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00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

@Morwenn RootPtr
@Fanael RootPtr
@Morwenn Joking aside, what's RootPtr?
@Fanael Some strange beast lurking in the Boost mailing lists /cc @sehe
@Ven I am not sure how why message got deleted, I mentioned this:
Virginia (, UK: , officially the Commonwealth of Virginia) is a state in the Southeastern and Mid-Atlantic regions of the United States located between the Atlantic Coast and the Appalachian Mountains. Virginia is nicknamed the "Old Dominion" due to its status as the first English colonial possession established in mainland North America, and "Mother of Presidents" because eight U.S. presidents were born there, more than any other state. The geography and climate of the Commonwealth are shaped by the Blue Ridge Mountains and the Chesapeake Bay, which provide habitat for much of its flora and fauna...
@Telkitty ;-)
Virginia didn't even vote for trump, this isn't fair ...
@Telkitty So they voted for a murderer?
Did someone say KILLARY?
@Fanael who did Hillary murder?
@Telkitty Fuck if I know, ask Strumpf supporters.
They're the ones claiming she's one, I'm just sitting here making fun of that.
@Fanael it's Drumpf
Guise, I've got a little C++ question for your brilliant minds
@Rerito Asking in the Lounge is UB
@Rerito wesh poto
@Fanael I'm not asking in the lounge, I'm teasing the question in the lounge
Y'a luc, pose donc ta question :P.
Two different things!
I want to recursively wrap a hierarchy of classes (such as a Father object has Son objects as children)
A catamorphism.
So I provide a traits template <typename> child_class and specializes it for Father and Son => template <> child_class<Father> { typedef Son type;};etc.
sounds incredibly complex
I'm crafting the MVCE as we speak
It'll be clearer
you meant the SSCCE
Yes, you nitpicker!
That's an awful lot of code just to add a property.
what are you trying to achieve?
@Rerito adopted_father
@Fanael ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@Ven I've got badly designed structures I have to cleanse (not developed by yours truly)
To achieve that, I must decouple some things (Fx conversions, some other computations)
a likely story
@Rerito Best code cleansing tool is rm
In the end, the "raw structures" must be in line with the actual financial product
And the "adapted" structures will buttifully wrap recursively these raw structures, adding its own specific computation and logic whenever needed
I've got that working when there is a simple hierarchy (Father only has Son as a child type)
I have an alternative for you:
Now, how would I have to proceed if I allow Father to have Daughter as well?
(I can't bin the historic stuff because it's metastasized cancer)
template<typename T, typename<typename> C> class WithChildren { T t; std::vector<C> c; }
using AdaptedFather = WithChildren<Father, Son>;
@Rerito You rarely find cancers that aren't metastasized ;).
@Ven What happens when there is no child class (like with "Son" in my example)
Because I still have some adaptation work to do on the "leaf-types"
@Rerito Just use T directly?
why would there be no child class?
@Rerito one extra son will be provided, free of charge of course
You aren't recursively doing it.
@Ven Well, I kinda am
The first level has Adapter<Father>, gets you some children. Then Adapter<Son>, gets you nothing.
So it's not adding anything recursively.
@Ven This is the simplest example, actually I have a longer hierarchy
you just want template<typename T> class Tree { T left; std::vector<T> children; } from what it seems
@Ven Or I could specialize for void or none_type for that second template parameter
And that specialization would have no vector member
This would be much more elegant than my current implementation, point taken
I think so too yes
Now the actual problem
Allow Father to have Sons and Daughters
Meaning child_type<T>::type can also be a sequence of types à la boost::mpl::vector<Son, Daughter> instead of just a regular type
how should we know what kind of vector or vectors you want?
Yeah, usually doctors tell the parents – not the other way around.
And my Adapter<Father> should have therefore two member vectors (one for Adapter<Son> and one for Adapter<Daughter>)
ShrodingerChild ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@Rerito (xs...) -> (vector<xs>...) is the map algorithm
or is it
@LucDanton Added restriction: no Cpp14 or edgier ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
And no variadics either
it’s okay none of C++14 or 'edgier' provide such a thing
I'm open to a variadic impl that I could translate to a Boost.MPL impl anyway
@Rerito speaking of Boost.MPL it follows the C++ naming conventions so it’s called transform instead
one could choose to map the sequence of child types to a tuple of vector over these types, to give one option out of several
@Ven I know you don't know about that, but yes, machines do have UB.
@LucDanton That seems like an interesting idea
@Fanael I do know, but it's fine if you want to feel superior.
I would pass the "child_type" to a DeduceChildContainer meta-object that would typedef either a vector or a tuple of vectors
Something like that
@Ven Then your message makes no sense
I'm sure you've been in the lounge long enough to understand.
@rightfold lol
I see fanael has been around - "just trolling" :)
@LucDanton I would have gotten that reference, and it would have been perfect. I got the thing with "Hana" as a reference indeed.
Q: Why java run in all platform why not .Net?

