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5:00 PM
PHP sadness <-- I never knew a lot of this.
@Neal Rubish.
@webarto and why is that?


Today we're daydreaming about C++26 reflection
Does anyone know about http caching and how to use it ?
5:10 PM
@Neal Minor issues, larger can be fixed... there is no perfect language... he can just report bug, but no... he wants to be popular amongst haters.
@user1867842 I'm pretty sure Google knows everything about it.
Are you stuck anywhere specifically?
Is http caching controlled with php's header() function ?
I already looked at get and post verbs from http. and what http is.
5:14 PM
phpsadness.com/sad/1, phpsadness.com/sad/7 - he's basically saying "PHP sucks because I'm too lazy to find out what token names mean". Also a lot of it is "before x version you couldn't do y" - so? Isn't that what development is for? Should PHP not have been released until it had every feature imaginable implemented perfectly? Sorry to be so blunt, but the guy is a dick.
@Neal look up operator precidence...
@Neal What are you trying to prove?
@webarto nothing. just confusing is all.
5:17 PM
@Neal And JS doesn't have its wat moments, etc?
@webarto this is all from the C++ room.
I do PHP for a living
I want to understand it well, from all sides of the coin.
@DaveRandom say, phpsadness.com/sad/1 kind of tokens for all tokens. Not good
@Neal Ok, and where would you use those examples IRL? AFAIK, if something is not working, it's a bug...
i will say i think php needs to be complete re-factored
as a language it's great, and it has a gentle learning curve
5:18 PM
Go on then. Get on with it.
but the camelCase vs underscore functions always throw me off in PHP...
however keeping such archaic function names, implementations is a bad idea
and the flop-flop of subject and target., eg: implode vs explode vs. str_replace
When you work on a fairly complex php website, You do the design first and code, or You code with simple outputs and adapt to the design?
I'm trying to understand HTTP caching. But how do I use it in php is what I don't understand
all long standing issues
5:21 PM
http caching better belongs behind something like memcached
@Kishor continuous refactoring
I am looking that up right now
@andho - That means? :P
when you revisit or are adding a new feature, change the design as appropriate, instead working it out with the current quirky design.
But of course, one should try to start with the best design one can conceive.
@Kishor refactor, at the expense of time
Would anyone agree that Linus Torvald is the best programmer ?
5:24 PM
Not even Linus Torvalds thinks that.
@user1867842 great programmer, can't comment on his programming, I haven't looked at it.
great, yeah. Good maybe?, Best? who knows
What makes a good programmer ?
i think i'm saying he is a great hacker
Never mind it was a dumb question
Yes it was.
5:26 PM
you can read a good programmers code like a book
lol, saying Person X is the best programmer is an exercise in futility. Even if there were quantitative metrics no one would agree that they were adequate.
@user1867842 Cheap European beer
Except for maybe Jon Skeet. He's a monster :)
@rdlowrey Always knows the right words :P
Who is John Skeet ?
5:27 PM
Jon Skeet, Reading, United Kingdom
514k 157 2570 3977
@user1867842 lol
@user1867842 Don't ask that question, ever, again, never.
Q: Jon Skeet Facts

Bill the LizardI'm looking for Chuck Norris Facts style answers. In case anyone is curious, this question was inspired by Jon's own comment to this question. EDIT: If you're into cryptography, you may enjoy these facts. Now with official sanction from the powers that be!

> Jon Skeet is the only person who has ranked higher than Jon Skeet in the SO all-time rep league.
@DaveRandom lol I've never seen that meta Q before. Thank you.
5:29 PM
Does he know everything about .net API? what makes a good programmer problem solving ?
He knows everything about everything
> When Jon Skeet's code fails to compile the compiler apologises.
wtf ?
$tinyAvatars[] = 'user1867842';
@rdlowrey He really doesn't, he's just an epic rep-whore who's a better than average C#/Java dev.
5:30 PM
so, guys, everyone bought beer ?
Crap. brb
liquid bread is always in da house.
