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11:00 PM
And that selects everything between { } exactly?
With how many keypresses again?
Besides you're the one who brought up the mouse
I can see the efficiency, but...
... How does this help me when I try to debug my code?
When you're writing the text, where are your hands and where's the mouse
What does 'Stepthrough' look like in Vim?
@CatPlusPlus: actually ctrl+shift+space does that
I don't debug from vim
11:01 PM
@CatPlusPlus Yea, I'm just trolling you a little bit. I use a lot of keyboard shortcuts too.
How do you debug?
@CatPlusPlus: I absolutely loathe the fact that it's closed source, but I must admit I really like sublime text 2
Mostly with printing stuff on screen
@ThePhD step 1. you install visual studio step 2. you debug
Sometimes with logging
When I really need a debugger, it's gdb
Or some language-specific tool
11:01 PM
90% of my debugging is using well-placed prints
@BartekBanachewicz I can't do it with code that's rather C++0x-functional. Visual Studio will throw a fit.
like stdout and stderr
hm does anyone have a link to a HQ image of the Stack Overflow Logo? (without Stack Overflow text)
11:02 PM
I hardly ever use a debugger, unless it's a really pesky bug or spaghetti code
would be cool
all I can find is crappy 67 px images
or user made ones ....
11:02 PM
@nightcracker Eh, nothing interesting for me
My IDE is QtCreator and I use its debugger (which builds on GDB). However, I rarely need a debugger for my own projects.
Im going out of here
11:03 PM
Ctrl-r for redo.
god the nerdness level
Or Ctrl+Z
You scrub
lol. anyway, That's enough Qt and AMD for me for one day. Cheers and goodnight.
@GamErix: if you want a really big image you can also use the svg: stackoverflow.quickmediasolutions.com/images/stackoverflow.svg
11:05 PM
@nightcracker That's not big at all!
@nightcracker it's just for a logo for Speed Dial 2 :P
@StackedCrooked: ?
How many of you guys have contributed to an established open source project? (as opposed to your own project)
@Ell I filed bug reports on one until I got banned from filing bug reports. (They closed all but two as "working as intended")
@Ell My name is listed here. My only contribution was asking a question.
11:07 PM
I've filed bug reports before but never committed any code
misclick, looking for an ascii art animation of stick figures dancing looking something like this:
  /\    Anyone seen it?
People like open source but I wonder how much of it is "the people's work" and how much is commercially backed
Well I contributed in TukUI, Gang Garrison 2, clink, glfw, and some other things I forgot
@Ell Also here. (Search for "gdiscreencapsrc: fix memory leak").
... Why not just 'r' for redo?
11:10 PM
@Ell meh all I can say that all my open source projects is a one-man code roulette.
I feel bad now, not contributing enough :P
(despite many downloads)
most of my contibutions
were fixes/feature requests for upstream libraries
@Ell I'm not a contributor. I'm a user that wants shit to work.
@ThePhD That's replace. You can rebind if you want
Get Gundo though
11:11 PM
... Gundo?
vim has undo trees
Gun Undo?
my guess would be global undo
11:12 PM
gmail,stackoverflow,facebook,twitter,school, hm.. what else could I add to my start page
No, just Gundo
A goddamn tree of edits...
No other program does that.
@GamErix: hackernews?
That's fuckin' useful.
11:12 PM
Because other editors are bad
emacs has implementation of undo trees somewhere too
These two are really the only editors worth using
@CatPlusPlus: do you work on windows or linux?
@nightcracker oh now you mention it, I can't access 1337day.com, seems it's down, where do you guys check for exploits when trying to choose the most secure CMS?
Windows mostly
I planned to install Arch on separate partition and dualboot
But I'm too lazy
I have a VM though
@CatPlusPlus: how did you set up your vim? do you use gvim, or vim or?
I probably should reclaim that 150GB partition
11:14 PM
So if I need to debug I'll probably just step out and use Eclipse.
I like virtualbox, especially shared folders
Can I compile from inside gvim?
Windows console is even worse than Linux terminals
:!clang++ *.cpp :P
11:14 PM
Linux terminals are good
Z shell ftw.
No they're not
What would be good?
Z shell.
11:15 PM
does anyone actually still use that?
.... Welp.
Er, yes?
Guess I should learn how to use Vimrc too.
This is starting to feel like ZShell Bootcamp all over again.
Github has terrible plans
Cat Plus Plus = Piotr Legnica = another polish guy? Man, we polish r seriously taking over the internet, I thought it was a joke.
11:16 PM
@CatPlusPlus: I don't really need private repos
Is there a designated place
to put the vimrc folder?
I don't see one in my vim73 dir
@ThePhD the .vimrc file. Or _vimrc on windows
I use a lot of plugins
I like plugins.
They don't fit in one file
11:18 PM
Especially Autocomplete plugins.
I hate plugins
Where do I put this giant vimrc thing?
@ThePhD which ones do you use
Plugins are annoying. They aren't there when you reinstall.
@sehe None at the moment, right now I'm just copying cat's vimrc .
11:19 PM
@CatPlusPlus wokay
But I have no idea what to do with this folder.
46 secs ago, by ThePhD
Especially Autocomplete plugins.
^ which ones ?
I'm still searching around.
Clone it somewhere and modify _vimrc to say "source location/to/vimrc"
I shall put it in my C:\Code folder then.
11:20 PM
I even have my own binaries :v bitbucket.org/piotrlegnica/vim-win64
@CatPlusPlus: how can you stand that color scheme o.0
@nightcracker It's perfect
My .vimrc is a symbolic link to a .vimrc I keep in an online repository.
Time flies, god dammit.
@ThePhD I seriously ran once out of drive letters
Yeah it still uses SVN
11:22 PM
who uses SVN these days
get distributed already
Sorry for not meeting your expectations.
Should I get rid of the default stuff in the current vimrc?
currently my dev environment looks like this
11:24 PM
I mean, there's only like 2 source commands, a behave mswin, and a diffexpr function.
not too happy with the color scheme, but I love the editing
I like sublime text 2 too.
wish it was open source =/
I think I will
@ThePhD get rid of the behave mswin now, as well as the source 'windows' thingy
11:25 PM
try to learn Vim later...
Because this si confusing and new and holy-hell-hard.
Vim is not confusing.
Do the damn tutorial.
@ThePhD og make func diffexpr into func! diffexpr so you can just repeat :%source $MYVIMRC when you edited it
for me not the editing is confusing
its the framework around it
set nocompatible <--- a good thing?
11:27 PM
I'm used to tabbed editors where I have multiple files open
Finally, chrome is ready to permanently replace IE on my laptop : D
I'll just get rid of it.
... Welp. I'll just leave my Vim like that then.
@ThePhD I use vim for everything
@ThePhD a good thing, but I think it's the default anyhow, I never set it and I certainly don't use vi compatible mode :)
Ah. Okay.
@ThePhD lol dude, I legitimately don't even understand you anymore
11:30 PM
Always Clear Downloads, Speed Dial 2, ScrewAds - Block, Skip, Remove YouTube Ads, I recommend those to everyone : P
the hell with it
I'll try and set up vim to my liking
@GamErix: do you ever do any web development?
@nightcracker no
otherwise I'd recommend "Edit This Cookie"
@nightcracker I have that one
@nightcracker Used to mess around with my school as someone else LOL
11:32 PM
Can I tell Vim to highlight the nearest opening and closing parens?
As in, near the cursor.
ST2 did this too and I liked it.
@Zoidberg you can even yell at it
there's two features I'll severely miss
1. ctrl+d and multiple cursors
really, that's really powerful in sublime text 2 (but this will probably be matched with equal power in vim)
Vim has multiple cursors.
11:33 PM
2. goto anything
@Zoidberg Maybe there's a plugin
really, sublime text 2 got one thing right: fuzzy searching is fking powerful
@CatPlusPlus oh of course.
Standard plugins have highlight matching
I have % bound to Tab, so I can just jump to one and then closing with the same key
11:35 PM
@nightcracker What is that
vim has plugins for fuzzy search
@CatPlusPlus: basically, you press ctrl+P and a box open where you do incremental fuzzy searching in all open files/the current project
Yeah, there are plugins for that
@CatPlusPlus: it's an INCREDIBLY fast way to switch file, and to switch to a certain function a file
I rarely even use NERDtree, I just open files from Total Commander
I'm in the mood for some latex mocking jokes
11:37 PM
I'm in the mood for some hot chicks wearing latex clothes.
TIL: set spell. xD
How does normal expression work again?
What are we waiting for then? Paste some pics!
I use this all the time, for example I can find the function sha512_init in the file "sha512.c" in 6 keypresses (ctrl, p, s, h, @, i):
@Zoidberg Tell us how it went.
11:39 PM
all of this realtime (it's really snappy on this slow laptop), and incremental
@nightcracker yes we know how that works.
is the Winforms designer the same as the Wpf designer in VS2012? ;_;
Q: Allocate memory for a variable inside a function only once in a loop

