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Hi everyone, I have a question about the global variable in PHP.
How can I get the zval reference of user-defined global variable?
I tried to use `&EG(symbol_table)` and `zend_hash_str_find`. It returns a pointer but the type of zval pointer returned does not match to variable type.

I also tried to iterate it by using `ZEND_HASH_FOREACH`, but its return type is unknown. It only works for the variable that its name is made during runtime.

Could anyone explain what actually happens in my case?
More information about my question:
Suppose (new GreenTea\GreenTea)->runWeb(); will call the function I sent above.
[Code 1] This returns unknown.
$test_1 = 123;
$test_2 = "asd";
(new GreenTea\GreenTea)->runWeb();
[Code 2] This works.
${rand()."_test_1"} = 123;
${rand()."_test_2"} = "asd";
(new GreenTea\GreenTea)->runWeb();
How can I get the correct zval value for $test_1 and $test_2 in Code 1?
Thanks in advance.
@AmmarFaizi Why do you reassign _z to zv_ptr?
I copied the type checker from phpinternals documentation, in order to reduce code changes in my test I reassign _z to zv_ptr.
What happens if you just use _z instead?
Ok, let me try.
@Sherif it is still resulting the same behavior gist.github.com/ammarfaizi2/34ee49de153b845c4da30e395c210d26
I don't actually know the answer. I was just wonder if maybe that somehow changed anything.
Yeah, thanks for the time though.
The strange thing for me is why it works for the variable in which its name is made during runtime.
Good question. I have no idea.
Seems strange that it would work with one but not the other.
This does not work
$test = "test";
Maybe because it's an interned string?
This works
function test() { return "test"; }
${test()} = "abc";
@Sherif Where can I read the information about that?
@AmmarFaizi I don't know, but just by looking at the source it seems there is a zend_unwrap_reference function for IS_REFERENCE type.
Maybe try that?
Sure, I will be happy to try that.
@AmmarFaizi If you look at regular data types in zend_types.h you will see an IS_REFERENCE type here: heap.space/xref/php-src/Zend/zend_types.h?r=446724bc#517-529
Maybe this is what happens with interned strings?
I don't actually know.
Or maybe it's IS_CONSTANT_AST?
I have no idea how that works.
Nice information, now I get this
Global Variable [4]: "test" Unknown Type 13
php_printf("Unknown Type %d\n", Z_TYPE_P(_z));
It makes no sense to me.
Yea, that's weird.
I tried zend_unwrap_reference too, but didn't work.
A string should definitely not be iterable: 3v4l.org/0aLet
@AmmarFaizi There is a zend_zval_get_type API function that returns the variable type, used by the gettype() function. Maybe try that instead of your switch?
This gives me segmentation fault.
zend_string *type = zend_zval_get_type(_z);
php_printf("Unknown Type \"%s\n", type->val);
It returns a string
It seems NULL here
zend_string *type = zend_zval_get_type(_z);
php_printf("val ptr: %p", type);
val ptr: 0
ZEND_API zend_string
It's a zend_string not a pointer
That must be pointer
The definition is:
ZEND_API zend_string *zend_zval_get_type(const zval *arg)
If that was not a pointer, it won't compile in C++ though.
I don't know, but did you try to get the string value and it failed?
I did, the result is an empty string.
Yeah, I am still exploring it. I hope someone here can help.
@AmmarFaizi What if you call gettype() directly?
Or maybe have a look at the code for gettype and see what they do different?
That works.
$test = "test";
string(6) "string"
No, I mean from C
I see it uses RETURN_INTERNED_STR macro
Not sure if that makes a difference.
My code works perfectly when a function accepting parameter. But the strange when it is accessing global variable.
Right, my guess is it has something to do with the fact that those global variables could be interned strings.
I just read the definition and usage of interned string here http://www.phpinternalsbook.com/php7/internal_types/strings/zend_strings.html#interned-zend-string
But I think it is not relevant to my case.
