The people of the world are builders. But look into their hearts and you will see they have the power to destroy. I am that power. I am destruction. And I **will** destroy you.
one of the last times I went on CS:GO, someone said "n***er" for no reason and then everyone decided to vote to kick me out cause they're retarded and thought I was the one who said it
I remember being in 7th grade, not knowing that slur, and we were talking about African countries in history class....and our teacher was like "can anyone tell me what this country is -- and if you pronounce the name wrong, you're getting suspended"
people from the usa are always like "man, we have THE freedom. people from other countries, they dont know what real freedom is, but we know. we have it. we have so much freedom, no one can even compare theirs to ours"
also people from the usa: "what?! no! you cant say that word"