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Is anyone keeping up on this McAfee thing?
Dude complains about missing us for a month and a half, leaves us to smoke.
They don't have ecigs in Brazil yet :p
McAfee thing?
@AndréSilva Hello!
Hey all
He's "A Person of Interest" in a murder investigation.
So, of course, he's on the run.
...and blogging while he does it: whoismcafee.com
@LewsTherin :D Hello.
@Billdr We can't have it.
It is illegal to sell ecigs :(
Brazilian court thinks that ecigs has a small amount of nicotine...
Not brazilian court, but the company that authorizes stuff around here...
@AndréSilva a company makes regulations?
Yeah, if I'm not mistaken, its Inmetro the name of that company
Brazil is about to liberate the medicine use of marijuana, and we still don't have ecigs. :(
If you think USA is owned by big companies, you still haven't met Brazil...
    National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology
(Inmetro) was created by law in December, 1973, to
support t Brazilian enterprises, to increase their productivity and the
quality of goods and services.

    Its major task is to improve the quality oflife of the ordinary citizen as well as to seek the competitiveness of the economy through metrology and quality.
All hail wikipedia..
no, this was from their website inmetro.gov.br/english/institucional/index.asp
they have a .gov.br so they are a government agency? like NIST?
Yep, it is a federal agency..
That is mostly financied by big companies...
Ahoy hoy
so if they wanted to... they can decide that inside brazil, a meter is 50 cm
That's self-contradictory.
Actually they can't....
We are not that good with math hahaha
@KendallFrey on hindsight it is
@kush Do a little research on Paulo Maluf..
He is the most wanted politician on the world..
Brazil allows him to stay here, even though he has already been prosecuted for corruption.
He can't leave the country because Interpol would arrest him if he do.
 Inmetro´s prestige among the Brazilian population is on the rise
Yeah, most brazilians are "alienated".
There is a major tv company that rules what is right and what is wrong.
I guess once you hit rock bottom. you can only go up
Well, I guess we are trying to hit under it..
Anyone of the Maluf family will be arrested if they leave Brazil?
I don't know if the entire family, but Paulo can't.
USA has pressed charges against him last month, because they found some money that has been redirected to New Jersey from a work he did when he was a senator..
And even with all those stains on his resume. People reelect him every political year...
Be right back.
Delphi finished installing :D
Is VS Framework 4.5 the final release?
The latest? yes.
> be at work.
> spend a week derping the codes.
> lead tells you something isn't the way you thought it was.
> spend an hour undoing various crap.
> lead tells you it don't be like you thought it was, but it do.
But it is a stable version right ? Or are they still calling it beta or something...
Was that enough internet memeage in a single message?
> Implying you can green text on c# chat
I'm sure someone can write a little js for you to run that'll make that text green.
For sure.
I think I'd be more productive if I only listened to half of what my betters say. The problem is figuring out which half.
Both halves seems right..
@Billdr Suck it up princess. you're getting paid to do a job. be happy you have it!!! =P
both halves are nebulous. It's based on work they haven't done yet. It's work that I've already thought through though.... there seems to be a knee-jerk reaction that I'm wrong about 50% of the time.
How can I write LaTeX in stack overflow?
@RyanTernier No. I'm being paid to do a job, then undo the job, and redo it.
@Billdr I love to do the first part, wouldn't mind the second part, and would start contacting recruiters at the point of the third part.
@Billdr But you are getting paid right? ;)
We'll see. I've had a software license sitting on my credit card for a few weeks now that they were supposed to pay me back for.
go raise hell because it is nearing the end of the financial year so they have the money now... how much are we talking?
About $350
@Tom, you want to hang in cooking again?
We just sealed the deal with a major investor, so yea, there's money.
@Billdr Did you create an expense report, or some sort of formal thing?
