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I wonder if I'll get 1k rep someday
1k seems to be asymptotic
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
I have been awake since yesterday, could not sleep today :(
At least I got to watch sunrise at 4:30 in the morning, hear birds chanting and bit by a spider
You can`t No me. Your demotivation mission is not going to work on me
And I got to walk 1800 steps at 5 in the moning too
Made by Google
@RaghavSood the ledger is still stuck in the USA :(
I'll probably depart to Uruguay before it arrives Cuba
So I guess it will be better to make them send it to me there
Good morning everyone. :)
@RaymondArteaga , How are you buddy?
Great! Super excited to leave this pond
Where have you planned to go?
I'm being hired by TCS
Time to sleep for Mr Froggo
Mornight all!
@RaymondArteaga , Great, Mornight buddy
GoodMorning !
Naveen Tamrakar requested access. Rep: 3058 - Questions: 2 - Answers: 278 (ratio 4:556)
@Shailesh You do not have sufficient access for this command
@NaveenTamrakar welcome. Please start by reading the rules and confirm you have read them before saying anything else.
Please read the rules first
1 message moved to Trash can
Listen to the squinting Sauron thumbnail, there is no third chance
@RaghavSood Makes it look like this was a bot action fired by my message XD
@murat @warren @ahmad and Eric (can't ping him for some reason) up for a new meetup?
I think warren doesn't let eric chat
What is this param Double....
It says input Double... In java
What is this ...
I never know
@MehdiB. Here is your reminder
Mauker, plz.
We could, maybe spontaneous?
Hello world!
Or go together to a developer talk or so
Tim bro any idea on this ...
Murat bro
what are you talking about
... is varargs in java
meaning you can pass 0..N doubles
the param will be received as a double array
@MuratKaragöz I prefer this way, less formal :D
@MuratKaragöz are you going?
It is taking comma separated double @TimCastelijns
No, I am too late for that
Varargs great to know
I'd have wanted to go to the VR talk, for some reasons there are not many beginner friendly and not marketing oriented AR/VR talks
you can buy raghav's book on AR to get started
I could give a talk about Zebra SDK
what the fuck.
I have used. Zebra sdk for barcode scanning
@TimCastelijns well, I at least give him space to try and find out :D
@MehdiB. Sure! \o/
o/ germans
Why ppl use vertical monitor??
What is a handy way to call a method which starts a thread and get notified when its done
I don't want to create callback interfaces, way too neanderthaler
oh god no
I java 8 I could use functional interfaces
They can be treated as such anyways
but not in android for now
oh wait
It's at api 24
I can use that one
actually there is no func interface for zero arguments
you need some kotlin in your life bro
Consumer<Void> does the job I think
consuming the void sounds like a retroScifi novel out of K. Dick's brain
@TimCastelijns I am still working on the backend and that is with Java 8
don't want to introduce a new language
> "People like that are allowed to drive and vote."
How do you guys write your switch statements?
@TaseerAhmad With a keyboard
i tend to use when whenever i can
@RaghavSood My god...I could not have guessed it, thank you so much you are a life saver
I am talking with respect to 'clean code'
yeah then what does your question mean, how do we write it? by following the language syntax XD
Because just writing switch cases that leads to different result does not conform to single responsibility code
Even though thats the very nature of switch statements
I personally don't see anything wrong with the usecase in that question
It's a very common pattern in go
But Go doesn't really consider the whole factory style approach as idiomatic
I think the only thing wrong with that logic is the code formatting of those switch cases, I like it this way: gist.github.com/MehdiFal/794ddaf5e70fe96201c640a3f680c391
Look at this beauty init((Void) -> done())
@MuratKaragöz Could start a new religion based on that one line of code
you guys should really switch to kotlin
But I don't even do Android dev
but you do java?
Not anymore
ArjunA requested access. Rep: 239 - Questions: 1 - Answers: 8 (ratio 4:32)
I mostly just post non-helpful, occasionally annoying messages here
@ArjunA welcome. Please start by reading the rules and confirm you have read them before saying anything else.
I do Typescript, close enough to Kotlin
i do kotlin
@NaveenTamrakar Access revoked.
