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Does someone have a dupe for "calling regular method on the type"? stackoverflow.com/questions/71909339/…
1 hour later…
that question is gone.
An assymetrical game* I encountered the other day: The board begins with 50 tokens numbered 1 through 50. Alice takes any token that has at least one factor still on the board. Bob takes all tokens on the board that are a factor of that token. This continues until Alice can no longer make a legal move. Bob takes all remaining tokens on the board. Whoever has a greater sum is the winner.
(*For certain definitions of "game", since Bob never actually makes any decisions)
A partial example game: Alice takes 50, and Bob takes 1, 2, 5, 10, and 25. Alice wants to take 4, but all of its factors (1 and 2) are gone, so she can't. She takes 12, and Bob takes 3, 4, and 6.
yeah... was just thinking - doesn't that mean whoever goes first can always win?
@Sanchez hi there
From the handful of games I've played against myself, Bob tends to lag behind until the final turn, at which point he scoops up all the prime numbers that have been untakeable since turn 2.
So the optimal strategy is to always pick the smallest number that you can?
I believe Alice's best opening move is always to take the largest prime, 47. Bob will take the 1 token on his opening move no matter what, so this is the only time she can take any prime.
there's mathematically some easy win-con there... just can't be bothered to work it out on a bank holiday :p
@Aran-Fey Maybe. I think in some cases Alice should try to take tokens that have only one factor on the board, which at least guarantees that her score will increase more than Bob's on that turn. Small numbers tend to have fewer factors, so starting from the bottom seems logical.
I have applied the usual computer-sciency analyses to the game, and I don't yet see an easy approach. Divide and conquer, identifying invariants, converting to a mathematical form that's easier to solve, that kind of thing
Hmm, I must've done something wrong, because even picking tokens randomly you win by a landslide every time...
Oh oops, I forgot to implement the "the token you pick must have remaining factors" condition
Is there a clever way to generate a dict of {number: {factors}}? I can only think of O(N^2) solutions
Here is a sloppy O(N^2)-ful prototype. I believe it behaves correctly at least.
Alice takes 2. Bob takes [1].
Alice takes 6. Bob takes [3].
Alice takes 8. Bob takes [4].
Alice takes 10. Bob takes [5].
Alice takes 14. Bob takes [7].
Alice takes 18. Bob takes [9].
Alice takes 22. Bob takes [11].
Alice takes 24. Bob takes [12].
Alice takes 26. Bob takes [13].
Alice takes 30. Bob takes [15].
Alice takes 32. Bob takes [16].
Alice takes 34. Bob takes [17].
Alice takes 38. Bob takes [19].
Alice takes 40. Bob takes [20].
Alice takes 42. Bob takes [21].
Alice takes 46. Bob takes [23].
@Aran-Fey I'm thinking something like:
import collections
d = collections.defaultdict(set)
for i in range(1, 51):
    for j in range(i, 51, i):
Uff, you just did in 5 lines what I've been struggling with for the last 6 minutes
Yes, but I have been thinking about the problem for three days :-P
I'm not entirely sure how to calculate the big O complexity of my code there... Since the inner loop gets faster and faster as i increases, I'm hesitant to write it off as O(N^2)
Maybe I can handwave away the math and mumble something about the harmonic series, and conclude it's O(N log N)
For k in N you have N/k iterations, right?
Yeah, give or take a fencepost
When there are no more valid moves, the remaining tokens get added to the opponent's score?
For small numbers like this, Kevin's strategy is fine. If you want all the factors for a large range of numbers, you can do a modified sieve to find the smallest prime factor for each number in the range, then generate all the divisors of a number from the subsets of its set of factors. Caching helps. :)
@Aran-Fey Yeah.
When I first encountered the game (as a minigame in archive.org/details/…), it doesn't tell you until turn 2 that you can't take a number that has no factors on the board. And it waits until the game is over before revealing that the CPU gets all the remaining tokens.
So Aran-Fey is getting the authentic experience of incrementally discovering rules that make the game harder to win :-)
To the best of my knowledge, there are no other surprise rules.
