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12:29 AM
@bad_coder Please elaborate
@Makyen this request missed archiving due to a reopen after the post was fixed
Good idea. Get all those complaints out of your system before he gets that diamond, @RyanM. :-p
@CodyGray Is it a complaint if it's something they've specifically asked to be notified of? :-p
Well, sure. I want to be notified of my failures and your complaints, too.
12:38 AM
How much do they pay you, @CodyGray?
Whatever it is, it's not enough
@HovercraftFullOfEels Who? Stack Exchange? A grand total of $0.00 over the past... dunno how many years.
I got a hat when I was elected moderator, but... I don't wear hats.
and worth every darn penny
I'm worth $0? Thanks, that's the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me.
Personally, zero pennies is the number I want in my life, so I assume that's high praise.
Thank you for your service
12:44 AM
I realize that the SE meta isn't moderated here, but would it be possible to get an opinion on what I should flag a question for closure as, where the question in question exists on the SE meta?
@RyanM Thanks.
1:01 AM
@Daedalus You'd need a RO to give you official advice, but I'd say that asking for suggestions is OK.
Frankly, though, don't overthink flags. Just raise the one that speaks to you.
1:23 AM
@mickmackusa If I may make a suggestion, I'd probably have left off the "Off-topic:..." and "... This is a poor question." from that comment. It gets the point across to reviewers just as well without unnecessarily offending the asker.
1:39 AM
@desertnaut you have linked an answer (well...sort of...) [now fixed]
@RyanM thanks - edited
1:55 AM
@Daedalus I'm sorry. As you said, we don't moderate Meta. Asking for general advice, is OK, but we want to stay a considerable distance away from appearing to be involved with actually moderating Meta. Basically, we don't oversee Meta. Meta oversees us. OTOH, we do keep each other informed of the existence of Meta posts discussing moderation actions which were either requested here or which people here participated in.
2:24 AM
@RyanM I personally find it necessary to write out my CV reason in comments (when not hammering) for under-privileged users to understand why the question shouldn't be answered. I hate it when I vote to close but before the page is closed, an unknowning or FGITW user slaps an answer on the page. This can lead to Roomba-denying consequences.
@mickmackusa That's a fair point; thanks for the reply. I'd probably still lean toward something more explicitly geared toward answerers rather than the question quality, like "This should be closed as a typo and should not have answers posted."
I do that too sometimes. I am not a robot so my delivery varies. The feedback that I give depends on the device that I am keying into, the likelihood that someone will rush an answer, and my emotional state / reduced will power during a given session of volunteerism. @RyanM
3:12 AM
2 hours later…
4:53 AM
@TylerH I didn't do any userscripts until after being elected. Can't wait to see what userscripts Makyen might cook up for mods that I haven't thought of yet.
One of my questions is often the target of revenge downvotes, is there anything I can do about it?
Like raising a custom flag asking for it to be locked?
@SamuelLiew I'm looking forward to trying out all the ones you've already written, if I'm elected.
@oguzismail You have no questions with more than two downvotes. If the votes are being reversed, is it a problem?
@Makyen better spend a week or two without them first to familiarize yourself with the default UI. We can talk userscripts after
@SamuelLiew That sounds reasonable.
5:14 AM
[puts crystal ball on desk] Should we have a deliberate "Review Blitz" campaign/week to celebrate having 2 SOCVR users elected as new diamond moderators?
@oguzismail It could be worse, you could have good/upvote-worthy questions with negative vote tallies due to revenge voting.
@RyanM If the votes are being reversed, is it a problem? didn't get what you mean by that
@oguzismail You mentioned that one of your questions is "often" a target of revenge downvotes. I looked at all of your questions, and none have more than two downvotes. I don't think two downvotes qualifies as "often," so I assume the revenge votes were reversed by the nightly serial-voting reversal script.
5:32 AM
@Makyen Sam just wants you to appreciate the userscripts more by going through the pain and suffering of the default UI :-p
@oguzismail You have no way to prove that the downvotes are revenge downvotes. Please don't make this assumption; it's too easy to dismiss legitimate feedback on that basis. If they truly are inappropriate downvotes (targeted, revenge, or whatever), then they should be invalidated by script. If you've waited 24-48 hours and they're still not, then either they're legitimate or they got missed. You can flag the post for moderator attention using a custom flag, but realize that...
