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oh, it's an image resize script .. no wonder
@PeeHaa oh, well, yeah right. Please file a bug report on PHP.net and let me guess what will happen. I think instead PHP should get error numbers, so that it's easier to document about errors even if the error message differs. Probably that's worth to suggest?
@hakre Might be a nice feature. Let me think about it some more
@PeeHaa Otherwise we could create a "paste your PHP error message here" type of app that will analyze the string and spit out SO questions related to it gg
is the html error messages deprecated btw? i remember seeing helpful hyperlinks at every error message ... a good source of SEO click thru right there
@Jack They often don't work AKAIK
In this line, $str = fgets($fp, 1024); Can somebody explain me why 1024 means a new line character? This line reads the $fp file-handle and returns one complete line. Do I have to change 1024 to 1024*3 to get next three lines instead of only one line?
Because sometimes writing the question title only once isn't enough: stackoverflow.com/questions/10995410/…
@Davinder Read the manual for the second parameter: php.net/manual/en/function.fgets.php
@paul ok, reading now.. will get back if any doubt comes
any flash developer here?
@Davinder you probably don't need to specify the length unless you want it to stop before it gets too long.
@hakre ?
@DanishIqbal ?
do you about Flash AS2
*known about ...
If I told you that I did, what would it make for a difference?
@DanishIqbal what flash problem are you having?
@DanishIqbal I know a bit of actionscript 2.0
@Paul yeah, and found that in order to get three lines in $str array, i have to use this line in a for loop of $i<3 Thanks..
oh thanks
@Davinder Good stuff, yes, thats the way.
foreach() vs. while() vs. for() discuss
i am using getURL() inside movie clip and use this swf in an other swf
so the getURL is not working
Did a little microtime test where the foreach won with ease
@hakre maybe you can solve this
@Sem Why?
And I mean why would you bother even testing it?
@PeeHaa Just fun, why not? :) Little preformance thingy
use foreach wherever possible, not for speed, but because it is harder to make mistakes while using it.
@DanishIqbal put a trace("here") right before your getURL() call to verify that it is getting executed
@Sem Just for fun: ok. For performance: don't
no its not :(
@DanishIqbal Please don't ping me for no reason. That get's you on my ignore list. And done.
@DanishIqbal if the trace doesn't show then you have put the code in the wrong place, e.g. the wrong button click or something
@PeeHaa Why not? I know it won't show any preformance improvement but still.
if i not ping(mention your name) you than how can you known that my this sentence for you :0
@NikiC: . It should have been added to the core, not to a often-disabled extension
ok let me chk again
just a minute
@ircmaxell which extension?
@Sem they aren't really comparable because they each do different types of looping/data. There is no point trying to make a while() be a for() for example by adding a counter.
@MrCode you are right now my code is working thanks :)
@MrCode Still, some people use a for loop to loop through an array. But I guess that has to do something with knowing which loop to use properly.
@Sem that is fine on a numerical keyed array if they need to loop in ascending/descending order, for example if the keys are not already in the desired order
@MrCode Of course of course there are always exceptions. I ment a normal one :)
Ok, from PHP manual's multi_curl_exec page, I have tried to make my single threaded curl request to multi threaded; i.e. three curl instances at a time. But the output I am getting is just "0" gettype of output is Integer. SHould I paste my code at pastebin & ask here or should i start a new question at SO
@NikiC: My reply on twitter
@scottmac For the pbkdf2 addition, I have a patch to add it to the hash extension: https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=60813 (re: not easy to add to hash ext)
Since his commit message indicates that he wanted it on hash ( github.com/php/php-src/commit/… ) :
Ok, the code is at pastebin.com/zLkwDUaB
> No easy way to put these in the hash extension since we don't really support optional parameters to certain algorithms. Implemented in openssl for now since it has it already and is pretty stable.
@Davinder curl multi is horribly buggy, and barely works. I would recommend staying away unless you want to invest a lot of time figuring it out
@ircmaxell @ircmaxwll Oh, ok, thanks, but will it make any differnce in terms of speed? Currently my single curl is taking 1.xxxx seconds for each request(Fetching+processing+DB Insertion)
@ircmaxell Thank you for taking care! You have my upvote there.
