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12:04 PM
Jack, sandbox
Oh right, the .Replace()...
Jack, countdown
PSA: Jira has a free tier for up to 10 people now.
Waited for that for personal use :D
It's the final countdownsyndrom
12:14 PM
Tbh I don't think it's gonna be the final countdown though.
1423934 messages/s
1432165 messages/s
1382787 messages/s
1394182 messages/s
1347261 messages/s
1386579 messages/s
1401476 messages/s
1408737 messages/s
1423091 messages/s
so countdown can be reassigned? (ba dum tss)
I don't understand why Jack is so fucked
Jack, why are you so fucked?
Is that even English?
12:19 PM
It might be
The .replace thing I get
But like even
Jack, commands
Even that is fubar
I'll have a look later ™
Jack, xkcd
wtf is that?
Jack, forget xkcd
12:21 PM
Command xkcd has been forgotten
Jack, learn xkcd "https://3d.xkcd.com/$0"
I've learned the command xkcd
Jack, forget forget
Jack, is your boss nice?
12:22 PM
@CaptainObvious You can't do that mate
Is that even English?
Jack, xkcd 221
I don't understand mate
Obviously needs some time to SaveChanges()
TFS sucks
Oh dear ...
12:30 PM
Jack, cringe
Jack, tfs
12:31 PM
Jack, tfs
I don't understand mate
Jack, die
Jack, whodabest
....Come Again?
Jack, commands
I've learned the command oobidigah
12:34 PM
Jack, oobidigah
Hangon, don't i knows him from crash?
I honestly wonder how Crash Bandicoot got around Australian cultural appropriation -- especially when still the west knows very little about Australia
We know the place is full of dirty crims and burning trees
Time to go visit a friend, cya tomorrow or something o/
12:43 PM
@CaptainSquirrel it's AVNIR u lilshit
bye rodent
bye flammenwerfer boi
he has no flammenwerfer
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Only starred that message because it's from the one and only
12:51 PM
or does he ????
hides in bunker
12:54 PM
@Hans1984 that's nuts
birds lost it and decided to attack the squirrels
now he NEEDS a flamethrower
12:56 PM
the photo is fire, thanks for sharing it
they lost their minds not the flamethrower of course
you re welcome
mhm I'm pretty sure it's * your *
of course it is
its my flamethrower
and no its you 're
no, its youre
= you are
12:58 PM
no, it's your
your doesnt even exist
thats not a word
please, guys, don't fight. we all know it's "UR"
did I just get out trolled
@Hans1984 have you studied your grammar?
ur guis R st00pid
12:59 PM
well its actually a word but its not the correct word in that context
it is grammar, isnt it?
you're is right
@Hans1984 no, it's "you're right"
"you are right", not "you are is right"
1:00 PM
is are
Im german so im a grammar nazi
Im grammar so Im a german nazi
1:01 PM
oh hey! another bird!
do I have to pay?
you're only have to pay if your feel like it
you, your, you're, leedle leedle leedle lee
are you ok?
1:03 PM
no, he is AlRey
I really wish I could read
Oh god what's going on
I can't either
@CaptainObvious dont worry, I got this
@HéctorÁlvarez dfkjsbvhuidhfv
which, to you... probably means "worry the crap out of yourself"
1:04 PM
[fear intensifies]
introducing the sham-WOOHOO!!
not the sham-woohoo, the sham-WOOHOO!! -- say it like that
@johnsmith careful, Captain Obviously Scared might kick you for not speaking engrish
@AlRey nigahiga
@HéctorÁlvarez german nazi, gotta start that
I will bee hive
1:06 PM
order the sham-WOOHOO!! and you'll be saying WOOHOO!! every time
that is someone's face
AI will never take my job
@CaptainObvious does it only count for klingon/
1:08 PM
@Hans1984 my grammar is dead
@johnsmith Me too thanks
are you also dead?
no, I'm john smith
not you you
Scared Chicken you
@johnsmith mine aswell :(
the grammar is dead, long live the grammar
1:14 PM
    .Where(it => it.Grammars.All(IsDead))
    .ForAll(it => it.BeSad())
I have trobble with me spilling
make that a .Singleton
we can never forget
when a wife dies, her husband becomes a singleton
but when grammar dies... who then becomes a singleton?
the memory
> Every human being is unique.
- weird people
Wietlol: makes interfaces for every individual human being
@HéctorÁlvarez hahaha
oh hi everyone o/
1:19 PM
who's everyone?
@johnsmith me
1:21 PM
your' everyone?
I am everyone
thats' cool wh'ats it like
I am everyone
1:34 PM
The people of the world are builders.
But look into their hearts and you will see they have the power to destroy.
I am that power.
I am destruction.
And I **will** destroy you.
Do I have to pay?
@AlRey how cute
I guess it is cute; I am but a mere Matoran
what has this chat become?
1:42 PM
ew no Hero Factory here..only bonks
@AlRey Didn't I play against you once in a counterstrike match?
umm maybe..?
what was my username?
I haven't played CS in like a year
I call it working
both Computer Science and C-Sharp
not so much fun to call it playing
kotlin has much more fun
one of the last times I went on CS:GO, someone said "n***er" for no reason and then everyone decided to vote to kick me out cause they're retarded and thought I was the one who said it
last time I go to CS:GO to blow off steam
1:46 PM
I dont know how to pronouce "n***er"
then you're not old enough for stack; come back in, say...8 years
is it like "triple-star" or more like how silly double-you-double-you-double-you dot is?
as if two of me wouldnt be enough
I remember being in 7th grade, not knowing that slur, and we were talking about African countries in history class....and our teacher was like "can anyone tell me what this country is -- and if you pronounce the name wrong, you're getting suspended"
StudentsManager or StudentManager?
@AlRey in our country, it is a normal word
are you from the usa?
1:50 PM
yes -- and a guy here got reprimanded here for using that word in a friendly way, so I'm not gonna say it here
people from the usa are always like "man, we have THE freedom. people from other countries, they dont know what real freedom is, but we know. we have it. we have so much freedom, no one can even compare theirs to ours"
also people from the usa: "what?! no! you cant say that word"
hm...funny how I never said that at any point during, before, or after this conversation will be long over
Thank you
"and that other word... and... you know there are a few words that you just cant say"
did you just compare saying the n word to freedom?
1:51 PM
freedom of speech?
@AlRey not you in particular tho
okay so you say the damn word
just people in general
do it
don't do it
1:52 PM
I will probably get banned for it, but nigger is just a normal word
iirc, it means something like "shiny black"
or... bright...
or... lustrous... whatever the heck that is
refulgent might be the best translation
I think you confuse social taboos with freedom of speech
1:54 PM
there's too many minorities in my water park
but I have never seen that word before, so I must trust google translate on it
I'm pretty sure hector is being retarded on purpose
ye, hector is retarded (he will so hate me for this)
also I'm just now realizing he's not wietlang
they can both coexist
where is hector anyway? if you're wietlol, where is he?
1:55 PM
I devoured him
that makes sense
I was hungry...
does the real one work at google?
no, that is a different yellow diamond
I don't remember where I heard that from
1:57 PM
I'm just now finding out what a DetailsView is
I've used datagrid and gridview, but not this

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