...your flag is subject to being dismissed/declined if the moderator finds no evidence whatsoever of suspicious/targeted voting. Locking the question does not make sense, as it prevents legitimate voting, either up or down. (Also, we can't lock just voting, so it would lock everything, which is way too big of a weapon.) If there's truly a problem with inappropriate voting patterns, it is much better to deal with the users responsible than to lock the question.
@RyanM Oh, okay
@CodyGray Okay Cody, thanks. It's just annoying to get a random downvote moments after downvoting a question and leaving a comment
5:48 AM
@oguzismail Mm, I can relate. I can also say that, after having checked multiple times when I thought it must be the same person, it's often not even related.
@oguzismail Looking through your profile, you have received a total of three downvotes in the past two months. I would bet good money a flag for revenge voting against your account would be declined.
^ Copied from this question, package name redacted afterward.
@RyanM Really? It felt more than that, I guess I'm just being paranoid
Ugh, I need to come up with a good "please don't post your random baseless guesses that make no sense as answers" canned comment for posts like the answer to that Android question. That can't possibly be the issue, because if it were, there's no way it would have gotten that far...
6:07 AM
@RyanM I found this picture by Mark Euckria that shows what not to do. You may find it helpful to inspire and/or illustrate such a comment.
@CodyGray just need image comments...
6:23 AM
(that is red-flaggable, right?)
Regarding this SD report, I am not entirely sure whether that's a TP or FP. SD is entirely correct that the link is misleading, and that's something that definitely needs to be fixed. However, the post itself is not spam. I guess that means FP, but that feels like really conflicting feedback to me.
@RyanM Uh, plagiarism? Not normally...
@CodyGray In this case, it seemed less plagiarism and more "copying a random part of the page and submitting it as content"-style nonsense.
But I can see the argument that it's just garden-variety plagiarism.
Yeah... hard to tell which. Not enough basis for me to call abusive.
That's reasonable
"It looks like your question is about Android. Do you want to add the Android tag?"
Unrelated: what, exactly, is a "gradle"?
"It looks like you added the Android tag to your question. Would you like to add the Android tag to your question?"
@CodyGray It's the build system used for most Android apps
Right. I knew that. But... what is it?
Where did the name come from?
Their logo is an elephant, but what does that have to do with "gradle"?
> It’s not an abbreviation, and doesn’t have any particular meaning.
> The name came from Hans Docter (Gradle founder) who thought it sounded cool.
Gradle is the elephant in the room? I'm just guessing...
6:44 AM
@CodyGray I just assume the elephant is a reference to its RAM usage
Oh. See, here I was thinking the logo was weird, because Gradle is the one thing about the Android ecosystem that is not big and bloated.
haha. ha. ha. no.
Killing Gradle daemon to get memory back is a favorite sport of Android developers who have less than...let's say 32 GB of RAM, but 64 is ideal if you also want a lot of browser tabs.
@RyanM WTF
@CodyGray in some fairness to Gradle, I believe a lot of this is caching, though I'm unclear why it's in RAM...
I don't really understand Gradle
I've written a (small) Gradle plugin, but I have no idea how Gradle works
RAM is the best place to cache things... But it should not be persistent and shouldn't leak.
If you ever have to kill something because its cache has gotten prohibitively large, that's a bug.
6:50 AM
I once tried to dump the gradle task dependency tree for our project... I stopped it after ...I forget if it was 600MB or 6GB....
Someone should really get a handle on this kind of nonsense.
I was trying to figure out why a given task was running. To this day, I never figured it out.
It's just lazy, undisciplined software development.
A large part of the problem is that you can get into a situation where there are multiple gradle daemons running
This is, technically, user error (or in our case, an error in other, non-Gradle software), but is really easier than it should be to make happen
I don't understand why platform companies have such a hard time understanding that a platform will never be good unless its tools are seriously good.
Microsoft is one of the few companies to have gotten this right, even back in the day when all platform tools sucked.
7:01 AM
second miserable attempt by the same OP? ^ There was a very similarly titled question yesterday, with similar issues
@CodyGray I think Gradle, despite its flaws, was probably the best choice at the time it was selected. The other Java build systems are, arguably, much worse.
I've used Ant. It's configured via XML. No thanks.
That's a good reason to not have chosen Java...
@CodyGray every time I thought "now Microsoft understands my needs" I turned out to be wrong. Occasionally market forces dictate them to do the right thing, but don't mistake that for commitment or empathy
Yes, no thanks indeed to XML.
