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@Machavity I wasn't sure how we dealt with topic questions here. Thank you for informing me. MCVE is what I was going for
@CardinalSystem For a more long-winded explanation, you can see this message.
@StephenKennedy I more wanted to know why he wanted it closed. It's not a great question either way
@Machavity You mean you didn't want a debate on the internet about a pedantic point of little consequence?!
@StephenKennedy Well, he might also be wrong...
^ not the real one :P
aww crap dyslexia strikes again. You win this time. <shakes fists>
Sounds like Mr Trumb wants to reinvent the wheel
@StephenKennedy wouldn't be the first time. lol
wheel, not wall! :)
I found it hard to understand what the OP is trying to do, but I have a suspicion it's already in the framework or on Nuget
@StephenKennedy build the wheel, build the wheel.....I mean reinvent the wheel......
2 hours later…
^ wheel :)
2 hours later…
Morning \o
o/ Noon
Aaand that's the long Easter weekend over with for the year... :(
I'm not a religious man, and I don't care much for chocolate anymore, but 4 days off to get home stuff done is always welcome
So ... what did get done?
Yes, I am a mean flower ...
@rene Got some more seeds and some strawberry plants planted on the allotment, travelled to Brighton on Saturday morning, went for a long run (though I fear I'm still not fit enough for a half marathon I'm doing in a couple of weeks), and made a start on chipping off the render on a wall in my back garden
@rene Does NL get the Friday and Monday off as well?
@MichaelDodd oh, let me know when the strawberries are due ... I like those ...
@rene You look a bit like a strawberry flower, can't tell for certain though
I'm not
yes, that is close enough
TIL rene is of Welsh heritage
Croeso i Gorlif stac!
All the road signs in Wales are bilingual, so there's a joke that the only Welsh word an Englishman knows is "Araf" (slow) since it's painted everywhere on the roads
And my wife was very confused first time she heard a train announcement in Welsh, despite there being an equivalent minority language in her home country (Mandarin Chinese -> Min)
@MichaelDodd come to Switzerland; train announcements in French, Italian and then what you think should be German, but is actually the unintelligible local variety
Morning o/
\o hiya
@double-beep ^ the question too
Those last 2 SD spam reports are still standing, anyone got any flags to spare?
done, both gone
@NickA cheers
@PraveenKumarPurushothaman Now a (questionable) self-answer
any JS/jQuery expert here?
@double-beep ewww jQuery
PraveenKumarPurushothaman is around Go On :)
@PraveenKumarPurushothaman around?
and have some free time?
well, ok, regardless of that, I created a [jquery-wrap] tag in order to replace the ambiguous [wrap] tag. The new tag is related to the jQuery .wrap() method (which wraps a div around a p). I was wondering if someone could make a tag wiki for that, since it is hard for me.
@Shree Personally I'd go TB or Opinion Based. "Off topic" without any qualifier doesn't sit right with me.
I am voting to close this question as off-topic because. it is off-topic in my opinion
@MichaelDodd Noted.
Just noticed, there seems to be a lot fewer desk mascots here now compared to the old office...
The PO sitting next to me probably has the best one, a dragon carrying a sword on its back
(surprisingly mine isn't Mei)
@MichaelDodd Mine is a penguin in an hourglass
@NickA I'm trying to picture that, does the hourglass work as well?
@MichaelDodd Yep, it's an oil hour glass with blue oil so it's floating on a blue sea
@MichaelDodd I have a miniature oil drum and a bottle of jenever on my desk...
@NickA Ah, very nice :)
@Adriaan In case of "I give up" emergencies?
Mine is Sailor Mars and a 3d-printed cat, while someone else has a Vault Boy bobble-head
@MichaelDodd Mainly, yes
Oh, I do have a topograpgy map of Mars above my desk, but that is directly related to my research
@MichaelDodd how rude ;p
@Adriaan I have the feeling we're not in Kansas anymore
@NickA Just a friendly "stop spamming" warning, in case it isn't a bot ;)
@NickA And now I see what you mean. Good job Smokey doesn't have a "u" option
@double-beep Hi
@double-beep Yep
@double-beep Will do.
