at 14:28 by R. Martinho Fernandes

No Managers Please, 2

Jan 4 at 14:06, 15 minutes total – 88 messages, 10 users, 14 stars

Bookmarked Jan 4 at 14:29 by R. Martinho Fernandes

@sehe usermanager - will hold other api methods related to user management use cases
Is using "standard" to mean "good" or "awesome" usual over where any of you are?
Aug 8 '12 at 11:34, by Damian
@jalf allocated memory or other resource.. please use patterns in your design
@VictorMiroshnikov Then why not put them in User?
as in "here's 3 free beers" "wow that's pretty standard!"
@EtiennedeMartel because user is a model :)
@VictorMiroshnikov You're describing a religion.
I have come into an OCR proprietary lib where there was managers of managers
And I don't recall the MVC pattern mandating the use of managers.
thats not MVC, its DDD :)
@EtiennedeMartel It cannot, because it cannot really describe what a manager is.
No one can.
I don't like managers that no longer know how to code
It "manages" stuff.
I could name it UserService - no difference.
Something is wrong when you can give two meaningless names to something and it makes no difference.
@Ell not at all
@VictorMiroshnikov Isn't that the Martin Fowler version of MVC?
try to google DDD
I know what that is.
Because yes, I recognized the repository pattern.
DDD is a methodology
I also know that the book suggests having an well-established domain language and using it.
@EtiennedeMartel I'd say MVC (whatever flavour) is orthogonal to repository pattern
@sehe I was talking about DDD.
@R.MartinhoFernandes good point here, the responsibility should arise clear with a name or verb applied to names
So, unless you are modelling some kind of business with managers and shit, get some actual names from your domain.
If you cannot, that is a big flashing sign that your design isn't a good match to the domain.
"Generic OO Terms Driven Design"
@StephaneRolland that's pretty common. I still await my first UtilityToolkitHelperUtils sighting, though
Also, FFS Google, my credit card is not a "map".
Helper ! I need some one else ! Helper ! You know I want to name someone ! Helper ! Please !
When I was younger programmer, so much younger than today
I never needed anybodies helper in anyway
"Utils" or "Helpers" makes sense in a language like Java or C#, because you need to give a name to those fucking "function containers" classes.
By the way, guess who retwote this tweet of mine:
@TheTweetOfGod We should get Logan Cunningham to read these tweets out loud for best experience http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ei1Fw9Jk7fw
@sehe Ha, loved that narration.
@EtiennedeMartel I think most of the time the name is irrelevant in C#, because you often can just make those extension methods.
@R.MartinhoFernandes you googled your CC number?
@Etienne yeah :/ I don't see why they are mandatory
Helper if you can I feeling down
@R.MartinhoFernandes Not necessarily.
Once I made a utility method that creates a BitmapImage from a byte array.
@sehe No, I translated something with Karte in it, and Google said it was a "map".
@EtiennedeMartel Hey, note the judicious placement of "most" and "often".
@R.MartinhoFernandes That would have meant losing the opportunity to wiggle my e-peen in your face.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Haha. That's because it's the same word in German
@sehe Duh.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Great. If I'll use UserService instead of UserManager that will be valid in terms of my so-called ubiquitous language. This way nothing will be changed in this diagram, but name. Though the question is about how to get know that you're overengineering something like in this case)?
well I gonna invoke myself::sleepManager.tryToSleep() throw InsomniaException
You haven't engineered it enough, because you still can't tell what this thing you call UserSomething (from now on, TTYCUS) does.
have fun guys, good nite
When a class doesn't have a well defined purpose
@VictorMiroshnikov What does UserService do?
@StephaneRolland U2, let me walk with you, I'm heading to bed too
And names are important.
@stephane night night :)
@sehe yep ?
Night all!
@sehe and night night to you too :) thanks for asking earlier :)
@EtiennedeMartel processes signup requests(validates pre/post conditions via specifications, saves new user, sends signup notification)
may the regexp dreams of parsing xml/hmtl won't nightmare you/us tonight
@VictorMiroshnikov A database (or Jesus) saves, a User has the Validate() or Isvalid() method, the service saves a signup notification record etc.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I could go deeper into details on diagram but that would be beyond question context
@StephaneRolland hasn't happened to me in over 39 months :)
@sehe I have thought not so long ago... i have thought of it...
@VictorMiroshnikov So... it's in your model?
Ok, enough sleep typing. Good night.
Mighty nguhf
@R.MartinhoFernandes Good night!
I'm about to get to a place where I have to do Task Management of people who are not coders.
Is there a "Task Management" or "Featuer TRacking" or "Bug Reporting"-type-deal for not-coders?
Critical path analysis!
Is there one built into BitBucket, could I fudge BitBucket for my purposes, or is there another way to do it?
@ThePhD put em on coffee duty :p
No idea
Here's a bit of a weird programming question... can a java program use a C program with it?
@Crowz Depends on what you mean by "use".
@EtiennedeMartel k so I wrote seam carver in C, and I have a java gui. If a button is pressed, could I use a seam carver written in C?
@melak47 As nice as that would be, it would have to be some kind of juice instead. I never drink coffee.
Willpower only!
Q: Call c function from Java