One curious thing about the minigame is, your opponent lets you continue on your way even if you lose. In every other minigame I encountered, you couldn't move past a game until you beat it. This has me paranoid that this minigame is unwinnable until I come back later with a prime-disintegrating laser gun, or something.
~~I may have messed up somewhere, but this is what I get if I always pick the largest number that has exactly 1 remaining factor. It's a guaranteed win~~
Wait, I definitely messed up
@Kevin I get the same scores, and it would've been a win if it wasn't for suprise rule #2!
that seems like a very fun game
its more like a puzzle to solve really. i think you should probably be able to design a bruteforce system that wins this.
If you want to skip coding the game and jump right into the problem solving, here's my framework
whats renumerate?
enumerate in reverse
Can someone help me with this question? It is related to pandas. stackoverflow.com/questions/71909107/…
please dont crosspost fresh questions here according to our room rules.
@Aran-Fey triple hyphens
I ran out of time to edit :(
If I want to run a python script without calling it each time since I have multiple par files that are read by it, how do I loop this.
execfile("py_swath.py py_swath_ren_co3_xcentre.par")
I can do that
os.system("py_swath.py py_swath_ren_co3_xcentre.par")
if I want to do it line by line
I want to loop through the .pars.
import os

asps = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(r'C:\Projects\ren_sept2021\swathe_bperry\leco'):
    for file in files:
        if file.endswith('.par'):
for i in range(len(asps)):
    os.system(py_swath.py "asps[i]".format(i))
I tried that but its wrong
os.system('py_swath.py {}'.format(asps[i]))
os.system('python py_swath.py {}'.format(asps[i]))
had to do this, but now all its doing is opening the command window and looking for what the user enters which is the name of the .par file
Enter Par File Name: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "py_swath.py", line 18, in <module>
parfile = raw_input("Enter Par File Name: ")
Even if I do this, it doesn't work now...hmmmm
os.system("python py_swath.py py_swath_ren_co3_xcentre.par")
Then you need to rewrite py_swath.py so it takes the file name from the command line arguments instead of input
It's a bit weird to run a Python script via os.system inside another Python script. Did you write py_swath.py?
I didn't
Oops. I don't know how that happened. I'm currently using my desktop machine. I mostly use my phone these days. :)
I didn't write it
I was hoping to not rewrite it but if I have to, I will.
Ok, you don't have to. The alternative is to start it as a subprocess and write the file name to stdin
@CelesteWilson Ah. I just noticed that py_swath.py is running on Python 2. You probably should rewrite it to use Python 3. Or find if there's a newer version.
There isn't, the guy retired HAHAHA
I haven't had a chance to upgrade it
I know I should but the company won't allow me to have more employees so that we can have time to actually upgrade some of the scripts we use, sadly.
They have a Live to Work motto
Oh dear. Do they understand that Python 2 reached its end of life on January 1, 2020? But I guess that doesn't bother them if the scripts do the job they're supposed to do...
@PM2Ring exactly. We have some that are 3 and some that are 2. Guess we are still in the transition phase. Slowly we'll get there. That's what happens when someone from a third world country takes over your company, doesn't like how you get paid 6x as much as people in the third world country so they load you up with the work of 6 people. Why I haven't left, is a question I ask myself sometimes hahaha
If the script is written nicely, it shouldn't be that hard to modify it so it can take filenames from the command line instead of from input. Even better would be to import it as a module, so you can call its functions directly inside your own script, rather than using os.system or subprocess docs.python.org/3/library/subprocess.html
If the script isn't too crazy, you might be able to convert it using 2to3 without too much drama. Unless it does stuff with bytes & Unicode...
@CelesteWilson Does vaultah's version run for you? chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/54383006#54383006 That assumes the files are in the current directory,
IIRC, Popen.communicate can send input to processes that are waiting for a response from the user. Disclaimer 1: you shouldn't be using system or execfile or subprocess to call a Python file in the first place. Disclaimer 2: you shouldn't be passing parameters around via stdin in the first place.