@ircmaxell Open a thread on internals
The addition has caused a rather big mess so you might have chances to land it to hash instead
@NikiC Oh, it has?
@NikiC sent
@ircmaxell Is it possible to use any autogenerated code in NetBeans for PHP?
@CarrieKendall Good morning
Holy F#$k! The Oatmeal has raised nearly $100k!!! indiegogo.com/bearlovegood
Hey all.Just been disappointed with ZF2 (too much stuff to do just to get started). I've been looking to yii, anyone have a strong opnion about yii?
@FabioCosta We all do
@PeeHaa Liked it? hated it? i just messed around with the crud generator ant etc.And wanted to know if anyone is really using it for serious applications
@tereško Nice pick, just reading r.je/mvc-in-php.html
@FabioCosta From what I've seen: horrible
@hakre , yeah .. I used it when begun learning MVC, but had forgot about this bookmark. Someone asked for a good View class example, which reminded me about it
@FabioCosta What do you mean for strong opinions? It's better than codeigniter as far as I can say.
@PeeHaa i thought it is a lot simpler but don't seem it as a suitable replacer of ZF1 ...
@tereško I'll compile a link list out of his articles later today I think. It's worth the linkage.
@hakre if somebody really used and already hated it or think it is the next good framework.
@hakre I am thinking of using it for a big project but wanted to know if there are a lot of people that hated it or loved it.
@hakre , the blog is owned by one of php gurus from Sitepoint's PHP forum
why does mysql_connect works on 5.3.8 and not on 5.3.10?
I'm going to buy a book for my next vacation about OOP / architecture / design patterns / nice rules to follow while programming. Any recommendations?
some say to uncomment extension=mysql.so in php.ini, but this line doesn't exist there
@rogcg so try adding and check if this shared object is installed on your system
@rogcg , then you php installation does not have the ancient mysql extension
2 days ago, by RepWhoringPeeHaa
Please stop writing new code with the ancient mysql_* functions. They are no longer maintained and community has begun the deprecation process . Instead you should learn about prepared statements and use either PDO or MySQLi. If you cannot decide, this article will help to choose. If you care to learn, here is a quite good PDO-related tutorial.
try writing in console: php -i | grep -i mysql
@tereško Nice, I'll start with clean code! Seeing nice reviews.
should I add this in my file then?
@rogcg first try installing the .so like teresko said, then add the extension to your file and restart the service
Hi! I'm a newbe to php and I'm having troubles trying to get back to a previous page after subting a form
@JesusAdolfo like how? what the script should be doing that is'nt ?
the weird thing is that I'n php 5.3.10(local) it works perfectly, however in a hosting server (5.3.8) it crashes.
@php people. What's happening with php.net?
Hi Guys
Since @levi got prototype it is slow as hell ;)
Just want to ask someone here using the ANZ payment gateway
@rayss hello
@rogcg both should have different extensions isntallef, phpinfo on both and compare them
did you encountered and error for "null2unknown"?
My problem is that I'm already passing a variable trough the url to retrieve something but I need a second one to go back to the previous page
I need my page to redirect automatically to the previous page after clicking the submit button
hi guys, did you encountered this kind of issue for ANZ payment gateway?

"Call to undefined function null2unknown() "
php.net should onebox in the php room
Please let me know if there is someone out there can help me. Thanks in advance :)
@JesusAdolfo pass the second variable of the previous page location and use php header function to redirect, or use $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] (but it's not guaranted that this var will always be set correctely as it can be changed from browser )
yeah, I see the difference. My local machine (Windows) has the extension=php_mysql.dll uncommented. However, my hosting server (Linux) hasn't. I think I'll have to install it.
I tried with referer and it is not working, and the problem with using header('location: ... is that a fragment of my url has a variable in it
how do install this mysql.so extension?
@rogcg uncomment it and restart webservice
@PeeHaa It's not in php.ini file. I think it's not installed or it doesn't support. The folks here told me to install it.
