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eh, it can handle ships with a lot of parts, there's just certain things that cause problems such as clipping, struts, center of mass, control location, sas, etc
True. If you just weld 80% of the ship together it starts being playable
With mods..
struts are the best
if you're controlling a tall ship from the point (which is generally what you do) sas becomes unstable, and then clipping becomes f'd and struts collide with things and all hell breaks loose
that happens to me very often
just gotta be smart with how you clip things and where struts are
the whole ship starts to shake and it just gets worse
Yea once things start to shimmy/shake shits done
you can try to turn off SAS and recover, but there's a good chance the momentum will just flip you
Things will just randomly like shoot off into space lmao
Or the ship just randomly explodes
randomly exploding is almost always a strut colliding
Or folds over itself I love when that happens
either the engines go missing or they're pointing up, then it's just blue sky, black death, etc
have you tried building better ships?
the wobble comes from the ship being bent, thus making the sas module think the ship is pointed in one direction when it's actually pointed straight, so it over corrects, going farther and farther in the other direction
Just download some of the most proven and reliable ships out there.
ships like that you just gotta fly without sas
Same thing. Game just collapses lmao
@rlemon space is boring, crashing is fun
crash into space
can't, nothing there
@ssube fuck you, sincerely, me
buncha junk
crashing into stuff in space is sometimes fun but really hard
mechjeb though can do it quite easily
Lmao I love when you're at 3fps and then all of a sudden in a single frame the entire ship separates
Even on welded ships haha
mechjeb is pretty helpful
Mechjeb is awesome
i've had some ridiculously close velocity match burns when rendezvousing with mechjeb
come in at 50 m/s and do a full stop burn just a few meters away
just being able to match altitude, circularize, and change angle is great
mehcjeb rendezvous work like 50% of the time for me
i never use mechjeb for docking though
building a station without mechjeb sucks
it's SOOO inefficient with rcs
@KevinB yea, sorry, I meant docking
manual RCS only
like, it'd use 25 rcs fuel when i can do it with 2
damnit I wonder how this crap got injected onto my server. I'm pretty sure I didn't click any big-wet-boobies.jpeg.exe
it doesn't use momentum at all, it's very impatient
i mostly just use mechjeb for precision landing
all I did "wrong" was probably to let couchdb run on bound domain over night
@jAndy probably a hole in something else. Problem is, if it's in crontab, they had root
and for rendezvous/transfers/
couchdb user can't create a crontab? @ssube
it might have the rights for that
which crontab was it in?
and did that cron run as root?
no couchdb
hard to manually compensate for the fact that the moon/planet you're landing on is spinning
so it looks like it somehow got through couchdbs interface
does couch have a shell or anything?
which in turn makes me feel like never use that shithole again
well.. yes you have a local shell, but you pretty much do anything via http and curl
I mean, does couch offer a shell?
something in the GUI
not that I'm aware of, you have a GUI to manage the databases and stuff, other than that... -> curl
and you actually "should" not bind the server to so you can access it from outside, but the worse thing that could happen is that someone fiddles around in an empty couchdb installation... that was what I thought
what CPU do you have?
who me?
holy toledo
das a nice print
Yeah I've thought about printing it before
there is a really nice one done with rainbow filament
There is also a version without the bottom too
but man.. that mofo would take so long to print
is that harry potter's house?
they look different to me
that's not the rainbow one I was referring to exactly, but similar
I want to buy/try that filament
That feel when you remove friends of 20+ years from Steam a year after they unfriend you IRL cutting all ties left
My nephew was geeking out over that color changing filament, he balked though because it would only be effective if you print really big stuff, enough for it to actually change colors.
@hilli_micha need to get him a CR10
Someone needs to buy me a CR10
@BenFortune send me the money and I will
His dad has a replicator and an army of Prusa i3's, he's got no shortage of good printers lol.
@Loktar Will monopoly do?
@BenFortune I already did, but I can't ship it, so it's sitting in my livingroom until you come pick it up
He was also geeking out over this marble PLA
I have a sample of that
came with the translucent purple stuff, which is the best
@rlemon I'll send someone to pick it up
On your horse @Loktar
@hilli_micha yeah I have Marble Filament
@BenFortune but the horse already has the printer
Soooo smooth
anyone 3d printing circuit boards yet
Mines Amolen though not Ziro
bought a smaller roll first, worked well so then bought a full one
I gave him an amazon gift card for christmas and he asked if I would be pissed if he used it to buy a roll of that stuff.
@Loktar do you need to do anything special with it or just print with typical PLA settings?
