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I suspect it's the token structure that messes the tokens.
@Christian But it stops ^^
[3] => CssRulesetStartToken Object
[4] => CssRulesetDeclarationToken Object
[5] => CssRulesetDeclarationToken Object
[6] => CssRulesetEndToken Object
That's for body { prop: val; prop2: val2; }
If the last } is missing, it only returns [CssRulesetStartToken object].
That said, I now remember that the tokenizer I wrote didn't have this issue. Then again, it was too simplistic and only covered the most common parts of the css spec.
class { a = "hi; function b( } => class { a = "hi; function b( )"}
Why did it complete the ( and somehow figure out the } is a part of the code?
Well, in general, it seems more intelligent than mine.
And much less code :D
Well, you really should put it as an answer to my question. I'm starting to like your approach better. :)
@Christian posted
Btw, I'm not sure whether it's a good idea to include < and > as tokens
they can mess up easy
E.g. > is not a closing bracket in $a => $b. Also in $a < $b it isn't opening (or > or <= or >=)
@NikiC Probably. They're something else in css anyway.
Now that this step's done, onwards with the next one. I just have to remember what it was.
1 hour later…
hey guys, @Christian
Can I get an opinion on whether my objected oriented approach in this answer (stackoverflow.com/a/11060350/568785) is an uneeded use of OOP?
I can see why your worried but it looks fine to me
@ert3 Thank you. I'm getting a little sick of explaining to the troll who posted on my answer that no matter how much he whines I'm still going to stand behind my OOP approach.
I used to really relly on the OOP approach but now i do things a bit more conservatively for the sake of easy debuging
1 hour later…
Q: Setting the form action to a jquery tab

Giovanni Di ToroI have installed a jquery UI tabs system on my web page , but the I have had a series of problems , one of them being: I can make a form request to my PhP at the same page and then process the result on it self. In other words: I want to set the action of the form in question to the the same ta...

oooh tasty
2 hours later…
@GiovanniDiToro your answer awaits you please direct these to javascript in the future
A: Setting the form action to a jquery tab

ert3http://jsfiddle.net/mZLDk/ $(document).ready(function() { // Tab initialization // This is setup for two tab groups and is not needed $('#tabs, #fragment-1').tabs({ select: function(event, ui){ var tabNumber = ui.index; var tabName = $(ui.tab).text(); //Here I setup a...

2 hours later…
script execution time is 30 sec
but if we use sleep(50) in foreach loop
so the question is that script runs completely ?
please tag my name when reply
@DanishIqbal , You can run it and see if it runs completely or not. No need to ask here.
// this prevents resubmission of form only once
// if i do multiple refresh after form submission, its
//taking each refresh to resubmit the page
@pbvamsi You're doing it wrong
pls guide me with right suggestion
Post/Redirect/Get (PRG) is a web development design pattern that prevents some duplicate form submissions, creating a more intuitive interface for user agents (users). PRG implements bookmarks and the refresh button in a predictable way that does not create duplicate form submissions. Duplicate form submissions When a web form is submitted to a server through an HTTP POST request, a web user that attempts to refresh the server response in certain user agents can cause the contents of the original HTTP POST request to be resubmitted, possibly causing undesired results, such as a duplicate...
no other alternative! @PeeHaa
@pbvamsi ?
posted on June 18, 2012 by Lorna Mitchell

I am a huge fan of bit.ly and use their tools for a wide variety of different things. They recently did a big relaunch with some lovely new features, which are for the most part pretty good, but which are inaccessible in places. In particular, it seems that there aren't any short URLs for the bundles - which is annoying for me as I use that feature a lot! To get around this, I used their API