Rip Naveen
I feel like you'll like Scala, murat
Where could I use that
Kotlin does a good job at making sense of dyadic and triads function parameters
I like how I can write calculateBlessings(blessCount = 420, blessDuration = 6969)
anywhere besides android (though there is a scala android project), but a lot on big data stuff and data engineering
Linkedin has their entire backend in scala (they use the Play framework)
droidcon Meetup?
re getting together @Mehdi
you could tell me to meet up at a subway station and I'll be in 😂
@Ahmad when is it?
still tickets?
400 buckaroonies
i'd prefer somewhere chilly, & preferably not that expensive
he probably means the meetup, not the event itself
yeah i think there's something free beforehand?
okie! droidcon meeting then :D
and maybe the event too, given @WarrenFaith says we can go :D
we always go... free payed time :D
that's pretty cool!
> sorry I have no idea
valid question
I find it a pretty stupid question
everything should be a context
that's what oop is for
java.lang.object should inherit from context
Any reason to not use new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()).post()...?
That question could be answered by just visiting docs and looking up what classes extend from, so yeah a stupid question
@MuratKaragöz Well, if you want to access the main looper from a non-UI thread, that might help you post runnable to the main thread.
p sure he knows what that does
Handler() gets the current thread, it could be the main thread or your own thread. Post only posts your runnable to the message queue of that thread
that's not the question
@MuratKaragöz because my handlers are all bound
Actually that is a neat way to run stuff on the main thread from random worker threads without context
am i correct
what do you mean? What are you comparing it to?
This was the most starred message last year on this day:
Jun 6 '18 at 20:04, by Graeme
Wait, did you and tristan finally come out?
he said neat stuff, so he was referring to databinding
> java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.content.Context.bindService(android.content.Intent, android.content.ServiceConnection, int)' on a null object reference
the fuck is this about
@MuratKaragöz I dk I work with DatabindingUtil to let the activity perform the bind
is it possible to get google subscription expiry date in android?
@RaghavSood , :D :D xD xD
I am trying to move the code into the Application class
@TimCastelijns +1
@MuratKaragöz context is null?
content is null due to unreachability from the class you work in?
@RakeshKumar have idea about it ?
Think it has to do something with the Application Class
your context is null
wait what are you trying to do?
@mwb tell us the drama you promised us cc @murat for context chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/15?m=46422346#46422346
let me fix this, then give us the juiice
fixed it
I am ready
@RakeshKumar please use paste bin to post code
1 message moved to friendly bin
@Shailesh bro, You must have implemented `PurchasesUpdatedListener` method and must be giving you that

it was just 2 lines ahmad bro
i don't make the rules
i just enforce them
actually yes I do also make the rules
but did you see my new designated bin room
it's called friendly bin
so nice
Nice bro
I'm not your bro, buddy
i'm not you buddy, pal
I’m not your pal, dude
I’m not your dude, bro
I'm not your dude, guy
i'm not your guy, mate
I'm not your mate, mattie
Oh wait that doesn't work in English
i'm not your mattie, digga
that does not work in english either
When I was in Morocco I was there with two housemates who were more or less a couple. The trip went all good except they wanted to take taxi's for everything and I wanted to walk to experience more
taxis are really cheap in morocco tho rigght
but yeah I'd rather walk too
So at Fez (our final city to visit) we decided to split up for a day, the couple went along and so did I
I was at some square and a hippie type person (dreads, the rasta hat etc) came to me "eeeh brotha you want a guide?"
I had no money for a guide nor did I want a guide at that moment, I just wanted to follow my route to the ruins on top of the mountain and do it at my speed
Side quest unlocked
^ xD
So I said no thanks, then he offered me some hasj by literally pushing it in my hand. Very nice to be almost caught with that stuff as a dutch tourist there
so I wanted to get rid of him and just started fast walking away towards my route (a road to the mountain)
In the background I heared the guide scream "no don't go that way! Not safe!" I thought it was one of his tricks to make me decide I did want a guide
- "I'll be fine, go ahead now please I don't need a guide"
While I was walking the road up to the hill I saw a nice spot with a central view over Fez, there was a French older couple taking photos and some dark looking figure with a long coat also enjoying the view
I went on taking photos as the French couple left... Suddenly the guy in the long coat came closer to me. Whatever, I don't judge anybody and I just wanted the photos
But then.. then all of a sudden the long coat guy came too close so I took a few steps away from him, still needed some more photos of the spot
Wise lesson for next time: Locals aren't retarded.
The long coat guy came quickly closer again and suddenly grabbed my arm and pressed his goddamn tongue against my cheek.