WenHow to call c function from Java. Seems c is compiler based. I would like to call C function in Windows from Java, and GCC function fron Java too. Any reference?

@Crowz You still did not answer the core of my question, which is what do you mean by "use".
@EtiennedeMartel I'm unsure that I got your question right: I think that customers requirements for signup api would be satisfied with this sequence
@VictorMiroshnikov I see way too many classes in there, that's my problem.
In a classic MVC structure, the model validates the data.
Now, I know you're not strictly using MVC, but still.
@EtiennedeMartel Pass in an image and then do a few operations on it
So, I would have two things: User, which also handles the validation, and a UserRepository for the persistence.
Hell it could even be done with command line arguments
And the only reason I would use a repository is for unit testing.
@EtiennedeMartel Yep, that makes sense, thx for sharing your opinion. All this DDD stuff is about to make it more simple and expressive, and for sure - easy to test
With that said, I'm going home. A man has to eat sometimes.
@EtiennedeMartel Yes -- though some of us wouldn't really be hurt much if we went without for a week or two...
Is there a method to append something to the front of an std::string?
Apparently push_front doesn't exist but push_back does
@Rapptz mystring.insert(mystring.begin(), '3');?
@Rapptz the containers have very few O(n) algorithms. They avoid them wherever possible, so that the coder doesn't accidentally use one. There's always a workaround, and that's deliberate, so the coder only does slow things on purpose.
I ended up using str.insert(0,1,'0'); instead
but yours is cool too
I ended up doing it differently anyway
MSVC9 takes too long to open and close. I'm just not going to do that anymore.
I have one of those on meta... I don't think my answering habits on SO are ever gonna get me one.
I want that badge :(
@MooingDuck Congratulations!
@MooingDuck Have it start at boot time, and only kill if when/if it crashes. FWIW, VS 2012 is even slower.
@JerryCoffin loading our solution takes ~10-15 minutes. Closing (even with no changes) takes ~30-40 minutes. (150ish projects)
holy shit...
appears to take very little CPU or IO, I haven't the foggiest idea what it's doing.
@MooingDuck I think you've mentioned that before. Does sound pretty insane.
lol, it takes the whole MSVC sucks thing to a whole new level
OMG had a bug in my code. if (error_condition) returnvalue.err_code = Arg1; if (returnvalue.err_code == Arg1)... CONDITION FAILED. Turns out Arg1 is USHORT and err_code is SHORT. :(
@JerryCoffin unfortunately, this doesn't seem to happen to anyone else. I need to talk to boss and IT :(
@MooingDuck Get dat SSD, yo.
@MooingDuck Sounds like you need a class error_code { ...
Try using Java.
He's using a windows XP machine with 3 GB of RAM and iirc has the oldest machine in his work place
@Rapptz good memory. Guess I complain about my machine too much to friends, and not enough to those in authority :(
@JerryCoffin I need coworkers who aren't afraid of exceptions and RAII.
Yeah, you're gonna want more than 3GB...
@MooingDuck can't you bring your laptop? even that should be better off, hardware wise :p
@melak47 my laptop is WinXP32 as well, but it does have 4GB of Ram...
however my laptop's harddrive is nearly full.
MooingDuck is running on 2003 powered technology.
You need moar mudkips...
how old is it :p
@MooingDuck Well, that would be better -- but if you can't get that, a class that restricts conversions enough to tell you about problems like that one is a lot easier to integrate without redesigning everything in sight.
@melak47 first batch of unibody macbook pros was... 2007?
macbook with windows XP?
October 2008
@Rapptz well clearly I learned my lesson.
Well I mean, a macbook is more expensive than a regular windows laptop isn't it?
@Rapptz there was a lot of sunk cost in that lesson.
@Rapptz If they have the same specs, expect the macbook to be at least double the price.
Yeah I actually never understood the whole Macbook craze.
I think they're thinner than normal?
It's hilarious though. I got to Frys or Best Buy, and on the hard drive shelves.
I actually like the Apple hardware. The metal unibody is amazing, the glass on the front of the screen is amazing, the magnetic "clasp" is cool, the magnetic power cord is amazing.... If only the drivers for Windows worked.
XX TB for $100
XX TB for $150 for Mac
