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5:24 AM
@VLAZ In an ideal world, the answer to that question would say, "Don't use a fish. Instead, use a hammer. <br> Here's how you use a hammer: ..."
@NickstandswithUkraine hahaha
@CodyGray Unfortunately, in our flawed world, we often end up in some weird situation where a fish really is the only tool. Hence when somebody stranded on a hammerless island tries to figure out whatever they have available, the answer of "use a hammer" is not useful to them.
I've been in this situation. Some legacy project leads to some weird and broken by design situation. So, I start seaching for how to achieve X using the wrong tool. And I find questions on SO that describe my exact situation but evidently the asker has other alternatives available. And the answer(s) only discuss the alternatives, not what the question as asked is.
Yep, I've had that happen.
"Yes, I know this is wrong 99% of the time, but that's not the point."
1% situations exist.
Can't think of any off the top of my head, though.
They shouldn't but they do.
@RyanM But why is it still closed?
And that's a huge issue with XY problems. For some the Y might be valid. And people who actually need the Y land on the question that turns out to be a lie.
5:36 AM
@OlegValteriswithUkraine Cultural events, like the invasion of Ukraine? The destruction of classical Russian culture by an imperialist government? :-p
@CodyGray I'd call it a multicultural event :)
@manro Your opinion/guess is not correct. The younger generations, including millennials, tend to lean left on the political spectrum, not right. That would make them primarily liberal, not conservative.
@RyanM And by the misspelling of Englisch... ;-)
@CodyGray yeah...I wondered.
Needs more consonants.
@CodyGray it had two close votes for non-silly reasons and I'm not a C++ SME.
alternately, it's still closed because you closed it ;-)
5:44 AM
Ah, right. I only saw that it was closed as "off-topic", which is the epitome of silly. But, of course, that silly, cannot-possibly-apply reason shows up when the voters are split.
@RyanM That's why it is now closed again.
Doesn't count. :-p
@manro hmm, good question - depends on the genre, which one would you like to know about?
but if I were asked to name one and only one... probably The Godfather by Coppola
Not "Anything by Glavlit"? :-p
6:01 AM
not yet :)
6:23 AM
One of your children seems to have been left unsupervised and has got into your account and started posting spam — DavidW 1 min ago
those pesky spammy children
wtf is this:
@RyanM don't you see? It's a love letter - don't stand in the way of true love, you heartless bastard! :)
We are all heatless here.
"why is Stack Overflow so cold of late?"
7:23 AM
@RyanM somewhere i read an article about Italians and Greeks(?) in US. They live in states, but continue to remember about their fatherland
@RyanM "loveyou J.P." tagged
Yes, plenty of people in the US are proud of their native heritage, even though they are also US citizens living the US.
@manro My family has mixed ancestry and has lived in this country for a very long time (back to the founding of the country, in at least one case). This is our origin, as far as I'm concerned. Where my ancestors from centuries ago came from...isn't really relevant to me.
@VLAZ JP Extra Great
@CodyGray ...when will be a turn to the right? As we know, all in the our world is cyclically.
7:28 AM
I don't know that
We've been basically trending towards liberalism since the Enlightenment.
@OlegValteriswithUkraine very gloomy film, i can't watch it.
@RyanM your family lives here from the start, cool. Do you have any artifacts from that time? Books, letters etc.?
@manro alas, I do not. that'd be neat if I did.
Unrelated: sometimes my snarky side gets the better of me...
@CodyGray it was so way back
@RyanM I don't see the problem here. Actionable guidance, nothing rude...
@RyanM ask your parents, maybe you will find something ;-)
7:35 AM
Did your parents meet Benjamin Franklin?
Or did they not arrive until he'd left for France?
@CodyGray Well, this guy probably did. Allegedly, one of my ancestors.
I've not personally confirmed that.
Cody, don't eg. egaggerate
I would never
Tough word :-(
A: Stack Overflow needz moar ads

Shog9Stevvve The Adnificent has added the following six ads to the system: These should be showing up randomly to users with 5,000+ reputation who happen to be browsing through them. We'll check back after a bit to see if it's made any difference...

Why do we not still have these??!
7:39 AM
@CodyGray need the results post for that...
That's what Braiam said
But I don't really care whether it had any effect
Because the joy is just in having the ads
Oh, sure, but if it works then that's an argument to put them back
Why is any argument aside from "these are awesome" needed?
