However.. the fanatic script seems to be neglected by my browser.
Ohh.. actually no. It's super active :D
Loading every 2 minutes since the hour of day is now overlapping with it fetching every two mintes.
I set it to fire between midnight and 2 in the morning while also setting it to fire between 0 and 2 minutes.. and since it's between midnight and 2 and it checks every 2 minutes, it's fetching every time it checks.
today, I decided to default every 404 page that does not have a specific config to an easter egg, but forgot to update the selector. So... This is what I got:
@10Rep thank you :) SE pissed me off hard that day
the next version is going to feature an override for the subheader as well - gonna make something of this script to keep it useful until SE removes custom 404 entirely
actually... this is not how it is supposed to work. I improved 404 matching in this version and did it a liiiitle bit too overzealously, lemme fix that
@KevinM.Mansour fixed in 1.1.2 - thanks for the report!
need to remind myself not to over-optimize - I ended up exiting too early from the script on non-404 pages. @10Rep but you are correct, this is how script worked before the 0.7.0 version. I changed that in 0.7 and, in my arrogance, never put a "do not reorder!" comment :)
that one's on @Scratte - they have to fix their script either way - I think they wanted to return the proper boxes too. Not sure if anything has changed, though
Because SE decided you do not need that, duh :) They've been consistently removing information from review queues to make reviewers / editors blind as moles
I have subscribed to more than 300 Youtube channels in past 10 years, and now I have to clean my Youtube, unsubscribing all one by one will take some time, is there a way to unsubscribe all the cannels at once?
@KevinM.Mansour It has all the stuff you need! And no stupid white space.
And it's not from the 90's. It for Java 8.. most of the stuff people ask about is in there. Streams and temporal classes. How to add two numbers. How to get started.. it's all there.
@Scratte But at least a good UI to continue your life? But OK. I just don't want to waste your time. Go to do what you want, we can even talk later when you have free time.
@Shree Yes but as a web developer. I link to MDN. But yes, W3Schools is easier when I want to read something fast or get general idea but when I write something or talk with someone, I should read MDN. :)
Every Java release brings something new, but if very rarely removed anything, so old stuff is still true. Except for W3Schools. They were wrong the entire time.
Hmm.. I better get back to the boring and horribly tedious task of cleaning up the config element of this huge script :( I've already been at it for two hours :(
Take a look at this answer by the_best. They start their answer by saying:
Updating Prashant Pimpale answer. Just did it a moment ago.
Now, ignoring the improper referencing in their answer, the only other place where the name 'Prashant Pimpale' is found under that question1 is as an edit to th...
@Sabito錆兎 Ahh.. well. This is a problem. Mostly because it does not matter how it's designed. There is always going to be people that doesn't get it. Even if we made it "This is the EDITOR. Not the AUTHOR" there'd be people getting it wrong :)
I also worked on a project that absolutely fried my ability to reason about booleans. The code would get a boolean and flip it three or four times before using it. And occasionally would name a boolean variable to the opposite and then still NOT it. It was maddening.
You can add an event listener on window for the error event - when an image fails to load, it should dispatch one - it will bubble up to the window
You could look for the target being equal to the image (DOM elements, despite being basically objects, can be compared for equality) or matching the selector
but if your current solution works for you, then, well, what gives? :)
that depends on 2 things: (1) whether you end up registering the listener before the even actually fires, and (2) whether the event actually reaches window - something else on the page might stop event propagation
But I don't know when there's an img on the page.. I'd need to monitor for that. It makes no sense to me why I should put that extra on the page. It will just put a huge load on.
The error event does not bubble. The DOM Level 2 Events specifies it should but The DOM Level 3 Events overrides this.
You could try window.onerror but I'm not sure if that only catches run-time script errors in your code or errors thrown by failing resources. If it works it will also catch all ...
@Scratte well, event listeners are quite lightweight, though. With that said, yeah, it kind of sucks. I am not sure I can give you a definitive answer on why this was done, though
"And then have that generic error handler trigger a custom jQuery event, e.g.:"
No.. no no no.. I don't want to add that to my script.
Every time I try to find something JavaScript I end up on a jQuery page. It's like looking for a nice meal and someone hands you wonderbread and old butter.
@Scratte well, the latter part is definitely not needed... Since you are guaranteed to fire your script inside the $.ajaxComplete callback, all images should be already appended to the DOM, so you can simply select them and add an even listener to each preferrably a one-off. You definitely do not need jQuery for that
@Scratte yeah, these were the dark times... :)
Nearly every answer started with "Use jQuery instead"
oh, how mighty has fallen since then
^ with that said, a one-off listener to every image element you are interested in is your best bet at a reliable way of fixing these images. Sorry for confusing you about the bubbling of an error event - I sincerely thought it bubbles up the tree
at least that's reliable, though. And adding/removing listeners is not a big overhead at all. In any case, that's your choice - I thought you could listen for the event bubbling up, but, apparently, you can't. Shoot
what do you mean? Last time I checked, your script reacts to the ajaxComplete event firing. Therefore, you are guaranteed to have those images appended to the DOM (but not loaded yet), so you can do whatever you want with them with a one-off event listener
Then I go and fetch the editor user card which has an url to an image. And I go and fetch the post user cards. And I sometimes get the post summary avatar from an url from the API response.
So when the ajaxComplete returns, I don't actually have those images ready or rather.. I don't have the elements
well, what's the big deal then? :) The only rule is that the image emits an error event when it fails to load, and it does not start to load until it is appended to the DOM. That's it :)
@Scratte why would you need that if they fire once and then get removed from an image? :) But, of course, you might also want to put a load event listener on those images to force-remove the error event listener in case the image actually loads
that probably requires you getting some sleep, though, and me sobering up a little - I am not much a thinker right now too
you know what... it does not bubble, but it can be intercepted in the capturing phase then! If you register an event listener on document (window won't do, not reached) in the capturing phase, you will likely be able to avoid the need for adding more than one listener