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12:01 AM
Problem with color cameras is that one captured photon splashes a bunch of noise into all the neighboring pixels, as opposed to the the black and white case
So basically, it ends up looking a lot more noisy than the true black and white case
On the other hand if you're Google you can numerically compensate for most of these problems like with their Pixel XL phone
that means you need a very sensitive device in a 100% dark room
and if you are counting more than 1 photon you probably want to make sure they are of the same wavelength
12:20 AM
E=hf while h = 6.62607004 × 10^-34 m^2 kg / s
1 hour later…
1:29 AM
@LucDanton oui d'après ce que j'ai pu lire ils sont graves
jumping threads, yesterday’s 100% legally ok build is getting mid-season hotfixed tomorrow
2 hours later…
3:47 AM
looks like I need to make my own connectors to the rechargeable power source
> I just wanted to say I'm a little disappointed you didn't go with -XGeneralizedGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
4:23 AM
I spoke the truth and was banned from meta chats
I think someone is having a mental breaking down there
possibly having doubts about self worth
truth hurts, but being ignorant doesn't help you getting anywhere
but I like dumb ignorant people, they are like the green leaves needed to give contrast to a flower
4:59 AM
I have a chick that looks like a balloon but sounds like a baby
5:13 AM
why sometimes battery of large capacity can damage the device despite same voltage?
I have a UV water purifier and a RC car both claim larger capacity battery can damage the device
2 hours later…
6:59 AM
@TelKitty I'm with you..that doesn't really make sense. Only thing I can think of is they almost reach point of overheating just as battery capacity runs out. Similar for charging. But seems strange.
7:26 AM
I think I got a hang of training the toy car now
8:03 AM
A: Moderation health status

TelKittyI am worried too. Stackexchange/overflow is a great site with many wonderful people. Recently I encountered a few incidents of what seems to be mental breakdowns of a person with mod power. What happened to me is minor. But the effect of mentally unsound person with power on this site can be m...

