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<3 hacintosh
@Einnerlink Also you're new
@Einnerlink two problems. 1. You are calling ColumnChart. 2. The values of a, n and v are undefined when this paints.
well, 3. Uncaught ReferenceError: dibujarGrafica is not defined (when you click the button)
Let me simplify: The main problem is the button click is not firing. It can't find the dibujarGrafica() function. It's not in global. I suggest you remove onclick="" from the HTML and use JavaScript addEventListener to set up the click event.
Nice, PC2 is deeply discounted. Fuck, it's on Oculus not Steam.
oh wait it's PC1 >:(
why does it still cost $60
@ssube what can you do with 4 VR sets off one machine?
have friends
and the rest of the machine's resources are enough?
You can play minecraft
my vive still collecting dust
anything new and interesting
except FO4
@Mosho these are 64GB+ Xeon machines, usually
games are still bad at threading
KVM with IOMMU has negligible impact
@Wietlol did you copy-paste or did you bother writing it twice?
im sorry
i should have followed the DRY principle
gj Tavo, now im depressed
any firebase experts here? I googled for hours without finding a solution: I'd like to integrate my firebase project with a 3rd party api. example: use the twitter npm package to watch for new tweets with certain keywords and save their content to the firebase db

I also opened a SO question: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48105766/integrate-firebase-with-3rd-party-api
in case you prefer answering there^
@Ronin whoa, you're not mosho
the fuck is this
Soo damn happy
beta.speedtest.net/result/6937094870 @littlepootis @SomeGuy (mostly iPhon8 )
Why are the late night people on comedy central so unfunny?
@ShrekOverflow what did you have before?
Corporate Central Comedy Department
@Wietlol no worries. I'm sure you'll get over it
After about a month on firefox on Mac
- Its way more power hungry tasks
- Slower for long JS tasks but way more responsive UI wise than Chrome
- Even more of a battery hog than chrome is
I'm SSHing into ubuntu WSL
@Mosho Thats incestous
I copied the private key from WSL, didn't authorize
but copying the public key from windows to WSL worked
why is that
into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys ?
yeah, the private key being the default id_rsa I got when I set up ssh
You upload your public key. never your private
yeah, copied public key into authorized_keys
private stays with you
yeah I know
I had permissions issues without realizing so I poked around
and at one point I tried copying the private key from WSL to windows
then I fixed the permissions, still didn't work, then I tried adding the public key again, and that worked
I think I follow, but it also sounds like you generated the private key in your ssh target, which is normal the wrong place (but I think I understand why)
yeah I know how to ssh, I was just poking around
no idea what went wrong with permissions. except ssh will barf if the private key is readable by others
ssh localhost
permissions were off because of WSL I think
644 by default or something
if this works it solves all my OS problems
I am astounded how apple is asphixiating burning passively cooling the "Macbook".
I tried editing WSL files from windows
but that was extremely fucky
okay srs question... does anyone here have strong opinions on css? our current setup is using something called 'precss' which seems to add a bunch of plugins to 'postcss' to make it act kinda like sass. I'm advocating dropping it and only using postcss to bundle stuff from cssnext... things that are actually going to be added to the css spec. I'll also rename any of our css files that are using $ variables to .scss and add the sass loader to webpack
@ssube the bassist from Hopes Die Last pulled a skrillex
Is this accurate: You want to use future or not-yet-supported standard css (with some legacy .sass files) and avoid 'precss' that you consider to be non-standard (and less popular that sass).
yeah pretty much
Then I agree.
there seems to be a lack of support for --variables so I can't strip the sass completely
we need some way of dealing with colours and shit
@david I have very strong opinions on CSS
but at the moment we have 'css' files that don't contain actual css
and I agree
don't listen to him. he's a hater
with what you are trying to do
ohh. nevermind. listen to him
@Luggage the fuck ? I am an ogre not a hater!!!!! Get your facts right!
okay sweet, i value your guy's opinions
i was having second thoughts for a moment, but i will continue my righteous purge
next up is renaming our component files from .js -> .jsx
If it has jsx I use .jsx
I also actively throw errors if my js files have jsx
yep, our reducers and selectors and shit will stay js because they are plain js. And if someone starts putting jsx into reducers i want it to fail to compile because that's wack shit
@Luggage I also actively throw tantrums if my js files have jsx (source)
Nothing with tantrums, I want them to be able to used by require('') in node
without that going through babel
if possible :P
why is pycharm so disappointing
Is there a way to force
/ blacklist
from the candidates returned by nslookup ?
Nobody uses .jsx
It’s easier to just keep it .js
Both jobs I’ve had where we’ve done react, we just do .js
I've done both. Meh.
I've done meth. Boh.
I’ve done Beth. Moh.
Nailed it
it seems that 'create react app' uses js, so lots of people think that that's correct
a common argument seems to be that it lets you do import component from './somefile' instead of needing to write './somefile.jsx', but you can just add the jsx extension to webpack's resolver
To me it's like using .js files to hold coffeescript. Sure coffeescript compiles to js, but it's still a different syntax.
