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What's the difference between "std::shared_ptr<void>" and "std::shared_ptr<void*>"? The type of the former one is "void*" whereas the latter one is "void**"?
Any deeper understanding?
3 hours later…
Can anyone explain what the second argument does in:
	std::istringstream iss(line);
	return std::vector<std::string>{ std::istream_iterator<std::string>{iss},std::istream_iterator<std::string>{} };
it's the end iterator, in this case it's a sentry object
What's a sentry object?
Sorry, still learning STL
Especially iterators
it's basically just a special value you compare to that marks the end.
Is it a special C++ feature? Or is it some hack used in this case?
not a hack or a special feature, just a certain way to use iterators. The same is used in the filesystem iterators
So, in this case, is it acting like the std::end()?
yes the docs for the constructor explain that it acts as an end iterator
You see, I still am not that good to understand the language in the docs. I do not understand half the terms used there and usually fumble around. Do you know of a simple resource which will help me learn iterators the proper way?
Nope, I don't have any idea where people learn stuff properly, I just stumble upon random things watching conference talks and seeing stackoverflow questions
Umm, can we specify the delimeter to istringstream?
3 hours later…
@d4rk4ng31 Yes. There is an example at the end that demonstrates how to make a space not a delimiter and a comma a delimiter.
When it comes to high-performance applications, when are memory pools not useful?
When your benchmarks show that they don't improve performance (enough to matter).
Lol, I guess so. But any general case where they don't really help?

Like if your app is allocating large stores of data or something like that (although that would defeat the point of memory pools imo)...
Maybe in the general case high performance applications don't use dynamic memory allocations for performance reasons. I don't know if that is actually the case, but it sounds believable to me.
Like an online game sending a record of a player's statistics?

In either case, I think memory pools are meant for quick dynamic allocation for many small units of memory (like a stack?)
Thanks :)
1 hour later…
When is `char const*` ever not allocated on the stack?
Except in weird cases like `char const *string = (char const*) ...;`
6 messages moved from Lounge<C++>
@Lapys when it's a compile time constant in most cases, but that's an implementation detail
Thanks, @Mgetz
This seems safe:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(void) {
    void *monster = malloc(0u);

    monster = realloc(monster, sizeof(unsigned char)); *((unsigned char*) monster) = 42u;
    printf("[monster]: %lu\r\n", *((unsigned long*) monster));

    monster = realloc(monster, sizeof(unsigned int)); *((unsigned int*) monster) = 420u;
    printf("[monster]: %lu\r\n", *((unsigned long*) monster));

    monster = realloc(monster, sizeof(unsigned long)); *((unsigned long*) monster) = 4020u;
    printf("[monster]: %lu\r\n", *((unsigned long*) monster));
2 messages moved from Lounge<C++>
Can someone explain to me why the compiler can't match f0 and requires the default value(?) of f1?
template <typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_null_pointer_v<T>, int>>
void f0(const T& t1)
std::cout << "entered function" << std::endl;

template <typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_null_pointer_v<T>, int> = 0>
void f1(const T& t1)
std::cout << "entered function" << std::endl;

int main()

return 0;
1 message moved from Lounge<C++>
@Mgetz thanks for that
specifically the bit about the wrong way to do it
I saw that earlier but doesn't it explain why the compiler can't tell the difference between
template <typename Integer,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<Integer>::value>
T(Integer) : m_type(int_t) {}

template <typename Floating,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<Floating>::value>
T(Floating) : m_type(float_t) {} // error: treated as redefinition
it explains why the those are wrong but I can't grasp why the "=0" versions work..
> This does not work because the declarations are treated as redeclarations of the same function template (default template arguments are not accounted for in function template equivalence).
But what's the difference between
template <typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_null_pointer_v<T>, int> = 0>
template <typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_null_pointer_v<T>, int> > ?
In case the enable_if_t condition is true isn't a public typedef int defined and returned by the call to enable_if_t? What does the =0 mean for that typedef?
> default template arguments are not accounted for in function template equivalence
Ok I understood that. Why isn't the following not compiling and when =0 is added it does ?
template <typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_null_pointer_v<T>, int>>
void f0(const T& t1)
std::cout << "entered function" << std::endl;

int main()

return 0;
Why is =0 needed there?
looks like it can't infer the enable_if type for some reason, I guess using the =0 makes into a non-type template argument and just SFINAEs out because void=0 doesn't compute
That's also what I guessed but at this point I didn't understand why for example int=0 computes.. What does int=0 even mean? :p
It's an unnamed non-type template argument I think, like the N in std::array, but without a name
At least that's what I though
I think for the case where the enable_if condition is false the following code is sfinaed out since std::enable_if_t is trying to access a type which is not there. =0 Is probably needed for the case where the condition is true but I haven't understood why yet..
template <typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_null_pointer_v<T>, int>>
void f0(const T& t1)
anyway thanks for the brainstorming
By the way here:
the author says at some point:
"template<typename T>
class MyClass
void f(T const& x);
void f(T&& x,
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_reference<T>::value, XXX>::type);

But in the case where T is not a reference and the overload is kept , std::enable_if does resolve to some type, which I’ve written as XXX in the above snippet. What should be XXX?

Also, we wouldn’t want this technique to impact the call site of our overload. So we need a default value for this XXX parame
But "Also, we wouldn’t want this technique to impact the call site of our overload. So we need a default value for this XXX parameter. " still sounds a bit mysterious to me
6 hours later…
What is std::_wfindnext64i32? Google literally doesn't bring up anything...
@d4rk4ng31 it's in std:: and starts with and underline
that means standard library implementation internal function
Oh wait
there is no std::
What is it used for?
it's just to be used internally by the standard library implementation, in this case for microsoft to use when implementing standard library functions
@PeterT Not useful. Its in spanish (I guess)
that's polish
Okay, this seems like xy problem all over again. Do we have a function like find_next?
for like what?
Or any function which implements the F3 function key functionality in text (with wrap around)
Like, every time I invoke it, with 2 arguments, the object and the data to be found, it should return me the location of the data after the last location at which the data is found
For example,
Consider the following text:
C++ is the best!!!
save the position of the last result and just start searching from last start + 1
invoking the hypothetical find_next function like: auto pos = find_next(str, ' ');
3 times should return 4, 7 and 11 respectively.
and the 4th time, it should return 4 again
it would need to save the last position somewhere, if you don't pass it in, where would you want it to save it?
@PeterT static pointer/integer
if you do it as a static it wouldn't be very useful if multiple threads or if you call it on two different strings
Err, just a question, my bounty has ended on a question. How do I award it?
Because upvoting isn't helping
no idea
Ah! got it
So, continuing the past discussion...
@PeterT What do you suggest?
Should it like return a pair with the index and the last location?
just pass in the start search position, why would you need to return something extra
Yeah right. So is there any function which I can use? Or do I need to implement my own(that would be fun though :P)?
wrap-around search? don't think so, but you can search starting at a certain index
So I will have to implement one on my own? Yay!! That would be fun! Would you like to contribute?
Doesn't sound that complicated
size_t find next(const std::string&str, const std::string& searchterm, size_t start =0)
auto result = str.find(searchterm, start);
if(start >0 && result==std::string::npos){
result = std::string_view(&str[0],std::min(str.size(),start+searchterm.size()-1)).find(searchterm);
return result;
haven't tested that, but I think you get the idea
Let A be some class.
Then suppose we got a function like this: A f(A b){ return b; }
And in main:
A a,b;
a = f(b); // How many temporary objects do we create here ?
I know that 1 temp is for sure, since we return by value.
Is there more maybe ?

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