@JohanLarsson I'm probably about to go running, maybe later
I say probably because I first have to stand up
I was semi-joking
@RyanTernier Yea I did. I can believe I missed the cycle for the last pay period. The next check gets cut in 4 days.
tree fitty! yes, they can definitely afford to pay you. Maybe they just forgot? maybe go talk to the people in person and follow up with a mass email :)
Heh, there are 20 people, if that, at this company. Mass emails won't be required.
I can't say I master tasks but I sure appreciate the model, really nice way to refactor threaded stuff
@kush Can't, only on math.SE.
@KendallFrey there is an ode question and I would have loved to be able to do that. Oh well.
Well, I'm off.
Talk to you guys tomorrow.
Nintendo sold 400k Wii Us last week. They sold 300k Wiis.
To be fair, that was nearly all of the Wii-Us made available... but it wasn't that hard to get one.
Is it possible to "namespace" tables with "." characters, and have them map (and generate via EF) into namespaced entity classes? Therefore the table [Namespace.TableName] maps to the class Namespace.TableName? Currently, EF turns dots into underscores (understandably) ...
I'm guessing some gratuitous .tt editing would be in order, eh?
This of course being in DB first.
Objective c?
its really a telnet issue
@Billdr why would people still buy the Wii?
@kush I have to believe that's going to nursing homes, charities, and emerging markets.
the code though for obj-c is nothing more then a socket connection pumping bytes out
I know, just weird to see it show up here.
I don't know much about it, but I'll give you an upvote.
Why is it preferable to declare variables with var?
@Billdr shorter
harder to read.
not by much, but still.
But I only use it when it is unambigous like var list = new List<string>
which is the way to go.
There is one more benefit that is also a shortcoming, if you use var there is less to change but then errors can go unnoticed also
I have a muscle memory for int i = 0; so var i = 0; is more work for me. If it's just "short hand" it seems like wasted effort.
I use int there too^^
when what you're doing is var foo = repository.GetService<IService>(); - which some people think should be all the time - it's unambiguous
actually, how does it know I want an int 0 there, not a long or a double?
Yea, I'm with you there Tom.
The question came up because ReSharper was barking at my bool result = somemethod(); and I was wondering if it knew something I didn't.
Turns out ReSharper is following a script with no deviations.
@Billdr Because 0 is an int.
Isn't it also a long?
...and a double
no, 0L is a long
0D is a double
and 0.0 or 0D is double.
0F is a float.
0M is a decimal
sorry, wrong suffix
0U is unsigned int
well, that knowledge will save me a huge headache the next time I need a long/double. Thanks.
var i = 0D;
typeof(i) == Double
or you do double d = 1;
lol check this out.
erm. I assumed I'd have to specify the type if I were doing some sort of comparison....
Most suffixes are accepted in upper or lower case.
The l suffix, however, throws a warning.
but you shouldn't use lowercase L
because it looks like 1
Shouldn't, no, but you can.
you can, yes
double d = 1;
int i = 1;

if(d==1) //true
Do I have that right?
Except that d==i
Okay. so var i = 1d; //typeOf(i)==double is handling an edge case in the language itself.
@Billdr use this to compare doubles:
Not an edge case by my definition.
Math.Abs(d - 1) < 1E-6 <-- float.Epsilon or some small value
@JohanLarsson Just... no.
@Billdr Every expression in C# has a type. "1" is an expression of type int.
@KendallFrey elaborate?
What I mean by that is that the d or l modifiers to the int is there for declaring vars, but it isn't needed if you strongly type them.
... which isn't the right word.
@JohanLarsson A mathematician would scream.
@Billdr It's also useful for passing fractional floats (0.5f)
just 0.5 causes an error.
If 1 is an int, why does double d = 1; not need a cast?
@KendallFrey and why? I'm soon done not discussing
@Billdr Because int is implicitly convertible to double.
@JohanLarsson That doesn't check for equality, but fuzzy equality. It seems at first like a catch-all, but there can be problems.
If you are checking for equality and need that, you're probably doing something wrong elsewhere.