I have nothing fun to print right now
@BenFortune naw, got for prusa i3 mk3
@hilli_micha I just used normal settings but a 0.6 nozzle
so I don't wanna waste nice looking filament on replacement / repairs
I have too much filament I need to print random shit lol
@Luggage It's like double the price man
it's nice, though
resume after power outage, auto-correct if you bump the head, etc
silent mode
Almost triple for me, because for some reason electronics sellers think $1 === £1
@Loktar You can print a fully automatic nerf gun that shoots darts at 18 per second - projectfdl.com You can print the parts buy the electronics and put it together
I'm actually printing some Gambody models
and then going to try my airbrush on them
well, ok, if you want cheap the cr-10 is still a good cheap printer
@hilli_micha Good lord put it on a turret
@BenFortune He already did, that was his first design for the project. lol
Then add a camera and facial recognition lol
I have a few more but going to print those first
@Loktar Thought that said gameboy, which reminds me I want to build my own portable console from scratch
He had a camera on it as well. It used to be web controlled. SO he would sit at his desk, log-in to the turret from his phone and control it from there remotely.
@rlemon nice you stocked up! Getting close to what I have
I completely borked my gameboy project
from raw silicon, copper and plastic?
@BenFortune what happened?!
@hilli_micha Twitch plays nerf wars
little germanium
I need a nice container like that, all of mine are on a shelf currently
@Loktar Battery caught fire, shorted most components
@Loktar lights went out, coudln't see the screen anymore
I would love to make a TF2 style turret that shoots nerf stuff. Use regular darts for the cannons and balls for the rocket launcher.
@BenFortune chineese litho?
@Loktar Yup haha
But that'd be a monumental undertaking.
@hilli_micha there is a model of one on thingiverse
I've considered printing a full size replica
@Loktar in sore it was $9
Is there a real quick way to provide the year range of 1900-present in years?
nice, not bad at all
damn even 11.97 is super reasonable
I know the Array.from(new Array(x).keys()) trick
But how do I offset it?
Array.from(Array(100), (_, i) => i + 1900);
gambody.com/3d-models/queen-of-blades this model is great but that base is stupid..
huh TIL second argument of Array.from, thanks lemon
since most will probably display from the front as well.. looks like she's standing on a watermelon
or trump's hair
it does a bit
Before you click the image yeah lol
ohh, I know who this is in the model
Kelly Ann Conway
yeah its supposed to be Arcturus Minsk statue.. but it just looks bad
also Kerrigan is prettier than Kelly Ann
That would be a doozy to print..
I wouldn't even attempt that with an FDM printer
All of those fine details, yikes.
Can you print all of the SC2 ones and ship them to me
for the right price he can
space craft, lol
How much would something like that cost to print
I'm willing to bet you'd sink a lot of time into removing supports and cleaning up the model alone, on top of the crazy print time.
The ultralisk
I have no money, and I'm prepared to spend it!
why tf is there no graboid models
cuz tremors sux
you shut ur dirty mouth
the fact that you knew what a graboid was proves it is part of pop culture
Justin Bieber is a part of pop culture too and he's bad
would be a pretty dope print for like.. a set of bookends
(wall and all)
Modeling would be a pain all of the folds in it's skin.
Unless you used one of those clay modeling softwares, but I haven't messed with those.
Plus people would ask why you have deformed claws as bookends
Always love tremors
@Vap0r 100% of the people I've invited into my house have seen Tremors
My grandmother loved the first Tremors growing up.
@rlemon sounds like a porno
So I've seen it way too many times to get enjoyment out of it anymore.
@Vap0r it basically is, Kevin Bacon covers himself in powder and plays around with a big worm for 2 hours, it's really titillating.
Wow minus Kevin Bacon (most of the time) that's an average Saturday night for me
bert(burt?) was the best character by far
are "3d pen"s of any use?
I can remember watching Tremors inside of GeexBox on my old gateway home media PC from my bunkbed.
@Luggage no they suck
I bought one just to check it out last year
yeah they're meh
now that I have the printer, MIGHT be useful to add shit to the prints.. but overall, they suck
no use in touching up or repairing a print?
@Luggage As far as I've heard, people only use them to act as a glue to hold parts together, not so much for adding details to prints or anything.
they are good for "gluing"
but I use a dremel now
to glue?
Back when people thought they might want stand-alone media center PCs
yeah just on my alien really
since super glue wasn't working so well
But how?
like friction welding?
used it to weld some parts on
@Jhoverit they don't anymore?
