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Should I flag for closing this question? OP does not want to add the SQL query that is slow
IMHO it lacks a mcve, and in the comments provides enough info to point to a problematic SQL
I could add a generic answer on how to avoid subqueries, but it would be flagged for closing as offtopic
@CaptainObvious yeah?
Where do you work
in an office
@CaptainSquirrel mesa no understando, please give me a message id or url to remember
cap no hablo foreigno
!!quote get LeeButler2
41 mins ago, by Captain Obvious
I'm dum
oh sheet
cap speaking gibberish again
There's a LeeButler?
!!quote LeeButler
@CaptainObvious That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: quote, wut
!!quote LeeButler
1 message moved to Trash
I do not like that gif
spam filter's really slow today
it is big an noticable
Anywat where do you work geographically within a 50mi radius
He works in runcorn
we've already been over this
If only there was the handy hide button
where the fuck has this runcorn business come from
We have? I thought he said he worked in "the midlands"
ive never been to runcorn
i remember this bit to
Don't go, it's a shithole
I think i said this last time
Unless you want to grow another arm or something
Aug 5 at 13:06, by Harry
where tf did runcorn come from
Aug 5 at 13:08, by Harry
i live in the midlands
I membered!
The midlands is vague, be more specific
the midlands are a big place
He was close to Nuneaton
i might has well of just said i live in europe
The fuck is nuneaton
Aug 5 at 13:20, by Harry
@CaptainSquirrel close but no cigar
welp, based on that reaction
I'd say nuneaton is correct
We can work it out
He lives in Coventry
it is NOT nuneaton
It's literally down the road d=form nuneaton
I live in COVENTRY
@nyconing lol
25dollars for a plushies
@CaptainObvious leicester**
Which is it
a man has to pay his bills
thats why 25
i dont work in the place i live
life is expensive
You're not american, you're not gonna go far
even if it was one of them i wouldnt tell you
Fucking hell spelling is hard today
the place i work isnt on that map
funny names
time to bulk in bulkington
Then you must working in bummingham
yeah because hannover is a regular place name
lol Bag inton
is bed worth it
ok enough lame jokes
haha, that's a good one
a good lame joke
more cringe:
ha! great
heres your star
@nyconing lol, i like the part with pair programming
@CaptainObvious he did get rather antsy in the pantsy when you said he could be a brummie
Aug 5 at 13:09, by Harry
So he probably works in brummie land
no i fucking dont
i refused interviews in brum cause the accent would make me go in-fucking-sane
"it's too far to travel" i said
What a whiny little bitch
suck out
What employer would hire these people 🤔
my one
Which is....
one you don't have the joy of knowing
Well that's not nice
i like that one. For the entire program/application/website
So Harry lives in cov
works in nuneaton
for a company that does what
My applcications don't even have branding
oh youre a dicked
Shti it doesn't even have a real name
@CaptainObvious what kind of programmer are you
all of your apps should have branding
all the branding
all the time
The closest thing we have to branding is this
i, and i cannot stress this enough, DO NOT WORK IN SUNNY NUNNY
Then you can spend a good deal of your time branding your apps
anyone here knows if there is something like JCR (jackrabbit.apache.org/jcr/index.html) for C# ?
@Harry so where do you work then?
if not in sunny nunny
somewhere else
And that's for a program which controls the inventory
What exactly do you develop though
(And now we know the company that Lee works for)
If only it was on my stack profile or my github
its an application that begins in "N" and ends in "one of your business"
You assume that i would look at your stack profile @CaptainObvious
But it might be some of my business
i'm too lazy for that
It's fine it's not on there, but it is on my git which is linked from it
You're also not that far down the mersey as i thought
if it is your business its not my business to know its your business
I'm sure I said I'm opposite the airport
im just a lowly humble junior boi
@CaptainObvious you're hardly opposite the airport
you kind of are, but also not
It turns out that's not even remotely true
But when I look out across the mersey it's the first thing you see
So @Harry why are you so reluctant to tell us where you work?
should I focus of Data annotations or Fluent Api when learning entity framework?