Not only string, but LONG also doesn't work in my case.
1 hour later…
Hey, I figured it out. It is IS_INDIRECT type.
The solution is actually simple zval *real_zval = Z_INDIRECT_P(_z);
Got them from here
1 hour later…
posted on May 01, 2020

Top ten things filling me with joy this evening, in no particular order: My wife is out for an hour, leaving me alone in the house for the first time in nearly two months. I can play MY music as loud as I want. It’s too late at night for much to happen in politics. The grocery store had Tontinos frozen pizza in stock. Eating it for lunch gave me a stomachache, and was completely worth ev

1 hour later…
do azure or travis run with the jit? i only find them setting jit_buffer_size=16M but never enabling it specifically
ah ok there are own tests for the jit, but not a way to run all tests with the jit
Audio transcribed to text, synthesized back into Audio: knekx.com/book.mp3
not bad :)
1 hour later…
@beberlei Are you sure? My understanding is that those jobs really run with JIT enabled. E.g. I have a PR where I wasn't able to change the JIT related part (github.com/php/php-src/pull/5446/…) and I have many failures in JITed jobs indeed, but nowhere else
@MátéKocsis yes, i realized when you --enable-opcache-jit, then it sets opcache.jit to enabled by default for evry script, the only thing missing is opcache.jit_buffer_size which the test jobs set. took me a while to realize
BTW: thanks for the PR! I also considered to implement this change, but tbh I hoped that someone will take care of it ^^
2 hours later…
with the recent internal API improvements the Opcache\Jit attribute example PR becomes very nice testbed: github.com/beberlei/php-src/pull/7
1 hour later…
Warning: file_put_contents(): Only 4294967295 of 4 bytes written, possibly out of free disk space in C:\php-sdk\phpdev\vs16\x86\79467.php on line 3
/me buys larger disk/
Might be better to buy a larger 'int'.
Hey guys. This is probably a broad question so I'm only looking for a point into the right direction: I'm running a websocket (cli app) that stores data into an object (array for simplicity). Is there any way I can access this data (read only) inside the DOM (other than connecting to the websocket)?
Or would that only be possible if I store the data somewhere else (like a database)?
I'm asking btw because I'm trying to retrieve which clients are connected to the websocket before connecting a new client (to prevent guest clients from accidentally choosing a username that's already in use)
@icecub If your websocket server also delivers the HTML for normal requests, you can store it in-memory, but it will need effort if you want to scale to two or more server processes.
@kelunik I'm not one to shy away from a little extra effort to get what I want, haha. Thanks for the idea, I think I can work with that
@icecub Which websocket server implementation do you use?
Ratchet (socketo.me)
is there a clever way in the engine to overwrite a "handler" or something on a class, property or constant, so that a <<Deprecated>> attribute would trigger_error at runtime when used, but without affecting the code path for declarations that are not Deprecated?
@beberlei Do we even need <<PhpAttribute>>? Seems like it's not enforced to be present.
@kelunik its enforced in ReflectionAttribute::newInstance. I have been asking myself the same question, especially with target=Enum and repetable=bool properties on it, it would only validate them on newInstance. I am included to go back to delegating this completly to userland.
Prototype for a <<Deprecated>> attribute adding a trigger_error into the AST of the selected method/function github.com/beberlei/php-src/pull/11
@beberlei Did you recently add that? With PHP 8.0.0-dev (cli) (built: Apr 30 2020 07:51:33) from your branch it's not enforced on newInstance.
yes, it was a bug, fixe in the last 1-2 days
@beberlei Shouldn't <<RepeatableAttribute>> be a thing then? :P
adding too many attributes is a bit annoying or not? <<PhpAttribute($target, $repeatable)>> imho, and then named parameters can improve on that
the problem with repeatable is, you already have an array of attributes in memory with name and args accessible from ReflectionAttribute. you could have a non repeatable attribute twice there, only when newInstance() is called its throwing
bool parameters should be avoided where possible IMO. Those are two things we want to allow now, but in the future something might be more common than setting repeatable = true.
