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@petey 0, I've realized that people will call you Dr. anyways if you show up to places with a lab coat, stethoscope, and syringes
5 hours later…
@ballBreaker I've sent the email :) I will let you know
have you tried Android Studio 4?
why not? it looks interesting
I don't do Android dev
Im downloading it now 🕺🕺🕺
It won't help
remarkable is like 3000 ron here
a lot of money
and a sh one is now gone
Money is irrelevant
All that matters is productivity
@RaghavSood hehe....so more than a few huh? good for you :)
Just buy a linux laptop like a normal advanced dev
@petey Not sure if I'll work my way up to one, tbh. Maybe given the right mix of research outside of academia and a prof. willing to work with that kind of arrangement
But unlikely
@RaghavSood that would assume I'm an advanced dev
Moving to linux with a tiling window manager from macOS has been a massive increase in productivity
I'm sure you can keep up
hard to say, I never stay around on the same field long enough to become an expert :D
@RaghavSood why is that?
That's probably good, most of the really good devs I know aren't good because they're really good at a specific area, but mostly because they're good enough in a wide enough range of areas to be able to work with the bigger picture
Including areas outside of the technical side of things
but why Mehdi?
@Mehdi The OS (mostly) does exactly what I want it to - no more having to click update tomorrow every day, no more fighting with a million animations, no more being unable to do something because Apple decided to lock people out of that side of the OS, no more dependency on Apple services, fewer distractions
All relatively small things which add up quite fast
Now, when I unlock my laptop, I can start working right away
It requires a small change in your approach to things, such as being disciplined enough to fix annoyances properly when they crop up vs. hot fixes, but overall it is much smoother
The tiling WM alone saves a ton of time in task switching
@grrigore because I like to do/learn new things in our field to not get bored
why do you wanna buy that keyboard
To type
Why else would you buy any keyboard?
Come on, stop being grrignorant
@RaghavSood that was exactly my issue, hot fixes piling up over the years ending up messing up the overall performances of the system
yes lol why else would I want a keyboard for? XD
it's 150 bucks ffs
@Mehdi NixOS can fix that, I've transitioned to it for all the new servers I'm setting up - quite a learning curve, but when your entire system is a git repo, then doing things right becomes a lot easier. If you fuck it up, you can just git revert and you're back to a fully functional system
I need to find the time to switch over my laptop to it
But even with Ubuntu on my laptop, I'm not facing too many issues - only had to put together some scripts for playing nice with external monitors, but it is very solid apart from that
@RaghavSood that's a smart approach
@grrigore a keyboard is meant to stay for a long time, so imo it's a worthy investment if it's an ergonomic one putting less stress on your hands and fingers
@grrigore Again, money is irrelevant, if a tool helps you do things better, it is often worth it
I spend about 28 hours a day sitting on my laptop, so buying a $160 chair was a no brainer
Same goes for the keyboard, trackpad, laptop, monitors
160 chair vs 150 keyboard
whatever not my money
My keyboard is about 140 NZD, trackpad is about 200
Of my entire room, which encompasses pretty much everything I own, probably 80% of monetary value is in my computer stuff
laughs in $5 mouse
I thought all this stuff was way too expensive too when I saw other people buying it initially
But once you work out the numbers, it is hard to argue with the benefits
Would I spend $3000 on a carbon fibre bike? Of course not, even though it is a worthwhile investment for many who do biking a lot. I don't, so a random second hand street bike is enough
I got ya
But someone whose livelihood depends on biking the 3000$ bike is probably worth it
Not necessarily livelihood - even if you do it for fun, it can be worth it
Yeah if you use it a lot
For me, the value of something is essentially a function of how much I'd use it
Doesn't really matter what I'm using it for
Or whether I get a monetary ROI on it
For instance, I started getting into golf recently, but I don't know if I'l stick with it, so I've assembled a patchwork golf set by buying used clubs
That's sufficient for now, and will likely suffice for several years
and sometimes, it just feels good to have nice things
If I really stick with it, I'll upgrade and use the old set to beat up solicitors
wow I've started something here
I do not like solicitors
They are a waste of time
Which could be spent on things I enjoy
Such as beating up solicitors
@grrigore we're just trying to convert you to modern consumerism, please spend your money
I do
But spend it well
wise words
and thoroughly
I know some people who think writing stuff in nodejs and php is a hobby and worthy of $5 on a digital ocean VPS to host it
They are wrong
@RaghavSood I never understood the appeal of golf. I played it some as a kid. It's basically the laziest sport, it's expensive, and really just a hassle.
