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!!votekick should definitely be a thing
Shit, it's the filth. Cheese it!
'cheese it' always makes me laugh
@mega6382 I know Pandas are too lazy to mate and are being shown panda porn. What should that make me thing about you?
hahaha, really?
I did not know that.
Panda pornography (or panda porn) refers generally to movies depicting mating pandas, intended to promote sexual arousal in captive giant pandas. Under zoo conditions, the animals have, in general, proven unenthusiastic about mating, placing their species in danger of extinction. == History == The method was popularized following reports of an experiment performed by zoologists in Thailand, in which they showed several captive giant pandas at Chiang Mai Zoo a number of videos showing other giant pandas having sex. Though the researchers behind the project state that they believe there have been...
true story
if pandas won't mate then how are they making porn
of all the wikipedia names
@PaulCrovella Maybe they use the more active pandas like @Wes for that.
if @Wes is the more active version then pandas really are fucked... or not fucked, I suppose
Congratz @Tiffany!
Morngins all
@DaveRandom did you just dab?
oh sheet, we can dab
@Danack I guess you have to follow me so I can message you on twitter
@PaulCrovella I had an accident with a gerbil and a cheese grater when I was younger. I don't like to talk about it.
you're a weird guy
doing require_once __DIR__ . '/../config.php'; should go to the root directory, right?
bcmod returns incorrect values – #76287
@Tiffany depends.. are you 1 level deep?
@Tiffany Wouldn't require_once '../config.php'; give the same result?
@mega6382 somethignsomething don't use relative paths, from what @DaveRandom has told me many times :P
@Tiffany also, it will only go 1 directory back. So, depends on where the root is.
@pmmaga no
@Tiffany it will go to the directory above the file where you called it
well, to properly avoid anything relative you should go with dirname which also goes one level up. Or multiple with the second param
so if the file is in a directory that is one level below the root, then yes
I'm two or three directories deep
Then try /../../../
so require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../config.php'; then
PHP storm will tell you when it points to an existing file path
it's not o_O
not sure why
and once it points to an existing file, refactoring tools will automagically adjust the paths for you if you move stuff around
ಠ_ಠ or dirname(__DIR__, 3) . '/config.php'
I would question why you are including it in a file that is 3 dirs deep, tbh
require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
require __DIR__ . '/../config.php';
typically I have that in src/bootstrap.php, every entry point to the application just includes the bootstrap
Also, wouldn't getcwd() provide the root path in this scenario?
citation needed ^
getcwd() is almost never useful
unless you are doing something specifically that involves the working directory
agreed, sounds smelly @Tiffany - why do you need it?
which is only if you have a user-supplied relative path
@DaveRandom the "view" for CMS is kinda fucked up. Path goes something like webroot/includes/admin/pages/index.php
and never when figuring out the dir layout of your own application
and they include the config.php file
@Tiffany OK, and where does config.php live?
because config.php has the logic to tie the view to the models/controllers
@DaveRandom webroot
Guessing you don't have time to refactor?
@DaveRandom K, thanks. til.
@JayIsTooCommon need I remind you this is the same code base with that shitty All method?
I so would have quit by now
well, not as shitty as before
in index.php, __DIR__ . '/../' points to webroot/includes/admin/, __DIR__ . '/../../' points to webroot/includes/ etc
@JayIsTooCommon I'm working on it, kind of need a job lined up before I do that
Anyone know if I can use @Embeddable with @DiscriminatorMap and @DiscriminatorColumn as target of @OneToMany in Doctrine2?
since my subconscious hasn't learned the meaning of "save money" well enough yet
@Tiffany So, your birthday is not going as well as you had hoped.
I didn't take the day off, so it's going as expected. :P
I think this is the first birthday I haven't taken the day off
though, I'm wishing I did, for sure
what would be the best way to provide a necessary binary via docker? i dont want to include it into my application image... should i make a separate docker image where i ship only that dependency and use volumes to link it?