@PM2Ring When I tried to run it, I had to add python on the front and then it was looking for the user to tell it the name of the file
@CelesteWilson Ah, of course. :) Does py_swath.py normally just process a single file when you run it? Or does it sit in a loop, asking for file names?
A small proof of concept of supplying input via communicate: pastebin.com/raw/k1uRK7gX
Written in Python 3, but I suspect everything is backwards compatible except for input()
... And perhaps the decode call. bytes and strings were weird back then.
@CelesteWilson If you type python py_swath.py py_swath_ren_co3_xcentre.par into a regular command prompt, does it still ask you for the name of a file? If not, I suspect the system call is losing track of the final parameter before it gets to the script.
I have a similar problem on my Windows 7 laptop, which I have never bothered to investigate, because I can almost always find an alternative approach that doesn't use system et al
1 hour later…
Hello, anyone working with spacy 3? I am trying to set as a custom delimiter {SENT} (and ignore the segmentation provided by the models (parser)). Has anyone achieved that? I have made already a question in the forum, with no luck. Thank you!
Your question is old enough, so you can post it here as per the room rules sopython.com/chatroom
Also you might want to add the [python] tag to your question to get more eyes on it
How to set parent class attribute to the name of its child class?

class Parent:
    child_class_name = ???

class Child(Parent):

assert Child.child_class_name == "Child"
Try setting it in __init_subclass__
Just added the tag. The question regarding spacy custom segmentation is here : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71853821/custom-segmentation-and-override-segmentation-rules-in-spacy

Thank you in advance !
@vaultah Thanks!
Does anyone here use Visual Basic/Excel to run python scripts?
@Kevin Thank you!
2 hours later…
bag = shelf.query.filter_by(shelf.item_count < 10).first()
TypeError: filter_by() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given
does it count first() as another arg?
first is not an argument, so no
then why am I getting this ?
The error comes from the call to filter_by() so nothing that is run after the function returned can cause it
@LoopingDev because filter_by() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given
Presumably the first one is self in the class to which filter_by belongs, i.e. shelf.query.
@LoopingDev At this point you would consult the documentation. Have you done so already?
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні oh, I think I'm supposed to use filter() instead of filter_by()?
If you need to filter by SQL expression as opposed to kwargs, yes
If you ask me what you're supposed to do, I'll tell you you're supposed to read the docs like I already said.
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні yeah but it's pretty big, i might have missed it. but I think I read somewhere that I'm supposed to use filter() if I need more than 1 filter
@vaultah thank you!
@LoopingDev you don't have to read all of it. You have to read the docs of the filter_by method, and filter if you suspect you might need it.
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні yeah that is what i did but even though it's sometime easy to mess
Easy to miss the number of arguments in the method's signature?
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні that was not my question, I know I gave it one arg, but it said I gave it 2, it was a bit tricky, don't u agree?
@LoopingDev nope
If you look at its docs it would tell you that it takes 0 args beside self, or that you are using it wrong.
Assuming it has reasonable docs
docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/14/orm/query.html I know but check the filter_by part, there is 2 examples about it and both of them are "something"= "value" , no "<" or ">" example so I won't say that it cover everything but it's a good start.
There are two indexes in a list:
['co3_nn', 'co3']
@LoopingDev wow, their use of whitespace is atrocious
Hi im having trouble installing a dependency with pip3 on mac os - can anyone help me?
I can see how it is not obvious that foo(bar=baz) is fundamentally different from foo(bar < baz).
@sarahgaled please don't ask for help here with fresh questions on the main site as per our rules
Yeah I've tried googling it for some time now but nothing seems to work
alright thanks anyway
@sarahgaled If you're still stuck in 2 days we'll gladly discuss it here. In the meantime I'd take a close look at the bunch of answers posted on the question linked in the first comment under your question.