I mean to each their own, but seems like there's better options for fun. haha
Absolutely, much like most sports - I am somewhat restricted against sports that involve running or body contact tho, so I'll take what I can get
Valid reason.
I've never been terribly into sports, but golf is relatively easy to do when you have no friends, can't run much, and is quite cheap in NZ
So lines up well
Well I can't say I ever golfed by myself or in New Zealand.
Neither have I, just been going to the range so far
But compared to most countries, course memberships are quite cheap
And there's a fairly high number of courses compares to the population
golf is lots of fun, especially if you drink a bit along the way
I wonder how they stay in business. They seem like they'd be expensive to maintain.
espeiclaly if you miss the hole from <15 feet, DRINK!
There is a lot of land in NZ, and not a lot of people
@petey So is literally any other game. haha
Not entirely sure if drinking on courses is really a thing here
Haven't seen that many places out of the US, really
golf give you more time to laugh at your mates...plus there is a go cart!
You have the club houses, sure, but nothing like a beer cart
Do people use carts there or walk?
You have both options
Most people walk or use trundlers, NZ weather is usually pretty nice
hmmm well then. Americans are just alcoholics I guess.
damn right
@RaghavSood what about swimming?
So has anyone here used Tizen Studio?
@grrigore I used to swim in Singapore, but don't really have easy access to a pool in NZ, and it gets cold here for most of the year, so nah
hi mauker
oh bother, TIL Android studio 4, tiling WM, and tizen studio
thx room 15!
And it's only the weekend!
One of two days in the week where we might actually discuss something related to tech, instead of the usual politics/MwB+bB's drama filled lives/JBis' attempts at building something while putting in more effort into complaining
lets begin! LAtely I've been leaning AWS. More specifically, the AWS Serverless Application Model (its all yaml...or json + ">sam build && sam deploy")
holy crap is it neat!
For those who might be interested, RxJava 3.0 and RxAndroid 3.0 are now stable and have been released!
@petey I give you a month until you've drowned in your own tears.
Serverless is cool, but I've never quite found the right task fit for it in my own stuff
had some minor issues with cloudfront defintions of two origins (s3 and APIG) , but no tears yet. I'm on to authentication w/ cognito and steaming right along
oh dear lord, cognito... I think you might kill yourself before you have a chance to drown.
keep in mind, I'm trying to stay in AWS SAM as much as possible, the other way to do lambda's + Api Gateway seem very verbose to me
You mean Cloudformation?
is there some dictionary api for multiple languages?
already passed the cognito bits, amplify framework makes it easier to learn
yea, all this AWS Sam stuff translates to Cloudformation (under its hood(s))
@grrigore /usr/share/dict/words
I'm doing nodejs, so no probs there
42 mins ago, by Raghav Sood
I know some people who think writing stuff in nodejs and php is a hobby and worthy of $5 on a digital ocean VPS to host it
s/digital ocean/AWS
well, I'm not paying for it, its the clients
Clients are still people... aren't they?
and its much easier than getting hosting colo and installing shit on it and maintaining that
I take no issues with the price and complexity of a solution here, just the language
@petey I suppose it depends what you are trying to do. They don't support using custom forms, and I remember it was a huge hassle to get it working on Facebook just because their docs sucked.
what I'm doing, private health company needs customer management and monitoring portal. they got devices that spit out patient data. I slurp in > and provide charts and some extra processing. Using Vue as the FE. I love the Vue
as for the language, you might be surprised how far JS has come. there babel + eslint + lots of tools for code coverage (its not THAT hard to get 100% written for unti tests)
I never really used Vue aside from played with it a while ago.
plus the tools tell you whats missing (even code branching)
@petey My issue isn't with JS (typescript in particular is a pretty good language), but with nodejs and the ecosystem around it, especially with regards to dependency management and security
Vuetify framwork makes it easier to stitch it together
@RaghavSood Haha yea, if you come across my npm package for validating congnito's JWTs, don't use it. It's not maintained. lol
why would you need that? just wondering?