@Harry "Now, it is one of your business"
@CaptainSquirrel because i dont want to
@Harry but how else will i know which company to avoid
the point is i dont want you to do that
You don't want me to avoid your company?
public async Task InsertRecord(Record record)
				.Where(it => it.ShitId == record.ShitId)


	await DatabaseContext.SaveChangesAsync();
well alright then i guess
can anyone explain me what is wrong with this code?
could lose business
it throws an error that crashes everything
cant even see the error it threw
@Wietlol have you tried surrounding it in a try catch?
it is surrounded by a try catch
the catch logs the error
but no error
Have you tried doing the try catch in the actual InsertRecord method?
have you tried asking politely?
I know that catch(Exception ex) can be weird sometimes if you don't have it in the right place
maybe if you ask it to tell you what's wrong it may tell you
I think I will try looking at it weird... it may feel awkward
give it a scathing look
part of debugging is putting try catches in the strangest places until you get a useable error to work with
Write it a strongly worded letter
I suspect the exception being thrown cannot be parsed by the logger
silly EF exceptions
DatabaseContext in DatabaseContext?
lets try this
@J.Doe no
@Wietlol this part of your code it.ShitId == record.ShitId
do both of those properties have the same type?
do they both have values?
it appears that piece of code is actually fine
> AutoMapper.AutoMapperMappingException: Error mapping types.
@Hans1984 That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: woah
@Hans1984 That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: burned, butter
in JavaScript, Dec 18 '17 at 14:03, by Ibrahim Alsurkhi
what is the butter
$("#div").append("<input id='x' type='text' />")
var textbox = document.createElement('input');
textbox.id = "x";

add html as string in jquery append or create structure noods in javascript
>2011 + 8
But why?
Automapper zucks
Its a relict of bad dark ages like resharper
resharper is bad?
this gon be gud
I was about to suggest using automapper in an OData service because it can map IQueryable. @Squirrelintraining Do you now better alternatives?
@J.Doe why is resharper bad?
there aint nothing wrong with Automapper
if you dont know how to architecture around it thats your problem
@bradbury9 Static constructor of DTO is best but if u "REALLY NEED MAPPERS!" then github.com/Dotnet-Boxed/Framework
static constructor?!
Please no
As always, there are legitimate uses, but be very careful with those
But this is correct way to map DTO
My idea was: OData query -> Automapper -> IQueryable -> Datacontext
Can be not static but this is almost no diff
Someone thought it's a good idea to use the static constructor to aquire our persistenceservice instance. No chance to mock that shit.
@J.Doe You mean a static creation method? I'd accept that.
@CaptainSquirrel Resharper is too heavy to use it. I replaced with smaller tools like roslynator etc. OFC if u basing on typical resarper things then you cann not leave it
thin gs?
Yeah, my bad
Does Dotnet-boxed allow IQueryable?
ahh things. For some reason my brain tried to make a mindset or arhcitecture or framework from that lol.
@bradbury9 write it yoruself
@Squirrelintraining +++++++++
The best part of programming is writing well fitting prarts what you are proud of
> or Azure Data Studio (I’ve started using it, you should too).
I sometimes also enjoy using existing API's
Did I do sth wrong?
@J.Doe is agreeing with me :o
Good things are good, thats all
Good ppl can not be against good things
> Running powershell as administrator
> run iisreset
> "you must run powershell as admin to run this command"
> kill self
I do not know this guy
They can!
and most often are!
Haruhara Haruko here -- age 19, splendiferous housekeeper at Takkun's house!
GTFO weeb to your trash can
Play nice.
LOL he's gone
Vacation alienation Japanimation manga kanga naked lunch Hawaiian punch fruit juice
May 5 '16 at 15:17, by BoltClock
I was getting dings but there is nothing?
