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for (std::unique_ptr<GameState> &_gs : pastStates[pastStates.size() - 1]->nextLevel)
Will this make _gs point to the GameState that the unique_ptr is pointing to or will _gs point to the unique_ptr itself?
Just wanna make sure that this doesn't mess with the unique_ptr
3 hours later…
I've been stuck for hours trying to find the cause of this error, I have a heap-after-use address sanitizer error that I cannot figure out. It's occurring after I std::move a unique_ptr from a vector1 into another vector2, and then I clear() vector1... If someone could give me an idea of what's wrong I'd really appreciate it, here's the corrilu:
@SethTaddiken you probably have an array out of bounds somewhere, build with Wall which might enable bounds checking on GCC
I'm freeing memory at line 358 then trying to use it at line 224
@Mikhail I built with Wall
I don't think it was an out of bounds array
check the array bounds, you might need a different flag to enable array bounds checking
@Mikhail Well it's giving the error when i try to access the info being pointed to be a pointer, then it says that that info has been freed, but the pointer still exists... I think
So I'm freeing data and then trying to reference it, but I don't understand how that data is being freed... I think that's what's happening
When I move a unique_ptr that is pointing to an object that itself has unique_ptr's, the object's unique_ptr's aren't effected are they?
I figured out that deepestLevel, a vector, actually needs to be cleared an regenerated before being used, which would definitely cause the error, but the error is still persistent!
@SethTaddiken so on first call, it will do this, _parentGS->nextLevel.push_back(std::move(childGS)); but parentGS is null for the top node right?
@Mikhail the "parent" pointer of the top node is null yes... if that's what you're asking
Well, I can't figure it, mostly because this code is hard to understand. If you're storing a chessboard you could do std::array<std::array<uint8,8>,8>, whatever you did is not paradigmatic, or even just uint8 board[8][8]
@Mikhail Thanks, I agree!
I also don't understand why you are using pointers to the game state rather than just pushing the game state
@Mikhail Because the containers of the gamestates move around a lot, if I were just pushing them then when I moved them around it would be inefficient, I think haha
@Mikhail I figured it out haha, the black player had no moves to make! (It can only move pawns right now)
The program always assumes there's a move so when there is none it messes up!
Hi, I have a question on fstream. I need to read ints from a file and overwrite them with new ints on the same file.
So the file "temp" already contains ints separated by space. I have fstream temp("temp") but it only works when reading ints but not writing/overwriting them.
How can I fix this? I see some examples using separate ifstream and ofstream on the same file, is that more preferred way of doing it?
Hi everyone
I need some help regarding c/c++ in VS Code
gcc and g++ are already installed
But I *really* can't understand why in VS Code's terminal I am getting
gcc is not recognized as an internal or external command
Please ignore this
I solved my problem.
4 hours later…
@milleniumbug Heym thanks for humh, But installing, are there certificates, does MS have like a service where u register the app/get certificates/etc/etc? How do I set up the app to be allowed to create data in program files? Does that need certificate from MS?
Program Files is traditionally set up so it's read-only for regular user. Hence why program installers are typically run as Admin
and that's also why applications shouldn't write there
it's typically a good thing, you typically put in the executables and all the needed DLLs so others can't modify it
so I need to find a program installer?
or can I install it myself
or I take I can install it myself, I mean all I need to do is copy files to program files, and then register the program somehow to give it rights to access and edit content?
I take I should not edit anything in program files - like app settings, but use appdata/users/local/etc?
in their simplest forms installers just copy stuff.
so I take installers run as admins
if your program needs extra stuff to make it work, the installer also does it
@Dariusz Yes. If your program needs to write anything, it shouldn't do in Program Files
so to install an app manually. I need to
- configure regedit to have some registers for something
- configure environment variable if I want to look for stuff via envi
- copy files to a folder ?
adding registry entries is only needed if your program actually uses them for anything
oh, there's also this: an installer adds an entry to the list of installed programs. this is needed so it's listed in the list of "Add or Remove Programs" Control Panel widget
So I take, anything that is "sensitive" like exe/dlls, should to to program files for "savety", and anything user related goes to appdata etc?
