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and just discovered Czech republic is on the first place of railroad density
(it is actually Saint Kitts and Nevis but it does not count)
Did someone say meta?
^^check the q
@Cerbrus Did someone say meta?
Well, you heard'm. We can only discuss JS.
Anybody juggled with loosely typed variabled recently?
There is javascript technology being used in car industry. So that could be somewhat ... relevant. — KarelG 9 secs ago
I bet there's JS code running in Tesla's cars :D
@KarelG Sure.. javascript in the car industry. We were totally talking about this.
@MasterDarkNight If you wanted to talk about javascript, you're welcome to do so. Opening a question was somewhat unnecessary
Oh, he's in here
Tesla is not doing great lately btw
I know
Holy crap is there like a fatum over this chatroom or something
What's been going on?
@SomeGuy with Tesla or the room?
Tesla, haha
the company is loosing money per minute due of problems with the mass production of model 3
Just checking. Production is far from meeting expectations (/promises)
IIRC the company is going at -8000 US$ per minute
Elon Musk's approach is to make something at a loss until it becomes profitable
I know people who waited 6 months for their car
which is a huge risk of course
> Bloomberg reports that Tesla is burning through $6,500 a minute.
it's a bit like falling from a building to get the velocity necessary to fly
eventually the cash will run out -> bankruptcy
A company that big, I doubt if things would get that bad.. they'd probably get bought out first
lots of investors in this thing
(I think the comments on CodeCaster's answer explain the subject situation quite well)
Starting to look like a troll
@Neil difficult to solve that mass production issue
the company has 0 experience with mass production
@KarelG the reason anything gets cheaper is through supply and demand
they even did not invest in processing engineers
yet they started to sell many Model 3 cars
Not saying I would have tried it
So in short: it exploded in their face
They were trying to make a tesla sell for 30k
I foresaw it when they announced production issues with Model 3
and that's way too cheap
yeah. they should set the production first before selling
improvements can be done during the sale process
but I suppose if they were looking at profit, they wouldn't have even started the endeavor
It may turn that way, but certainly didn't start off being profitable
Hyperloop too, for instance
Incredibly expensive endeavor
that is called as "innovative"
starting prices are ofc high
but if it works, then they have gold in their hands
resulting in a payback of the investments
I admire Elon Musk for that.. nobody else goes into anything in this day and age without a low risk for failure
that is a risk investors take when investing in new business or startups
He's a regular Howard Hughes
maybe electric self-driving cars was a little ambitious
the world is ready for electric cars or self-driving cars maybe, but both combined, maybe not
@Neil Not even for electric cars by themselves
Well, those cars aren't ready for the world
We got tons of them here in Norway due to very favorable tax rules
So far it seems to be working out fairly well, they're not stranded by the roadside in droves
One thing's for sure.. if Tesla creates a market for electric self-driving cars, they'll be leaders
thing is
it requires a lot energy
waking up does too
nobody else can get close to what they can do as of now, nor would anyone touch it with a 10 foot pole if they didn't think it was easily profitable
and here am I
sleeping takes more energy than waking up #fact
yeah but when comparing to efficiency, gasoline is more ... sufficient
electricity is far more efficient than gasoline
gasoline holds a lot more energy though, that's the point
no lol. You loose a lot when charging up the battery
except we hold that energy in water, like the Stanford researchers did
@KarelG implementation detail :P
I thought they were supposed to come out with an instantly rechargeable battery made from cheap components.. I've been hearing this buzz for years and I'm still waiting for it
@KarelG Well I meant battery to motion ;)
I'm not sure "instantly" and "efficiently" are along the same direction
@Neil keh
I like a Tesla car. It is a nice car but purchasing it for myself ?
What would bother me about an electric car is that it's very silent
watch out, some of those cars leave orbit
It'd be weird with the acceleration and no noise whatsoever
I could afford the Model S because it is neat but did not choose for that
there's still whirring and there's sound from friction with the road
Maybe, but far less than what an engine would produce
I eventually ended on my current Audi because it is a better investment in my situation
source: I've heard electric cars in the street so not exactly evidence
the us gov has asked car manufacturers to make some engine noise because pedestrians could not hear those
I've heard it being compared to being in a moving bubble
it's more likely that you'd see a larger number of pedestrians trying to commit suicide by stepping in front of you
you are hearing digital generated sounds
Silent, almost weirdly so
the sound from the servo is probably comparable
but for real. they deserved to get hit by cars
you have to check the streets first before crossing them
is there a mod here ? @MadaraUchiha ? This user spams stupid edits which prevent other users from really improving the questions: stackoverflow.com/users/2101576/muhammad-hannan?tab=activity
I do wonder how they coded the AI for those pertinant ethics questions like "If the car can't stop in time, does it hit the grandma or the kid?"