@copy random fact, your emulator runs faster on an iPhone 8 than a 15" MBP from 2015
If you’re gonna have js and jsx files, you have to manage file extensions in case you end up with jsx in a js file. If you don’t have to worry about it, why make yoursrlf worry about it?
it's just 1 additional feature. some sugar. no other syntactic sugar gets it's own extension.
if you end up with jsx in a .js file you've probably got a problem
@Luggage agreed
You don’t have .babel files
@Luggage in case of tsx you end up having to do foo as Bar instead of <Bar> foo. Although arguably the as syntax feels much better
I 80% agree with ndugger. I still see the appeal of jsx because people miss being able to have separate .html and .js for view and logic. But I don't need a file extension to keep that separation and I embrace that JSX is just JS.
the difference is that the es6 syntax is part of the spec, it's just not supported yet. If JSX gets added to the spec then fine
what if you use both?
Jsx is its own spec; it won’t be added to ES
@ShrekOverflow Yeah i've read that
@ndugger and it can in future diverge from JS aswell
just another opinion though. We use JS as well, initially used .jsx in like 2014 or so
They aren't seeking to add it. Maybe public opinion will make that change
but it was just an unneeded thing really
@ShrekOverflow I don’t agree with a lot of airBnB’s style guides
@ndugger I am not saying follow it
I am just linking you a discussion
well its in #95 thoguh
airbnb has some pretty stupid ideas sometimes
But I'd be fine with a project used .jsx for just views and react components if it was consistent. I just don't see a need personally.
it has arguments for both sides
yeah it's just one extra thing to worry about really
or any other consistent pattern
@david so does everyone
@Luggage that matters the most :D
@ShrekOverflow yep, programmers are opinionated as fuck :D
we need Vulcanism for programmers
@david Heh, I'm currently in the process of disabling a bunch of linting rules we don't agree with from AirBnB's config
@monners I don't envy you, that's on my plate for later too but I'm not willing to do it without consulting with the other devs.... and that's going to be a heated meeting
I've already started getting feedback in a google sheet ><
like... they don't like x++ and prefer x += 1...
++ alll day
Fortunately, I'm the only dedicated frontend specialist, so the other devs don't have a choice :P that being said, I'm not gonna be an ass about it. The rest of the team needs a bit more of an opinionated guide
yeah... it's a pretty core programming syntax
lol I think @ShrekOverflow is a += guy
++ unless there are other +='s nearby.
@Loktar Unless I am doing python I stay with ++
I don't care, as long as it's consistent
@ShrekOverflow I must be thinking of someone else
Honestly though, when was the last time you had to increment a value? loops are almost a code smell at this point
@monners when I wrote my VPN
and a bunch of data structure implementations
increments are not just found in loops btw
any time you need to count something?
button.addEventListener('click', () => count++);
I think nitpicking over incrementing a value is dumb; there are far more other linting rules to be worried about
@ShrekOverflow Yeah, yeah, but they're the exception, not the norm. I'd say 80% of the time what you're actually trying to do would be better served by an array method
I prefer just setting one set of rules in the linter mostly for consistency
@monners Totally, and now 90% of those are served by
I'm also going to go through all our eslint disable comments and take a hard look at whether or not that rule is even needed if someone saw fit to disable it in some place
for (const k of arr) {}
it certainly shouldn't be talked about in a code review. It's not worth that at all. But, we'll have opinions.
@ShrekOverflow <3
I use forEach these days since it’s so damn fast now
I wonder if forEach will ever optimize as immutable
and parallelize
i'm against forEach most of the time because it masquerades as a functional method, but by its very nature it has to have side-effects or it does nothing
yeah 80% of the time you can find something else to use instead
if not I wonder why forEach even exists in your code :P
maybe more
for..of is slow as fuck
if I already have a function and an array. I'll .forEach(myfunction);. Otherwise, I prefer for..of for inline loops
(for style, i don't give a fuck about performance)
I always give a fuck about performance
btw `const range = (start, end, incr=1) * => { while(start < end){ yield start; start += incr; };`
i'll let intel worry about performance
@ndugger not really
@Luggage I was gonna say Google but ......... damnnnnnn
@ShrekOverflow start += incr not end
but i like it
@Mosho it was last time I used it. forEach beats it afaik
I find for (const i of range(0, 10)) {} a bit weird though
@ndugger pretty negligible as of chrome 57
maybe thats just my pythonism
at least in chrome, but I hope other browsers are keeping up
does * => work though?