@rogcg How did you install php? Did you compile it or did you yum install it?
@rogcg install with yum, sudo apt-get or whatever you use to install there. maybe there is a graphical package manager like synaptic
@ircmaxell Yeah. First 5.4 was deleted, then added back and then the merges were kinda messed up and it was merged I don't know how many times etc ;)
Typical git stuff :)
what is the name of the package so I can apt-get it.
@rogcg try yum install php-mysql
@FabioCosta é do brasil?
I yum install php-mysql but the mysql.so is not in php.ini
@rogcg Maybe php was compiled from source rather than installed using yum
@Ben hiya
some one can assist me with my question?
@rogcg , if you do not tell us which distro you use , we all will assume "you have the same distro as i have"
Q: lost connection between PHP server and client while downloading a file successfully

BenThis is my code: error_log('download start'); readfile('setup.exe'); error_log('download complete'); The file was received successfully but the third line is not executed, its not log the 'download complete' We facing this problem for a long time we tried also to send chunks (using flush) of t...

@tereško fedora 15
cant make it work
I found this in php.in, extensions=msql.so.
you might need to report that as bug
@rogcg php.in or php.ini (just in case that is your problem?)
thats like in one installation script there was : rm -rf / tmp/build_file/
.. with that space there
IIRC , it was for nvidia driver
wait, and msql... it must be your keyboard
@Ben PHP's execution isn't contingent on the browser maintaining a connection. You can make a request then cancel it and PHP (unless configured with ignore_user_abort(false)) it's going to finish executing the entire script
why is chat in php and not dot net ?
@Paul It's working now. The error was that in php.ini there was a line like this: extension=msql.so, and the correct is extension=mysql.so
no way
IDK why it has been created with a wrong name
msql is a valid extension.. mysql is the extension everyone's been telling you to add
@rogcg .. while this is good that you fix it , please , think about migration to something that will not blow up when you upgrade to PHP5.5
@tereško the best approach it change all the functions nomenclatures?
how about .. NOT use mysql_* functions to write new code. They are no longer maintained and the community has begun deprecation process. See the red box? Instead you should learn about prepared statements and use either PDO or MySQLi. If you can't decide which, this article will help you. If you pick PDO, here is good tutorial.
@hakre Use stripslashes() when fetching data.
@tereško I'll note that.
@hakre hmmm somewhat
> Use image resizing wherever required.
>Make an include file for all settings and variables.
> Use encrypted query strings where required.
@hakre "password: varchar(20)" .. FFS
> Always use die() with queries.
> Registration Email to the member:
As written, I find it sweet. Remember the times?
It sends passwords in mails
@hakre :P
@rogcg tinha saído, sim sou
> 54. Use enum data type where required.
no, you do not store data in table structure ..
@FabioCosta bacana. é de onde?
@rogcg SP
@hakre ah right
what .. is .. that .. language?
the answer is in asp.net-mvc , but the question .. i have no idea
is that vb?
It's clearly tagged mvc.. what more do you want?
why is this wrong? header('Location: view_album.php?album_id='.$album_id); the $album_id is not being concatenated !
@JesusAdolfo You sure $album_id has a value?
I echoed it out and it's just fine
@MikeB mvc ... oh, microsoft visual c ? i thought model view controller .. lalala
yes it does
@JesusAdolfo Assign the entire argument to a variable and print that out then.. there's nothing wrong with your concatination
$blah = "Location: stuff' . $var; echo $blah; header($blah);
@JesusAdolfo is php showing errors?maybe you sent output before header
nop, no errors just that it's not showing the last part of the url (the part of the variable)
let me check that @MikeB
@Jack We interviewed a guy the other day.. when asked if he had any experience with MVC he replied "Oh yes, I've installed the MVC many times"
@MikeB see? ambiguous term right?