@user1867842 If you want to be a better problem solver I highly recommend:
Is that a sarcastic answer ?
No. I'm serious. Everyone should be forced to read that book.
"I'm not a math person" is not a valid excuse.
No I like math but I haven' went to college yet.
@user1867842 Even better!
5:33 PM
If a community made me a god like that, i would be embarrassed . Why not just use Chuck Norris
The last thing i remember from math is the formula for an ellipses which is (x-h)/a-(y-k)/b=1
@user1867842 last thing i remember about math it....
and how to solve for it .
@user1867842 You don't need any math experience, just the ability to think logically, to get through How to Solve It ...
there are different little tricks that you can find useful
5:35 PM
1) ????
2) ????
3) ????
4) Profit

Something missing :/
The "for" loop is actually used in math for iterating objects like a sphere
like $x = 1; while( true ){ $x = 2 - $x; } will have $x oscillating 1,2,1,2,1,2 ...
yes like that.
And then there is that binomial theorem which expands a certain formula.
@tereško won't it always alternate between 2 values no matter what $x is: $x = 5; while (true) $x = 2 - $x; will produce -3, 5, -3, 5
it depends on what values you give it and from which you subtract
5:39 PM
I just know algebra 1 and 2, geometry, but high school level
And how to find a inverse of a matrix with a determenant which is (ad-bc) I think
But I still haven't seen math be implemented in programming. At least not like in websites or anything. But I bet assembly language has a lot to do with algebra
programming is all math
the only difference is the math is abstracted away by other constructs
SQL for example is based on set theory and set algebras
take for example SQL
lol .. i was 0.5s late
What really is strange is that the first computer language was written by a German scientist called Plankalkul -> google.com/…
@tereško teresko you wrecked my brain
5:50 PM
Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace (10 December 1815 – 27 November 1852), born Augusta Ada Byron and now commonly known as Ada Lovelace, was an English mathematician and writer chiefly known for her work on Charles Babbage's early mechanical general-purpose computer, the Analytical Engine. Her notes on the engine include what is recognized as the first algorithm intended to be processed by a machine. Because of this, she is often considered the world's first computer programmer. She was born 10 December 1815 to the poet Lord Byron and his wife Anne Isabella Byron. All of his ot...
has that one by 100 years
Yeah and her to
@ircmaxell she did the first algorithm, says plan calculus is a computer language
for some weird reason I still think relational algebra is more expressive than SQL
@andho No, she had a language
SQL just has "AND" and "OR" which are logical operands in sql
6:00 PM
you mean logic ?
no, they are not logical operands in the context of SQL. They are actually set operators
btw.. wrt to FizzBuzz problem , Does any one think that the interviewer will be pissed off if I check if % 15 is 0 instead of checking for %3 & % 5 ?
The && operators
yeah..ignore the syntax..what about checking with 15
6:09 PM
There should be checking for anything % 15 or === 0 and same with 3 and 5
@Vamsi FizzBuzz trivial problem...
FizzBuzz is trivial to solve. But difficult to solve well
<?php $i; for($i=0;$i<=100){ if($i % 15 === 0){ echo "fizzbuzz";} else if($i % 5 === 0){ echo '"fizz";} else if($i % 3 === 0){ echo "buzz";} else { echo $i;}} ?>
That shouldn't be all in one line BTW
@ircmaxell Yes, but that can be applied to many problems of similar nature... interviewstreet.com/challenges more difficult things to solve... especially because of many test cases...
for($i=0;$i<=100;$i++){ if($i % 15 === 0){ echo "fizzbuzz";} else if($i % 5 === 0){ echo "fizz";} else if($i % 3 === 0){ echo "buzz";} else { echo $i;}} ?>
6:15 PM
"When I see a solution with x % 15, I am inclined to declare it to be obfuscated duplication, and refactor it back into !(x % 3) && !(x % 5) so that the duplication is more obvious (and the program reads closer to the spec.)