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні is there anyway I can get help prior to that? Im in desperate need of help and unfortunately I don't have that time :(
Consider freelance sites like Fiverr
@sarahgaled yeah, Stack Overflow is not great for urgent help. If you're desperate you should probably look at those answers I mentioned. There's 29 of them. There might be something useful in there.
(22 with non-negative score)
<3 new trending sort i.sstatic.net/uDqbo.png
Today I saw a script that can play youtube videos from your terminal. I was curious how it works, and it turned out that it downloads the whole video before it starts playing it. So I thought "It sure would be nice if there was an interface that let you feed the video stream into a media player in real time", and then I realized... there is.
It goes like this: You mount a virtual file system, you pretend there is a file on it, you open said file in the media player, and whenever the OS tells you "hey, I need more data", you go and download them from youtube.
Our technology is stupid.
Can't you, like, pipe curl into mplayer?
Possible. First you need to figure out the URL and headers and cookies and whatever else youtube wants from you, though
Is there a module that gives you this information? I think not
youtube-dl must have this figured out
seems you can use youtube-dl to pipe into ffmpeg stackoverflow.com/a/40542238/5067311
Interesting. I very much doubt you'll be able to seek, though
I would doubt that too, but that's probably a given if you don't pre-download
          Force  index rebuilding.  Useful for files with broken index (A/V desync, etc).  This will enable seeking in files where seeking was not possible.  You can fix the index permanently with MEn‐
          coder (see the documentation).
          NOTE: This option only works if the underlying media supports seeking (i.e. not with stdin, pipe, etc).
that's from man mplayer
In an ideal world, it wouldn't matter if the video is stored on your local hard disk or on the youtube servers
I disagree with that. Pipes and other buffers are fundamentally one-way.
even in an ideal world I wouldn't expect pipes to be able to pack up the sewage on demand
...Andras, are you sure you understand what the word "ideal" means? :P
perhaps I just have weird ideals...
Jokes aside though, I really don't understand why you wouldn't expect this to work. Whatever interface the OS provides for reading local files, you can emulate that for a file on the internet. As long as the OS has a well-defined interface, there's nothing tricky here
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні Can you point me in the direction of those answers because I'm not seeing any of them
@sarahgaled like I said, top comment on your question. The one you haven't responded to.
Sorry I got pulled into another meeting. Didn't get finished.
I have this code
with open("{}\\_Stats_0_{}_CutOff.csv".format(fdrswathout,lsinterpnm),"w") as wf:
the lsinterpnm = ['co3_nn', 'co3'], but I only want to replace the second {} with the 2nd item in that list 'co3'. What am I missing?
Do you know how to retrieve an element from a list by its index?
and don't use backslashes in paths when writing code. forward slashes work on all systems
also, don't use string operations to interpolate dynamic parts into paths
use os.path.join() or the / operator in a pathlib.Path()
I think string operations are fine here. Since we need one anyway, might as well use it for the 2nd variable also and be done with it
@vaultah figured it out...I was accidentally thinking 1,2 instead of 0,1
hey, I'm getting this error on flask_sqlalchemy "sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: subject table for an INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE expected,"
x = c1.query.filter_by(ip=123).first()
    if x:
      db.delete(x) # i've also tried this  x.delete()
which is what the answer here said stackoverflow.com/questions/27158573/…
it did print the value of x and yes x is the object () c1(id=123 ,...) ,what am i doing wrong?
I don't see first() calls anywhere in that answer
@vaultah why would that matter , x was the object I wanted to delete in the end
how to delete is the problem , its asking me to mention in which table is that object, from what I understood ?
how r u doin' guys ?
sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: subject table for an INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE expected, got c1(id=123 ,...)
@LoopingDev this matters because that answer suggested a working solution, but you did it differently.
hmm , u are right but I think it's kinda dum to query something I already have, maybe I should stick with the db.delete(object) but mention the table somehow
because I actually ran some checks after making sure the x is not null.
unless there is no other way, then I'd have to query it again to delete it
So you'd like to somehow retrieve and then delete an object in less than two queries?

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