@MikeB i received a CV last week and in the aptitudes there was advanced kowledge in PHP,Java and.... SMS,Credit Card,Security,Insurances (whatever that should mean)
@MikeB I just echoed it and the url is just fine but for some reason it isn't working when I use the header func
@FabioCosta Sounds like a scammer to me :)
@JesusAdolfo Are you doing anything after the header call? header() doesn't stop execution, it just adds another header to the stack to send
If you're doing stuff after the header call it might be interfering
im using the exit() funck
right after header()
kewl, sql antipatterns just arrived.
@JesusAdolfo Do you have a reproducible example? Headers are pretty straightforward but larger applications sometimes muck with them before they're sent. Everything looks right in your example but it's hard to answer without knowing what else might be going on
@one sec please, I'll show you
@JesusAdolfo verify there are no dodgy characters in $album_id. Also, use something like Firefox's HttpLiveHeaders to watch the redirect to see if your page is redirecting back to album_id=nothing
@MrCode yeah thats the problem, the url I'm passing is this: Location: view_album.php?album_id=7 but for some reason when I put that variable on the header func it redirects me to: Location: view_album.php?album_id=
@hakre that's it, i'm going to look for that book over here!
@Jack I have not read it yet. So that was not a recommendation per se ;)
@JesusAdolfo use your browser to navigate to view_album.php?album_id=7 and if it redirects to album_id= then there's the problem, there is some code somewhere doing another redirect
@hakre i know, i just love the cover =D
awesome, it's only 38 bucks
Hello again
hi @ircmaxell
nop It does not redirect me back to album_id= when I put the 7 manually
sounds like .... a second redirect =p
jfk style
@JesusAdolfo use HttpLiveHeaders or similar to watch the redirect to see what actually gets sent to the browser and if there are multiple redirects
@MrCode I just downloaded achrome extension, I'll learn how it works
@NikiC yeah, I saw that
the comments say enough
@JesusAdolfo make sure it shows all redirects otherwise you can't rely on it to debug your particular problem
yeah I'll just try live headers on firefox this one on chrome is not good
@MrCode why live http headers is so confusing it gives me a ton of info everytime I go in any website
@JesusAdolfo clear the headers, then do your request, the redirects will be after the first request
@JesusAdolfo Why don't you just use chrome dev tools to see redirects?
ok I dont get this, this is what is happening I'm at http://localhost/uiv/edit_image.php?image_id=5&album_id=7 before doing the request and after that the first redirect seems to be http://localhost/uiv/edit_image.php?image_id=7
(not sure why it takes away the album part)
then it goes to
(which is not what i want :S)
are we trying to see how many times we can get the stop using mysql_* gist starred?
@JesusAdolfo now you know what redirects happen, you can look for the reason why. I would start by looking at the part of code that redirects to edit_image.php
<3 smart asses
pot .. kettle .. black
morning @CarrieKendall
evenin' @tereško
stackoverflow.com/questions/10998431/… is this the way to answer a question? :)
i have noticed, users who post in the jQuery tag are much more frequently asking for "Do this for me" ... whereas users who post in the PHP tag are much more frequently asking "I cant figure this shit out halps"
<-- getting tired of writing code for people that haven't tried anything or opened up the documentation..
@Mike I guess because people that know how to ask and/or search questions will know how jQuery works in 30 min :)
well said @Sem, well said... this kid wanted to know how to manipulate cookies clientside... everyone suggested jQuery!!!.. i was the only one to suggest using regular plain ol'e js.. Now that i have even just a basic understanding of Js.. it's made my life with jQ so much easier, that and i now dont have to rely on other peoples plugins/libraries to do things.. =P
knowing JS is a must for knowing jQuery
x2, most "web developers" don't though... they get jQuery get familiar with it and think its some magical pink unicorn =P and never learn the reason and language that drives it.
@Mike If HTML and CSS is hard for someone I would recommend them jQuery.
if html and css is hard for someone i'd suggest they practice more on html and css rather than attempting to learning something new =)
@Mike are you fluent in C?
@Mike Well, people like to see things animate();
that's like telling someone who finds it hard to build a house they should try their hands on a bridge builder instead ;-)
lol @Sem
@CarrieKendall i am not, and i know hwere you're going with that question.. pot meet kettle =P
@Mike more like foot in mouth :]
@Sem you have a syntax error at attr('id)); :)
@jack more like telling someone who finds it hard to build a house to learn how to use the hammer :)
@Mrcode fixed :D
@MrCode while your looking at it, is the way I explain something a good clean way?
