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A freelance is one who gets paid by the word -- per piece or perhaps. -- Robert Benchley (source)
7 hours later…
Good moaning
2 hours later…
@OakBot If you say so
@Hans1984 Good morning! How can I assist you today with your C# development or any other Microsoft technologies you're curious about? I'm here to help with a dash of enthusiasm!
Good Morning.
@Hans1984 Good morning! I hope you're having a wonderful start to your day. How can I assist you with your C# queries or any other Microsoft technology inquiries? Let's get coding! 😄👩‍💻
Good morning.
@Hans1984 what happened?
just a typo
|| good morning or bad morning
uhm okay
|| choose good or bad
thats a little contradictory
but okay
[or][or] [choose] [good] [or] [bad]
/imagine a bad day
uhm okay
I need a tip regarding naming indexer class with supplementary drivers used in selenium tests, so basically for most of tests "main" account is used, injected in hook (think of it as startup class in .net core app), now i see for some tests additional accounts will be needed (in example with additional privileges) (tbc)
so I will create class with string indexer to choose "additional" accounts in steps - how would You name such class? Righw now im thinking of "SupplementaryDriversPool" vs "AuxiliaryDriversPool" (tbc)
does the second one even make sense? it makes me though of aux input in audio power amplifiers ^^. Eventually I will put all accounts including main/basic account used across all tests and just name that class "DriversPool" =) (end)
Does it have to be Drivers? How about AccountProvider or AccountService?
"AccountProvider" sounds good =) pool at the end of name implies (at least for me) that this class can be indexed (its container for many items) - maybe in case if naming that class AccountProvider I will abandon idea of indexer and just create method for fetching acc
only one can be the goodest boi
[COLAPITOPAMAIN] Can oak imaging a similar image though
[COLAPITOPAMAIN] Unrelated, but last night I got sick of how slow and garbage note taking for quick notes is on Windows 11
[COLAPITOPAMAIN] Notepad is so slow and takes forever to open, sticky notes doesn't work
[COLAPITOPAMAIN] So I made my own lil notes app
Oh damn you did a Wiet
Botler, hi
@Wietlol Sorry, I don't know that one.
[COLAPITOPAMAIN] Super lightweight, opens instantly
ofcourse you know that one, dont be silly
[COLAPITOPAMAIN] Takes up minimal space (you can resize to whatever size you like) with no bullshit
@Botler im proud of you :)
[COLAPITOPAMAIN] Saves whatever you type so if you close it and reopen it it'll be like you never closed it (even reopens in the same position and size)
[COLAPITOPAMAIN] Also has easy access to pin it on top and also an opacity slider so it isn't completely in the way even when it is on top. And of course it supports dark mode
you mean, normal mode?
does it also support light mode?
@Botler Can it send emails?
[COLAPITOPAMAIN] no why the fuck would it do that
Is it open source?
Maybe VLAZ can make a PR to add email support
What about auto dark mode following the OS?
@Botler It hasn't grown enough yet. Zawinski's Law:
> Every program attempts to expand until it can read mail. Those programs which cannot so expand are replaced by ones which can.
Apparently misremembered the quote. It's about reading email, not sending email.
@Botler So what if you paste an email there?
@Squirrelkiller [COLAPITOPAMAIN] Not at the moment
[COLAPITOPAMAIN] If I did do so I'd have to redo it on my own time
[COLAPITOPAMAIN] company time = company IP etc
Ask company for permission to make it open source, in the name of giving something to the community as a company.
[COLAPITOPAMAIN] that's never gonna happen
[COLAPITOPAMAIN] If there's issues with proper OSS libraries then we can't contrib to even raise bugs
So what
[COLAPITOPAMAIN] It is literally like an hour of work, I'll just redo it at home lol
Include auto dark mode next time
[COLAPITOPAMAIN] Started at 17:48 last night, ended at 18:30 last night plus an extra 15 or so minutes this morning because when I opened it it opened offscreen
[COLAPITOPAMAIN] In fairness darkmode is enabled by default
Did that happen because you had a different number of screens when closing it vs. opening it next morning?
[COLAPITOPAMAIN] Should probably add a check when it opens to make sure it's open position would actually be on a screen
[COLAPITOPAMAIN] Did I mention it's winforms 😄
FFS why is winforms still alive
[COLAPITOPAMAIN] Because winforms apps can still be lightweight
Don't know I'd need a comparison with an equivalent WPF app
[COLAPITOPAMAIN] On windows 10 it'd be about the same
[COLAPITOPAMAIN] Maybe like 30 or 40mb
[COLAPITOPAMAIN] On 11 it's like 200MB minimum
what why so much
[COLAPITOPAMAIN] because windows 11 is utter garbage
[COLAPITOPAMAIN] It's actually horrific
[COLAPITOPAMAIN] Everything takes forever
[COLAPITOPAMAIN] I want windows 10 back
or 20kb with Java Swing :D
30kb if you include the dark mode library :D
[COLAPITOPAMAIN] lol I'd like to see you try
[COLAPITOPAMAIN] Windows 11 will absolutely fuck your shit up
[COLAPITOPAMAIN] Nothing is reasonable
not sure how it would be in win 11 tho
but yea, similar to .net framework, jvm relies on the core code being present already, the 20kb is just for the app to tell the runtime what to do