@RyanM Hey, there is Maven. I've honestly used that the most but Gradle is supposed to be the better version of it.
7:06 AM
@RyanM I quite like Ant in comparison. Maybe because it seems to be less mystical.
@tripleee They have certainly gotten worse since the 90s.
@CodyGray Those decisions were made many years apart, but I'm gonna argue it's still better than Objective-C
@RyanM I've never done anything Android, but why would you have a build run as a deamon?
In no small part because it can be developed without specialized hardware
7:08 AM
...Objective C doesn't require any specialized hardware...
@CodyGray So I can develop for it on an OS that isn't macOS?
On another topic: What makes for a site specific user suspension compared to a network level one?
@RyanM For Apple hardware? No, that requires macOS. But that's a licensing problem, not a technology problem. Compiling Objective C doesn't require macOS or any specialized hardware. It just requires a platform that can host an Objective-C compiler. There are a plethora of choices.
Really, though, I sort of want to retract the argument that it's objectively better. They both have pros/cons.
@Scratte Site moderators can give site-specific suspensions. An employee (CM) is required to award a network-level suspension.
7:11 AM
@CodyGray Oh :) Thanks. I thought there were some policy reasons, not technical ones :)
Kotlin and Swift are both great
@Scratte Nope. Generally, site mods deal with site-specific behavioral patterns. It's only in very rare cases that staff gets involved to hand out network bans. For example, repeated trolling of multiple sites.
Site mods can't actually see any information about what has happened on other sites. Like, we can't see that you've been suspended 13 times on Android.SE.
Kotlin is a particularly interesting case, because it's seen amazing adoption despite its much slower build speed (they're working on it).
We can't even see your deleted posts or whatever on other sites.
Build speed is one of the least important factors.
Could not disagree more
If you ask an Android developer what they'd ask a genie to fix, they'd almost certainly say build speed.
7:13 AM
Why are you spending so much time rebuilding?
I think you should click on the debug button to test your application?
Because my build doesn't run fast enough :-p
Isn't that fast enough?
@weegee To be clear, by "build speed" I mean "the time between clicking the 'run' (or debug) button and the application being open on my device"
@CodyGray Not sure how I feel about you blowing the whistle on me..
7:16 AM
Uh, I spend a lot more time actually writing code than I do building and testing stuff. You aren't supposed to develop software using the "guess-and-check" method.
This is where I'm confused too lol
UI development is often very iterative. Sometimes the iteration involves literally sitting next to a designer.
If you spend 5 minutes waiting every time you tweak the margins, no one is gonna be happy.
Yes, UI design is an exception, but you shouldn't need to recompile each time. Don't you have a WYSIWYG UI designer?
I'm lucky to have SwiftUI then :p god send
Visual Studio has had this since the beginning of the 90s... No rebuild required. You can even lay out a dialog box in the graphical designer, and then press Ctrl+T to test it, displaying it like an actual dialog box as it would be rendered, all without compiling any code, so it's literally instant.
7:20 AM
Good luck getting your WYSIWYG UI designer hooked up to your backend data
Yeah, I mean, of course. You don't get to test the backend.
uh, you can put in some test data
But you shouldn't be testing the backend with your UI/UX designer.
Unless your UI/UX designer is also a unit test in disguise.
Which would be kinda cool, actually.
No, they're actually an integration test in disguise.
I wish I could use swift in other things now but that's coming :p also LLVM isn't also the fastest in compiling. Look at rust, its one of the biggest problems there
7:22 AM
Okay, so let's use my last app as an example. The content of nearly every browsing screen is provided by the server. The app goes into the page with very little idea of what it's about to render.
It's pretty easy to preview individual cells with a single piece of test data, but that's not generally what people want to evaluate.
Why are some users missing the Network profile link? Can one remove it on one's own profile?
They want to see how it looks with a bunch of different data. And then tweak something and see how that looks.
but now to increase build speed for release, they would have to sacrifice optimisations i guess?
@weegee Yeah, debug builds are generally slower at runtime due to a lot of optimizations being turned off
@Scratte If you don't have a network profile, then there won't be a link.
7:25 AM
No one really cares about release build speed. Just iteration speed.
@RyanM Integration tests are way too late to be iterating on the UI... Now you sound like you work for my company, where we have no schedules and only one programmer/hardware designer doing everything...
@weegee LLVM doesn't focus on compile speed. It focuses on optimization, usability, and correctness. All three things I'd much rather have.