" http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?FizzBuzzTest
some interesting observations in that post
I see duplication there
pastebin.com/YJw6XEhf It's now difficult for me to write without methods and object properties :\
@webarto so does that mean I can program well ? It doesn't make me feel like I can.
6:21 PM
@user1867842 No it doesn't mean you can program well. And you can always do better.
What do you mean? Like make it shorter ?
@user1867842 Just forget about it.
your point?
@ircmaxell Mine?
6:29 PM
Nothing in particular, sorry... I'd like if we make a competition once a week with challenges, to be solved with PHP, etc. I failed at Facebook one, and solved it day after, it was so simple, yet I failed to see that.

$codons = array(
'AAA' => 'K', 'AAC' => 'N', 'AAG' => 'K', 'AAT' => 'N', 'ACA' => 'T', 'ACC' => 'T', 'ACG' => 'T', 'ACT' => 'T', 'AGA' => 'R', 'AGC' => 'S', 'AGG' => 'R', 'AGT' => 'S', 'ATA' => 'I', 'ATC' => 'I', 'ATG' => 'M', 'ATT' => 'I', 'CAA' => 'Q', 'CAC' => 'H', 'CAG' => 'Q', 'CAT' => 'H', 'CCA' => 'P', 'CCC' => 'P', 'CCG' => 'P', 'CCT' => 'P', 'CGA' => 'R', 'CGC' => 'R', 'CGG' => 'R', 'CGT' => 'R', 'CTA' => 'L', 'CTC' => 'L', 'CTG' => 'L', 'CTT' => 'L', 'GAA' => 'E', 'GAC' => 'D', 'GAG' => 'E', 'GAT' => 'D', 'GCA' => 'A', 'GCC' => 'A', 'GCG' => 'A', 'GCT' => 'A', 'GGA' => 'G',
@ircmaxell : I have to agree to "math and programming is all math", I realized that when I was asked to print all possible double squares of a number.. EG :25 = 5 and 0, 3 and 4 ...
  'AAA' => 'K',
  'AAC' => 'N',
  'AAG' => 'K',
  'AAT' => 'N',
  'ACA' => 'T',
  'ACC' => 'T',
  'ACG' => 'T',
  'ACT' => 'T',
  'AGA' => 'R',
  'AGC' => 'S',
  'AGG' => 'R',
  'AGT' => 'S',
  'ATA' => 'I',
  'ATC' => 'I',
  'ATG' => 'M',
  'ATT' => 'I',
  'CAA' => 'Q',
  'CAC' => 'H',
  'CAG' => 'Q',
  'CAT' => 'H',
  'CCA' => 'P',
  'CCC' => 'P',
  'CCG' => 'P',
  'CCT' => 'P',
  'CGA' => 'R',
  'CGC' => 'R',
  'CGG' => 'R',
  'CGT' => 'R',
  'CTA' => 'L',
  'CTC' => 'L',
  'CTG' => 'L',
Oh no, the php.net manual note vote icons are still wonky ...
6:35 PM
But clearing your cache and force-refreshing will fix it. And by that I mean it will restore the expected arrow icons that I find unattractive.
@rdlowrey It does look like there is no CSS applied, even if there is :P
I'd rather do triangular flat ones...
PHP-Datastructures has been renamed Ardent, in part to separate itself from the SPL.
nice to know
what do you guys like better:
option 1:
or option 2:
option 1 has the calendar all the way up against the nav and option 2 has it spaced out like same as here
@benlevywebdesign . . . it is month vs week.
That's not really a fair comparison.
6:49 PM
Its the top margin
Oh, option 2.
@LeviMorrison the margins and why
I think option one gives it more space, you can see option 2 live at the link
@benlevywebdesign . . . option one has less space.
@LeviMorrison yes less space around the calendar but the calendar its self is bigger then
Hi all
6:53 PM
so its bigger calendar vs margin
@LeviMorrison Noice :+1:
@skoop @mfrost503 @jsundquist Have you ever been chased by a black bear? I have. And I would have loved to been able to defend myself...