20-30kb might actually be a very high estimate
[COLAPITOPAMAIN] I mean sure if we're talking about usage of the the app code itself then yeah it's probably tiny
[COLAPITOPAMAIN] But you can't cheat by just ignoring all the supporting infrastructure
I bet I can :D
@Wietlol do you use Rider when working on .net? If so, how was it compared to VS?
@Squirrelkiller just the right time you asked this question. My new job is using WinForms ...and it's written in vb.net!
And they are using DevExpress 😭
@mr5 yes, I use Rider, and by now, I forgot what VS is :)
During the interview, they told me they're transitioning to react... oh boi I thought I could put react finally in my resume
back when I did use VS and moved to Rider, the main factor was just that Rider was significantly faster and had a lot better code completion, code inspections, quick fixes, and keymap
@Wietlol I'm in dilemma whether if I should buy a Mac or a desktop PC. And since dota2 is available on Mac, I think I would be able to survive but I'm not sure about working with .net
you can work on .net on mac, some of my colleagues do it
opinions... vary
one of them completely hates mac now
but most dont really care
@Wietlol Do you have an idea about performance of using remote desktop using Mac as host and Windows as client?
I only work on windows
I refuse to use mac :D
Mac is very convenient for JS, TS, mobile devs, but I have not much exp or heard of devs using it for .net dev't
mac is very convenient for iPhone development
for nothing else is it more convenient than windows
Even Android development
for android development, neither are more convenient
And Xamarin too. The VS for Mac is wonderful. I don't why they suddenly stopped supporting it. It's the less cluttered version of VS
Using Mac for work is very slick experience. Few mouse touches and you'll be at the specific document you want. Windows doesn't have that fancy thing
why would you need to use that?
finder is great compared to explorer, except for the weird "just put anywhere" file view
but I rarely use the explorer if not for going to my downloads folder to get something I just downloaded
Got accustomed with it
I badly want that top right, top left functionality in Mac where it will show all the opened apps
@Wietlol how do you navigate in windows, terminal?
ew terminal
using batch script?
ah cmd?
why do I need to navigate?
what do I need to navigate to?
Hello friends!
Hi, Botler.
I always disliked Finder because it didn't let you edit/copy/paste the path in a textbox like you can do in File Explorer.
You know, you'd want to free up some space sometimes and digging into AppData directory
Or modding system32
Or maybe I just never figured out how to do that
if I want to free up data, I open TreeSize and look at that
if I want to mod system32, I wake up from my nightmare
Yeah, I still don't know how to copy the path of folder using Finder. I think I did it once but can't do it anymore
@Botler It's annoying how Notepad in Win 11 auto-saves what you type by default now. I frequently use Notepad for temp storage of things that I don't want to save.
Like passwords for example lol
@mr5 [COLAPITOPAMAIN] Are you talking about the taskbar 🤣
[COLAPITOPAMAIN] Because that's been on windows for nearly 30 years
@Michael [COLAPITOPAMAIN] Don't worry, new file explorer is making is harder and harder to any things it used to do
@Michael [COLAPITOPAMAIN] I like this behaviour but only because the battery goes flat or it bluescreens more than it used to that losing data because you forgot to save is common
[COLAPITOPAMAIN] Scratchpad also does that, within about a second of you making any changes to the content it'll persist it to disk so it'll be there next time you come to it. But it's also made specifically for that kind of thing. It's not a file editor, it's somewhere to dump some text for however long you need it (like stickynotes but actually works)
@Botler I like it too for most things, but my brain associates Notepad with "throw away stuff that I don't want to persist to disk for security reasons"
@Botler Might be cool/useful to have the ability to password-protect it & encrypt the saved data. :)
anyone here ever accessed SharePoint through a RESTful API that needed an authorization token based on the windows authentication system?
@mr5 Have you tried the big brother of alt+tab, win+tab?
@Freerey No. Does it have something to do with MSAL? Because dotnet has a service provider extension method to add that, so maybe there's builtin support.
@Squirrelkiller I think so, since I believe sharepoint is using msal
@Freerey [COLAPITOPAMAIN] Yes, it's not a good idea
[COLAPITOPAMAIN] use AzureAD isntead
[COLAPITOPAMAIN] or whatever it's called now
I don't think we even have azure ad
or entra
from the sound of it, it seems you did manage to make it work?
posted on November 30, 2023 by Eric Erhardt

How to make .NET libraries compatible with native AOT The post How to make libraries compatible with native AOT appeared first on .NET Blog.

Anyone have experience using MFA that doesn't involve cell phones or smart cards?
Yubikey looks like it might be a good solution: yubico.com/product/yubikey-5-series/yubikey-5-nfc

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