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01:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

@PaulMcG No, honest, I wasn't aware there was any Python library to do that, and as per the questions I cited, neither was 90% of the SO userbase. So on a non-urgent basis I will get around to writing and answering a decent question (with good non-trivial code examples) on the topic, such that we could agree to close old questions (e.g. that one) into it.
@PM2Ring I agree totally, but that wasn't obvious to me until I tried and learned the hard way. And it's still not obvious to users until they too try and learn the hard way. Meta needs to be enhanced with topic-specific rep-filters (when a question is marked as being language-specific) to prevent people who don't know anything about that specific topic (i.e. ~80-96% of the Meta user base) answering a question with empty generalities, hot air and bluster. And downvotes.
(EDIT: but it won't, and I probably won't waste my breath asking for that enhance either. But of course all of this valuable feedback can't and won't be covered from the annual SO developer survey)
@PaulMcG Actually, inasmuch as it was necessary for you to continue breathing in order to be in the frame to reply to SO questions on parsing regexes, that was worth being thankful for too...
2 hours later…
@cs95 HAHAHA, that's funny
It looks like you stole it from him, his a close to 11 year stackoverflow user, when you're at 4 :P
"stole" is quite a strong word to describe a coincidence
@cs95 you linked to an answer, not to the question
could an RO please trash the earlier cv-pls (and this message)! Thanks
2 hours later…
^^ closed
@DeveshKumarSingh Voted
So Cabbage, cbg
Is hello
i need help using re.escape("mightn't")
@Aqua4 What's your problem?
can i format the op in single quotes so i can insert into DB
i cannot insert into mssql db a with double quotes, it considers it as a column
am i making any sense here? or is it still unclear?
I'm not a user of databases, but so far what I've heard is "I need help using a screwdriver. Can I seal the Schlorgnax in a tupperware container so I can insert it into my CD drive?"
What are you inserting into a DB and what does regex have to do with it?
probably show the actual Python code you are attempting and the SQL you are hoping to generate
most SQL connectors have a way to pass in a list of values without any need for additional escaping
attempting to escape things properly yourself is one popular way to create SQL injection vulnerabilities
dim_keyword(keyword, created_on, is_enable, report_type) values ("mightn\\\'t", '2019-06-08', 1, 'EC')
@tripleee i am using sqlalchemy.execute
there's a metric ton of variants on stackoverflow.com/questions/10151171/… but I'm not an SQL person so I can't really guide you without a concrete traceback or other googlable thing
@roganjosh closed
Apr 30 at 10:04, by Andras Deak
@U9-Forward very much optional. Quit harassing users with salad.
You don't make friends with salad
Also, cbg
@AndrasDeak I'm scared to say "cbg" now... Hello :)
Are you U9-Forward? :P
Hi everyone
I asked this question yesterday already
I thought I understood it but its still elusive
Can someone explain me visually why the first answer is 2.5 instead of 2?
because the longest distance between two adjacent lanterns is 14-9 and they each have to light up half of that distance
the second answer with the explanation in the note seems less clear to me
by the same logic d=1.5 would seem sufficient to me, and indeed, in the note, there is overlap between the ranges
So let me get one thing straight
The distance is not uniform?
between each point in the street I mean?
how are you !
I'm using flask / celery and my question is can I call celery function inside celery function?
Ok wait I got it
The portion between 11 and 12 is not getting lighted
Thats why we need a 2.5 for d right?@tripleee
Hi again RaphX, and yes.
Yeah I should have drawn it out , it wasn't so obvious to me because I was thinking in terms of distance and the points themselves
@RaphX that's what the second row of numbers means, isn't it?
Thanks , its clear now @tripleee and @ParitoshSingh
@chiragsoni that's not a vegetable
sorry for that
I guess you mean kumquat?
can someone check that error. i have code and everthing on this topic - > stackoverflow.com/questions/56458153/…
first error was in spelling. but after i made a corection almost same error occured...but this time it was sometihng with id ... blog_category_id . You can see that on printscreen that i posted here
@chiragsoni hey
@VeljkoKukic I commented over there delete the migrations and create from the scratch . Check the comment
i appritiate your answers.. you get + for all ur answers also big hug and <3
Ok fine
Yeah the thing was I was thinking like 9+2 = 11 and 14 - 2 = 12 so for 9 its [7,11] and for 14 its [12, 15] so everything is getting covered @tripleee
@VeljkoKukic please review the room rules, you are not allowed to bring up a question here for discussion when it was just created
So lets come to your problem again
sorry tripleee, didnt knew that
Thanks for pointing out that max distance thing though , thats what made me find my mistake @tripleee
you delete entire migrations
you are getting the new error bcz it is pointing to old migrations.
i deleted all migrations... ckech the answer. still same error no such table : blog_category_id
no such column, not table..sorry
@VeljkoKukic show your template code?
@chiragsoni It would be better if you create a separate chatroom for this discussion.