!!> console.time('forEach'); (new Array(1e4)).fill('kappa')).forEach(() => {}); console.timeEnd('forEach');
@ShrekOverflow "SyntaxError: missing ; before statement"
Did i kill Cap 6?
nice, looks like it's working
debugging django in WSL from pycharm in windows
 console.time('forEach'); (new Array(1e4)).fill('kappa').forEach(() => {}); console.timeEnd('forEach');
VM237:1 forEach: 0.6142578125ms
 console.time('for of'); for (const k of (new Array(1e4)).fill('kappa')) { }; console.timeEnd('for of');
VM240:1 for of: 2.517822265625ms
console.time('forEach'); (new Array(1e4)).fill('kappa').forEach(() => {}); console.timeEnd('forEach');
VM375:1 forEach: 0.426025390625ms

 console.time('for of'); for (const k of (new Array(1e4)).fill('kappa')) { }; console.timeEnd('for of');
VM382:1 for of: 0.636962890625ms
forEach does seem faster
the fuck
by a little bit
hwy is your chrome so much faster than mine
I can afford a better computer
that one hit an open artery
VM227:1 forEach: 0.650146484375ms
VM231:1 for of: 4.15283203125ms
@Mosho !!> navigator.userAgent
I’ll continue to use forEach for now. for..of has a lot of work to do
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.84 Safari/537.36"
63.0.3239.84 (Official Build) (64-bit)
I do have a bunch of flags enabled though
am pretty sure Chrome 64 will take even more memory
after the intel fix
I don't care about performance that much
me neither
i do care about ram though :D
I use for...of a lot with async/await
worth it for that alone
for await is just magic
for await is going to be good when it lands
I already use it
has changed my life
I now have hair on my head
!!afk using for await
is it part of a preset for babel or do you need to add transform-async-generator-functions? Also, does * => actually work to make generators or do you need a transform too? it's such a sweet syntax and i'm sad it doesn't work natively
no no no, use await Promise.all(...)
that's different
but but but, I only need some of my promises fullfilled
and don't even want to make too many promises
for await is very different from promise.all
If youre using await, you’re using promises
Me: "Well, at least my computer doesn't judge me." Computer:
it'll probably be =>*
as of now nope :P
@ssube @Luggage @Loktar @rlemon @KendallFrey If you guys ever need to upgrade your printer bed; this one absolutely rocks. It heats up crazy fast and has a slightly dimpled surface, my ABS hasn't ever stuck this good - amazon.com/gp/product/B075375HBY/…
hilli are you trying to set lemon's house on fire :3
Lol, nah. Just an awesome printer bed.
@ShrekOverflow hmmm, how pretty that is depends very much on your font. =>* vs =>*
@hilli_micha Is that one of those that has its own adhesive and doesn't use tape/spray?
*=> looks prettier than =>*
but will be hostile to *=
@david Looks like a hairy ball
@KendallFrey The surface doesn't have an adhesive on it, it's just slightly dimpled, so it creates grooves for the stuff to stick to.
@KendallFrey The surface doesn't have an adhesive on it, it's just slightly dimpled, so it creates grooves for the stuff to stick to.
I have one of those btw
i wouldn't say it's dimpled
@hilli_micha nice that's pretty cheap too
but it's a bit rough, and sticks like bloody hell
oh and speaking of hairy balls
The hairy ball theorem of algebraic topology (sometimes called the hedgehog theorem in Europe) states that there is no nonvanishing continuous tangent vector field on even-dimensional n-spheres. For the ordinary sphere, or 2‑sphere, if f is a continuous function that assigns a vector in R3 to every point p on a sphere such that f(p) is always tangent to the sphere at p, then there is at least one p such that f(p) = 0. In other words, whenever one attempts to comb a hairy ball flat, there will always be at least one tuft of hair at one point on the ball. The theorem was first stated by Henri Poincaré...
Best word I could find to describe it, either way, it freakin' rocks.
I’ve never had the need to write a generator
@ndugger samesies
Does anyone know how do Messenger override the keyboard animation in iOS?
@hilli_micha How easy is it to remove prints? Mine is really difficult.
@KendallFrey Working on my first print now; I'll let you know when it finishes. My last bed setup I used glue/sanded the surface and it was pretty tough to get off, but if I wait until it cools down, it usually popped off for me.
But, in those situations, it was only if I really got a good stick on the first layer.
ABS thus far, while durable, really is a pain in the butt to get nice and sticky, but this bed nailed the first layer on this print first try without any flexing. So I'm already wildly impressed.
@KendallFrey I know all of those words but it doesn't help
stop thinking about testicles
WARN you are digging yourself a hole @mosho
because only one of us can at a time
@KendallFrey because the universe is a simulation right?
Is it even meaningful to say the universe is a simulation?
If they pulled the plug would we cease to exist? I say no.
maybe we can exploit bugs :3 ?
...or can we? VSauce background music plays
@ShrekOverflow How could we possibly identify a bug?
@mr5 hey vsauce michael here
@ShrekOverflow That explains nothing
@KendallFrey Does the term 'Retina Display' upset you?
@KendallFrey MM true, any bug we identify might just be programmed in the simulation for us to find
@ShrekOverflow But that's not a bug by definition...
@KendallFrey One idea I really enjoyed was: if we were in a simulation and it was jittery / on pause, we would still have no way of knowing. We could be simulated on a pre-emptive scheduler, and we wouldn't have a clue!
exactly @KendallFrey
@SomeGuy Yeah but why would time need to be simulated like that? It's just another dimension, not something fundamental.
I think of the universe as one giant quantum state in three dimensions of space and one of time
@KendallFrey It wouldn't. I just found it amusing because I could think of our universe as on a requestAnimationFrame loop (I had the thought while working on a game, go figure)
I normally think of Conway's GOL as the go-to analogy
even though it does have some concept of time
the simulation of space and time wouldn't be "running"

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