I prefer to have all possible arguments in favor of the thing I want
7:42 AM
We needn't ads. They disturb sometimes
Ads pay salaries, though.
Not these. That's the glory of them.
Guys, do you have a fruit garden?
As in, a home garden of plants that bear fruit? I don't.
The deer would eat it.
Also, it is too much work.
And it is too hot here.
Ryan's in a pretty ideal climate for a variety of fruit trees, but... I don't think they grow well on apartment balconies ;-)
7:58 AM
@CodyGray oh, that's...not a terrible idea...although there's so much silt in the air, I wonder if that would be a problem.
@CodyGray yes. Don't be a lazy gay. You can make an oasis in the desert 😉
@RyanM I doubt it. I don't think plants mind dirt.
yeah, fair.
It settles on everything on the balcony, it's awful.
This is from the fires?
The ash was ridiculously thick, settling on everything, last time I was there (the Valley, not SF).
I watch a program about fruit gardens 😋
Ryan is really from California? Did you see Hollywood stars?
8:01 AM
California is a big place
@manro I won't recommend The Seventh Seal then
I did again a stupid thing
Are the first through sixth seals OK?
@OlegValteriswithUkraine i saw this film
Old old film
From Sweden
8:05 AM
Sea dogs?
I'm not familiar with that phrase
Aside from slang for a sailor or an actual dog who is on a boat at sea
@manro you did not find it gloomy? It's honestly the first time I've seen The Godfather to be described as such. "Once upon a time in America" is also a great film in the same venue (not in the Seventh Seal venue, ofc)
@manro ?
You thought that needed elaboration, eh?
@OlegValteriswithUkraine it is worse than gloomy. But the religious themes are tough to adapt for an ordinary watcher.
Because you lack the context to understand the religious themes/references?
8:10 AM
@OlegValteriswithUkraine i thought that Hollywood stars live everywhere in California 😁
Well, I guess they do?
@CodyGray not only i. How many truly religious people do you know?
Ryan is in San Francisco, which is a very different place from Los Angeles (where Hollywood is, roughly).
There are surely some Hollywood stars living in San Francisco, but not the majority of them.
@manro Like... a lot.
@manro eh, elaborate, please?
Yes, tell Oleg and I more about what it's like to be "ordinary", please ;-)
8:12 AM
last time I checked, it was a study on the nature of life and its finitude through the eyes of a person trying to win against personified Death in a chess party to wiggle out of their demise
Ordinary? "Rank and file"
As my translator said
You mentioned "religious themes" and "ordinary watchers" in the context of "worse than gloomy". So, I am really interested in you elaborating on that. As I mentioned above, to me it was a study on finitude of human life
Yes, "ordinary" and "rank-and-file" are both perfectly understandable adjectives
@OlegValteriswithUkraine Aren't religious themes also precisely "a study on the finitude of human life"?
8:28 AM
@CodyGray well, yes, that's part of the reason why I asked to elaborate :)
Important note: minority groups being in the minority is not evidence of discrimination or a lack of the platform not doing enough to be "inclusive".
> The majority of developers in their early to mid-career stage.
I feel like that sentence missing something.
Geez. 65% of all respondents use npm. Why don't we just rename this to "Stack Overflow Web Developer Survey"?
Guys, you confused me 😁
> Windows is the most popular operating system for developers, across both personal and professional use. A Linux-based OS is more popular than macOS - speaking to the appeal of using open source software.
Is it just me, or does the first sentence blatantly contradict the second?
A majority of people prefer the color blue. There are more people who like the color red than the color green - this speaks to a general preference for warm colors over cool colors.
@CodyGray well, it's fitting: pretty much everything more or less seeious in Node developmwnt requires a package manager, web or not
But... it's a JavaScript package manager.
Everyone who is using it is a web developer.
8:39 AM
@CodyGray With more suitable adjective :-)
not necessarily, but those who don't will be in the minority, yes
@manro I still don't understand.
> Hugging Face Transformers surfaces as the most loved library
@CodyGray eh, you seem to expect too much logical consistency from the survey :)
@CodyGray I've never even heard of it!
@CodyGray is it when transformer toys jump on your face and lay alien eggs in you?
8:41 AM
... more suitable adjective for an unchurched person, non-religious... i don't know
Heathen :-P
Or, yeah... non-religious
Being religious is pretty "ordinary" here in the US
@OlegValteriswithUkraine But where does the hugging come in?