@CodyGray To be clear, by "iterating" I mean like, minor tweaks, not fundamental restructuring
Guess iOS users are lucky then :p @RyanM in SwiftUI you write the components like Image() and they instantly appear at the right as you are writing code. There's a below #IFDEBUG section where you can put in some test data that you want to display for now. It will be ignored in release builds
@CodyGray Hmm.. So one has to actively create one? I can't remember doing that.
@RyanM That still really seems to me like something that should be mocked up.
7:27 AM
@weegee This is what Jetpack Compose solves does for Android :D (disclosure: I work on Compose)
@RyanM Ah, well, we agree on that for sure.
@Scratte No, you have to create an account on multiple sites.
@RyanM Too bad you don't work on the Jetpack.
@CodyGray I cannot tell you the number of lovely looking mocks I've seen fall apart once they hit real devices and real data
(it helps if you don't put text over images...)
@RyanM To clarify, I don't mean Photoshop/image editor mockups. I mean a mockup tool that uses the actual rendering engine.
@CodyGray yes but then people say stuff like this
Oh, yeah, good luck getting designers to use that...
7:29 AM
> For the most part, optimization is already “good enough”, and additional optimizations have the unfortunate trend to trade large compile-time increases for very minor (and/or very rare) improvements to run-time performance.
@CodyGray Oh.. ok. Using the button I suppose, not create a brand new profile.
That's what switches are for.
"I'm doing a release build, I care about performance, and I don't care if the build takes a long time." or "I'm doing a debugging build, I want the fastest possible compile speeds, and I don't care one whit about runtime performance."
Shorten/abbreviate as desired.
I did get Android Studio installed on at least a couple designers' computers so they could export WEBP images to us, at least...
yes but here, debug builds still take very very long
I'm already tired of "Make x y again"
7:31 AM
@CodyGray Make "Make x y again" Titles Real Titles Again
@weegee Ah, well, it looks like this is because you're getting all kinds of correctness checks in debugging builds. Which is fantastic. The LLVM fuzzers and checks are amazingly good, and I wouldn't want to do without them. I'll happily trade compile time for stuff that can help statically prove the correctness of my code. That saves so much time later on it is not even quantifiable.
There's been some talk to change this part of the compiler collectively from LLVM to a custom-written compiler that generates really unoptimized assembly
My final builds use GCC, but I do intermediate builds on Clang/LLVM just to get the diagnostics.
(Also because the more compilers, the better.)
Quick check in case anyone knows for sure: A user whose question was closed as off-topic is attempting to re-post the question on the correct site, but reports receiving "your question couldn't be submitted. Please see the error above" and "This look like spam." underneath the question. Is this because they need to delete the original in order for it to not reject the exact duplicate elsewhere on the network?
@RyanM No... There are no automatic checks for cross-site duplicates. But they should delete the question on the original site, because we do have rules against cross-site duplication, even if it's not auto-detected.
7:43 AM
Yeah, I was going to encourage them to do so, but wasn't sure if it'd fix their issue...
If they're getting that error when trying to submit, then dollars to donuts that they're not formatting the post correctly.
There are some false positives, but they are few. Usually, it's just a misunderstanding of how Markdown works.
And/or not knowing that you need to format compiler output/stack traces/etc. as code.
Oddly, the question is entirely prose and doesn't look like spam at all...
The problem is the "Please help! Thanks!"
And... I just posted the damned thing on Android.SE.
That...seems like a bug...
I thought clicking "Review my question" would let me, um, review it. Not just go ahead and submit it.
7:48 AM
That...also seems like a bug...
Can you see this? android.stackexchange.com/questions/226885/… I think it's public, but I can't tell.
So android.se is checking for help/thanks signatures?
Apparently so, yes. I thought they were just automatically removing them on all SE sites, not blocking them as spam.
@CodyGray Awesome question, user327708 :)
I can't flag it. Attempting to click the "flag" link does nothing whatsoever.
7:50 AM
You can delete it, no? btw: I noticed this user has (had) a "Network profile"
I cannot delete it. I only had "share", "edit", and "flag". "flag" did nothing when I tried to click on it.
I have now deleted my profile, but that didn't delete the question. It just anonymized it.
These sites are infuriating to use.
I wonder if any of the developers actually try this stuff? (he asks, already knowing the answer)
Actually the user still has a Network profile, but not a local one.
It's possible that only users with accounts on SE sites have a network profile, not those with only SO accounts.