@beberlei Maybe Repeatable validation should be left to static analysis tools?
<<AttributeTarget(AttributeTarget::METHOD), RepeatableAttribute>> seems more readable than <<PhpAttribute(PhpAttribute::TARGET_METHOD, true)>>
There are some pretty weird CI failures happening on S390X travis-ci.org/github/php/php-src/jobs/682317585 O.o
If we're talking about marking a user-defined attribute class as repeatable or not, then an attribute on that class, or an interface on that class, seem better than a bool parameter.
Or conversely a Unique attribute/interface if we want repeatable to be the default.
error: unable to create file ext/zlib/tests/deflate_add_block_v123.phpt (No space left on device)
me buys a bigger disk
Hi PHP people...
Quick question... does anyone know (off the top of their head) the best way to convert zend_string* to char*?
For zval* there's Z_STRVAL_P
careful though ,it does not create a copy to the char that is inside the zend_string
@beberlei That's not a problem for my current use case. But thanks for mentioning.
also make (or already be) sure that ZSTR_LEN(s) equals strlen(ZSTR_LEN(s)) (i.e. the string doesn't contain NUL bytes)
@cmb OK.
I see...
ZSTR_VAL will return a pointer to the memory used to store the zend_string bytes...
but C standard library functions will just operate on a prefix of the actual string if there are nulls in it
I am wondering if that is also a problem for my use case
For example, say it's a file path passed as argument from PHP code to an extension
If the programmer passes a string with nulls in it...
then the file path will just be taken to be the portion up to the first null byte
Kind of weird behavior, I guess
I wonder if there is any OS/filesystem which allows null bytes in file paths?
Hey, I thought of another question.
I have been seeing calls to internal functions like pefree, pecalloc, etc.
Which take a 'persistent' bool value when allocating/freeing memory
Any hint on what 'persistent' is about?
Lives between requests
I thought it might be something like that.
Also there is a ZPP check for paths which will ensure it doesn't have nul bytes in teh string
^ that
@AlexD NTFS does since it stores filenames as UTF-16
@cmb Wow
@kelunik I don't think so. And yes @beberlei please no boolean, but an extra trailing `, RepeatableAttribute.
@cmb and yet windows has all sorts of restrictions on filepaths like disallowing :, \, >, < etc.
oh, those are the easy restrictions; the fun ones are disallowing "PRN", "COM", etc
but these were those biting me when checking out a git repo having quite some of these chars in filenames
that was so broken
true story: our git repo at work can't be reliably checked out on Windows, because one of the themes has the three-letter code "CON"
CON, not COM, sorry
the file system will be fine with it, of course, but depending which APIs they use, programs will get very confused when they try to access that directory
@bwoebi then fix it (the Git repo) :)
@cmb I did… but it was a major annoyance because the filenames were relevant information for the application … ended up replacing all colons by equals signs and then replacing it back in code while processing the file tree …
@cmb check out on your wsl, drop it and push? :-D
Hey Guys, could somebody help to convert this (part of) json file into array? tmp.jooker.org/stack_jsontoarray.txt my problem is, json_decode($var,TRUE) is overwriting the X var in the json :/
hm, that's going to be tricky; I think most tools will consider that invalid JSON
according to json.org "An object is an unordered set of name/value pairs." - it doesn't actually say the names have to be unique, but since they're explicitly unordered, it wouldn't be very meaningful for them not to be
so, you're going to have to do some custom parsing, I think; or risk some blind string manipulation to give the duplicate keys unique names
i have checked the json validy on jsonformatter.curiousconcept.com , it says its a valid json... i'm lil'bit confused... actually i did this kind of json decode done with json_decode(json_decode($var), TRUE) also XML... but this is realy confused
@Chris Can't you just fix your json instead?