trolley dilemma/problem
modern trolley dilemma
@Neil there are many articles on that specific question. It looks like it's not simple.
also techcrunch.com/2016/10/04/did-you-save-the-cat-or-the-kid, i.e "please help in pricing human lives in various configurations"
(note: I didn't read those articles)
I think people put too much thought into such things
@Neil the system cannot distinguish both
@DenysSéguret flagged?
Make an AI which priotizes the life of the driver over all else. Second are the people around the car which would be hit
@SurajRao I'd rather have a diamond send him a kind message asking him to stop
@CapricaSix you're not relevant
@MasterDarkNight You have a question regarding javascript for us?
Wait , I'll post soon , a minor mistake while posting
@DenysSéguret Enough rejected suggests and they'd be banned automatically
I think I ran out of memory loading some data
a python program that takes 26 GiB ?
26 because it's at 100% memory
it could be more
i say: that must be wrong. Or you have a flaky script
no, I'm just loading a lot of data
you have to control your input if you are doing some sort of data mining
but I don't get how can 10GB of plain text turn into more than 26GB in python
Hi, I have a JS function which returns the type of the "Input" variable,
It works nice in most cases but in two cases it fails to work properly,

Typeof = function Typeof ( Input ) {
	Type = ""
	Type = ( Input == undefined ) ? "Undefined" : Type
	Type = ( Input === null ) ? "None" : Type
	Type = ( (  "" + Input ) [ 0 ] == "[" && !Input.length ) ? "Object" : Type
	Type = ( Input === true || Input === false ) ? "Logic" : Type
	Type = ( Type == "" ) ? ( ( Input+1 === ( ( Input/2 )*2+1 ) ) ? "Number" : Type ) : Type
looks like a 2GB file turns into 4.5GB python file
so 10GB is...
!!> 10*4.5/2
@Neoares 22.5
@MasterDarkNight console.log (Typeof (["","a"]) ); // returns "String" is expected if I check your code tho
That's what I'm asking ! How to solve it ?
console.log (Typeof (["a"]) ); // returns "String"
console.log (Typeof (["","a"]) ); // returns "String"
This two are a problem
you have a very troublesome code though :P
just re-evaluate the ( ( "i" + Input ) [ Input.length ] !== Input [ Input.length-1 ] )
@MasterDarkNight Just... why?
@KarelG reevluate to what ? Any idea ?
it returns false for your two cases
so it leads to "String"
Yeah , all other case except two cases works fines, it has problem with a single character array
it gives false too for ["","a"]
for ["","","","","a"] also
the problem is that control check. Just write it out. You will see it
this is because only one character is there in ["","a"]
it fails to work in those cases
@KarelG what control check ?
that I just asked you to re-evaluate
( ( "i" + Input ) [ Input.length ] !== Input [ Input.length-1 ] )
this one
but how to change it ? what should I replace it with ?
also it gives you a true on [] because javascript is forgiving
so a bit lucky coincidence there
@MadaraUchiha my exact reaction
it's giving true on [""] and [] because they were actually evaluated as "Number" but then I changed - Type = ( Type == "" ) ? ( ( Input+1 === ( ( Input/2 )*2+1 ) ) ? "Number" : Type ) : Type , so it works fine now
> console.log (Typeof ( ) ); // returns "Undefined" because it's empty
> console.log (Typeof (undefined) ); // returns "Undefined" because it's undefined
> console.log (Typeof (null) ); // returns "None" because null
why? What's behind such a specification ?
No, no, stop stop
null return None because I wanted it to , similarly for undefined ,,, but it returns undefined in ( ) empty because I was unable to evaluate it , hence made it undefined
@CapricaSix what's this ?
@MasterDarkNight That whole thing is a monstrosity, it should never have existed. Why do you have something like this in your code?
@MadaraUchiha and what's this
What are you using this for?
I think users not having commented have been killed by Monstruous Dark Night's code

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