@pbvamsi , when your script receives a POST request , it should perform the required action and redirect
that's what the wiki article explains
and what are the "alternatives" you are talking about ? are you looking for alternative hobby ?
is it good to send an activation e-mail with a code to make sure its a human?
@meWantToLearn Depends on how important it is to know if they are human.
@tereško but in my case it wil get redirected to the same page, so on refresh its again getting resubmitted, how this can be fixed.
@pbvamsi leran to read damnit
I mean lets say for instance its a profile registration , and I want to eliminate spam
I am planning to set up mobile phone verification
and think of also e-mail verification
@pbvamsi, you you are unable to read the article , then maybe you should find a different job
one that does not require reading
@meWantToLearn , usually you send activation email, to see if the email address exists .. there are no ways to detect if form was filled out by human
if the user types in the code received in the email, then the chances of being a human is high
and to check whether email address exist the user can get a trial email
or it was done by bot which was written specifically to do this
also , forcing user to type in verification code is a really annoying thing to do
so adding mobile verification only is the best? one mobile number one account only
no , it is not "the best" , because you will be sending SMS's to people who did not sign up for anything , and you have to detect if this isn't "send SMS to donate/vote" service , where your SMS is going
:S , users types in their details, we send a code to their mobile number
once they type that code they are registered
and one mobile number will have one account only
what if i register with YOUR phone number ?
if you register wid my mobile number, you wouldnt know the activation code
once the activation code is entered, then that mobile number is stored into db
why do you keep imagining only the best case scenarios and dismissing all the issues ?!
like what are the bad issues?
emm . .. what is "bad issue" ? are there "good issues" too ?
@meWantToLearn , what happens when i register with a phone number i do not own ?
yes, so only one people will have one profile
you will not registered, bez you cannot type the verification which we send to the mobile number
how do you detect that verification code was for that specific phone ?
you need to have the mobile phone, to type the code
@meWantToLearn , what happens, when I register with a phone number, that I do not own ?
do you understand the question ?!
the phones, that i do not own, are all over the worlds
actually , it is "all phones except 2"
and some of the people who have received unrequested "spam" later might want to register themselves , with that phone
so , i ask again
@meWantToLearn , what happens, when I register with a phone number, that I do not own ?
if you register it again more than lets say 5times, that number will temporary be ban
so lets say you keep on entering ur friends number
so i can prevent you from registering .. or whole country at that
5times and everytime we send u a code, you dont enter the verification number
the 5th time which you type in the number, we will ban you
but we wont tell you that your ban
how do you ban a botnet ?
botnet has to type a mobile number
no , it has to generate a random one
i mean, there is gonna be recaptcha, mobile verification , limit per ip, honeypot
what else extra tbh I dont know
weren't we just talking about that mobile verification , and how it will come back to bite your ass ?
i agree
with u
about the random number
bez its gonna cost me alot
so whats the solution :S
is the mobile number critical for the application ?
see its profile
like facebook
so it is not cynical
all I want is to have one person owning one profile
which means that users can enter it later .. actually , sane people do not share the private phone number on internet
not when asked to do it at registration
thts their problem , but if its a business
who wants to own a profile
1 thing
if i add recaptcha and mobile verification
will it make it harder?
@tereško given that google and fb both ask for your mobile phone number nowadays to "secure" your account, I'd say people have no problem entering their private phone numbers into the web anywhere.
can we install ssl without cpanel ?
@DanishIqbal If you are not having root access, I guess you can not. That is why your hoster installed cpanel
@PiTheNumber there is no ssl option in cpanel
any suggestion?
If there is not, ask your hosting provider. No one else in this wold can help you.
i known its normally but i think is also on host provider because
i am using 2 cpanel of different host provider one is have ssl manger and one is not
If they do not help you, go somewhere else with your page
really there is no any way to directly install ssl without using cpanel
i think there is some way to install directly think the ssl manager also do something in our web space to store our ssl certificate
you have to change the apache configuration, you might need an extra ip, ... no you can only work with the tools you are given
Does facebook gives signed request data in fanpage without authenticating app?
@SalmanKhimani i think no
@SalmanKhimani I think they do. Why don't you give it a try?
@PiTheNumber what do say about my problem
I have given a try
when i authenticate, it does. but i just need to get if user has liked my page or not. I dont want user to go through authentication process just for this little requirement.
@SalmanKhimani as i known its necessary to authorize application
@SalmanKhimani If you have included your app in a tab of your page you should get a POST variable called signed_request. You can decode it (manually?) and extract the page like. Worked for me.
@LeviMorrison Yeah, I love it! :)
@Gordon , should i assume that you opted to enter you phone number , instead of going for "cancel/ignore" button as fast as possible
In PHP CHat 1 week ago, by someone
> IE7 tax imposed by online shopping site
@tereško can we install ssl without using cpanel
because there is no ssl option in my cpanel
@LeviMorrison BTW how's the development of prototype.php going?
@tereško of course not but i dont consider my paranoia to be "common sense" ;)
another kid who things that targeting specific people will give him/her answer .. adding to ignore list
@Gordon , it's not paranoia, if there really is an nigerian prince out to get your money
and there is nothing common about the "common sense"
@PiTheNumber am not getting anything in POST, it is null
@PeeHaa all Qs asking how to fix a Notice should be closed and deleted
what does [cv-pls] mean?
@PeeHaa ah thanks
So newbie questions on stackoverflow should be closed in general?
They are not allowed because they are to easy to answer for you?
Jeff Atwood on February 22, 2011

On Podcast #58, Joel and I had a disagreement. Not the first, and certainly won’t be the last:

Joel says that the only bad simple question is a duplicate simple question. I say simple questions are OK as long as they’re actually interesting (in some way) for other users to consider and answer. To prove his point, Joel actually asks the question on Stack Overflow: How do I move the turtle in LOGO? Do you think this question adds value?