Or just parse the xml proper instead?
eugh, if I had a pound for everyone running into trouble because they thought it was a good idea to translate XML straight to JSON
if you have XML, use an XML parser
On top of that ^ no never use simplexml for anything
why not? SimpleXML is ... well, really simple
The simple in the name is a typo
@Ekin what do you mean with fix the json? Sure I can str_replace something in the json var .. have tried to replace {} with [] but its not working
It actually should have been stupid
it's only flaw is that it's debug output is horrible because print_r says "array" when it means "sub-structure"
Neh that's not it's only flaw
The entire API is terribly broken
And filled with magic
$sx = simplexml_load_string($xml); foreach ($sx->X as $x) { echo $x; }
it's a DSL, and PHP folks aren't used to them
It's magic on top of magic
@IMSoP print_r returns the whole json format, not array
wha? I'm talking about SimpleXML, not JSON
@IMSoP thx, just test it
@Chris No do not manually edit json :D
for the use cases it's written for (XML as document structure, not markup language), the DSL SimpleXML gives you is really nice
this is the original file tmp.jooker.org/Filmliste-akt I think is json format
stuff like foreach ( $foo->bar->baz as $x ) just works
so, yeah, it's broken JSON with duplicate keys; back to my original statement: you're unlikely to find a parser off-the-shelf for that
@IMSoP I respectfully disagree strongly :)
I'm with @IMSoP - SImpleXML can be wonderful
@Ekin yeah, duplicate keys, how to get it in to php array ? OMG :D
oh, i mean @ IMSop
	Route::post('/store_comment', function(Request $request) {
			'author_name' => 'bail|required|regex:/^[A-Za-z\s]+$/',
			'author_email' => 'bail|required|email',
			'comment' => 'required'
		], [
			'author_name.required' => "Please specify an author name",
			'author_name.regex' => "Author name can only contain letters and spaces",
			'author_email.required' => "Please specify an author email",
			'author_email.email' => "Please enter a valid email",
			'comment.required' => "Please enter a comment"
@Chris so, you'll need to write a parser; you can maybe find a "simple" JSON parser written in pure PHP that you could use as a base
i have the above laravel route and i have the validation in the controller code
where should i put the validation rules and messages? it looks kind of messy
idk if it's standard to include it in the controller like this
re SimpleXML, I really wish the debug output could be improved, but I think there's a limit to what you can persuade print_r and friends to do, so we'll always have users thinking they've got an array rather than an object :(
I'd rather learn the "magic" of foreach ( $foo->bar->baz as $x ) { $foo[] = (string)$x['whatever']; } than write foreach ( $foo->children('bar')[0]->children('baz') as $x ) { $foo[] = $x->attribute('whatever')->value; } or whatever a "non-magic" API would make me do
and I'd certainly rather a traversable object than the broken arrays I've seen people create trying to parse XML in one pass
oke thx, i try some code :)
looking for a "streaming parser" might be a good bet, too, since you'll get efficient reading of the large file into the bargain
not sure if such a thing is out there, though
@IMSoP xpath
yo.. just have seen something on stack here about replacing the duplicate "X" key with unique() .. I should get the data in foreach... lets try.. :)
imean uniqid()
warning: the values uniqid() generates are not that unique (especially if you generate multiple values quickly). Make sure to at least use uniqid(true)
Another terrible function that should not exist or be fixed :P
It's one of those annoying ones that's hard to get changed (even enabling the more entropy by default) "because someone somewhere relies on the value being the specific format it is" and "well, it sort of does what it says - and there is big warnings on the manual page"
> Support group for those afflicted with PHP. :)
@AllenJB yeah, just have seen it... will try with random_bytes(5)
maybe random_bytes should have a printable mode, or take a character range or something
fail, random_byte is including whitespaces
maybe rand()
it'll include more than whitespaces; it's random bytes
ok, will try sec
Or random_int
@Ekin if XPath could be cleanly embedded into the language, I'd be all for it; having to write expressions in quoted strings each time you want to traverse down a level is horrible
It's no more horrible than magic calls like in simplexml imo
foreach ($foo->xpath('bar/baz') as $baz) { foreach ($baz->xpath('boing/bing') as $bing ) { ... } } vs foreach ($foo->bar->baz as $baz) { foreach ($baz->boing->bing as $bing ) { ... } }
like I say, it's a DSL; some people hate those, and they're not very common in PHP
see also: operator overloading
I don't mind a good DSL
It's just not good. HAving to work it daily also doesn't help my hate against it :D
then I'm curious what it is you dislike
the namespace functionality is a bit ugly, but XML namespaces are quite an ugly standard
other than that, it's ->foo for element, ['foo'] for attribute, and that's about all there is to it
As said. All the magic involved. The terrible API in multiple places. The fact there are tools which do tha same only better
can you be more specific?