@CodyGray if you're willing to ping random users for help, there is an Android.SE mod active in the election room who could vanish your problem rather easily...
Is he actually active?
I was thinking about that.
7:53 AM
@CodyGray Huh?
"seen 54s ago"
@RyanM Those "seen" values are not reliable. Cody as an example is always "seen" very recently in chat at any point in time.
Here's hoping he's not one of those moderators who ignores his pings.
@Scratte How does that prove the "seen" values are unreliable? ;-)
@CodyGray In theory you could be super human and active constantly, never needing sleep. But I don't think so. Well.. or you're a bot :)
@Scratte I don't know why I expected that feature to behave reasonably...
7:57 AM
@RyanM Because it pretends to be? :D
While we're unpacking Chat mechanics, what is the order of profile pictures based on?
@Scratte You'd think I'd know better by now than to believe such things :-p
Activity I think?
Where "Activity" can include entering a room when you were not previously active?
That I've been wondering myself. It seems to be 1. Not rearranging due to actual talking activity. 2. But a combination of talking (edititng) activity and entering activity..
It did for me
7:59 AM
It does for me, too - with a short delay when I talk
I think if you're 'in' the room, rejoining won't bump it. But an actual join will
It also seem to rearrange users on a refresh. My own avatar is often rearranged if I've been idle in a room and then refresh it. Without bumping my avatar. It just gets a different spot among the idle ones.
I noticed the inconsistencies while Cody was very busy with other stuff. Cody's avatar kept being bumped during times where the actual profile had no activity at all.
tl;dr Chat's haunted.
Hai guys, my p0rblem still has not been solved...
I feel super bad about this. I just totally plagiarized someone else's question.
Would migrating the original SO question help?
Since assumedly it would otherwise be unhappy with the exact dupe
8:06 AM
But I'm still a little confused about this Network profile thing. So.. assuming that one isn't auto-created when an SO account is created, but is auto-created when any other account is created..
I've noticed a user on another site that doesn't have a network profile
I don't see how migrating the question would help. Then I would made two messages on Android.SE. I don't even have an account there, so I can't close my "oops" as a dupe.
So it must be either possible to delete the network profile (but how?) or.. the assumption is flawed
@Scratte It's probably the trilogy that is excluded from the network profile. Did the other user you were looking at have only a SO, SU, or SF account?
I'm happy to flag it with the information of your choice, but that still requires waiting for a mod...
Why aren't you a gold badge holder/moderator on Android.SE?
8:08 AM
Also, the question has been posted by the OP as well
You told him the secret trick?!
@CodyGray No.. it's a very.. high-profile!! user, if you will.
I did.
I noticed the missing "Network profile" link on their account on the different site yesterday, if that helps narrow it down
Or.. maybe It's just not possible to see the link unless one has an account on the other site?
@CodyGray I'm more interested in the dev side of things, despite being somewhat of a power user. Also haven't cared about rooting/ROMs for my personal use in many years.
8:13 AM
@Scratte But that doesn't seem to be the case, because I can see the link on Andrew T., and I do not have an account on that site.
@Scratte You can hide network accounts. I don't really have enough information or expertise to further psychically debug.
It's definitely not related to your having an account.
Ah... actually... I think "network profile" refers to an actual account created on stackexchange.com. Not everyone is going to have that.
@CodyGray I have done so, but I do not see an option to hide the Network profile, just the other account.
@CodyGray Hmm.. but I do not have one there :)
@Scratte Check my profile, is the link gone?
@RyanM Yes.. what did you do?
magic Hid all my linked accounts from "Hide communities"
8:16 AM
Uh, that's weird, @RyanM, because you still have an SE account. And since it's not synced to your other accounts, it has your full name.
@RyanM Including Stack Overflow?
@CodyGray Ugh, of course it does...thanks, fixed.
@RyanM Sure. I removed it from the URL slug above, so it doesn't inadvertently link PII.
Andrew has come through.
A moderator has cleaned up another mess. Three cheers for moderators! \o/
8:20 AM
Ok, so now I've also hidden Stack Overflow. Does that mean the "Network profile" on my profile is gone now?
@Scratte Not for me, but... I cheat. You'll need Ryan to check.
@Scratte Yep, it's gone
@CodyGray Heh.. yes, there's no hiding from you :)
@RyanM Awesome. I can still see it though :)
Yeah, it's not too hard to work out my full name from what's in my profile...but I want any angry users to have to work a little to get it :-)
That makes sense. I make people think a bit in order to be able to send me angry, abusive emails, too.