Black Bears in Jersey?
@ircmaxell how the hell did you manage to outrun a bear?
6:57 PM
@MikeB Pennsylvania, but close
@Gordon I was on a bicycle. And 14 at the time...
Were you carrying honey?
@ircmaxell more like a motorcycle. they run about 40mph
@Gordon didn't chase me far. I was lucky.
pokit.org/get/img/d2f0b05500a1fdbc45501e43e1e2574b.png How to handle this, second method has no sense, if settings are not the same as in first one...
@LeviMorrison to have rounded corners or not to is the question
7:00 PM
A bear attack is an attack by any mammal of the Ursidae family, on another animal, although it usually refers to bears attacking humans or domestic pets. Bear attacks are relatively rare, but frequent enough to be of concern for those who are in bear habitats. Bear attacks can be fatal and often hikers, hunters, fisherman, and others in bear country take precautions against bear attacks. According to Taylor Y. Cardall MD and Peter Rosen MD, in their article "Grizzly Bear Attack" published in the Journal of Emergency Medicine, there were 162 bear-inflicted injuries reported in the United St...
heh, s/he prolly just wanted to play :)
I totally disagree with the explanation
The first two orders are fraudulent, because they have the same address and deal, but different credit card information. The third order is not fraudulent because, although it shares personal information with the first order, it has the same credit card info and a different deal id.
@Gordon I got between her and her cub (completely accidentally). She didn't want to play...
@ircmaxell ah, so actually she was on the defending site :)
I'm not arguing that.
@Baba I couldn't solve many challenges, mainly because I don't really get them.
7:04 PM
some of the explanation does not make sense
The answer is probably "No," but would anyone care to comment on the efficacy of modeling UDP socket operations like a stream despite UDP being a "connectionless" protocol?
what if you share same room with your friend
you end up having
same add
diff email
like the same deal
diff credit card
Am better solution would be using Bayesian probability
to do that more transaction and spending pattern is needed
@Baba Totally agree with you.
@rdlowrey What are you trying to do?
@rdlowrey thanks ...
7:08 PM
@user1867842 ࿗ your avatar
and some other questions there ... most explanations are not really practical .. or correct ... they are limited to the views of the person asking the question
@ircmaxell The short version is that I hate php's streams implementation and its propensity for triggering errors makes testing your code a real PITA (especially when dealing with sockets). So I've been working on a unified, Iterator-based object modelling to wrap all stream operations.
TCP sockets fit that model just fine, but UDP datagrams ... not as much.
I wouldn't include UDP in there... Not to mention that they usually have odd use-cases...
7:13 PM
@rdlowrey We could always add it in a minor version if we discovered later on that it was desirable.
Yeah, it's kind of a weird fit. I was trying to figure out a good way to do it because my code uses non-blocking streams for sockets/files and "pushes" data event notifications (among others) a-la .NET's react code. The goal was to trivialize non-blocking DNS lookups with the same interface I used for TCP sockets.
@LeviMorrison .. its desirable
By the way, @ircmaxell, I'd love to hear your feedback on Ardent. I'll take any kind of feedback. Bad method names, inconsistent API, hate the organization, whatever.
Will look at it shortly
I'm trying to get it to a stable API so @rdlowrey can use it safely in Artax.
7:15 PM
Because all the object-based "streams" are Iterators, I was thinking about always having the UDP stream's valid() method return TRUE unless there was a legitimate error on the socket ...
But either way I think I'm going to have to split Socket into TcpSocket and UdpSocket ... which then fractals out into SslTcpSocket and SslUdpSocket for TLS usages ... blah
Well, but UDP doesn't have a socket concept. So anyone can send a packet to you, and it's up to you to determine the connection and who/what. Not what an Iterator should be doing IMHO
@rdlowrey Bridge to the rescue
@ircmaxell I know right :) That's why my original question!
what bridge?
I guess UDP just doesn't fit in with the rest of the library's intent.