Get, dunno, NSIS Installer? to do it
I see
AppData is for program specific data which program needs to work, dunno, config files
if your program works with stuff that the user is expected to put in their custom content, it's expected it reads it from My Documents
hence why you see, e.g. My Documents/Visual Studio 2017/Code Snippets
^ MSDN should be able to tell more details about that
Is this the right website
IT feels like thats the windows app store
yes, there's also the so called "app store"
I personally pretend this thing doesn't exist
:- )
thats why I'm trying to find out where I can learn on the layout of windows
like a template
what is for what and what is needed for what where
it feels like right now I'm just guessing
but if you want to upload your own stuff there, beware that it's subject to even more restrictions
and MS website is not to happy to inform us of stuff
yeah no
screw that
its just poped up in search and I cant find the more "generic" template
5 hours later…
why in copy constructor we do need argument as const class_name& xyz ?
I mean why we need const
I understand why we do need the reference
technically you don't need const. A(A&) is also treated as a copy constructor from the language perspective. But! It makes sense that a copy doesn't modify the input argument
I mean, hey, it's a copy
why would the original change as a result
But when I am using it along with operator overloading function, it gives weird error:
error: cannot bind non-const lvalue reference of type 'Complex&' to an rvalue of type 'Complex'
The code is this:
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Complex {
	double real, imaginary;
	double Real() {
		return real;
	double Imaginary() {
		return imaginary;
	Complex () {
		real = 0;
		imaginary = 0;
	Complex (double re, double im) {
		real = re;
		imaginary = im;
	Complex (const Complex &c) {
		real = c.real;
		imaginary = c.imaginary;
	Complex operator+ (Complex &c) {
		Complex d;
		d.real = c.real + real;
		d.imaginary = c.imaginary + imaginary;
		return d;

int main()
If I remove const keyword from copy ctor, I get that error!
temporaries don't bind to non-const lvalue references
A& a = A(); // compiler error
const A& b = A(); // ok
By temoraries is it meant c1+c2 ?
yes, because an unnamed object is created when operator is called, as part of returning it by value from a function
@milleniumbug Is it very trivial thing, because I dont understand
It is assumed that if you accept a non-const reference, you do it with an intent to modify an input argument. Modifying a temporary is pointless because you can never access it again.
But Complex c3 = ... here c3 is not a reference ?!
it isn't
you didn't say Complex& c3
you said Complex c3
So Complex c3 = c1 + c2 and A& a = A() how are they related
they're related by the fact that Complex::Complex(Complex&) is called
btw, your operator+ should rather be a non-member (possibly friend) operator
So here is my code badly designed, or we really need const class_name xyz as argument of copy ctor
Please make your copy constructors accept a const reference, yes
@milleniumbug But still it will not resolve the const issue or will it
@jeea It's an unrelated style comment
Oh so it is generally preferable to use friend function instead of using member operator function?
a common guideline says that operators are "symmetric" (e.g. binary +, -, * and /) should be non-members
Makes intuitive sense
Thanks a lot!! :DDD
by that I mean that in binary + is symmetric because both operands take the same role (even when they are different types)
by comparison, += is not symmetric because one operand is modified and other is just influencing by how much
if you wanted to make it a member, Complex operator+(const Complex &c) const { is how you would write it (i.e. properly const accepting)
Also one question, since we are passing by const reference in copy constructor, the argument of that constructor is actually a reference to the temporary value returned by operator+?
Quite messy its getting already
a non-member would have been written like Complex operator+(const Complex& left, const Complex& right) { ... }
what is the meaning of the last const in Complex operator+(const Complex &c) const
the function is constant?
it means *this is const
and by a consequence, it can be called on const values
Oh so its a way to ensure the first argument is const when using the member operator+
Nice thing to know!
common metaphor is to treat this as an another argument to the function, with this metaphor, it affects whether the function is (obviously won't compile, this is just pseudocode) F(A* this, something else) or F(const A* this, something else)

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