@KendallFrey but doing double == someConst is plain wrong
No, it's not if you know what you're doing.
For example, 1.0 + 1.0 == 2.0
@KendallFrey it is a bad habit
        public void DoubleTest()
            double x = 49.0;

            double y = 1 / x;

            double calculatedResult = x * y;

            double expectedResult = 1.0;

            Assert.IsFalse( calculatedResult == expectedResult);
That I can't predict. You are calculating non-representable values.
I'd say it is fairly common operations with doubles
Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(calculatedResult - expectedResult) < 1E-10);
The tricky can be to choose a treshold but often it is no problem with domain knowledge
I would avoid that at almost any cost.
Not only is it a hack, it's ugly as your mother.
@KendallFrey suggest how you compare above?
but you do 1.0 + 1.0 == 2.0, then when do you stop?
I don't recommend using that either, but there are times when I wouldn't condemn it.
Here is my recommendation:
if (this.Understands("IEEE floating point representation"))
    Use("at your own risk");
I still don't understand why floating point is so popular. I was working in Java with a mobile Nokia application once and no floating point was available. I had to use bit shifting with integers. When I moved the code over to a C application I noticed that the bit shifting was actually more accurate than the floating point math, and faster. Why doesn't the compiler change floating/decimal/double into integer representations?
What operations were you doing with bit shifting?
you use 16 bits, 8 for the number, and 8 for after the decimal
It was a long time ago, I don't have the code handy atm
So, fixed point.
I could dig it up but it would probably take me a few days to find it at home
Yeah, it was an abstraction.
And floating point works exactly the same, but with a floating point.
Which lets you store very large and small numbers.
Except that it cuts off accuracy for anything longer than 16 bits past the decimal
? you mean 16 digits?
Or does it not split, in which case it would be 31 bits past
yeah digits
And yours used how many?
I don't think you could get 16 digits of precision with 8 bits.
up to how ever many it needed, but for basic computation I had it set at 8
It could have used 128
That's why floating point is popular. It does that for you.
I wasn't using it for financial stuff, just for pixel locations so it didn't need to be all that accurate
floating point does things like 0.00000000000000000000000000000000001
or 0.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
I used fixed point in assembly language on my old platform
@TravisJ Which fixed point finds hard to do.
But small numbers like that are where floating point shines.
@Kendall - Those numbers are inaccuracies, not proper numbers.
@StuartBlackler Thank you... The last night answer it worked...
@TravisJ Well then you suck at floating point numbers.
Fixed point is ok in games where you have position, speed and acceleration on objects
@Kendall - It is documented behavior. You suck at financial programming if you are not aware of it.
Don't work for a bank.
It may be documented, but if it's an error, it's your fault.
And yes, I am aware of all the funny things floats do.
Lol, it does not throw an exception so maybe that is why you aren't aware of it.
BTW, I do financial programming in JS, where decimals don't exist.
alerts 1.1, why?
@KendallFrey if you go ad hominem often in a chat like this chances are you are not doing it right...
It is true though. If you get results like that, you need to improve your float skills.
But that is always true, one has to improve all skills, always.
Say, don't you have some fishing skills you should be improving? ;)
Does anyone else think it's ironic that in WinForms, the default form background is the system control colour, and the tab control background is white, whereas in WPF, it's the opposite?
Told my boss to suck it up today, she said "yea, I should. ok Thanks". <high five self>
@RyanTernier heh. Good one, sometimes people need to be told - funnily enough, you're a professional and with stuff you know about, what you say goes.
@Ryan - Good thing you weren't standing over her at the time :P
@TravisJ how do you know?
@TravisJ xpert, I should never have doubted!
Yeah, George Orwell designed that website
@TravisJ do you suggest anything else than doubles? I do doubles and compare them quite a lot. decimal?
It depends on what type of precision you are looking for. It doesn't really matter which format you use as long as you implement some pre-condition testing, and correctness post-condition testing when it is important to be precise.