@Tiffany You must be masochist then. :P
People don't go to work on a good job on their birthday. And you went to work on this..
basically trying to get away with refactoring as long as I can until I'm dragged to another "priority"
I enjoy refactoring legacy code. you can only win doing it. and if you fail, it's the developers who wrote it fault
Afternoon 11
@Gordon That's a neat little trick to stay out of trouble.
Hey guys, anyone know of a way to stop a disabled function from error reporting? Had a good question on that (after a LOT of cleanup)
@Christian I suspect it was written in like PHP 4 or older than PHP 5.3, when eval may have been the only way to do it. I suspect that the original developer created this project in like 2000, and had only refactored parts of it that "broke" and just extended off of it for whatever client project he was assigned.
I'm truly hoping that he finally refactored it and cleaned it up for his clients now, or at least rewrote it.
is there a cleaner way to return 'http://' rather than using a string literal?
@DaveRandom what's Salford like?
@JayIsTooCommon very much depends on where in Salford you mean
I just have Salford, so nvm
@Tiffany you could make it into a constant, but there is nothing wrong with just returning the literal
@Gordon alright, thanks
@JayIsTooCommon it's technically a city in it's own right, in practice it's part of Manchester but it's still pretty big. There are very nice bits and very not-nice bits
and a lot in between
Ok, i'll do a bit of reading. Cheers madame
I think they should rename Manchester. It's obviously sexist and named to cater to a male audience. It's for Man and Chester. At the very least they should rename it to Womanchester so that it appeals to both genders.
Very wise this @Gordon
Uncie Gord
Maybe we should add that for discussion on the most recent StackOverflow blog post
@Gordon It's not long before they reinstate C+= as an actual thing...
Do you people maintain a skeleton framework to get started with new projects?
And if you do, what is the recommended way to maintain it?
@MadaraUchiha whats that?
@mega6382 Oh boy, you're one of today's lucky 10,000!
hahaha, thats interesting.
@mega6382 It was removed from GitHub at some point too, didn't know it returned there until I googled it just now.
that's disgusting. and dumb. what a waste of time and effort.
@MadaraUchiha what
@Tiffany Trolling
yeah, found the "satire" note
thank god
> Note: This is a programming language written by and for FEMINISTS, not WOMEN. LEARN THE DIFFERENCE, YOU MISOGYNIST!
The "Philosophy" part is so amazing. :B
"amazing" is certainly one way to put it.
@EugeneLeonovich not entirely sure but probably GMP can help with that. applying a bit mask and right shifting should give you both values
@Jimbo Jesus lmao
@Sean jesus? what about all the other prophets, you christian pig?
and what about the atheists?
you cant just say jesus and expect to get away with it. no, sir. no.
@pmmaga i'm afraid bitwise shifting will not work, as it's a string, and applying a bitwise operation on a string will implicitly cast it to an integer, and then an overflow will happen because php doesn't support uint64.
@EugeneLeonovich you have to do it in gmp terms. something like this?
congratz @Tiff!
@pmmaga that works, thanks! Is there any other effective way to do this w/o extensions?
@DaveRandom yep
basically, I want to pack uint64s with pack('J', $uint64), where $uint64 holds string
@EugeneLeonovich I honestly don't know. maybe some pack magic or such? maybe dave or paul can help with that
@pmmaga np, thanks for your help
Hi humans, anyone want a super good certificate? Earn it here: w3schools.com/cert/cert_php.asp
@MikeM. W3Schools should not be trusted as a reliable resource. Click here to read why.
@MikeM. Please, stfu
<3 love you to. Not being /sarcastic at all on a welcome hello...
@Ekin thanks
@Jeeves but... but... "Today, W3Schools has largely resolved these issues and addressed the majority of the undersigned developers' concerns."
@Tiffany I already have that
@MikeM. You know it's a quality certification when they have to explain to certified people:
> To verify that you are W3Schools certified, place the image below on your web site (right-click on the image and select "Save Picture As..."):
@pmmaga Also, the test is online, the user can easily cheat.
They absolutely can't! It says right there:
> To add full credibility to your Certificate, you should have a supervisor to watch over you when taking the exam.