@VeljkoKukic Please stop adding non-answers to the Answers section of your question. Edit that info into your question, and delete those non-answers.
i will Sir, i just need to go now.. But i will edit everything properly
I just started to delete
@tripleee Quite right, although it's a slightly unusual situation because chirag invited Veljko here. But it would be better if they had their conversation in a separate room.
@AndrasDeak On that message i can't seem to figure out whether it's positive or negative...
@VeljkoKukic Thanks for your cooperation.
yes i will edit now and i will add template file in question
can i get some points back ? :) Im new to stackoverflow i didnt know how this stuff function..I just saw i lost around 10 points
@U9-Forward Which part of "Quit harassing users with salad" don't you understand?
@VeljkoKukic Yes, when you delete that stuff your points will be refunded to you.
@PM2Ring Oh i get it, it's negative, but isn't very much optional positive?
HI again guys have a doubt regarding pandas
businessCloseDict[aidBusinessCloseData.loc[index, 'aid']] = {dow : [defaultBusinessClose] for dow in orderedWeekdays}
What is this line doing?
I understood that its pulling out the index and aid from the dataframe
However I can't understand what the right part is doing especially with those curly braces
Is it putting a different column dow inside the dict?
@chiragsoni i edited post. i gave u all the code that is interesting. Check it out
you can write down the right part on its own separately.
its a dict comprehension, so the right part resolves to a dictionary.
you might have seen list comprehensions before. think of it as something similar, but used for creating dictionaries
@U9-Forward It means people are allowed to use salad language if they want to, but that they most definitely are not required to use it.
@PM2Ring Okay...
@U9-Forward more specifically, if someone hops onto the room and says "hello", don't tell them to use cbg instead.
or mention salad, or anything along those lines.
Ok but how is it getting compared to a pandas dataframe? @ParitoshSingh
for that portion, just run the left hand side on its own separately.
i do not know what the dataframe here and the index variable here are, so if you want perhaps you can create an mcve. but ultimately, the left hand portion should be resolving to a subset of the dataframe on which you can assign a dictionary.
if running the left hand portion in isolation doesn't help, run just the portions inside the square brackets in isolation. keep going down to smaller units
@U9-Forward Of course, if a new person is puzzled because people are using salad language, and there are no room owners active, feel free to post the link about salad.
@PM2Ring Okay..
Is there a list of room owners somewhere in the room? I know andras and PM are room owners for sure
in the top right there is a small link info: chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/info/6/python
@Arne got it thanks :)
In the desktop view, RO names are in italics. But for some reason, the mobile view doesn't show that.
yeah... and the transcript never shows it...
Hi @JonClements Shame about that "predominant letter" question. The OP changed their mind again and said that all the words in a given list are the same length.
@PM2Ring oh yeah... they did that before I reopened it I think (or not long after...)
@JonClements It must have been a while after. Last time I looked at it before going to sleep they'd edited into the question that the word lengths could differ.
But I guess that's better than a chameleon question that keeps changing as the answers roll in.
@PM2Ring umm... I reopened it at 20:57, they apologised in a comment at 21:33 that actually, no upon checking, they were guaranteed to be the same length, I asked them to edit the Q and they got around to doing so at 21:49...
Oh, ok.
I seem to be doing a lot of sneezing/sniffling today... hopefully it's not a cold coming :(
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56443274/a2l-parsing-using-python Too broad
is there any concise way to make type hint aliases for generics? I have lots of ugly Callable[[], Awaitable[T]] hints and would like to have a short alias for the Callable[[], Awaitable[...]] part
I posted this on meta. I would appreciate the input of room members.
is there a reason why you are asking for pandas/numpy specifically?
a lot of pure-python questions have performance estimates as well
@MisterMiyagi My scope was pandas/numpy and I didn't know enough at the time (maybe even now) if broadening it to a general performance question would make it TOO broad. So I kept it to a scope I knew I had an answer for. That guaranteed that it was answerable.
hey, quick question : I'm looping through rows of a dataframe using .apply on axis=1, applying a function which takes the row and an external argument (outside of the dataframe using the args param). Is there a way to modify this external argument after each application of the function ? Like it would apply my func to the first row, then changes the parameter, then applies to next row
Give your function a mutable default arg, like my_func(arg1, arg2, mutable_arg=[0]):. mutable_arg will retain state across function calls, so if you change it inside the function, the next call will get the modified value. Note: COMMENT THIS HEAVILY SO YOU WILL REMEMBER WHAT/WHY YOU DID THIS LATER
hi , i'm trying to pass variable with render template to js, not working probably
// python
return render_template("index.html", x=x) #python code