I usually have 1E-6 resolution on the hardware that is feeding me doubles
One of the must-knows about floating-points is the difference between decimal and double. Once you understand that, you've pretty much got it covered.
Decimal is good, but if you find yourself in a situation where it is of the utmost importance to keep every number even the 50,000th one around, then using a number representation just isn't going to cut it and you are going to have to go to symbols or fraction representations.
What 50000th number?
@RyanTernier Um, no?
ohhh now they're calculating it if I'm wrong :P
Not sure when that level of precision would be required, but if it was, you could do it with symbols.
just like I did above.
In that case, you can use BigInteger as a fixed-point decimal (C# has no BigFloat)
bigint can hold 10^50000?
could be a case of premature optimization in my case
Don't think I have ever seen a linalg lib that does anything else than float/double
@TravisJ Yes.
Not from what I see, you get an overflow.
Int64 x = 10;
for (int i = 1; i < 50000; i++)
 Int64 n = x;
 x *= x;
 if (x == 0){int a = 2;}//breakpoint
breakpoint hit:
n = -8814407033341083648
x = 0
i = 6
No sign of BigInteger anywhere...
"Int64 maps directly to BigInt." stackoverflow.com/a/2113529/1026459
That's SQL bigint.
I'm talking C# BigInteger.
hm, I don't seem to have System.Numerics referenced
Not by default.
Do you?
I think you have to add it manually.
Bah, interest == lost
That's no way to learn...
Not wasting time on it right now
I assume an Int64 gets compiled into one register by the jit on a 64 bit machine?
Quite sure.
and into 2 registers on a 32 bit machine?
Either that, or is loaded twice.
Int64 would be very efficient in a chess engine for example on a 64 bit machine
It would also be efficient outside of a chess engine.
I used to work on a chess engine and 64 bit bitboards are used quite a lot
Can a board be stored in 64 bits?
Certain representations of it like where the white pieces are and such
But not the complete board, right?
no you'd need say 4 bits per piece
Or 1 byte per square
1=White pawn, 2=White Knight etc
Bit boards are severely limited for a chess engine. Each "board" can only really handle positions, not color or piece type.
That doesn't mean that they aren't used, because they're incredibly quick.
Yeah, it'd be interesting to know big the smallest possible representation of a board is. (Including castling availablility/en passant, etc.)
Assuming invalid game states don't need to be representable.
But conceptually, you'd have to work with number of unique piece types * 2 (12 total), plus a boolean for castling ability, another bitboard for en passant, etc.
Chess can include cycles.
Promoting is technically a move as well.
@SPFiredrake Castling availability would only take 2 bits, max. en passant would be 4 max, but probably under 2.
@TravisJ That includes a move though.
I'm not considering a move history in this conceptual representation.
Yeah, but it's switching two bit-board values. Turning the pawn bit off and turning the promoted type on.
I'm not thinking of bitboards either.
Both en passant and castling involve a move.
fxe3, 0-0
@KendallFrey 2 bits max = false. You have to maintain which rook has moved as well as whether the king has moved.
Ah, yes. 3 bits.
axN=Q++ ftw
@KendallFrey Not to mention the smallest representable digit would be a byte (8 bits). Using classes uses 4bytes + sizeof(Piece), which could very well end up being a larger memory footprint than bitboards.
Honestly, creating custom structs for a base6 digit (between a byte and a short) would be ideal.
Memory wise, at least. But even then, gets padded to nearest byte I believe.
Unless you turn padding off...
Why the board representation need to be small?
> Yeah, it'd be interesting to know big the smallest possible representation of a board is. (Including castling availablility/en passant, etc.)
Crap, how do you quote again?
One > does it.
copy permalink, then paste it
This is pretty much just academic masturbation :P
19 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
Yeah, it'd be interesting to know big the smallest possible representation of a board is. (Including castling availablility/en passant, etc.)