He tried to get to my mouth, wtf I didnt even comprehend what was happening
oh shie...that escalated quickly
Grabbed my shirt etc I had to wreste myself off this creep
Then he tried to steal my phone, wtf are you molesting me or robbing me at least make up your damn mind
MwBakker unlocked a new skill: cruising spot detection
I walked off, didn't even run because I was still not able to comprehend the situation
MwBakker unlocked a new achievement: get your first kiss
wow !!
He just stood there while I walked off, I remember having yellow stains on my shirt where his fingers grabbed me
maybe you did not run away because subconsciously you liked it. We have to keep an open mind towards all possible explanations here
@MwBakker Atleast buy MwB some dinner. Because he wants to get wined and dined before getting F'd.
If you had let it happen maybe you would have been able to achieve the last and hardest achievement, Achievement: Mommy I am a big boy now!
So I came back to the hostel later that evening and the hostel owner asked us how our thoughts about Fez were "Well....."
After telling the hostel owner about my story he looked at me with big eyes "you went THAT route??" appearantly that road crossed exactly the spot where expelled gay people met without getting attacked for being gay
> I wanted to walk to experience more
gets the opportunity for a unique experience, rejects it
guess the new experience was too overwhelming for him
Also a nice story to it is I went to the police there, which was some sort of dusty area with guys with AK-47's between their legs smoking... and tried my best to explain in French what happened
They got angry on ME, telling me I should not get angry that they don't want to check that area
@ColdFire He was reluctant to reach Nirvana
And to come back after dark, when my train towards Tanger already had left.. Whatever then. No support at all
The ruins weren't even that nice, not maintained and a lot of trash surrounded the area
a good hiking trip must have these kind of things to be memorable
I can still feel the hairs of his moustache on me
i had to walk trough snow to shower when i went to pennApps. in flip flops. at minus-a-lot, because hte plumbing on the main building froze and only the football field showers worked. so i was 12.000km from home , on flip flops on a sunday morning, crossing a street 2m deep into snow to get a shower. :D
at that moment it was painful and cold. but it's fun to remember.
at least the snow didn't try to steal your phone
you really do have a skill in attracting deranged people and falling into weird situations
@CptEric surprised none of your toes got damaged
So you just walked off when he licked you?
I had to get out of his hands first
But I wasn't able to bring up any anger or such, I was too surprised about what was going on
tbh someone who does all that is probably crazy, you just wanna move away and avoid any further irrational reaction
a heavy push always works
@MuratKaragöz wasn't much "ok" about it though
and asserts dominance
@MuratKaragöz exactly
If i was you I'd be more scared about having contracted a disease
@MuratKaragöz I did that ofc
But I didn't punch or attack him after I got off his hands
But fortunatly this is also Fez
Guys, I need a quick review on my code, is reall small, just 47lines
And pls tell me if you could understand it in one glance
holy f that sounds awful @mwbakker
@ the creepy guy
@TaseerAhmad context as ReferenceActivity don't do this
@TimCastelijns Otherwise it says that it needs ReminderSelectionListener
rest is clear. I would name it createListItem instead of getPreparedListItem
yes, but this now means that the dialog can only be used in ReferenceActivity, and the dialog knows that it is used in ReferenceActivity. That is 🚫
oh the tight coupling.. I see
you can make the listener a (not private) var and let the activity set itself as that listener
e.g. in the activity override onAttachFragment and do if (fragment = dialog) { fragment.setlistener(this) }
it has the same behavior but now the activity is in charge
What is the downside of creating many threads retrieving data?
You have to handle them
overhead, threads are expensive to create
Ok one more question
I have put the executor.execute around the for-loop first, but that made me require to use a notifyDataSetChanged on the adapter to have synched notify on change
How chimpanzees actually look without fur
what a beast
No pain no gain
OR I use creating threads inside the for-loop which makes everything work but creates many threads
@MuratKaragöz def needs moisturizer
it actually has a goatee too
@TimCastelijns This was great advice! :D
@MwBakker You are better off doing on the main thread than creating threads like that :d
Also, Rx or coroutines, cleaner than threads
I can't "it will potientially lock up the UI waiting for..." is the error if I do this on the main thread
What does UiStorage do?
raining dogs and sausages out there
attempt at 'commonfolk sayings' failed
pipesteals, we call it
@TaseerAhmad it's bound to storage_item.xml

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