@MikeM. why is this spam?
@double-beep User works at linked, check their profile
kk, understood
^ That. And it's not even related to the posted issue.
@PraveenKumarPurushothaman excellent, you can also add some links to the wiki i.e. from w3schools (not in the description).
@double-beep Doood! No W3Schools! 😡
I think he meant, as stuff to avoid like plague
yeah :)
@Makyen o/ MS appears to be upset
yeah, guys in CHQ are aware
it's a Redis problem
also, autoflagging is down
@NickA Yeah, MS appears down. Trying a reboot, but I don't consider it likely to help.
@Makyen no it won't, tried too many times
@double-beep Actually, it does appear to have helped, because it's at least responding to the MS API calls.
it is not accessible, though
@double-beep No, but it has sometimes been stuck in a mode where the MS API works, but the website doesn't, which is significantly better than not working at all.
This is why I go to Makyen, Results!
MS is back
\o/ yeah
@MichaelDodd Here's the Welsh for "I am not in the office at the moment. Send any work to be translated".
@PraveenKumarPurushothaman in excerpt you should add usage guidance, hence when to use the tag and what other tags if any are important. Use this tag....
Also add jQuery tag etc...
in Burnination progress for the [wrap] tag, 22 mins ago, by Bhargav Rao
The excerpt needs a usage guidance
Oh well ninjad by BR...
Btw o/ Praveen!
This is answering a deleted NAA (was a new question). I guess flagging as NAA would be hopeless?
@rene I would've thought so, maybe mod flag or del-pls?
it is not eligible to be deleted with a del-pls.
@rene can a 20k+ del-pls not if it gets -1 or lower?
yes, they can.
But it doesn't have that score yet.
It's deleted now btw
nasty room ...
@PetterFriberg Ahhh... Okay.
anyone know anything about Gem? stackoverflow.com/questions/55776870/…
is this a programming question or a hardware question?
@YvetteColomb formed by putting carbon-rich material under high pressure and temperature. Depending on polluting elements, one may get different gems.
@Adriaan bah, you silly
@Machavity There's not enough facepalms in the world for that
@YvetteColomb Doesn't look programming to me, don't know if hardware, but doesn't appear to be programming
@NickA neither does the second link.
@YvetteColomb Super User IMO
@NickA thnx
wanted more eyeballs
@YvetteColomb I'm leaning towards SU
^ Wasn't sure but thought the same, not SO though
yeh I closed and deleted both. You have too much to contend with in here to add more posts to close. Thanks for the feedback. I didn't feel like facing a meta wrath :)
@YvetteColomb To meta! Mod deleting stuff when not needed! ;)
Ikr. Nobody wants to face the Høyesterettsjustitiarius of Stack Overflow
@NickA yes please! Yvette takes week off site and goes holidaying
I missed the train again! 😭
@Zoe there you go
@PraveenKumarPurushothaman Start running, you might catch it at the next station
@YvetteColomb Ugh, [gem5] is a dumpster fire of a tag
@Machavity what does that mean?
Oh for homeless people to be warm?
@YvetteColomb I was thinking trash and stinky...
Exactly! Programmers are solving homeless problems one program at a time
It looks like gem5 is a hypervisor of some sort. I've been clicking through several questions and none of them seem to be programming related
@Machavity The tag info is simply copied and pasted from the wiki as well
@NickA ew
@Machavity thanks.
@Zoe is that approved edit shady? I think it is shady
@Adriaan I don't think so, check their [the editors] edit history, they like tag edits
@Adriaan what makes you think that?