@CodyGray from facehuggers, duh!
No wonder everyone loves them
@OlegValteriswithUkraine Yeah, would you believe I even expected the colors in the color wheels to stay consistent when switching from "Professional Developers" to "Learning to Code"?
@CodyGray you are waaay too naive then :)
8:48 AM
@CodyGray ain't this a great insight? That those who use React also tend to use Node?
I don't even know why that's funny!
Coming up next year in The Greatest Insights: web developers tend to use browsers
So there is no one "Learning to Code" who is using Angular? That's interesting. They're all straight?
Or round
That at least makes sense - React has a much lower learning curve
I watch the demographics overview
8:51 AM
Yeah, it's much easier to React to things than anticipate them.
> VS Code is the most interconnected IDE among all respondents, Professional Developers, and those learning to code.
I wonder, does this control for the fact that VS Code was also the most frequently chosen option?
> Additionally, developers that have colocation experience are paid more than their cloud-only counterparts.
Isn't colocation a cloud thing??!!
9:07 AM
@CodyGray I think it's just pollution.
@manro From, no, but I live there. And wrong part of CA :-)
Living there doesn't make you from there? Hmm. Linguistic ambiguities. :-)
@CodyGray I'm vaguely working on something that involves Node for Android dev...because it uses a tool written in Node.
Ehhh.... from the description of the tool, that hardly seems to count
This seems little more than a pre-commit check.
9:31 AM
@CodyGray well, it's a nice framework, but for some reason it attracts hacks like flies
10:00 AM
> This isn't an answer, yet, so please don't downvote.
yet - so how long does it take to become an answer? Because it was posted in 2012
10:29 AM
@VLAZ 6 to 8, duh
10:40 AM
@RyanM do you live in the wrong part, where are no stars? :-) But did you see someone?
I am sure @RyanM sees stars from time to time. Maybe they even have a telescope
10:52 AM
I just checked outside and I in fact cannot see any stars.
That's weird. I see them.
@RyanM You should check the mirror
Guys troll me again 😊
Also, today in rarely used moderator tricks: the elusive cross-site merge, in which we move an answer to an off-topic question onto the cross-post on the correct site.
@VLAZ Oh, good. I was going to make a joke about checking my own mirror, but decided it was too vain, so went with the starboard one instead. I'm glad someone got that in after all.
11:04 AM
You didn't initially think of something like that?
I did not. I thought of me being a star.
Or depending on your mood:
Hmm, chat applications should start implementing a "dead man network switch" functionality. Where you have a message primed and it goes out if your connection drops.
If your network connectivity is spotty, you can prepare one that says "Sorry, connection dropped" or something. And the client just sends a "keep alive" ping that prevents it from posting. If it stops for a few seconds, it will post.
It's a bit of a niche case but...it's also not THAT niche. I think every member of my team has experienced this at least once. And we all have pretty good connections normally.
Why not just a "status" emoji?
(Not sure if serious)
But remember Adium? I used to use that back in the day. Had little status icons for every user in the user list.
11:24 AM
I find that the status is often misleading. It doesn't update fast enough. Also, it's not as visible. MS Teams, for example, would claim you're still in the call for a couple of minutes, even if you're not. And would show your status as "busy"/"in a call". And it takes about 5 minutes of inactivity to change the status.
In general chat apps are trying to be quite optimistic for your availability. Whereas I want 1. To have a way to notify of non-availability immediately. 2. This to be more explicit
Both of these are flipping the current common model around.
Ah, well, yes, that's an intentional design feature.
They're intentionally de-bouncing the status update.
It would be easier to just fix/change that.
And while posting an "I'm not here" message to the transcript would certainly increase visibility, I'm not sure it's necessary in an inherently asynchronous model that doesn't require any particular person to be there at any particular time.
11:43 AM
Except if you're in a meeting...
Anything we can do to reduce the occurrence of meetings, I'm in favor of.
4 hours later…
3:25 PM
Thanks, Stack Exchange comment Markdown:
@Larnu you have to go to stackstatus.net. stackstatus.net appears to be broken. — Ryan M ♦ 2 mins ago
I refuse to fix it, on principle.