(also I actually partially agree with J. Doe on one matter)
Also better run before the rath of the captain strikes back
@Squirrelintraining ^
@Squirrelintraining how dare you
@Squirrelintraining you kick me and then go afk
@Squirrelintraining completely unacceptable
@Squirrelintraining you should be ashamed
He's dead!! Oh I killed him, I finally find the S.O.B. and I killed him. I didn't mean to it was an accident, kind of. Ah lets face it I definitely totally killed him, just like that BANG! No more like BONG, KABLAM or...KUNGA ka-SPLAT!
off with his head
So i got a couple hundred database entries containing the omega symbol, the unit of measurement for resistance; Ω. We're trying to compare some values but apperently there is a greek Ω and a fucking normal one. this took 2 hours to figure out by the way, because to the eye they are completely identical.
@MadaraUchiha lol
@MadaraUchiha hello
what brings you to this neck of the woods?
@sommmen ;﹔;
@MadaraUchiha you're killing me
well immediately, one of those is thicker than the other
7 mins ago, by J. Doe
GTFO weeb to your trash can
@CaptainSquirrel Aye, I've seen that.
( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)
and then the kick on me, idk but idgaf
so this is a no-weeb zone, huuuh?
This is a "don't be a dick" zone
@MadaraUchiha I like this
I wasn't bein a dickkkk
but okay
I had to urban dictionary that xD
@AlRey i know you weren't, hence why you didn't get kicked
feel free to be a weeb
just don't go over the top lmao
I made everyone weeb once
wanted to catch them all
FLCL's like the gateway anime, anyway lul
either that or pokemon...which was the first anime I ever watched
SAO was the first animu i watched
I don't count pokemon
^you should :P
@AlRey Keep in mind one thing: For some people acting like 19 years old girl from cartoon by the old man in programmers chat can be disgusting
Keep this place safe for work
I was just referencing my profile pic xD
but ok
~~she's not really a 19-yo; she's some alien of who knows how many years~~
This is better than original SAO i should note
@Squirrelintraining the abridged version is amazing
SAO abriged is a genious!
I heard SAO was only good for the first few seaons
someone once told me that Hack//sign is SAO if SAO were good
So... im now sitting three hours here and cant solve this damn issue... working on a game using unity, i simply wanna override a few methods to simplify receiving packets from my server... but that method isnt getting overriden :O pastebin.com/1ywEzvpr
@AlRey SAO was never good
The idea behind it is good
there are good episodes
there are bad episodes
I would be extremly glad for any help
The idea is good
But the idea is just Hack//Sign though, isn't it? xD
Log Horizon is better 10/10 better
The show is aweful
like litereally
It sucks so hard
The abridged version rewrites the story completely
Could anyone help me with my override problem ? A method of mine isnt getting overriden somehow : pastebin.com/1ywEzvpr Any experts here ? :D
!!welcome-c# genaray
0 Welcome to the C# chat! Please review the room guidelines and tips. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@genaray Welcome to the C# chat! Please review the room guidelines and tips. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@CapricaSix lel
The base problem is that i derive from a class several times, not every derived class overrides that "validCMD()" method... but the last deriving class does... nevertheless validCMD() still returns "null"... so it somehow doesnt get overriden... pastebin.com/1ywEzvpr
So... why doesnt validCMD() get overriden from the last class ( LeaderboardScreen ) ?
Or did i missunderstood overriding methods ?
0 welcome means your not welcome at all !
how rude @CapricaSix
Even if im not welcome... i just wanna solve this problem right here... :D
@genaray @genaray it overrides successfully
@genaray you are welcome from our side !
It's just cap having (another) bad day
@Wietlol Wait... really ? Lets say we call "validCMD()" in the "MultiReceiver..." class... and it gets overriden in the LeaderboardScreen-Class... shouldnt it return "LeaderboardManager_Fire" ?
@genaray not an expert but looks good. Did you clean rebuild sacrifice to the code gods and pray before you ran?
@sommmen Yeah i did... restarted Rider... restarted Unity... and still... when i call validCMD() in the MultiReceiverMonobehaviour.cs i receive "null" instead of "LeaderboardManager_Fire" :o
your paste is missing some important information
Thats probably true... the classes are pretty big, so i tried to crop it down to the most important stuff...
Gimme a second

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