@NickA mkay, thanks. They'll at least loose the +2 gained when the question is deleted
@StephenKennedy :D
@Machavity so are several others
@Zoe because the summary is bogus, and it missed everything including "u" -> "you" in the body. Hence I rejected it, only to be prompted that the OP accepted it already
@Adriaan Yeah, happened to me earlier, but it did fix some stuff, so I wasn't gunna roll back
@Adriaan meh, doesn't strike me like bad. Feel free to mod flag though
@Zoe I see it as bad, definitely worth a reject, but not suspicious
Yeah, I meant suspicious xd
There are so many suggested edits with awful summaries, like "tidied code" when they didn't even touch it and just did tag edits
@Adriaan That's fairly clear spam to me, only serves to advertise their own service
Does this sound like an off-topic question? I have VTC'd it, but I am not really sure about it.
@double-beep Request for offsite resource (explicitly by asking for editors)
@NickA cheers
@Makyen How would you interpret this blurb in the JS panel, license-wise? Specifically, in the context of posting the code in a SO answer jsfiddle.net/Idered/LufkN (Not asking for guidance on how to proceed, just as a thought experiment, due to the conflicting advice given in the blurb)
@Nkosi Eh, I dunno. That's clearly not opinion-based, and the answer seems pretty clear cut (one person's already provided a clever example, despite a more valid answer being "you don't need to do that")
@TylerH Reminds me of when PHP had to roll its own JSON parser because the most popular one had a license of "Don't use this for evil"
@Machavity LOL
That reminds me of all the people who post breaking news videos on Twitter and news orgs start replying asking "I'm with X news org, mind if I use this w/ credit?" and they eventually post a tweet that says "everyone can use this for free except Fox News, who can't use it at all"
I know the rolling joke, but it was quite the serious discussion
the sad part there is that the author wouldn't agree to removing the clause
it's clearly not a free licence as is, and yet the sticking point is highly subjective and almost certainly unenforceable because of that, so he is "cutting off his nose to spite his face"
I like that clause, and I like that he kept it.
Yeah, incredibly petulant behavior by Douglas Crockford, but then again he's Douglas Crockford so that's what you should expect, unfortunately
and I agree with one of the commenters that "good" and "evil" are not legal terms
@JohnDvorak The effect of that statement is that 'good' people and projects can't use the code!
Did you just dare call PHP a good project?
uhhh nobody is suggesting PHP can't use it they because PHP is evil
Debian can't use it. A cancer research charity committed to using only free software couldn't use it.
Speak of the devil...
@TylerH I'd say definitely not permitted to repost it. The author may not understand copyright law, as not being permitted to copy it is the default. OTOH, they may think that politely asking people to link instead of copy is more likely to get compliance rather than explicitly restating the default position of a copyright.
@Makyen the gotcha is the last sentence of "feel free to use this as you like"
which, to me, invalidates the first sentence of "please do not copy this"
@TylerH That's arguably trying to put it in the public domain, which isn't legal in some jurisdictions.
Yesterday I learned that you don't even need to copyright something in most of the world. It implicitly happens and it doesn't matter if you post it anonymously or under a pseudonym.
@NathanOliver Technically yes. Practically, you still need to prove that you wrote the thing if you want to press charges.
@Makyen which kinda underscores the issue with the internet being a separate domain
at any rate, the intent seems clear: do what you want with the code, just don't repost the code itself to a website, only a link to it. The issue is just with the language
the arguable effect would depend on whether a court considers intent or just wording
e.g. spirit vs letter
@MadaraUchiha True. I just thought that was interesting. I had been told years ago if you want solid proof you print in, put it in a tamper proof envelope, and then mail it. The person claimed the post mark makes it a legal document (in terms of when it was handled) and if you can prove it wasn't tampered with you have solid physical proof on when it was created.
@NathanOliver It's a question of how well you want to cover your own behind.
I like mine covered. Normally it's two layers ;)
A signed printed document with an additional signature from a lawyer is much stronger (and easier) proof of authenticity than an online post made under an anime character name.
@NathanOliver law.stackexchange.com/questions/15526/… for your reading
Ew I thought I felt a weird presence here. Who let @MadaraUchiha in?