At the lowest level of a chess engine you are anding and oring 64 bit bitboards together using clever bit tricks to get fast move generation and position evaluation
Makes more sense.
speed is everything
@FreddyFlares We know, but we're trying to determine the absolute minimum memory we'd need in order to be able to represent any available board layout (as well as states)
I'm in awe how houdini regularly sees 20 move mates in seconds
Like I said:
1 min ago, by SPFiredrake
This is pretty much just academic masturbation :P
Even my CS buddies would be rolling their eyes at me because I'm thinking of something that doesn't matter :P
@Freddy - Because forced moves are fast to compute :P
Then each piece type can fit in 4 bits
10 piece type black and white
You can represent the ep capture square using another piece type
How can each piece type fit in 4 bits?
You have 5 different white pieces and 5 different black pieces
White pawn=1
White King=5
Black Pawn=9
Black King=13
What about queen?
6 piece types.
Empty square =0
Pawn, rook, bishop, knight, king, queen.
pawn knight bishop queen king
forgot rook
do you take into account their piece values?
So can count to 15 in 4 bits
p1, r5, b3, n3, k0, q9
@TravisJ not for representing a chess position
what about in move calculation?
OK, 4 * 32 pieces (max)
@TravisJ that's not used in representing the board
can you stack four bitboards on each other?
@TravisJ Works awesome, thanks man!
@Lews - Woohoo! :D
@TravisJ Common sense is no more common than a mushroom cloud is a mushroom.
@TravisJ The only issue (not really) is using the email as a username. But hell it does the job :D Kudos :P
@SPFiredrake - Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
@TravisJ Hopefully you aren't talking about anyone here.
There's still a lot of "state" that can't be represented within that realm of 4 bits per piece.
1 bit each to represent special states for king, rook, and pawn (king and rook = moved, pawn = EP possibility).
@SPFiredrake - Funny how points get lost when you make random points and direct them at people isn't it.
Apress, y u no buy extra (cloud?) capacity when running massive sale
How am I more active than Ryan if he talked an hour ago and I talked nine hours ago?
Second most active person in this room :D
Oh yeah.. @TravisJ can you explain what a database instance is? Oh wait, let me try and explain what I think it is..
A DBMS allows a high level interaction with the files stored on the disk.. so it essentially abstracts read and write operations. A database instance is when a DBMS creates a connection between itself and the files?
So it loads the files into memory, right?
I'm not so sure how it works.. is a DBMS the server? Or does a DBMS create multiple instances of a server?
How can I organize my Solution? Should I put the code files in a folder and forms in a folder?
And can I put app.config in a folder?
@CCInc files and views in separate folders seems reasonable
@Lews - A database instance is just the database itself. The tables, the data, the definitions, the triggers, the sprocs, the whole 9 yards. A DBMS is a database management system. These can be specific applications written to manage the database with custom interactions and rules, or something as simple as the MSSQL Management Studio. The DB server is what hosts the database instances. A DBMS is only going to allow a user to make changes to a database instance.
@JohanLarsson What organizational pattern do you use?
And if you delete a file, can git recover it?
@Lews - A connection will go through the DB server and then allow interaction with the specified database instance that it was connecting to, referred in your connection string as the InitialCatalog.
@CCInc depends on how big project solution, I use what is convenient I guess
Can I move the app.config file?
@CCInc I don't have much exp with git but would be really surprised if it could not do that
@CCInc try? Commit before and then it is easy to undo
@TravisJ So a DBMS has nothing to do with a database server.. it is separate right?
@Lews - Correct.
So there is one server.. and it connects to many database instance - an instance meaning the tables,triggers blah de blah loaded in memory.
one to many lol
hey, guys :)
I doubt you rememer my questions about the wysiwyg UI editor
but I have an image of exactly what I want
@Lews - The database server can have multiple databases, each referred to as an instance.
@TravisJ what do you think about this: static.icsharpcode.net/OpenSource/SD/…
@TravisJ But multiple database instance can refer to the same database right?

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