@Luggage yea
it's a bit tedius since the piece of filament you put in is a bit small, have to keep swapping them out
but makes an awesome bond
@rlemon No they use all those little boxes now
FireTV/Sling shit
ohhh, like you put in filament like a drill bit?
I still use a rpi
so I guess I'm the old guy
@Jhoverit I actually have a laptop for certain 'media-center PC' uses, but generally I've only used it when On-Demand/Netflix doesn't have a show I want but the channels website does.
so yea.. that's the type of thing I would want a 3d pen for
assuming it has that value
@Luggage yeah exactly, I wonder if they do the same thing
probably I would guess
actually that's not a bad idea, I have a print waiting to be glued because crazy glue wasn't cutting it
my daughters broke a year after she got hers otherwise i'd try that instead
I should try the pen
but I mean they are pretty cheap, like $20
Epoxy is also a popular alternative when super glue doesn't cut it.
epoxy takes too long to setup
I'll just mount my old hotend on a stick
she has that now
but never uses it, it also doesn't use heat/pla or anything
> for Kids
@Vap0r lol
i still have long term goals of printing molds/originals and doing some silicone casting for some heat-resistant parts.
@Vap0r I'm a big kid
me too
@Luggage I've actually debated on doing that. Creating 3D prints to make plaster molds of stuff and then use molten metal to create parts. I may need to do that with my boat soon because I need to fabricate a bracket for the front eye hook.
that's summer work
not winter work
@rlemon yeah well our winter nightmare should be over in a little bit
I don't want to deal with casting metal, but yea..
It'll be spring again in Florida Monday, back to 70 degree weather
@SterlingArcher when will you learn to upload from web, not post the fb links
@hilli_micha Yes!
The trolly game has never been so hard
@rlemon never, probably
@SterlingArcher I can't view this
facebook, twitter, and linkedin are blocked at my work
@SterlingArcher god damn it
stop sending so much bobs and vegene
when you use bcrypt to hash a string, is it normal that you get everytime another result for the same string?
@Suisse Yes, that's called salting, and it's for a good reason
the right meme
I saw there is the compare() function to check a password, but couldn't understand yet how to saltbae it
@hilli_micha now, if we had posted these in reverse order, it would be salted hash :D
indeed, but since we posted it in the wrong order, experian has now linked our credit reports to Russia. so, sorry guys
@Suisse wtf is "saltbae"
when someone register with a new password

=> with salt the unique pw is saved in the db

now he logs in => plain string will be again salted?hashed? and then I do a User.findOne().. but this doesnt work right?
@KendallFrey The picture I posted, is Salt Bae.
@KendallFrey its the meme
kendall doesn't meme
he's asking how to check a password if it uses a different salt each time.
@Suisse The second one will use the salt from the first one. If the salts are the same and the passwords are the same, they produce the same result.
So I have to save the salt also in the db?
@Suisse that's what we call "Single Sign On", it means you can only sign on a single time then you have to create a new account
@Suisse That's done automatically
The return value of bcrypt is a string containing a salt, a work factor, and a hash.
@KendallFrey but only when I use the compare() function (bcrypt)
cc @Vap0r @hilli_micha :P
@SterlingArcher whats the point of this gif anyway
@Suisse Isn't it really simple to use? What's the problem you're having?
work factor: lazy
(talking about me)
what isn't the point of a gif?
@SterlingArcher to stay the same picture the entire time
@SterlingArcher reasoned rational discussion
@rlemon there are plenty of static gifs
and that's not the point
Make Caprica Onebox Twitter Again
checkmate fries
that's it
im invading canada
2 mins ago, by rlemon
@KendallFrey https://twitter.com/i/moments/948648040147116033 :(
have fun
@KendallFrey I thought its easy, But I couldn't make it work, look here is the small snippet for the login:
@SterlingArcher I've already set up a base in Florida to annex Canada. I'm starting by taking Ryan Reynolds first.
@rlemon classic hitler move, that
@rlemon plz
if its to long I will delte it (or automatically)
bcrypt.genSalt( 10, function( err, salt ) {
  if ( err ) return res.json( err );
  bcrypt.hash( user.password, salt, function( err, hash ) {
    if ( err ) return res.json(err);
    user.password = hash;
    User.findOne(user).exec(function (err, foundUser){
      if (err) {
        return res.serverError(err);
      if (!foundUser) {
        return res.notFound('User not found with this Data.');
      sails.log('Found "%s"', foundUser.email);
      foundUser.status = "ok";
      return res.json(foundUser);
The wind took my neighbour's windshield wiper last night
@rlemon I seent a place I have been on that map

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