I don't even remember. I think it had to do with making custom forms.
I gave up on Cognito and pushed it all out of my brain...
I also had PRK last year. Best thing I've ever done for myself. I can see almost perfectly without glasses/contacts
PRK > Lasik+ (imo)
@RaghavSood Btw, if you don't know about Yarn, its like the NPM-cli, but uses a very specific lock file to ensure you're using the same versions of dependencies. Also, I believe both have an audit command that checks if any of your dependencies have known vulnerabilities.
I'm familiar, but it goes beyond just the management tools
npm has package-lock.json as well
and an audit
@petey It might have improved by now, but it never worked right for me. I think it only locks the top-level dependencies or something stupid like that.
its all the dependencies and such too
its kinda like that gradle dependencies command (i forgotten it)
I basically just stopped using npm a few years ago and never went back.
They've probably caught up with yarn by now.
yea I think audit and package-lock came about 2.5 years ago
So... I'm pretty sure Tizen Studio only works with Java6... How is Samsung even in business?
You'd think they'd at least release an official VM image or something. lol
I think my mac is completely incapable of running it.
says 8 is a-ok
in other news, here is a backyard fox that caught something tasty
@petey That's the JDK. The page you linked also points to this: support.apple.com/kb/DL1572?locale=en_US
I named him/her, Foxy
It looks like a shoe
Foxy also likes cat kibble.
Did it tell you that?
Another day, another 4 AM lamentation about the lack of 24 hour food options in Christchurch
Maybe you should just start sleeping at night..?
What's the point of capitalism if the market is not catered to?
Well then open a 7-11. If the market actually exists, you wont have any competition and will have a successful business.
Although I'm going to guess most people just sleep at night. lol
Eventually, when I have some more time
Ideally, I need to be in a financial position to fund arbitrary projects I'd like, but do not have the time to do currently
Unfortunately, I've only achieved the "do not have the time to do currently" part
18 minutes later..
@Taseer LIES
@DestinyFaith You need a 4:3 q:a ratio or better to get access here
@Gabriel14 You need a 4:3 q:a ratio or better to get access here
So my final attempt at using TizenStudio: install Windows 10 in a VM. lol
I downloaded an app for home workout
Because I am getting out of shape
I'm sure you'll get 'round
... to it
To treat myself for downloading the app, I got a pizza, 2 burgers and 2 pepsi all for me
I wish I could order food :(
0532, no sign of any place selling food opening soon
Even the cafes open at like 8
0730 if you're lucky
I gotta take the slice of delicious pizza ;)
But unlikely on a Sunday
yea, here in romania we have a lot of non stop shops
Maybe I'll move to Wellington
I got pizza hut and kfc in walking distance
I have a pizza hut in walking distance
It closed six and a half hours ago
And won't open for another four and a half hours
You can always break in, bake the pizza by yourself and leave the money on the counter
I feel like I'd save time by just breaking into a grocery store and getting the premade, frozen pizzas
Shorter walk, too
You can't feel hunger when you're asleep.
But I must work
But this one is my last junk food experience, so that's why I gotta treat myself :(
Don't worry
You are weak
|| raghav
You will cave in to the temptation
Ohhhh, I have ice cream
It shall suffice, for now
It's a miracle I'm still the same weight I was when I got to NZ
You'd think 2 years of nightly starvation would knock some off
Or unhealthy habits would pile it on
But I've struck a lifelong balance between terrible eating and insufficient eating, maintaining a near constant 50-55kg
Sure saves money on clothes
@RaghavSood complaining about being hungry doesn't count as work.
That's more of an extra curricular activity
Or you could just walk like an hour to a place this actually is open, and by the time you get back you'll be tired enough from all the walking to sleep.
