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@nyconing SandBox: Unable to complete invocation in 5 seconds
Do you guys think an end-to-end USB would connect AndroidTV to a Computer?
I debugged it
Just open the USB debugging setting
hey it works :D
so it's called Male-Male USB
my ext harddisk is
best language and platform we can get in android <api24 is C# and Xamarin! yay
So I have finally connect adb to AndroidTV. My goal is, to install Netflix here but it seems Netflix has a list of only allowed manufacturers
Well would make sense, they control the stream
if you could fake your requests
It's actually the app itself that restricts it from proceeding. I can only pass through splashscreen and will be stuck in homescreen with a dialog that the device is not supported
it's like saying "fuck off"
o boi
pity kian
Ohh it's embedded protection
must read the processor or something
bios name maybe
Little cold in the basement today
💖salmon fish skin
Why do SO deliberately deletes my neutral comments from a post?
As far as I can tell, they are doing this since I joined here.
posted on November 27, 2019 by Scott Hanselman

I blogged about NancyFX 6 years ago and since then lots of ASP.NET open source frameworks that build upon - and improve! - web development on .NET have become popular. There's more than one way to serve and angle bracket (or curly brace) my friends! Jonathan Channon and the Carter Community (JC was a core Nancy contributor as well) have been making a thin layer of extension methods and conve

如果有一個懷抱,勇敢不計代價, 別讓我飛,將我溫柔豢養。
> If there is a embrace, brave at any cost, don't let me fly, support me tenderly.
Powered by: Google Translate
translator? or?
Im surprised it can translate correctly
but the grammar is poor though
I'm not sure what "embrace" in this context means
but I can understand it as a whole
context-full hug
if there is a hug?
shouldn't be the subject be in negative sense there
yes. but embrace is a correct word in sentence
no, its not negative sense
if <negative>, <insert comforting words here>
that's how usually quotes are constructed
it isn't elegant as it is translated, but it makes sense
you wouldn't use "brave" as a verb, but of course you could
and fly could be interpreted as fleeing or leaving
"Fly you fools"
@Neil So true
that got a lot of stars
Buenos dias
I put R#.Annotations in our project because they're great for showing intent. Is that stuff in the production code too? Because IMO, R# isn't supposed to be in any prod code.
Hi friends
Is Linq Query always work on Object in C#?
Well, it works as long as you write it correctly
LINQ extension methods work on all IEnumerables
Also *does
Wait, what was the question again?
Jack, learn italwaysworks <>https://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/47962287#47962287
I've learned the command italwaysworks
Jack, italwaysworks
2 mins ago, by Héctor Álvarez
Well, it works as long as you write it correctly
@Squirrelkiller Jetbrains sad, while r# aims at increasing productivity
what anguish to be an American having to work on Thanksgiving Day because they don't celebrate that in Italy
I could be laying about eating a turkey drum slathered in gravy
@Squirrelkiller Annotations are attributes. Attributes are metadata. They don't do anything, they're just bits of information attached. In VS, R# can read those attributes and do things accordingly, but the attributes themselves aren't code.
So yes, they're still there in production (assuming they're not conditionally-compiled), but there's no R# to actually execute anything according to them.
I mean, ActionFilters on controller actions are attributes too, and they are code
@Neil Wait, ambiguous sentence here, which of you is slathered in gravy?
@Squirrelkiller No, they're not. They're just metadata. The ASP.NET framework reads that metadata and adds the filters.
The attributes are nothing. They're just flags.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan the turkey.. though that may also depend on how much I'd drink
So the classes I build these attributes with vanish on build?
@Squirrelkiller No, the classes are still there. The attributes are used by R# to guide its code generation. But the generated code is still there.
I meant attributes in general here
Ah, no, they're still there in the IL, as metadata for the type.
I build my own attributes
So each attribute in actually a class in our project
attribute-driven development
Do these behave differently than the R# attributes?
Aspect oriented programming
it has a name
@Squirrelkiller They don't behave at all. They're just markers. Some other code needs to do something with them.
Ohhh ok I understand
like marker interfaces?
Serializable? etc
So yeah, it's about the jetbrains.annotations.dll - it gets copied to prod because it's seen as just another dependency?
Given an enum definition like enum MyEnum { First, Second, Third, Fourth }, the C# compiler will automatically assign those items the values 0, 1, 2, 3. But if you use the [Flags] attribute, the compiler will see it, and assign the values 0, 1, 2, 4.
The enums themselves are identical, it's just that they have additional metadata - the attribute - that tells the compiler how to act.
Adding [JsonProperty("category")] to a property only decorates it - but JSON.NET will read these properties and use the data in them when serializing.
wait, so First would be assigned the value of 0?
wouldn't it be 1?
0 is the first whole number, why not assign it?
Tread carefully Neil, you're on the verge of heresy
What if you have a series of toggleable options.. if you write an enum with [Flags] you'd have to necessary create a "None" option
ok, well what if you don't want a None option
Then you dont make one
But you have to.. it starts with 0
You dont have to
0 just correlates to the first option
Btw, aspects:
The lower too are my own
ok, but in terms of flags, you're obliged to create a "zero" option
If you were, say, writing a library and you didn't want to allow a "zero" option to be passed, you'd have to do a runtime check at that point
you always have a 0 option, unless you mnually assign numbers
@Neil It's a common bug with Flags enums - not adding a None flag and having an option accidentally selected.
dude...you dont pass numbers
its an enum
@Squirrelkiller Ok, but zero flag is not an option you can combine with the others, you'll agree
If, per your requirements, were to create a method accepting one or more options from an Enum, but no options isn't possible
then this way, you would allow "None" option to be passed so you'd have to necessarily perform a runtime check
Probably just being a stickler here
I prefer avoiding scenarios where bad calls are possible
@Squirrelkiller Don't forget [DoCorrect(Stuff)]
@Neil I agree. I didn't think of that point.
@Squirrelkiller But because enums are actually numbers, you end up with scenarios - such as deserialization - where you actually get passed a 0 and have it deserialized as the first option.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan But the serialized data comes from somewhere else - and that somewhere else should be using an enum too.
@Squirrelkiller But what if it's a database? Or a web service that isn't C# based?
Any ideas before I make an SO question?
Q: "Unexpected token" within .NET Framework