// html

    var tableNames2 = '{{ x }}';

"not working probably"
so do you know if it's working, or not?
// python
x = ['test1', 'test2']
return render_template("index.html", x=x) #python code

// html

    var tableNames2 = '{{ x }}';



[&#39;test1&#39;, &#39;test2&#39;]
@cs95 yea sort off , because of the console
when i try it like this :
    var tableNames2 = {{ x }}


// or this :

    var tableNames2 = {{ x }};



 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token &
any idea for why it's behaving like this ?
@PaulMcG thanks a lot, didn't know that it was possible, that's exactly what I was looking for
on flask when i printed type of print(type(x)) = none

how is this not defined as a list ?
how can i define it as a list ?
@JonClements hay fever?
@Andras It's plausible but don't think there's much of a pollen count at the moment...
@U9-Forward I'll make it terribly easy for you: I'm kicking you next time if you mention salad to anyone who didn't ask about it or and didn't ask a question to which the answer is salad.
Is this unambiguous to you?
That seems reasonable
print( x[0] = ,test1 )

print(x[1] = test2)

// command port :

 x[0] = test1

 x[1] = test2
@AndrasDeak s/or and/and/
@JRick is there a question here?
yeah.. i wrote it up there
// python
x = ['test1', 'test2']
return render_template("index.html", x=x) #python code

// html

    var tableNames2 = '{{ x }}';



[&#39;test1&#39;, &#39;test2&#39;]
what does that have to do with the other code block?
when i tried to pass X from python to html , javascript it passed like this '[&#39;test1&#39;, &#39;test2&#39;]'
&#39; is '
@JRick those are syntax errors I think
@MisterMiyagi when i tried to see the type of x it return "None"
but i was able to call out x[0] and x[1] fine
[&#39;test1&#39;, &#39;test2&#39;] is literally ['test1', 'test2']
foo(arg[0]=val) is off even if val is bound to
i know its , but why is it like that ?? how can i use it in frontend if it has those things
@MisterMiyagi such a good use of the word "literally". Today is going to be a good day.
@JRick why are you interested in the console? Isn't the product the html?
I literally felt inspired by the discussion a few days ago
@JRick you are viewing it on the console, not a browser?
@AndrasDeak @MisterMiyagi i meant the browser's console and it's not a list anymore , its just a plain text when i tried to log x[0] on front-end it gave me "["
the console should just show you the raw HTML
including the entitites
first lets see how i called it out
    var tableNames2 = {{ x }}


// or this :

    var tableNames2 = {{ x }};



 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token &
    var tableNames2 = '{{ x }}';