We still have this disagreement. Our community is now struggling with the very same issue across multiple network sites: …

@PiTheNumber Not, it's because they have been asked a thousand times and can easily be find if they just used the search option
but they are not closed as duplicate's...
@PiTheNumber they should not be closed because they are too easy to answer for us, but because they are too easy to answer in general, e.g. if the OP could easily have googled it or looked it up in the manual.
Then it's probably just a retarted question
@PiTheNumber Some questions just have no value to the community
@Gordon ok, I see. Thanks for the link!
@PiTheNumber you're welcome. It's really not about bullying the noobs. It's about keeping the lazy Help Vampires at bay. I mean, if the OP had actually bothered to search for Notice: Undefined Index on Google, he would have learned what the issue is. There is clearly no research effort in that question despite stackoverflow.com/questions/ask-advice asking for it.
Hi all, I have been programming in php for a year now. I would like to learn object oriented MVC concepts and some advanced topics. Can you recommend some books for me?
@ErselAker Gang of Four: Design Patterns, Fowler: Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture
@ErselAker Kent Beck: Implementation Patterns, Eric Evans: Domain Driven Design
@ErselAker basically, you can pick up any of the Addison Wesley Signature Series books and learn something new from it.
@Gordon thank you so much :)
@ErselAker you can also check my own reading list at careers.stackoverflow.com/gordon#reading for some further reading suggestions
in my code developer has wrote "$this->dbObj->Param('email'),$this->dbObj->Param('password'),etc
can you tell me why he uses this
to register some parameters in $this->dbObj`
not sure for what purpose
how can i display all the values of $this->dbObj->Param()
not even slightest clue ..
bcoz there are many values in it
hello all
@mehul , can you tell me , what $openedObject->content = $openedObject->viewObject(array(), $this); does ?
and that not .. think on this for a moment .. why cannot you tell me what it does
then look at what you asked yourself a moment ago ..
Anybody knows what this means:
> Attribute values in selector expressions must follow the rules for W3C CSS selectors, in general that means anything other than a simple identifier should be surrounded by quotation marks.
@mehul There are two things that can be said from what you wrote before: 1. Param is a method of dbObj, or 2. Param is a public property of dbObj which is an object with a magic __invoke method defined.
I'm searching in the spec, but I fail to see a reference as to what to quote and what not
@PeeHaa I think that will be covered in Section 4? Possibly this is a part of what you are looking for: w3.org/TR/CSS2/syndata.html#value-def-identifier
hello all. ..how to show articles under a category in 2 columns in joomla?
@Paul nope :( only thing about it is stating that strings can be wrapped in quotes
@SHANib Did you try to google for your problem: "category in 2 columns in joomla"?
how to delete an index from an array , i mean now the array is : Array ( [0] => arts015 [1] => ) , I want it to be Array ( [0] => arts015 ) , just one index
is unset the right way?
@meWantToLearn yes, unset($arr[5]);
@PiTheNumber YEs done some googling and made ome changes like setting column 2 to layout..nothing worked
hello anybody has worked with CodeIgniter.
I am getting this error::
Fatal error: Call to undefined function validation_errors() in C:\wamp\www\login_ci\application\views\login\logincheck.php on line 2
Q: Fatal error: Call to undefined function validation_errors() in

studentHere is the code: class CCI extends Controller { function CCI() { parent::Controller(); } function index() { $this->load->helper('url'); $this->load->view('Users/login'); } function test() { echo "Testing Data"; } } The page was loading fine until I moved the l...