3:41 PM
@RyanM How do you improve perfection?
throw spaghetti at it
3 hours later…
6:18 PM
> Sorry I was unable to comment because I have less than 50 reputation. Please don't upvote appreciate it
> Oh, ok then, let me delete the information that the answer is no longer needed, so that other people will create answers that aren't needed anymore.
... please do
7:08 PM
> I solved this issue using ajax. I will revert back with the code later
(answer posted 8 hours ago)
7:34 PM
@RyanM next time in vague as f**k solutions: "I solved this issue using programming"
8:33 PM
> please help i'm a new bee
just fork a few workers?
"new bee" seems somewhat common
747 results
a misspelling for "newbie", maybe?
may bee
I'll bee myself out
8:43 PM
@OlegValteriswithUkraine buzz off
[buzzes offendedly]
Sure mate. Will do & buzz you. Thanks a ton. — usert4jju7 Sep 16, 2021 at 8:19
9:19 PM
eh, do U/U flags also follow the "seven dirty words" rule? I just mislicked an NLN on yet another "please upvote my answer" and got it insta-marked as helpful
yeah, I'm pretty sure the system doesn't differentiate by type of flag
so... I can accidentally R/A the heck out of an NLN comment single-handedly? That is... odd
All that helpful abusive/unfriendly comment flags do is alert moderators if it happens to enough of a user's comments in a short enough period of time.
Alerting moderators that you suck at flagging is generally not a beneficial strategy.
We also incorrectly mark abusive/unfriendly comment flags helpful all the time if the comment was also correctly flagged as NLN.
Because it's either that or decline the correct flag.
Thus, sometimes we get the "possible comment abuse" flag and go "meh"
but if it were like, 5 thanks comments, we might go "hmmmm" and take a look at how that happened.
one benefit to this broken system is that it means limiting the number of rude comments you post won't necessarily result in staying off that autoflag's radar...
although if it's especially rude and we see it, we won't necessarily wait for the flag, either.
Hmmm, my plan to use a flag to remind myself which account needed more plagiarism-hunting was a little half-baked...
@RyanM well, depends on whose benefit we are talking about here :)
It would help if I put the flag on a post that I didn't request disassociation for...
9:33 PM
Goodnight, guys
@OlegValteriswithUkraine Well, the SO moderators are already quite practiced with all the mod tools...
Maybe do it on another SE site, they can always use practice ;-)
Why you don't like to say hello :-)
I walked a mod on another site through a question merge yesterday when I wanted to move a good answer from SO to the same question on their site.
It's hard to misclick on other sites, @RyanM :) the doubly-limited flag dialog is so god damn annoying
Wait, do you have a different thing here?
But also yes that's obnoxious. I don't miss it.
9:36 PM
A different thing?
As in, why's it harder to misclick on other sites?
@RyanM ah, the sweet summer children of network sites
Obnoxious - a new word for the my dictionary :-)
In fairness, they'd only been a mod a handful of months longer than I have.
Speaking of misclicks, one day it's going to backfire that one of my userscripts has the button for "instantly red-flag nuke the post" a couple dozen pixels or so from the button for "everything's fine, nothing to see here"
(that wouldn't be a problem, since it's like, 2-3 more clicks to undo that. just maybe briefly confusing for anyone who sees it.)
@RyanM heh, well, when you get the "you can't open the flag dialog" bs for the 15th time in a row, one tends to start mashing enter until the submit goes through :) Network sites just don't have anywhere near as much posts/comments to flag as we do
9:40 PM
I do love the one-click "delete all the comments" button...
(that's one you really don't want to misclick, because that's tedious to undo)
Possible, of course, just very tedious.
don't salt the wound :)
I'm surprised no one's made a nice batch-flagging script for comments.
@RyanM a couple dozen pixels? Were it native SE feature, you'd have them side by side
@RyanM my lazy ass has been saying "I'll get to it soon" for about half a year by now :(
@OlegValteriswithUkraine or on opposite sides of the column in the center of the screen. responsive means whitespace, right?
that's one that Sam's never going to make due to lack of need
although hilariously, Review Queue Helper is broken only for moderators right now...
It works fine if you're not a moderator.
Yes, I know, I've been fixing it up for the past few months :) taking requests for fixing the mod-only part too
9:46 PM
Request: it should be possible to close a question from close vote review if you are a moderator.
noted, will take a look (don't ask how, let's call it a blind date)
At some point I'll try to debug enough to find the problem.
heh, let's see whose point happens first :) sigh, so many projects, so little time

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