you know. at all.
Why don't you build your own desktop?
@Rapptz laptop >> desktop
my laptop rarely stays in the same room two days in a row
laptop == 0
if I knew how to build laptops I'd do it
I really do like laptops ;_;
@MooingDuck how is glass on the screen amazing?
@MooingDuck ???
You let people touch your screen?
@Rapptz I have friends, roommates, a wife, and myself.
doesn't a glass screen make the smudges worse?
Good god man. It's the flu season.
@melak47 you can just wipe it right off. since it's glass.
@MooingDuck but with a non glossy screen...the smudges are neglible. and you can also wipe it off :p
@melak47 I can (and have) taken a moist sponge to my screen to clean it. Can't do that with any other screen I've ever seen.
@Rapptz good thing it's really easy to sterilize a glass surface
why is code-that-I-didn't-touch having linker errors at work? I don't have time for this!
@MooingDuck I wipe all my screens with window cleaner. hasn't killed any of them yet - though I have cleaned then maybe 3 times in the last4 years
So you're basically saying using the Macbook is like practicing safe sex. You need to carefully control who touches your screen?
can anyone decrypt this? class _com_ptr_t<class _com_IIID<struct MONITOR_lib::IMonitorMe,&struct __s_GUID const _GUID_1d12b7c4_456f_11d5_88ea_009027e532c6> > comm_mm" (?comm_mm@@3V?$_com_ptr_t@V?$_com_IIID@UIMonitorMe@MONITOR_lib@@$1?_GUID_1d12b7c‌​4_456f_11d5_88ea_009027e532c6@@3U__s_GUID@@B@@@@A)
Why are people touching your screen anyway?
is that a linker error?
@Mysticial what? no. I'm saying it has all the benefits of a normal screen, except if someone screws up, no damage is done, and it's easily and safely revertable.
@Rapptz yeah unresolved symbol
is that a function? I think it's a function
It's a class, it loks like
I don't see any function syntax in that.
_com_ptr_t<?<?,?> > comm_mm (?). Yeah, that's a function. At least now I know what to search teh source for
or maybe it's an instance of a class being constructed?
@MooingDuck huh? how does touching a screen without glass damage it?
@melak47 damages LCD elements if you squish them with your fingers
Hello guise!
@MooingDuck I think you need to touch it...really hard for that
Better use CRTs.
Yeah, they're bigger, heavier, and have more armor.
I don't understand, who is touching your screen and why are they touching it with such force that it damages LCD screens?
@Rapptz nobody! I have glass!
@melak47 you'd be surprised
I just poked the fuck out of my screen
I don't see any damage
@Rapptz k
@Rapptz None that's apparent.
@MarkGarcia ....so
@MarkGarcia if it's not apparent, then he probably doesn't care (neither would I)
Well I think at this point you have to box with your screen
if the damage is not apparent...who cares? it's a screen :p
in order to damage it
@MooingDuck A _com_ptr_t is a smart pointer. MS provides a macro so in your source code that probably looks more like _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IMonitorMe, __uuidof(IMonitorMe)).
Like hell, I get a new laptop every 4 years or so anyways.
It's a 16 inch monitor by the way
@melak47 You should care if its a 42".
The battery dies long before the pixels even start to fail.
@MarkGarcia 42" laptops?
@Mysticial lol pixels dying
when has that been an issue lately
@melak47 Connected to the laptop.
My old laptop has one dead pixel near the middle.
@JerryCoffin I see many extern MONITOR_lib::IMonitorMePtr comm_mm;. Still looking for the actual instance
It was about 3 years old when it happened.
I have never had any dead pixels.
The battery died before that.
Then I got a new laptop on Black Friday - problem solved.
Only dead pixel I've seen was on my old CRT TV.
Some dead pixels can be recovered with a tool that quickly flickers them for a few hours.
@MarkGarcia if you have a TV connected to your laptop...it's probably on a desk. who punches TVs, on desks?
@Rapptz I'm pretty sure CRTs dont have dead pixels...
Well not really a dead pixel but it was like a white dot
I'm pretty sure.. either that or my memory is foggy. I remember it bugging the crap out of me when I was younger.
@melak47 Who can, especially at 10ft distance.
@MooingDuck They can only have cracks. And when it does, your damned.
Either way.. I haven't had a CRT in like, 10 years.
and none of my LED/LCD TVs have had any "burn in" or dead pixel issues.
I only use LEDs and LCDs.
Also hi @Xeo.
Go sleep, it's late.

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