@VaibhavVajani Solution: find out which file contains validation_errors() and require_once() that file in logincheck.php
@FabioCosta: i saw that but there is no solution given...
@VaibhavVajani the function is probably not included, as the first comment say, load the form_helper and it should include this function as wel
I have include:
@VaibhavVajani $this->load->helper('form');
@VaibhavVajani and still the error appears?
Don't know did you check to see if the function is in the file?
wait i am posting my code in pastie.org..
@LadySerenaKitty: , @FabioCosta:
pls see this link: pastie.org/4108286
Your problem is probably on CI and not on your code
what should i do?
@VaibhavVajani Try updating your CI, i did a quick googling and found out that a lot of people had the same problem
ya i saw that... anyways thanks
codeigniter.com/forums/viewthread/95755 this guy claims that he have a dirt fix
how do I echo html tags as text, instead of it being interpreted by the browser?
@rogcg htmlspecialchars(). For some reason I suspect all your sites are vulnerable to XSS.
I mean if I do echo '<a>'.$value.'</a>' I want it to show in the page a string like this:

<a>10</a> instead of just a linked 10
@PeeHaa it works. thanks.
poor sods , stuck using CI
I have to put up with Zend FW at the office
So, finally, we decided to give git a seriously try.
I've already got a question, and we don't even have it up.
Our system (will) look like:

[dev pc] => [dev server] => [bitbucket]
no , it wont
So developers commit to repos in [dev server], but [dev server] must automatically sync repo with [bitbucket]
@tereško Means I could just trash git? Horray! :D
in git you commit locally
@tereško Yeah, that's not what I meant. I think I meant "push changes".
@Christian its not so easy to trash git, you'd have to trash everyones repo.
@Paul We don't have any yet :D
So far, it's been nice to use git as a consumer. You know, forking/cloning existing projects.
But when it comes to serious use, I'm a plain slate.
no , you push your branch to repository , and when deploying to development server , the script pull from the repository your selected branch
@tereško I'm confused, what script? Also, I want my changes to appear on the dev server in less than a second, launching a script already wastes that much time.
the one you are using to automatize the deployment
@tereško I'm leaving real deployment to production system out of the equation for now.
@Christian yeah, there is a steep learning curve, and its tough to think about things so distributed coming from something like svn, cvs. I'm guessing you have read the git-book?
... such naiveté in your age
@Paul It's not the learning curve. There's no learning curve in autocompletion, but it can waste a lot of time. (for example)
@tereško The developers that will be doing this will issue minor changes (such as a tweak in a css rule) at a very fast pace. This is not for major projects, the critical thing here is getting it working in time, not how nice versioning you've got (including commit messages and all).
one developer working at one time ?
@tereško Most of the time, yes.
We also get larger projects in the mix and wanted to "standardize" the process.
then the best way is to work directly on the development server (especially with things like CSS and JS)
Big projects get deployment script and all :)
you pull the latest stable version
create a branch
make edits , commit to your development branch , and when all the need changes have been made , you merge it into the main branch
This begs a different question, do we really need two git servers (the dev server and bitbucket's)?
emm .. why are you using two to begin with ?
for the GUI interface in bitbucket? or as a backup ?
If it were me, I'd just one. :/
@tereško Apparently that's the reason.
Which is kinda stupid considering netbeans, cli and all all have git tools ui
and it depends on how your company's system has been set up
@tereško Right now, we access the dev server through a shared drive - no versioning.
We've been adding personnel lately, and decided to get some real versioning.
if you need GUI, you can always use gitlabhq.com
its an opensource github clone
/me likes
Hi all
Anyone have experience with user opcode handlers?
hello i which mode should i use for compression deflate or gzip?
which mode has the client said they support?
@Mayankswami , both , neither , depends
@Leigh wut ?
@tereško Accept-Encoding
@tereško OK, so we decided against bitbucket in favour of two features: GIT GUI (like you mentioned, I'll see the alternatives as well though) and remote repo backup (all that modern cloudy stuff).
The backup thingy should synchronize the source files, but it doesn't have to know about git.
whats the best tool for sharing codes between a group? like one developer works on one file , the other on another file. And they get informed when the files were last edited and be able to download
@meWantToLearn Version control?
versopm control and also Il be able to download the files
Good morning
I remember something called TortoiseSVN
morning @ircmaxell
How's it going?
@meWantToLearn Which is just a frontend to SVN. SVN is a VCS (version control system), and there's many of those: svn, cvs, git, hg, teamserver. However, git and hg are DVCS (distributed VCS).
@ircmaxell Like a king..... That just lost his throne. OK, I should stop the pessimism.
Anyhow. As much as I hate debating this hip, trendy, uber-modern stuff, I need to choose a ("cloud") file host. These are the features I seek: good value for money, with a linux cli (syncing) client, without broadband restrictions
@ircmaxell morning
@ircmaxell: How's your user opcode fu?
@Leigh Someone said opcode? What opcode?
Hey @CarrieKendall, what's up?
@Christian well specificially ZEND_INCLUDE_OR_EVAL
what's your question?
@Christian on the way to the beach
@ircmaxell Mucking about trying to add some basic (fast and insecure) encryption to some files. I'm wondering if hooking the INCLUDE_OR_EVAL opcode is the best way to intercept these files and decrypt them.
does anyone remember that post on parsing html with regex, the secure one? The one that said it was possible?
@CarrieKendall I practically live there.
@ircmaxell The NickiC one?
@Leigh not too sure
@Leigh no
how fortunate @Christian :]
@CarrieKendall Nah, it gets boring.
Actually, annoying.
And then boring.
lol to each its own i guess
@Leigh urgh... just, just don't :)
@NikiC Well it's the route i've been pursuing, and I've hit a brick wall (Trace/BPT trap). So I thought it was better to actually get a second opinion on my approach rather than waste the next day or two finding out I was being stupid to begin with :P
In fact, I've been trying to escape to Northern Europe this summer (Russia, Sweden..).
Could be I'm not really tolerant to extreme sun exposure ("mah eyes! it BURNS!").
Q: Why . (dot) and space are changed to _ (underscores) in PHP $_GET array?