7:18 PM
The bridge pattern is a design pattern used in software engineering which is meant to "decouple an abstraction from its implementation so that the two can vary independently". The bridge uses encapsulation, aggregation, and can use inheritance to separate responsibilities into different classes. When a class varies often, the features of object-oriented programming become very useful because changes to a program's code can be made easily with minimal prior knowledge about the program. The bridge pattern is useful when both the class as well as what it does vary often. The class itself can...
ok, I thought also
@LeviMorrison ... Why the new name ?
@LeviMorrison: why not just add clone to the interface, and then change github.com/morrisonlevi/Ardent/blob/master/src/Ardent/… to:
> PHP-Datastructures has been renamed Ardent, in part to separate itself from the SPL.
7:28 PM
    function union(Set $that) {
        $union = (clone) $this;
        if ($that === $this) {
            return $union;

        foreach ($that as $item) {

        return $union;
@ircmaxell Thought about it, but I don't remember why I didn't do it. I'll reconsider.
@Baba Well, PHP-Datastructures didn't really reflect what it really was. And the namespace used was Spl which mirrored the Standard PHP Library.
@LeviMorrison: I don't care for this at all: github.com/morrisonlevi/Ardent/blob/master/src/Ardent/Queue.php I'd much rather have the standard push, pop and peek without the front/back stuff. After all, the queue is supposed to abstract the front/back stuff away from you
@ircmaxell But then you can't implement the Queue and Stack interfaces in the same structure.
@LeviMorrison and likewise you shouldn't
they are fundimentally opposite data structures
@ircmaxell False.
But I will reconsider
7:32 PM
the same structure shouldn't act as both a queue and a stack...
@ircmaxell Basically it's called a double-ended queue.
@LeviMorrison .. so why the word Ardent as a new name ..
a DLL can act as both, but that should be an implementation detail
@LeviMorrison which shouldn't be called queue at all... again IMHO
@ircmaxell By the way, I'm just giving you the reasoning I had at the time. I'm not sold on it and probably will rename them. Thanks for the reminder.
@Baba Well, I needed a new name and didn't like anything [a-Z]PL.
Oh, and I'm not saying you shouldn't do it
just it doesn't feel right to me...
7:34 PM
So I decided to rename it using a word that seems to fit it.
> characterized by warmth of feeling typically expressed in eager zealous support or activity
I'm very eager about PHP in a positive way and this project fits that well.
It also happens to start with A, which is kind of a thing @rdlowrey and I have going on.
Oh ok ......... cool
A for Awesome!
IMAO (In my Arrogant Opinion)
Stupid markdown parser needing space around bolded letters :(
@LeviMorrison: actually, now that I'm thinking about it, I'm not sure Stack and Queue should be interfaces...
7:37 PM
@ircmaxell Drop that one. Not happening.
after all, they don't represent a contract, but an implementation (FIFO vs LIFO)
@LeviMorrison No, it's a good road to go down, because it may shed light as to how to handle it...
5 mins ago, by ircmaxell
the same structure shouldn't act as both a queue and a stack...
Okay, I'll follow along. Continue.
^ lol what's up native php array, nice to see you. Didn't know you were standing there.
@rdlowrey lol
7:38 PM
So if we think about it, the stack and queue have the exact same method signature
the difference is where push or peek/pop operate
That's how the old repository worked.
but in general, they are the same outward interface, with different underlying behaviors...
Now, you could make the methods different
The difference is that people don't say to themselves, "Hey, I needs a structure that has peek, pop, and push."
In this case, the difference in behavior means everything.