The accessing of stuff is non intuitive
It's limited to the point that if you want to do more stuff you have to convert it into a dom object proper
it's only useful for a particular style of XML, and a particular set of tasks, I'll grant you that
You don't really have proper types
Stuff acts like strings "sometimes"
that's PHP's casting rules, not SimpleXML
it acts like strings whenever PHP asks it to
No it's simeplxml
i.e. always if you write (string), sometimes if the context calls for one
when does it act as a string when, say, an integer wouldn't?
It's part of the magic of simplexml
AFAIK, it overloads the string cast, that's it
Yes, which is stupid
well, it's something any class can do with __toString
Yes, which makes no sense for a domnode/simplexmlelement
Any class can do it, but most of them shouldn't
yeah, it's maybe not the best use of it
I wouldn't say it's "stuff sometimes acting like strings", though
It's weird choices like that which doesn't make me help like it
I can see the reasoning behind it; given <document><foo><bar>hello</bar></foo></document>, having echo $document->foo->bar; just work is kind of neat
> I wouldn't say it's "stuff sometimes acting like strings", though
yes you did
That's what the magic method does though
I did. Because that's what it does
right, sorry, talking cross-purposes
I still disagree with the "sometimes" part, though
it acts as a string exactly when you ask it to
it's just that its definition of "as a string" might not be right with more complex documents, where an explicit ->content() method or something might be more intuititve
so, yeah, it's certainly not perfect
Implicitly though
Not explicitly
Hence magic
yep, just as any implementation of __toString does
it's standard PHP magic, not special SimpleXML magic
as I say, the same contexts will turn a number into a string
Yes, but simplexml supports that bullshit
Which is my entire point
Saying that something is in php doesn't mean proper api should implement it
Also that magic interface introduces bugs
again, I can see both sides of that one
The magic interface in general
I can see why whoever designed it thought the overloading would be useful, and I can see why it's not always
what you're calling "the magic interface", I'm calling "the DSL"
Consider this recent example:
1 sec opening code base
it's deliberately overloading PHP syntax for its own ends, because otherwise it would need a ton of method calls, which are quite verbose in PHP
$simple = new SimpleXmlElement('<foo><x>bar</x></foo>');

var_dump($simple->huh->x . 'wat');
That is just plain bad behaviour
You seem to think I don't like dsl's or do not understand what they are
I am just saying this is a bad one
I don't see the problem in that example (except that it should be var_dump($simple->x . 'wat');
There is a difference
you used string concatenation, so there's two things PHP can do: error, or convert the operand to a string
And what instant feedback does it give me?