SquirrelkillerSo yesterday I got a bluescreen, and since then my netFx is borked. I can't build, and VS finds lots of instances of this error: Through the VS installer I uninstalled everything Framework and sdk related. Today I reinstalled all those things. Tried to compile, and still have these same errors...

inb4 the mass downvotes
I can make up for 1 downvote
Ah VS, always so clear with the error messages
I think you should try to repair VS, it probably has an option to do so
On the way, just needs hella long
@HéctorÁlvarez I like that it isn't just a proof of concept
the guy writes it in such a way as to be easy to use and can port to other devices
good morning
@Squirrelkiller search for the character '
Simple: remove all ' characters. Bam.
can we use boostrap in xamarin forms
Also good morning
oh, yesterday I came across some cool android stuff for the phone
I think I've changed my mind, at least for now I want to load the phone up, see what I can get
Oh fuck it that worked
washes eyes with soap
!~wiki Bam
Bam or BAM may refer to: == Places == === Extraterrestrial === Bam (crater), a crater on Mars 2031 BAM, an asteroid === Terrestrial === Bam (neighborhood), Tirana, Albania Bam, Esfarayen, a village in Esfarayen County, North Khorasan Province, Iran Bam, Gilan, a village in Gilan Province, Iran Bam, Iran, a city in Kerman province, Iran Bam, Jajrom, a village in Jajrom County, North Khorasan Province, Iran Bam County, an administrative subdivision of Iran Bam Province, Burkina Faso Bam Rural District, an administrative subdivision of Iran Lake Bam, Burkina Faso Bam Island of Schouten I...
@Hans1984 reminds me of macho tequila
bam bam bam!
!~wiki Stack Overflow
Stack Overflow is a question and answer site for professional and enthusiast programmers. It is a privately held website, the flagship site of the Stack Exchange Network, created in 2008 by Jeff Atwood and Joel Spolsky. It features questions and answers on a wide range of topics in computer programming. It was created to be a more open alternative to earlier question and answer sites such as Experts-Exchange. The name for the website was chosen by voting in April 2008 by readers of Coding Horror, Atwood's popular programming blog.The website serves as a platform for users to ask and answer questions...
Oh shit I wasn't expecting the spaces to be sorted
ahoy mateys
hi there
can I ask a question about Toad for Oracle?
you can
I guess, but the sql room would probably be better
Yes, you are physically capable of asking the question.
^ yeah. You already did once
how to make a primary key auto increment in Toad for Oracle?
Oracle doesn't have increment stuff
@ntohl I'm pretty sure it does.
Use a superior Database engine, and save billions on licensing legal costs
Oracle have the vision of creating sequence object, and always pull next number from the sequence, and assign that as Id
In Oracle 12 and higher.
If this was a sql server question, i'd be able to answer it :(
we are using 11 or lower
If this was a sql server question, there wouldn't be legal costs
But also, @Riccardo, this isn't a "Toad" question, it's an Oracle question. That's like asking about C# is a C# question, not a Visual Studio question.
i'm using toad 5 anyway
which oracle?
no oracle
toad 5
@Riccardo Again, Toad is simply a tool to access the database. It doesn't have any keys by itself, the database does.
Oracle x, where x = ?
but Toad is capable to generate a table on it's surface
@ntohl i think i'm using Oracle 5
you can do name_of_sequence.nextval
@Neil how can I do it?
you are using a database server from 1985?
@Riccardo Oracle 5 was released in 1985 and deprecated in 1988.
you use it like a value.. insert into table (id, name) values (name_of_sequence.nextval, 'some name')
you probably want a dedicated sequence for each table
I was wrong it's Oracle 12
the version of Toad is 5
That makes more sense. :)
You would have needed an oracle to find out how to do it in Oracle 5
@Neil does make any difference that the table has no data in it?
@CaptainObvious you're tongue and cheeck
@Riccardo why would it?
Today is one of my good days
you're quite friendly mr obvious
Q: Toad for Oracle, Editing ID Column to be an auto-increment ID

IanI work with Toad for Oracle 12.1 for my database. I have a Table called TBLEMPLOYEE which already contain some data in it and having Column Name called ID whose data values are increasing from 1 to N. ID Name Gender DateOfBirth Type ------------------------------------ 1 Mark Male 1...

He's Captain Obvious, I'm just Mr Obvious
no military rank
@Neil sorry for the mistake
i'm just a private
@ntohl thank you for posting the question
Wow that's the first time I've seen toad
Do you have any tool to work with JSON easily?
It looks like a somehow even more gimped version of Mysql workbench
@HéctorÁlvarez Are you asking anyone specifically?
Because I have to make a JS script to push data into JSON
and this is far from doing the standard json.push(data)
@CaptainObvious have you ever used Toa?
@CaptainObvious anyone
I enjoy spending my life outside court
sql server?

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