Right, they say they need a Stack or a Queue
however, the interface isn't what's defining what they need. The implementation is
I think Stack and Queue are one of those edge-cases where the interface isn't definining what's meant, the implementaiton is (where abstraction breaks down)
interface InOutStructure extends Countable, IteratorAggregate {
    function peek();
    function pop();
    function push($item);
7:42 PM
So I just started with bcrypt, and I pretty much have it working, but I don't know how to execute data if there are 0 results...here is the code

if (!$result2 = $connection->query($sql2)) {
die ('There was an error running the query [' . $connection->error . ']');

$rows2 = $result2->num_rows;
else if ($rows2 == 0) {
@LeviMorrison perhaps... A better name might be found, but yes
sorry, i just realized that had nothing to do with brcrypt anymore, more to do with mysqli
List? Sequence? MutableList?
And IMHO Iterator must be destructive in the case of a stack / queue
Just brain-dumping there
7:43 PM
@ircmaxell I've thought about it, but the fundamental use of an iterator doesn't touch the original structure.
nm, guys i reaized this is a better questions for the message boards, sorry to clutter things
I've been very careful that all iterators are IteratorAggregates that operate on a copy of the structure.
@LeviMorrison But in the case of a Stack/Queue, making it non-destructive severely limits the underlying structures that can be used (as in a real stack)
Hey ho everyone.
while (!$stack->isEmpty()) {
   $item = $stack->pop();
7:45 PM
I'm also on the fence about the contains method. I'm not overly against it, but it feels wrong as it would require a walk of the stack/queue...
@LeviMorrison should IMHO be the same as foreach ($stack as $item) {}
@LeviMorrison function slice($start, $numberofRemovedItems, $newItems); also?
@cyril definitely not
@ircmaxell I disagree.
The point is that people REGULARLY use that method above.
bah ok, did not follow the whole discussion
then they are using the wrong datastructure
7:47 PM
What's everyone using to track exploitable holes in php in live environment?
And that's the point of this. Give the people who pick the right data structure the benefits of the right structure, as opposed to trying to please everyone with a java style everything looks the same, we promise set of methods...
I feel like Stack and Queue define behaviors, not contracts. Which is why I can see that you don't like them as interfaces.
Except that I don't want to use the bridge pattern for ArrayQueue, LinkedQueue, etc.
Sidebar: this is one of the more engaging friday afternoon chats I can remember ... usually things devolve into meme images and group goof-off sessions (guilty). But it's still early.
7:48 PM
@LeviMorrison From an honest perspective here: why have 2 queue implementations? What's to gain?
@ircmaxell In a queue, probably not much.
In a stack? A lot, actually.
such as?
ArrayQueue is a relic of an older day, honestly. I hadn't yet created LinkedList but needed a quick queue implementation.
I didn't see a reason to get rid of it, but perhaps.
Well, why would you want different stack implementations (serious question, want to see where this is going)
A linked stack takes up approximately 3 times more memory than an array based one.
7:52 PM
Vector is not so useful when you have sortedsets, lists..
why does a linked stack take so much memory?
Too many classes
@ircmaxell If you are reusing a DLL (which a stack doesn't have to), then each item has 2 additional pointers prev and next.
true, but they are pointers. 128 bit overhead per item...
Well, hang on
are we talking PHP code here? Or as implemented as a PECL extension?
7:54 PM
@ircmaxell One day I hope this makes it to PECL.
Before going that route I need a working, proven API.
Hence the userland library.
@LeviMorrison stupid question: why in python there is just a Dict class, and here you have 20 classes?
IMHO, the classes should not be designed based on the implementation. So having ArrayStack and LinkedStack is a implementation detail. Instead, have Stack, which in PHP uses arrays, but in C uses a SLL...
@cyril Uh . . . Python has queues and stacks . . .
@ircmaxell That's one reason I have the interface.
hmm wait forget it
7:57 PM
@ircmaxell I'll make a branch and use some of the structures a bit and see what I think.
Also, I've considered removing contains from Collection.
I keep flip-flopping on that issue.
If you can give me a solid case one way or the other I'd appreciate it.
Well... The problem isn't so much that it's on Collection.
the problem is what implements collection
for example: queue shouldn't have contains()... But Set and Vector should...
I think that Collection is essentially Countable, IteratorAggregate.
It's been trimmed down over time.
It used to have a few more methods.

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