No RO for @SterlingArcher to remove in this room :(
you have no power here
@SterlingArcher 🤨
in b4 Madara places the room in gallery
@TylerH No need, I could still kick him :D
You're gonna sink the ship just to kill the captain? :O
Bold move
I like it
No, I'll just sink the captain to kill the captain
The ship will remain afloat.
@SterlingArcher It'd be more akin to sinking the ship just to kill a passenger
I don't know, I'm kind of a big deal doodoo
Only in Russia
In Russia, website queries you
Q: Is [code-cleanup] on-topic?

LinoI've stumbled across the code-cleanup tag today and am not quite sure if it really is on-topic for Stack Overflow. Just by looking at how the tag is worded seems off-topic as any code-cleanup seems to be better suited for code-review (Because cleanup almost always comes after working code has b...

:O how dare you
@SterlingArcher I agree.
One day when you retire, you'll see me.
Probably with flowers, but you'll see me.
beep beep
@double-beep Mod flag it. That reviewer really messed up there
@Machavity yeah, now deleted. I guess mod-deleted, since @Zoe raised a mod-flag also
or madara is just in the room and saw your request here
It was me, under the guise
It was Madara :D
Did you set a house on fire? Wolves
Oh, I forgot to mention, @SterlingArcher, furries don't count as "wolves"
Wolves are furry
Furries are not wolf
Great now I need a venn diagram
@TylerH Wolf furries do
@SterlingArcher here you go: i.sstatic.net/Sz5OU.png
Unrelated but I dig it
Wait how did the venn diagram change without you editing it
I saw a "code style" diagram
@treyBake Or it's a dupe...
@Machavity meh, I'd still feel like the original question is off-topic.. better for serverfault/superuser IMO - but I'm a lowly scrub haha
plus using iis .. so maybe not "super"user xD
Ninja'd by 2 seconds xd
@rene why spam?
@Zoe a commercial offering, only exists to promote
Good point - seconded
"thank you for this post; it is very helpful. Please also see this which was added by [organisation]"
nuker \o/
just in general, what do we do if we come across a SO post that's off-topic? Case and point: stackoverflow.com/questions/14570471/…
recommendation-based (or at least the answers that came from it are just links to third-parties)
do we close as uush?
@treyBake setup a tool: OT / general computing
@rene I just mean - do we VTC and post in here a or do I just vote and leave off of here?
that question is old / inactive. I don't think I allow a cv-pls here. But you can cast your own close vote en hope it gets picked up in the CVQ
@rene aah ok! No worries, just thought I'd check before posting a cv in here! :) ty
yw, thanks for asking first.
Is there a good reason we can't flag old answers as VLQ anymore
I found a way of doubling the stars on a GitHub repo of mine
Posting videos of you singing songs with drunk Irishmen?
@Machavity isn't the word "drunk" superfluous? [sorry/not sorry]
No, simpler than that. I starred it myself - so now there are 2 :)
@StephenKennedy don't know whether to laugh or cry in those moments
Some remind me, if you flag spam, does the post automatically get a downvote?
I just flagged but I didn't notice the vote until later. Now the post is corrected but the vote remains with no way to remove it
@SotiriosDelimanolis Yes it does
Have you retracted the flag?
No, it was marked helpful, the mod edited the post to add affiliation.
Does it age away maybe?
Red flags don't age away AFAIK
Certainly on SO they don't. :)
@Machavity Red-flags definitely age away, and in a short period of time. On low-traffic sites, I've had them age away in <= 4 days.
Well damn...now I feel bad
Presumably if a red flag was marked as helpful the spam flag wasn't cleared?
Just a theory, I base it on experience where the flag gets disputed
Helpful just means the mod found it helpful. It doesn't always translate into deletion or penalties against the user
@Makyen TIL
but if the spam flag is cleared doesn't it get marked as 'disputed' by the system, whether or not the mod thought it was helpful?
Not sure entirely on that one. I know that a mod can mark them helpful independent of actions they take. Some actions auto-mark them as helpful (i.e. the answer got deleted)
You can mark flags as helpful / declined with "no action needed".