The only such option would be McDonald's, which serves basically nothing I can eat since they put eggs in everything here
I have finished the pizza.
@RaghavSood Yes, I am weak
hmm I don't think I've heard of anyone having an allergy/intolerance to eggs before. That must suck.
It's one of the most common ones, you probably aren't hearing hard enough
Would be really hard to figure out what does or doesn't have egg in it.
It's why they mark eggs on food packaging in most countries
Alongside peanuts, wheat/gluten, dairy
oh.. guess that's how... lol
It was harder when I was younger, especially since India didn't mandate such markings for quite a while
So many birthday parties with no cake
ha yea, baked stuff would be risky.
Essentially inaccessible even now
Cakes are basically not a thing for me, unless I make it myself
Even cookies are a hard sell
Hence the abundance of Oreos, which are fairly consistent globally
I'm allergic to tons of stuff, but mainly just gotta watch out for eggs and shellfish
Other things won't kill me, just make me feel weird
Is swing the go-to gui framework for java desktop apps?
JavaFX is making some inroads
But Swing remains the default for now
I thought everyone hates javafx.
If you keep looking for validation from other people, you're going to end up nowhere
Seek validation only from bots
We know best
Now run along and give up on GUIs altogether, clis are the future
ok thanks :)
Well, it is past 6 AM, I shall start preparing for my long and arduous trip to a cafe opening in an hour or two for breakfast
If my google skills have not disappointed, the city center ones might be open as early as 7!
Only need to traverse 7km to get there
This city deserves to be a ghost town
good luck
@RaghavSood walking? I guess you really are doing what I said. ha
I have been thinking a lot about things lately
I'm all ears Tasser
Ya'll ever feel like getting stuck in your life and not knowing what to do but you want to do something to make it better
I am at that point, at least I have come to proper realization
of course
you can start thinking and trying new things
and ask yourself what can you do to "escape" this feeling
But when you look back at your responsibilities, you can't escape them
I think it's quite a common feeling
o/ all
@Taseer it's like designing a system under constraints, you live with those constraints and adapt your code and programming approach :D
posted on February 15, 2020 by CommonsWare

Android 10 is greatly restricting access to external storage via filesystem APIs. Instead, we need to use other APIs to work with content. This is the 12th post in a seemingly never-ending series, where we will explore how to work with those alternatives.

2 hours later…
@Taseer well you CAN. You just don't want to.
1 hour later…
if something can either be "right" or "left" would you repersent it with a boolean "isRight" or with a string "direction"?
what can be right or left?
the placement of something
maybe use a boolean but with a more specific name
isRight can also be right, right?
   true - on the right
   false - on the left
   "right" - on the right
   "left" - on the left
hmmm I think my opinion is that neither is clearly better, so I'd just go boolean out of laziness.
Unless of course you think there will be more options later.
nope always left or right
but isRight seems stupid
why not isLeft?
Because it doesn't matter. lol
just pick one
its a difficult choice
My point is just that its overthinking something that will have no significant effect on anything.
but where are you using that?
wdym "where"?
its an object
why do you need that placement value
to figure out bounding lines for something
And exciting news, Tizen studio is actually supported on Windows. No idea why they have versions for Mac and Linux.
what does that do?
me or him?
I'd go for something that can be easily modified later, so not isRight or isLeft
Let's you build Samsung apps.
alright im going with "direction"
maybe a wild "centre" appears
what language are you using?
js, which is why i am asking in android
maybe an enum would work better
or it might just be some overengineering
makes sense
i would think in a real lang just use direction with an enum for right and left (in js you could use true and false for the enum values)
but def over engineering
well you know better
gotta go now
have fun with your project
thanks adios o/
@JBis There's ways to sort of fake enums in js, or use enums if its ts.
still don't think its worth that much thought. ha
lol this project is going to take longer to make then just doing what it is automating would have taken the first place
I had been wondering why all the samsung watchfaces always have glitchy second-hands. This is the example code they provide:
setInterval(function() {
        }, 1000);
You'd think the makers of a watch device would have some clue about how to handle time related code. lol

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