It should tell me it is wrong
Just continuing marching on is bad
LIke var_dump([] . 'wat'); bad
OK, so the ` . 'wat'` is irrelevant here; the issue is that $foo->huh->x is NULL
that NULL . 'wat' works is completely independent of that
yes but it doesn't tell me it is wrong
the . 'wat' or the $foo->huh->x? because only one of those has anything to do with SimpleXML
And that's the one I am talking about
yes, $foo->huh->x certainly could error; the reason it doesn't is because you can use that syntax to write as well as read
Back to my point with the magic api being bad
I see why it does (some) things the way it does. It's just not good behaviour is what I am saying
It's surprising at best
I don't like surprises in my code
it's pretty PHP-like, though; $simple = ['bar' => ['x' => 'bar']]; var_dump($simple['huh']['x']); only raises Notices
@IMSoP but that never happens for object access.
If it were an array access API I'd agree
$simple = (object)['bar' => ['x' => 'bar']]; var_dump($simple->huh->x);
this is just plain magic here
does pretty much the same thing
php > $simple = (object)['bar' => ['x' => 'bar']]; var_dump($simple->huh->x);

Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$huh in php shell code on line 1

Notice: Trying to get property 'x' of non-object in php shell code on line 1
yep, same as the array case: two notices, and a result of NULL
And what does simplexml do?
it skips the notices; maybe that could be fixed
So it's not "pretty php like"
@IMSoP array case only throws one notice, but not in the null deref
It takes magic and sprinkles it with fairy dust and covers it in mud to hide it
Interesting - there was an RFC to deprecate uniqid() but as far as I can see it was never voted on: wiki.php.net/rfc/deprecate-uniqid (discussion: externals.io/message/102097 )
@bwoebi apparently one is new in 7.4: 3v4l.org/NvG9S
so they're not completely symmetrical: 3v4l.org/5ZTXW
"now" not "not"
I can certainly agree there are things that could be improved in SimpleXML, though
I still really like the general principle, though, compared to something like DOM
which is slavish in its coverage of the possibilities of XML, but horrible when you just want to parse a few tags and attributes
I've occasionally wondered about trying to propose some SimpleXML improvements; AFAIK, it hasn't had much change since it was introduced, and the language has moved on since
splitting SimpleXMLElement into different classes would be tricky, but adding a ->getType or ->isAttribute would be helpful
and adding notices or warnings for accessing non-existent nodes might be, too
oh, that was you, nevermind
I only saw the most recent email from Ben
Yeah, I thought I'd bring it up (again) on internals. What's the worst that can happen? =D
after reading the "simple classes" proposal... yeah, I don't think you could do any harm
that ranged pretty far in "WTF" territory for me
2 hours later…
@beberlei weird question but seeing that you managed to implement the <<deprecated>> attribute, I wonder if there is a way to implement <<final>> and something like <<returns(type)>> which would allow us to render internal classes final or add return types in PHP 9 as child classes would know they need to specify the return types before it breaks.
Don't know the perf impact tho of something like that
@Girgias you mean custom deprecation warnings? but would you need attributes for them? They could just be what they will be and render a deprecation instead as well or?
Well, I'm mostly thinking about internal classes, and I don't really know how we can "notify" people to add return types / warn them that the class they are extending will become final
And I don't know if we can do that in another way
couldn't that just happen in inheritence checking a whitelist of classes that will change in php 9?
zend_do_link_class for example
Maybe? IIRC Nikita sent an email that for return types the perf impact may be too high and my tired brain thinks that maybe attributes could help :|
@beberlei I'll need to look into that maybe, I don't really know much about how object work in the Engine so maybe? But I imagine for libraries and attribute could be nice aswell instead of just a @final docblock but I imagine this can be implemented in userland?
one thing though, nikita asked about that as well, the patch currently only supports attributes on userland functions/methods (op_arrays) not on internal ones. that could obviously be changed, i overoptimized saving one ptr per internal thing, as they would probably likely 99,9% not have attributes
imho attributes can help, but as the engine already knows about the things, attributes feels like an additoinal indirection that is not necessary
going to bed now, until tomorrow
Seem reasonable, as yeah the engine should know about that indeed
Night :)

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