You must pick your own supervisor.

The supervisor should be used to see that you do not cheat. There are no other special criteria for the supervisor.
user image
@pmmaga Thats just wow.
jesus fuck the questions are stupid
@Tiffany I believe that the quiz is not the same as the certification test. But I bet they'll have a lot of the same questions.
@Gordon Hé that's a false certificate! It's not from w3schools ^^ haha. but nah I can't be bothered to pay $95 for their certificate...
@Tiffany also, did you just wasted 2 and a half minute on that quiz?
@MikeM. It's not false. It's my certificate for you. I certify people that got certified on w3schools. it's of equal worth than the w3schools certificate, except you get it for free.
@pmmaga least they could do is add something to the test code to detect when you don't have the test in focus...
@Tiffany Are you a certified W3Schools PHP engineer now?
like the fucking mandatory training we have to do -_-
@Tiffany tsk tsk tsk
speaking of which... I need to do one of those before my birthday ends
@MadaraUchiha I fucking hope not
@MadaraUchiha who are you certified from?
@Gordon But I am not certified on w3schools ¯(°_o)/¯
@MikeM. I just certified you are, so now you are!
I actually have a stack of like 200 of those printed
@Gordon Damnit :-(
Runs off
Courtesy of @BenjaminGruenbaum
@MadaraUchiha <3 you too. But you should know that I can see your number on it.
@MadaraUchiha yeah, "Know Who To Trust". I am not falling for the false coloring. It's one of your TI Pranks.
@mega6382 :(
@MadaraUchiha :D
Its not too clear. But I am sure if someone tries hard enough he can make it out.
Not anymore
@Gordon I don't know if that's still true, but in Google Maps we're called Tifrnks
@mega6382 I like how you changed the message from "if I try hard enough I can make it out." to "if someone …". It shows you really are a Panda… because you cannot make out.
hahaha :P
Yup 😃 Still holds true @Gordon
I cannot open .txt files with file_get_contents, but I can open other files. – #76288
@Jeeves yeah, PHP hates txt files.. It just does
Well hello everyone,
I am using PrestaShop and trying a virtual POS module on it but I get some errors, so I am trying to fix them step by step with my little knowledge.

On this error, when I refuse to pay from 3D-Secure page, I get something like "Undefined Index : Locale"

This is what is inside module's Locale.php


namespace Iyzipay\Model;

class Locale
const TR = "tr";
const EN = "en";

and this is where they assign Locale in result.php
$locale = ($language_iso_code == "tr") ? Iyzipay\Model\Locale::TR : Iyzipay\Model\Locale::EN;
I didn't mean to send it but anyway. :D
Is there anything wrong you see about this code ? I will also upload result.php and Locale.php just in a sec
This is result.php ideone.com/CL0CMe
And this is Locale.php ideone.com/3bqUdF
I think you need `\Iyzipay\Model\Locale::TR` to make it fully qualified.

Or `use Iyzipay\Model\Locale` at the top of `result.php` so that you can do: `Locale::TR` without a namespace.
@AndréYuhai but i'm not entirely convinced that this is the actual issue, since "undefined index" refers to an array
posted on April 30, 2018