@Mike all the while I'm trying to come up with a better analogy lol
@CarrieKendall i can get my way through it, but considering my self a C expert would be a lie.
unrelated: this article is great
@CarrieKendall it just rubs the the wrong way when people have a problem in jquery, and throw another library at it when javascript can solve the problem just as easily :). /endrant
C is fun ... who doesn't want to meddle with pointers and clean up after themselves
@Mike i understand your frustration, just pointing out the irony :]
@urahara @mike what do you two think of ORM?
hmm i forgot, did she just bake cookies or eat them too? ;-)
she always said she loved them
remember when neo came into the room and she offered them to him.
ya, but maybe she just likes the process of baking them and smelling them perhaps
besides, they were not really cookies .. right?
they were figment of your imagination cookies, speeshal cookies that made you feel good.
it was all just asm routines to fight agent smith later
Power of suggestion baby.
Q: Codeigniter merge form fields into database

Carl BembridgeI have two form fields on my view page, a date input (with a date selector popup) and a time input. When passing these values into the model, is it possible to merge them together so they will both go into a single database field with a type of Timestamp? e.g 12/12/2012 + 14:20 and saved to the ...

the crunchy bits are the long jumps
le sigh
quite a few CI questions to(day|night)
@Mike lol @ mvc tag
indeed @Jack
"great scott, he uses an asp port of CI" =p
oh jesus, that would be funny.
@Paul Ah glad you got it to work ... I should've mentioned that I downloaded it from git and not pear ... might've saved you some time
@Mike C'mon, what's your opinion about ORM?
i didn't answer you @Sem because i dont have an opinion
@Mike Ah I see :)
rdlowery has enough opinion on ORM for the both of us =P
@Mike he gave me tons of advice a couple of days ago hehe
oh thats fcking epic
@Mike Nope. Don't care. People can use ORM if they want to :)
@rdlowrey What about the beautiful girl with side effects :D
define "side effects"
Ooops, Really Mucked up (ORM)
stupid markdown
@Jack , there are a lot of them every day .. whats why i have in the ignore list
remember everyone... the blame game starts with rlemon.github.com/lememe and "Conversational Penguins"
meh, orm works to keep our sales database running ... 'sokay
and now back to work.
@tereško excellent idea
@Mike easy, it's not that angel that you wanted it to be. :( I'm still dreaming though!
yeah , it really looks nice besides and
Yeah, ORM is fine for specific use-cases. It's not evil. It's not going to make your code rot. It's just a leaky abstraction that can't deliver on what it promises.
Hey guys
Quick question about storing IP's of downloaders
A person who downloads a file
oh i thought were referring to things like kids, substance abuse, trannies... etc
Okay, i will explain a little better
@rdlowrey Yes, there is still a lot of change going on in phpDocumentor2. I'm glad I made the move, the output is already really nice (even if the template is hard to alter).
in which case i'd have to question myself
I have a download site, and i want to offer people affiliate money per 1k unique downloads, however, i need an efficient way to store IP's and check that the downloader is unique
@Paul You should spend lots of time working on the template editing and write a step-by-step tutorial so I can come back into the phpDocumentor fold.
Whats the best way to do this, rather than store each download "session"
That stupid green logo monstrosity drove me nuts.
@rdlowrey , ORM is nice for fast prototyping and extremely simple business logic
store the IP addresses
really the only way except for cookies, which arent reliable for unique counting because the visitor can clear cookies... IP address is a bit more reliable as these days dynamic IPs are a bit less frequent. @HarryBeasant
@tereško Did you read Clean Code?
@tereško Yes, simple is the keyword. If your data isn't relational, ORM works great ... which is funny, as "Relational" is part of its name :)
@tereško Forbidden Category "Political/Advocacy Groups", almost off to home. I'll check it there
@Sem , actually , that is only books in the list, which i have not finished yet

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