ShibliLet's have a function func which allocates memory for vec. Also let's func is called many times in a loop. void func () { std::vector<int> vec; vec.resize(someNumber); } for (int i=0; i<someNumber; ++i) { func (); } How I can allocate memory for vec only once in a loop?

set scrolloff=5 is fawesome.
@Zoidberg concur
wat do
11:44 PM
:he so
@nightcracker It makes sure you see at least five lines around the cursor when scrolling.
that's useful
@Zoidberg cast spell
I want to enable spell checking only for txt files.
ugh.. I have to constantly be switching pc's and doing hotfixes on production servers... stock VIM is all I can use (most days)... sucks...
11:47 PM
Oh ~/.vim/ftplugin/txt.vim, I think?
@CatPlusPlus I never use nerdtree. Hate total/midnight commanders for similar reasons. Let me just glob and autocomplete
@rlemon how so
@Zoidberg :autocmd BufEnter *.txt se spell (from memory)
Easy to copy doing just :au BufEnter
(people will recommend using :augroup)
@ThePhD u, U, g-, 300g-, :undo etc, also :undolist, :se undodir undofile etc
@sehe I put that in ~/.vim/ftdetect/txt.vim and it works. :P
I guess I could just do set spell there.
@Zoidberg yup. I think the autcommand is supposed to go in a general rc
11:50 PM
I have this now.
I have
" I have no audio drivers
set visualbell
behave xterm
se ar aw sw=4 ts=4 et nu so=2 dip=filler,iwhite modeline
TIL: ]p. Awesomesauce.
11:56 PM
So, I now have a blog: http://je4d.blogspot.com
@Zoidberg I'd have to start using it to see whether it suits me
#d_lang Custom Print Specifiers http://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/16riz9/creating_custom_print_format_specifiers_in_d/
^ interesting

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