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

Here is the error I get
@AndréYuhai It's not complaining about the variable $locale, it's complaining that Locale is an undefined index. so somewhere, you must have something like $array['Locale'] which is undefined
namely, somewhere on your order_result template
@pmmaga Can you please take a look at the image of the error above?
Oh okay let me see
dear lord, that code is quite the dumpster fire
@pmmaga this is order_result.tpl ideone.com/wHF5kl
@DaveRandom are you based anywhere near Salford?
@shadowhand And I am trying to figure out what's wrong with it since I didn't write it :D
But it's a free POS module so I have to stick with it at least for now. :D
@AndréYuhai apparently it isn't there so you have to go up your template's bases
unexpected change: make test returns 1 – #76289
POS as in piece of shit?
hahaha yea
Believe me it was worse than this. This is a bit more fixed :D
@pmmaga Actually after opening the debug mode and going to that file described on error image I got this ideone.com/pa3dpQ
The line 187 that the error is about is the Line 10 in the link
* that the error is complaining about
there you go, so now you have to find why in that whole thing that var is not being set :P
Well, could this have anything to do with that? ideone.com/XtLfdy
I don't know what $helper is for though. this was the only tpl_vars in the module's folder haha
the main php file in the module
The one that has the same name with the module folder I mean
@JayIsTooCommon about 20 mins drive, although again, it depends where in salford :-P
I used to live in langworthy and my sister now live in that house
and this is the whole php file of that code piece that I just sent. https://ideone.com/2byank
I got that piece from the function called renderForm()
@JoeWatkins has KO'd on a sofa in that house
@AndréYuhai sorry, not gonna read ~800 lines to figure it out for you. :P at least you now know where the error is being thrown, some debugging should give you an answer
@DaveRandom right yeah, good point
@JayIsTooCommon is this some pre-arranged accommodation or sth?
@pmmaga Oh I didn't mean to read. :D I wouldn't read either haha. Just in case you needed the rest. Thank you and others, at least now I am closer. :)
Is London worth it for dev jobs atm? I imagine living expenses cut into any potential higher salary
plus you have to be in london
that's fine if it would work for you, but I cannot cope with it for more than a couple of days
@DaveRandom nah, just trying to work out the area
Aye, reckon the tube would drive me insane after a week
It must be so shit for your health going on the tube everyday
the shit you breathe in
Yeah, full of fumes, dirt, all sorts of crap
like what o_O
There was a stat somewhere about it's equivalence to smoking cigarettes, iirc it was alarming
@Sean On the stations or on the inside?
so basically they just need to ventilate it better
maybe add air conditioning
or just adding air conditioning would solve most of the problems, it seems
@Tiffany it's the oldest and deepest underground railway network in the world, I would imagine that is considerably easier said than done :-P
posted on April 30, 2018 by CommitStrip

it was originally operated by steam locomotives, so historical soot alone is still going to be a big problem I would have thought
@Gordon actually it's a thing that you do to a lady. "why don't you man chest her?"
plus it's a tight squeeze
like a couple of feet from train to wall
Wrong info in argon2i memory_cost – #76290
@PaulCrovella ahaha
Should an Entity validate the data while it is being set?
@CoderDudeTwodee imo yes, because you should only ever be able to retrieve valid data from it
@DaveRandom So you throw exceptions if that fails? I found no better way the last time.
or whatever your setting accepts a VO that also validates
i.e. EmailAddress $email
Does that mean we incorporate user input validation into the Entities?
probably not
mapping user input to entities is most likely a different problem domain
@Sean Depends what you're on now I guess. When I moved up here, even after additional expense I was making more... I did move from a 2 bed flat to a room though...
Also I made sure I lived close enough to work to dodge the daily commute
although if I have e.g. an entity with an integer property that requires a value in a certain range, then I might validate that the user input is an integer, but let the range validation still be done by the entity
@DaveRandom Where does the input validation happen? I mean I could use the setters in my entity and have it validated there or validate the data and inject it into the setters without any further validation inside it?
@CoderDudeTwodee ctor
personally I'm not a fan of mutable entities, so yes that ^
@DaveRandom Curious how you deal with this for a primitive in a constructor. How do you validate a string at construction?
@Sean if you're serious, got some positions open, happy to drop your name
(you'd have to apply, duh, but recommendations are favourable)
@Allenph depends what the string is. If it's something like an email address or a domain name or an IP address, something with a know rigid format, I would usually have a VO
Was having a chat with Teresko and Wes about that. Seems like there' s no "awesome" way.

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