So you could mark as helpful, and subsequently go edit the post and clear any spam markers?
@TylerH It looks like the time-limit for VLQ flags went into effect on 2016-06-21. Posts older than 7-days don't have a VLQ flag option (although, the answer says the 7 days may change :-) ).
@StephenKennedy I don't think I ever had a helpful spam flag that did not result in at least deletion, but that's what I would expect the UI to do.
@StephenKennedy I've definitely seen that in the last 24 hours on another site on this post.
@SotiriosDelimanolis No need to feel bad, I think. Maybe that downvote came from someone else, and even if it didn't you took the action which was correct at the time. What happens beyond that point is outside your control. Chin up! :)
I've seen it as well. Spam flag helpful, but answer not deleted
@StephenKennedy I believe the automatic down-vote from the spam flag remained, but there's no way for me to be 100% sure about that.
@SotiriosDelimanolis huh, you can't click the downvote to undo it?
auto downvote from a red flag
@TylerH I don't think you can do that if it's a red flag downvote
Those are owned by Community
@Zoe dang
That's right, because I have downvoted something I have flagged as rude before
and was sorta surprised I could double downvote
in other scenarios on the site that kind of double-dip action is highly guarded against
yeah, like that
@SardarUsama not really off-site resource request (at all, actually), but may be too broad
possibly unclear as well, as no language or IDE is specified (though both python and matlab are referenced)
@TylerH It says: "Questions asking us to recommend or find a book, tool,..." The other reasons are valid as well
Please let me know if I misunderstood that
An algorithm isn't a software tool
The OP is not asking for an algorithm
@SardarUsama a function is not a tool
a function is a part of a language or tool
well, achktually...
OP's actual question was "Is there a function to do this?" where "this" was "given spherical harmonics lighting parameters, return[s a] cube map?"
which can be answered with just a bunch of sines and cosines, right?
@JohnDvorak I dunno about that
Note that I'm not arguing the question is on topic, just that it's not an 'off-site resource request'
I mean, spherical harmonics are just a fancy way of saying "fourier transform of a sphere"
are software libraries part of a language/tool?
huh, and here I thought "fourier transform of a sphere" was already fancy
@SardarUsama a software library could be a tool, but OP wasn't asking for a software library
"Fourier transform" is just a fancy way of saying "we describe a function as a sum of sine waves, because it makes the math easier"
@JohnDvorak and thank goodness for fourier transforms
as Cornelius Lanczos once said, they are really a fundamental part of mathematics, definitely worth saving over many other aspects of mathematics, if one had to choose
Turns out you can describe the lightning map for diffuse materials with just seven numbers and get accurate enough results.
How much light is there, how much is each side of a cube brighter than the opposite one, and how much brighter is each pair of opposite sides brighter than the other two.
Planned maintenance at 23:30UTC today, 2019-04-23: all SO/SE sites, Jobs, Chat, and Teams will be read-only for up to 1 hour. This maintenance has been postponed multiple times, so you may have started to tune-out the featured announcement.
@Makyen Too bad they encountered a blocking bug with Windows Server 2019
They really ought to postpone til that bug is fixed and then update to that, instead
assuming it is getting fixed before, I dunno, the end of May
45th of May ...
@rene Thats my birthday!
2 hours later…
ugh, getting rick rolled in SOCVR graveyard and not even being able to reply really hurts
lol. that's bad. who was the culprit?
@dur I'm not seeing the offsite resource
@StephenKennedy some kind of wild flowr
And it was a highly starred message, everything to tip me off, but apparently I am fated to be rick rolled
@FélixGagnon-Grenier It's ok. Maybe this link will cheer you up
... I am not sure what I expected...
For old time's sake ;)
it's going dark imminently, is that correct?
That's what they've said.
\o then :)
OTOH, they've delayed this 2 or 3 times already without saying anything until well after it was supposed to happen.

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