8:22 AM
But either it's caching something, so.. this is a bit strange since it's telling me I have no accounts, but also giving me a few posts.
Actually all the other tabs are giving away the account on Stack :D
8:36 AM
@RyanM Thanks btw. I really wanted it gone from my profile, and I hadn't thought to try all :)
No problem, I'm always happy to poke things to see what they do...
Even if there's a really easy way to get the network id from any profile, but I suspect only a few uses know about that.
@Scratte Dare I ask why that was bothering you?
@Scratte Yep, profile, View Source, search accountId
@CodyGray I didn't know how to, which was the overall driving factor. And I don't see the point of it being there, as the only profile that's active enough for anything to be on that one.
8:40 AM
I'll bet there's a userscript for that
@CodyGray There's a link to a query/tool.. that I use :)
@Scratte ..is my Stack Overflow one <-- another brain-malfunction
@Scratte Have you tried sleeping?
@Scratte now I'm really curious.
@CodyGray Doesn't work anymore. It used to do a fresh reset, but I suspect there's a ghost in the machine now, that's not removable by just restarting..
@Scratte Ah, that sounds tricky. I find the best solution there is just a full format and fresh install.
8:49 AM
Yes. I had thought of that once, but I'm afraid the full format renders the disk unusable for any subsequent installs. Something about hardware decay..
8:59 AM
Is there a 10k+ rep user around that I can borrow for an experiment?
..I'd love to give you my sock-puppet, but I've not had time to create it yet :(
@CodyGray Shoot
@DalijaPrasnikar Gave up and found an alternative solution. Sorry.
No need to be sorry
You don't even know what you missed out on ;-)
9:04 AM
Now I will spend the rest of the day wondering...
9:31 AM
Hi guys
You know the feeling when you explain that you want a clear example and they continue to try to explain what they want instead of just giving an example? :)
Did you cast a vote to close as lacking an MCVE?
Yes. But now I just needed to complain a bit to people who understand :D
Oh, cool. Carry on, then.
I just wanted to make sure you weren't one of those people who were waiting to vote to close.
9:57 AM
@CodyGray It's just the frustration.
A - I want it to print the sum of a and b
B - Could you give an example?
A- I want to print the result of the addition.
B- No, a clear example. If a=3 and b=6, what do you want it to print?
A- Then I want it to add 3 and 6 and print the sum of that operation
@klutt Why are you asking me all these questions?? I'm the one with the question! Please halp me!
@CodyGray Hahaha, that's another good one.
Also, tbh, first I thought you actually were asking why I'm saying this to you :D
Can u plz provide teh code, sir?
Maybe we could make use of nCoC and enforce the removal of "sir" :P
I'm more offended by "plz"
10:01 AM
The worst is "u".
But those I can at least understand. Because not wanting to have to clarify or just wanting the code is the lazy way to go. But if I ask for an example, then giving an example IS the lazy way to go. Why complicate it instead of just giving an example?
"alphabet" comes close
They are actively choosing something that takes more effort
I've seen one case who videotaped their screen with an IDE on it and dumped it on YouTube just to share their code.
Just one, @John? Hmm. You've been slacking, I see.
10:04 AM
What? I have never seen that
Pictures of code sure, but only screenshots
"I have uploaded a video of my problem to Instagram. Please like and subscribe in order to see it."
(I don't know how Instagram works...)
Forgive me for saying it, but if someone genuinely believes that's a good idea, and after that loses interest for programming due to "unwelcoming attitude", wouldn't that be for the best for everybody? :)
Ah, so it's not really asking for help then? Just spam to get subs?
Maybe, but... they don't lose interest in programming. They just write Tweets about how Stack Overflow is unwelcoming and full of assholes who won't watch their videos.
@CodyGray Well, I suppose that's good for us at least.
It didn't seem so great for us the last time it happened...
10:16 AM
@CodyGray But what negative consequences did it actually have?
@klutt Wasn't the entire welcoming initiative, that seem to be highly misunderstood, born from something like that?
@Scratte True
But if you ask me, the real problem was not that we were not welcoming to them, it was how it was handled
Has anyone encountered an asker sharing their code (in any form) through an adwalled service? YouTube doesn't count.
@JohnDvorak Yes.. I flag them as needing details.