GlitchMrIn PHP documentation I found following part: Dots and spaces in variable names are converted to underscores. For example <input name="a.b" /> becomes $_REQUEST["a_b"]. I'm aware that while PHP couldn't make variable $a.b for register_globals, but this explanation doesn't make me fully...

i ran into that once, too
@Leigh I rather have a problem with what you do in general, not the particular way
I mean, why would you want to encrypt your code? Why?
@Leigh But generally you should rather overwrite the zend_compile_file hook ;)
Instead of messing with the opcode directly
@NikiC I don't really care about that, I just wanted to do it because I (thought I) could
@Leigh Oh, so you're doing this just for fun?
@NikiC Is it possible to do that at runtime?
@NikiC I saw it conditionally set depending on whether dtrace was there, but I thought it was constant and I couldn't change it. I've been using zend_set_user_opcode_handler from an extension.
@Christian lol
@Leigh You can set it
And yea, for "fun", although I'm sure my employer will like it, regardless of how useles you, I or others think it is :)
Just overwrite the zend_compile_file global
ok I'll check it out, thanks
MINIT is a good time for it ;)
@NikiC thats where I have my opcode hook ;) I didn't realise phar did that. I saw it hooking functions like fopen etc. (which I hoped were called by require internally - but no)
So I stole a bunch of phar stuff originally, just the wrong bits
@NikiC Thanks again
Good afternooon
Hey @Donut
How are you?
Still tasty?
Bonjur @NikiC
@NikiC I'm running out of time :(
My expiry time ends soon
oooh, poor @Donut
We should eat you right away! :P
If you want to risk eating out-of-date stuff
Oh wait, I can press F5
is recaptcha Google the best?
w00ps almost had the wrong link there :-P
was about to say
@CarrieKendall hehe i fixed it :-P
I know it may look right, but it is not on-topic or constructive fore SO.
and I flagged for migration, but got rejected...
Q: Is "Too old to migrate" a good reason NOT to migrate?

amanaP lanaC A nalP A naM AI flagged this question: Tetris'ing an array with a note: Should this not be moved to codegolf? It is that type of question... And I got the response: declined - Too old to migrate. What does that mean? CodeGolf did not exist when this question was posted, and now it does, so it s...

@ircmaxell To StoneCypher: Link or it didn't happen.
no, I've seen those proofs before
Oh, to his new reply, yes
@PeeHaa I've made some progress on basic things. Font-size, color changes, etc.
I'm working with a UX designer and she has a bunch of ideas. Today I'm going to implement some of the stuff I won't need another approval for.
Oh we get a ux designer?
@Neal why would you want to close that?
@ircmaxell heh ^^ I don't think arguing with him makes much sense ^^
@NikiC She's from good old ux.stackexchange.com :)
@NikiC long winded reason. see my post on Meta...
Hi, I wonder if someone could give me a hint, I receive from a database a image uri, and want to modify the filename, how could I acheive it the more efficient way (ex : imageuri.com/path-to-file/image.jpg and I want it to be imageuri.com/path-to-file/image90786459678.jpg )
@Gordon I ran into that once too. This is the best bug I can for it if anyone agrees and wants to vote for it: bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=60219

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