[&#39;test1&#39;, &#39;test2&#39;]
maybe there is a way to call it right so it doesn't change into a string
I love how you're not really trying to respond to the basic issue we're asking
HTML, do you see it?
@MisterMiyagi how can i pass it as a list then ?
@JRick what do you mean by "doesn't change to a string"?
that's the entire point, isn't it?
@MisterMiyagi yes , i want to use it as a list not a string
@AndrasDeak what do u mean ?
I don't know any web dev nor "front-end", but my impression is that the goal of web dev is to serve your users HTML which their browser will render. I imagined something is wrong with your HTML end result which is why you're stuck on this confusing looks-a-lot-like-XY problem, perhaps trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist.
@AndrasDeak yea could be the way i'm receiving the list from jinja , that is what i've said
so is your confusion about why you need to do '{{ x }}' or why '{{ x[0] }}' doesn't work as expected?
I also don't know jinja but my impression is that it's a templating engine, so it will generate whatever you tell it to generate
wait, so you're wanting to capture it as HTML or as a variable in javascript?
@MisterMiyagi @ParitoshSingh @AndrasDeak basically i want to use it as a list as it's a list on flask so when i request x=[0] on front end i get 'test1' and not '['
if you need to use it in javascript, make sure you use a |tojson call so jinja knows what to do with it. {{somevar|tojson}}
@ParitoshSingh that worked !!! thanks man !!
no worries. rule of thumb, try to make a distinction between html and javascript, they will have different conventions for handling data during templating
Any chance there's a jinja tutorial that explains this?
the ninja docs are pretty good: jinja.pocoo.org/docs/2.10/templates
hm, i remember being bit by this in the past, i bet on a hunch it was SO that saved me.
the other thing that i recall having issues with was the quotes i was using. sadly ive forgotten which one was which, but you needed to use single quotes on (i think js) one side and double quotes on the other side (html?) when dealing with templating.
@ParitoshSingh ahh ok , i will keep that in mind
sadly, i don't quite recall why it was so, but on a hunch, im guessing strings with single quotes or some form of escaping of one of the quotes caused issues.
you just sent it to javascript when you used jinja notation inside script tags.
@ParitoshSingh btw is there is a way to send jinja to javascript instead of html script ?
when tried var y = {x|tojson} i got error |
@ParitoshSingh are ya following the world cup?
@cs95 hehe, im afraid not. i just keep tabs on the score from time to time :P
@JRick try with double {{?
@ParitoshSingh i meant is there is a way to send it to a javascript file that is attached to the html file instead of include it in html within a script tags
ex: <script > var y= {{somevar|tojson}} </script>
match is streaming in one window, stack is open on the other
haha nice! i've got the tv in another room, i occasionally run over and take a peek. :)
@JRick i presume this is a .js file that you're separately importing inside your html script? Then the answer is yes*, but im afraid i've forgotten what was the trick to it. But there was a trick to it. Or the answer might have been a no and we just used the .js file to store functions and passed parameters in html. I vaguely remember it wasn't a straightforward task, and we had to turn to SO to find an answer.
Sadly, my experience with flask and jinja was very limited, i had no obligation to work on it, and might have only taken a peek at it for a couple days at most, so im hazy on details.
@ParitoshSingh i think that would be fine for now , atleast it's working " thanks to u "
but what u meant by "SO" ?
this wonderful website we're on, stackoverflow. :)
also, okay i suppose i should give my hazy memory more credit. link
lol yes its wonderful please don't kick us we love u
use functions in .js file, explicitly pass arguments in html while calling*
@ParitoshSingh well i was hoping to separate all js codes away from html files but that would do , i can use this as well for the next step