To me it's like "Oh noooo! Someone who will never contribute to this site does not feel welcome"
10:30 AM
Is this comment rude?
@klutt I think it was on my third or some post that I encountered some rudeness. It did not make me feel like a good place to stay at the time. I was called a liar and lazy and it was unjust.
@Scratte Not rude, not constructive perhaps.
@Scratte well, were you being a liar and lazy?
@JohnDvorak No. Which is why I said it was unjust :) I'll share the details, if you want them.
Yes, please share them
no need to, but thank you for the offer
10:37 AM
Got to love conflicting messages :D
I like messages.
I like conflicting :P
I like stuff
@JohnDvorak proper code maybe not; images, certainly. Google Drive doesn't require ads, but does require you to log in with a Google account, which I also find obnoxious
10:53 AM
Wonder what keyboard has j next to ]..
Is this by chance missing an android or some other tag? I do not recognize path:strong text"name" as a valid parameter in Java.
@Scratte probably firebase
Considering this documentation firebase.google.com/docs/reference/android/com/google/firebase/… and the name of the objects that the user uses
11:08 AM
@Braiam Yes, but I don't think it's enough. I'd expect it to still not like the parameter in it's given form.
@Braiam Thanks. I did go and check. It says a String is to be used, which should be either a String variable or a literal enclosed in ". The thing about it is that I think Kotlin does accept parameters given with a parametername: option. I do not know if android does, but I do not expect it to.
I've seeded (a handful at most) questions in the and tag. If anyone has close votes left and is willing to filter on that in the queue to review those close votes, would be appreciated.
11:33 AM
@AlonEitan These tags...blagh
It's gone now, all safe @Dharman
12:04 PM
"this code working very well but where the condition does not work" Hmmmm
@Dharman If I had a dollar for every question that said that, or that "there are no errors in the code"
I would have many dollars
I...I don't know if that SD report is TP or FP
Like it's an attempt at a question, I guess...but also possibly the worst one I've seen yet.
@RyanM Then it is TP. If you would like the system to prevent this in the future then mark TP.
But then again don't take my word for it, I am not an expert in SD
@RyanM That's just gibberish. TP. R/A. WTF.
I think their misconception was that we can access the Text at their localhost. But even so...
12:14 PM
I think their misconception was that, by just mashing wildly on the keyboard and hitting Ctrl+V as many times as necessary, we would read their mind and answer their question, without any rules or standards applying.
I've wanted to ask a number of people if they actually looked at their post before enter code here or after posting it. imgur.com/12345.png
Why should they look at it?
They want you to look at it. They already know what it says.
@CodyGray I just flagged one question with custom flag... but now I realized there is more going on... stackoverflow.com/questions/62885927/…
There's way too much going on there.
Question has bounty, it is too broad, write me code... originally it was different question - that was in flag
12:21 PM
@DalijaPrasnikar That's a nice voting ring you've got going on there.
looks like
The ring even extends to include users who cannot vote. It's a mess.
after I flagged I noticed that answer posted by another user was deleted about same time question was edited
OK... and I just uncovered an even bigger ring.
@DalijaPrasnikar Is there a reason why you pinged Cody here instead of flagging this privately?
12:24 PM
When are those reinforcements coming?
I must have looked bored. :-)
@Dharman because I cannot flag it twice... and I only realized it was much worse after I flagged it
@DalijaPrasnikar You can retract a mod-flag and flag the same post again.
Eh... you learn something new every day...
We have a rule in this room about pinging moderators about mod flag. This is particularly important when it involves users
I will let it slide because I am not a room owner, but I just wanted to warn you about it :D
I guess I'll need to read those rules again... it has been a while...
12:38 PM
These are the 5 rules that I find easiest to remember: 1. Don't spuriously ping moderators. 2. No one-boxing. 3. No requests where one's involved 4. No close vote requests for post activity > 6 months. 5. No up/down requests.
@Dharman I still have no idea how you see that.. :(
@Scratte Which is good. If you don't know that means that the offenders also don't know it and they won't try to outsmart me
...I don't know either. :-)
@Dharman I do not think that to be true :) I have thought of ways to do this that may be tricky to detect, but I do not have the tools to see those particular scenarios.
We can build the tools
We have pretty much all the information we need except PII.
..and access to users voting.
@Dharman Also.. maybe I am just the most clueless person in the world, which would make anyone else smarter :D
12:49 PM
@Scratte I doubt that
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