2 hours later…
10:12 AM
The Meg is an upcoming joint American-Chinese science fiction action horror film directed by Jon Turteltaub and written by Dean Georgaris, Jon and Erich Hoeber. In the film, set 200 miles off the Chinese coast a deep sea submarine is attacked by Megalodon, a giant 75-foot shark that was thought to be extinct for over millions of years. With the ship disabled at the bottom of the sea, a rescue diver and oceanographer must quickly work to rescue the crew. It is based on the 1997 science fiction book Meg: A Novel of Deep Terror by Steve Alten. The film stars Jason Statham, Li Bingbing, Rainn Wilson...
the first thing bumped into my mind - South China Sea ...
10:56 AM
@TelKitty I see you're just as 'interesting' as you've always been
It really feels lonely here without @morwenn :(.
It's rather lonely in here without a lot of people, many of which have migrated to discord
11:12 AM
did they
11:36 AM
A fair few of us have taken refuge over there
damn them
Aren't you one of them?
me? no way
12:19 PM
@thecoshman why would I be less interesting?
12:38 PM
are there any differences between passing "std::foward<A>(args)..." and just "args..."?
such as:
void a(A... as) {
b(std::forward<A>(as)...) OR b(as...)
@YvesHenri in one case it forwards in the other it doesn't
any other questions?
whats a forwarding?
should I forward everywhere in my code?
No. You should read about forwarding on cppreference or on some move/forward tutorial :-)
If you insist asking C++ questions in chat go here.
1:28 PM
@TelKitty I was being poilite
@thecoshman à poil pirate
2:22 PM
This answer is flat out wrong when it comes to Windows. The Microsoft compilers team has released a LOT of information about how windows works and open sourced components required for other compilers to work. To the point that Chrome now builds with clang on windows. The Microsoft specific calling conventions have been documented for ages and supported by mingw and icc for ages as well. — Mgetz 22 secs ago
> For Linux, the ABI is very carefully defined and all compilers on the platform are supposed to conform to it.
2:49 PM
Why do editors not let me select text with the mouse on non-word boundaries?
That word-wrapping is such an anti-feature.
@nwp whot?
I usually try and go back for a bit until the selection actually starts where I want and then go to the end point (repeating that step there if necessary)
I have the text "Simulate "..tostring(soc_percentage).."%". I try to select the part "..tostring(soc_percentage)..". The editor doesn't let me. I can only end my selection on percentage or the end.
@nwp I remember reading somewhere this is by design but I don't remember why
I hate it too
Apparently single clicking gives you character boundaries and doubleclicking word boundaries. I guess it's my fault for clicking wrong.
2:54 PM
@nwp More clicks increases the granularity of selection. Single click (and drag) gets you individual characters. Double click gets you words. In at least some cases (e.g., MS Word) triple-click selects an entire paragraph.
The one I find annoying is that at least some of them, given a single click and drag starting from the middle of a word, extend the selection back to the beginning of that word (or, if you drag left, extend it to the end of the word).
@nwp what kind of shit editor does that
@Ven All of them I think. I can't find one that doesn't.
I would expect a code editor to have better understanding of word boundaries though. I get that it selects whole variable names, but it should know that parenthesis and dots and so on are all separate things.
Even browsers do that.
@Ven Seems hard to believe that of all the parts of Linux, the ABI would the one that was actually carefully defined.
@Mgetz In fact, I'm pretty sure I still have a copy of the Win32 documentation with a big "preliminary" stamped on the cover--which includes documentation of __stdcall, and how/why it differs from the OS/2 __syscall convention.
@JerryCoffin the calling conventions have been documented for ages, the C++ mangling less so. PDBs weren't well documented but are now.
either way the answer is flat out wrong
3:13 PM
@Mgetz I'm not sure the lack of documentation of the PDB format itself was ever really an issue though. There was always (going back to the DOS days) the Debug Interface Access SDK, which allowed you to read/write PDBs without dealing directly with the file format. Having the format itself documented is undoubtedly a good thing too, but not particularly a necessity, given the existence of the DIA SDK.
@Mgetz Agreed.
@JerryCoffin it was if you wanted to make something that could be easily debugged on windows without dealing with other debuggers and take full advantage of the windows debugging mechanisms. I'm glad they released the docs.
@Mgetz I'm not arguing against their releasing the docs. But the only circumstance under which I can see that reading/writing PDB directly is a big help is if you need to support it on some other OS. Not quite sure how there's a problem with using DIA to achieve: "without dealing with other debuggers and take full advantage of the windows debugging mechanisms."
More to the point, however, from the viewpoint of the OP's question, just about all that matters is the calling convention. Mangling matters only to the extent of knowing how to prevent it from happening, and there's nothing in the question to suggest anything about reading/writing PDB files.
@Mgetz ...but we all seem to be in violent agreement on this, so perhaps I should just shut up. :-)
@JerryCoffin I wouldn't say violent agreement. I would say that I'm allergy addled and can't think of a better reason that LLD would need to be able to output PDBs other thant to support debugging with VS
which admittedly... is actually a good reason
3:24 PM
@JerryCoffin What? You are supposed to fight to the death to figure out who agrees more.
@Omnifarious please do not confuse name mangling for ABI, C++ uses the same ABI practices as C. The difference is that there are things that are compiler version safe (COM, extern 'C') and things that are not std::string etc. On linux there is only ever one compiler and stdlib running at once (usually) and thus having to worry about having ABI incompatible C++ library objects isn't a concern. On windows the guide has always been that they are safe within a compiler and library combo. — Mgetz 58 secs ago
wow they massively confused Compiler versioned ABI issues with actual ABI
@nwp I prefer an argument over who's more humble.
@JerryCoffin Trump does that already.
Where is Raymond Chen to lay down the law when I need him
@Ven Weird Al did it first!
3:35 PM
Yes but he didn't expect people to copy it unironically.
@Mgetz You could probably find a blog entry or two...
@JerryCoffin I'm supposed to be working
@Mgetz Not me. I swear I'm not. I really don't have a deadline on Thursday. Not at all!
@JerryCoffin My deadline is technically tomorrow, but it doesn't really apply to the stuff I'm directly working on
@Ven Reminds me of a story I may have told before. In the fifties a newspaper writer noticed that whites didn't mind mingling with blacks while they were standing around at the bus stop. It was only when they got in the bus and sat down that they demanded segregation. He wrote a rather sarcastic column about how all we had to do to achieve integration was get rid of chairs.
The column was supposed to run the next Sunday, but they decided not to print it after all--that very day they ended up running a real news story--about how the local library district was removing all the tables and chairs in their libraries to aid in integration.
3:55 PM
@Ven Weird Al is pretty smart. He probably did know it was just a matter of time before some blowhard would unknowingly imitate it...
4:11 PM
Holy crap, people are still using MISRA c++ in 2018
I would actually consider that malicious at this point
4:23 PM
@Omnifarious reading your changes my comment still stands. The C++ issues are caused by things that would break the ABI in C as well. E.g. allocators changing and structure layout changing. Name mangling is a non-issue. Exception handling is dealt with at the runtime library level (and is based on SEH so it's possible to have an exception that crosses various different modules even if they have different compilers). The fact of the matter is that there never was a C++ abi issue on Windows, but there was a runtime library ABI changing issue that has always been present on all platforms. — Mgetz 27 secs ago
1 hour later…
5:43 PM
@Mgetz My question is this, can I compile part of a C++ codebase with one compiler, and a different part with another compiler, and link them together as if I had compiled the whole code base with the same compiler? To me, that's what an ABI is. If I can't do that, there's not a standard ABI that compilers on the platform generally conform to.
@Omnifarious then you'll be disappointed on linux too, because it too has issues of that same sort
your question was answer in the other channel
6:38 PM
@Mgetz For certification?
7:09 PM
@Mikhail no idea
7:34 PM
@BartekBanachewicz you're gonna like this github.com/landondyer/kasm/blob/master/LICENSE
@milleniumbug I highly suspect that's not enforceable, but highly amusing
> Got myself a copy of K&R "The C Programming Language" from local library... Somebody tore the GOTO page out!!!
1 hour later…
9:02 PM
This kepler shuffle stuff is great
Do we even need memory anymore?
Also 2x performance gains on prefix sum

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