thanks alot :)!!
u have a great memory btw
heh, only sometimes. :)
it's much better than u think ;)
@cs95 well, i shall both thank and blame you for making me want to watch it now. Looks like it's shaping up to be an interesting match, and Rohit Sharma is getting into his groove. He's a pleasure to watch. :P Whelp, rbrb!
he's seen better days but he's doing me a pride atm
@cs95 You watch cricket! nice :) well we are almost half-way, fingers crossed :)
subscribed on Sling
I was worried that guessing it's cricket was prejudicious
@cs95 hotstar here :) So any chance you are from India?
@AndrasDeak Rohit Sharma is a player from one of the two teams playing, hence I knew it was cricket
Knowing any names is cheating :P I was talking about myself.
but I wasn't curious enough to actually google it
He's on track for a 100. Unfortunately, we need both our openers to be in form, not just one of them
if dhawan can't do it, they should consider moving rahul up the order
dhawan is a performer on the big stage, let's give him few more games :)
@DeveshKumarSingh yes
from Bangalore, actually
also rahul has to cement his position on 4th if he want to continue in indian cricket
Given: @cs95 watches cricket. Probability they are from country other than Bangladesh, South Africa, Pakistan, England, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, India, New Zealand, Australia, West Indies << 1e-10
@cs95 well guess what, I am in Whitefield right now :)
@AndrasDeak if you want to be pedantic :P
you know I always do
(but I won't tell you how to call your own land)
Well Bengaluru is how we say it in the native language of the state, Bangalore was a name given by Britishers I guess
@piRSquared funny story, I've actually met a lot of Americans who watch (and enjoy) cricket
@cs95 he moved to the pavillion now :)
@DeveshKumarSingh is that language Kannada?
@AndrasDeak yes sir
cool, cool, thanks
Aussie friends say cricket is good for watching and napping to.
not sure if you are googling it or you know it though, anyways that's great :)
fun fact: Antti is well versed in Kannada
Dec 31 '17 at 12:42, by Antti Haapala
The only thing I can write in Canada language is ಠ_ಠ
if I googled it I wouldn't ask
@AndrasDeak you are right :)
weird that twitter oneboxes have stopped working
> Each written symbol in the Kannada script corresponds with one syllable.
But that behavior is specific to AD and not in general. Many people would google then ask to build a perception that they knew what they were talking about. AD is above such things but you'd only know that over time.
@piRSquared Point noted :)
Some cute fun python I found on reddit - old.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/bwr8ig/…
@piRSquared yes, what would we do without him
@shad0w_wa1k3r I guess the kid's name is Bardak
@DeveshKumarSingh so it spawns a new instance of itself, creepy!
@AndrasDeak That's a nice observation.whenever he wakes up, he creates a new instance of himself for the new day
async / await Bardak()
(I don't know async / await)
got that but I was trying to make a pun with async / await and miserably failed
@piRSquared OK, much better
@cs95 incidentally, that is probably how async / await came to be in the first place
@cs95 Nothing is hidden from internet :)
I'm not sure the Chinese government agrees with you there
Have a funny story behind it, one of my friends in my company took a picture in China with a cap with the company logo on, and send it to his colleagues, they told him to never do it again, since the government has been known to confiscate laptop/mobiles of the employees of our company
Did you mean "scary" instead of "funny"?
well actually that friend was me :D and it might be a scary story, but was funny for me
i'd say hold off on that cv for now, there's some things that the op didn't quite specify atm.
if anything, it should be closed for unclear/no mcve, but this might be too early to call it, and the op may be still looking at the Q
^ (voted with no mcve)
@ParitoshSingh RoSuperhit Sharma’s 100 :)
Ah, I need to see if hotstar works in the UAE. These TV channels are way too expensive (200 AED per month, half my TV+internet bill) for just a one-off month for watching the world cup.
WillowTv? Sling?
will check, thanks
NP have fun
@DeveshKumarSingh yep :)
hey , is it possible to send a variable along with a JSON object after sending an ajax?
like for example lets say i'm sending an ajax request to "/req"
I almost fear asking: what kind of variable?
@app.route("/req" ,methods = ["POST"] )
def req():
    return Jsonify({ s:'success' , x=x })
why not try it and see if it works :)
hm, im not sure i understood what you're trying to do.
Oh god, someone starred my suggestion to use a mutable argument to carryover state between function calls... the shame...
@DeveshKumarSingh ok i'll give it a try
looks at starred messages, then looks at AD, smiles and carries on
@JRick also just a suggestion, give some more background on what you ask, and always try and see if it works :) and docs are your god!
@ParitoshSingh what do u mean ?
whistles innocently huh what? nothing, don't mind me.
im just talking to myself, taking a guess, and fishing at the same time.
@DeveshKumarSingh yes i'm planning my next step in the project and i'm trying to use ajax as much as possible but i've no idea how i can send a variable along with the JSON object
par .. ok
@JRick send from where to where?
@ParitoshSingh ajax at something.com to something.com/req then return json with a variable back to something.com
er, sorry. i mean more specifically, javascript to python, or python to javascript? (and it sounds like you want both)
@ParitoshSingh yes both
ajax is always from front end to backend
Json is from backend to the front end
so, first off, yes its possible. but if i had to hazard a guess, this sounds like a case of some crossed wires. json is your way of sending data.
@JRick okay, no, that's off. ajax and json are not competitiors.
crossed wires.
yeah, that's kind of like comparing UPS to a parcel
what do u mean by "ajax and json are not competitiors." ?
i thought ajax is javascript req to the backend
and json is the way backed respond to that req
best way*
your understanding of ajax, abeit simplified, is okay.
your understanding of json sounds completely botched.
ohh i know json can be used in vast varity of other requests like apis .. etc
but that is the most common use of it , am i right ?
i am afraid to make blanket statements here because i think you'd get the wrong impression
but here's the thing, json is just "data in a particular strict format" that everyone is happy to accept and work with.
now, ajax is like a "message" to the backend to do some work.
that message can send data over too.
and if you can take a guess here, that data would be json or json format. whatever you'd wanna call it.
@ParitoshSingh i wont get the wrong impression and if i did so what lol

ok that cleared out for me json for me a bit , i thought its used by the most but not everyone

but i know 1 use of ajax which is what u have described

thanks :):)
Aran puts it really nicely. Ajax is like the postman/UPS. can you send data via a postman? absolutely. that data, being the parcel, would be called json.
@ParitoshSingh ohh !! ok i've never looked at it this way , i've never ajaxed a json data
i always make FormData() , append whatever then send it , is that safe ?
im not familiar with FormData to make a comment
@ParitoshSingh basically like any html form
does it cause a page refresh on sending data over?
@ParitoshSingh nope
but i really need to find an accurate answer to this because i'm ajaxing lots of sensitive info lol
well then, that's either a higher level or a lower level api to ajax without you realising it
oh, i would recommend due diligence and thorough research in that case
@ParitoshSingh definitely
btw did I share this with you?
btw are u familiar with WTForms ?
@DeveshKumarSingh nope but thanks !!
yay, yet another library to include in the problem!
May I suggest also adding some kind of XML and/or regex?
this is an end to end tutorial using flask and stuff to make something you would looking for
@JRick nope, im afraid not. we used jquery to make ajax requests
01:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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