Tanveer AlamI started learning Java and C# and I am confused about the topic of platform independence and how java is handling platform as compared to .Net Can Somebody help.

look at what I have found @jerry
@Telkitty Nice! Where'd you come up with those?
I think I took bus some 15 years ago ...
what are they?
coins for bus in San Diego
@Telkitty That I'm pretty sure are now obsolete...
I hope that you currency isn't ... I have some really old notes ...
Disregard concurrency, acquire currency.
@Telkitty All "Federal Reserve Notes" are still used. If you were lucky enough to have some of their predecessors ("Silver Certificates") they're not accepted as money, but are probably worth more than face value (but they haven't been used since the mid-1950's).
@Borgleader closed as 'clearly fails to understand concepts so basic the answer would only hurt the OP'
meh, I don't see what's so fundamentally invalid about that question, except for the terrible phrasing
there's no question that at least for a long time, .NET was available on nowhere near so many platforms, and even today, most of their support in terms of Xamarin/Mono was acquisitions which are nowhere near as strong as the regular .NET Framework
@Puppy IMO, there's little or nothing invalid about the question itself, but the answer is basically off-topic--that is to say, it's a result of business decisions, not for technical reasons.
I dunno, that seems on-topic enough
2 hours later…
FFS, Game of Thrones! Total incestfest.
Fuck. How long until next season?
3 fiddy
I think I'm becoming looney.
people writing "did you read the question" under my answer on facebook
bitch, I have over 700 answers on the most pedantic site on the internet
I sure as hell did read the question enough to answer it
@BartekBanachewicz :D
that's an appeal to authority fallacy
I'm too lazy to read. Does P0145R3 make all those shitty i++ + ++i questions valid (as in not UB)?
@Puppy yo better appeal to archon
fuck it, yes
just let me check if noone else needs my glorious code mentoring
dude, I just left my game :p
sorry :d
logging in
@Mysticial That takes 10 seconds
> At the Fall 2014 meeting in Urbana, IL, Clark Nelson observed that the proposal does not suggest when
side effects of postfix increment and postfix decrement are “committed”. Indeed, the current proposal
does not suggest any particular modification to the sequencing of unary expressions. The primary reason
is that we have not found a choice that will support an existing widely used programming idiom or nurture
new programming techniques. Consequently, at this point, we do not propose any change to unary
(Unless it does actually change the situation through the wording subtly, I haven't read the paper either)
@Mysticial A few, but not most of them. It guarantees right to left evaluation of assignment operator (i.e., in a = b, b will be evaluated before a) and left to right for a number of other things left to right (especially function arguments, so f(a, b) guarantees a will be evaluated before b). I believe the side effects of pre- and post-increment/decrement are left alone though.
It would change a few things that are now UB, or at least were before C++11. For example, in something like: a[i] = (i=x); it didn't used to be guarantee that the right side would be evaluated before the left, so the a[i] might be use the previous or the updated value of i. This would guaranteed RtL evaluation, so it would always evaluate the i=x, then the a[i] = ....
@JerryCoffin Wait, I thought there was no sequence point between the references to i in a[i] = (i=x);. So it would be UB to begin with. Or did that change as well.
When you abuse your gold-tag rights to sneak that answer in your worked on for hours
@Mysticial Right--at least before C++11 it was definitely UB. Now...I'm not entirely sure (but I kind of think it probably already has defined behavior). If this paper were approved, it would have defined behavior for sure.
I think that = introduces a sequence point now
at least for primitives or in some situations or.. something
at least, insofar as sequence points still exist at all after C++03
@Puppy There is no longer a notion of a sequence point, at least not in the standard
(Admittedly, that term is used in the index of implementation defined behaviour, but whatever)
CUDACOMPILE : nvcc error : 'cicc' died with status 0xC0000005 (ACCESS_VIOLATION)
Contemplating making random changes to my code until it goes away, on the other hand a clean build takes like 15 minutes
So, the new update of ReSharper C++ turns on a bunch of style things by default. Some of them kinda frivolous, for example, local variables without a const are considered a stylistic mistake.
I have 12,023 "issues" in my solution
@Mikhail What if the local variable needs to change?
Like a loop counter.
@Mysticial so its a "style" mistake if the variable isn't modified elsewhere
I've just never seen code that has const for local variables that aren't part of the function argument list.
Number of issues in my solution is now around 30k and growing, where before this update there were like 12.
Q: Will marijuana affect my baby

Lillian RośeHi I'm about 3 weeks pregnant and I only just found out and during the week I had 2 draws of a joint but I didn't know I was pregnant , will this harm my baby? I'm very nervous

The title is probably funnier than the question itself.
Hi midges.
Hi midgets.
I went to see my grand-mother after the pub. It was fun.
Plus my cousin was here too.
I love my family :3
@Morwenn That order sounds subpar
Why? D:
Well, I guess that my grandmother's quintillionth recollection of the events during WW2 would be funnier different after a good glass of scotch
Mine was born just a few weeks before the war started.
Mine was born in January '38
Mine in August '39 :p
You can't be older than 25 then, surely?
I'm 25. 26 in October.
"25 five" QFT :D
I'm tired ><
My grandmother says things like "Thankfully none of us was Jewish back then..."
Mine pretty much never talks about the war.
Her opinions on homosexuals and sex before marriage are verily antediluvian
Our town was destroyed by the US anyway xD
@Morwenn U-ass-A
@Columbo Mine never had the slightest problem with the fact that I'm trans. She was amongst the most uderstanding :o
@Morwenn Well, mine was born in Leningrad... ;-)
> I'm very nervous
Cue question "Will being nervous affect my baby"
@Morwenn Yeah. They have insane stories that she tells as if they were funny little tales. Like how her little sister just burned to death after stumbling and falling onto spilled petrol with a lit candle
@Columbo Insightful :)
Like, only in Soviet Russia does a story begin with "spilled petrol"
@Columbo No homosexual sex before marriage!
@Columbo Nice.
@sehe Well, as I said, she was born in Leningrad, and recalls German soldiers storming their house and demanding passports etc.
Hah. My grandma also had a favourite tale that involved loudly shouted "Passeporte! Passeporte!".
@sehe She had a very weird look on her face when I told her that my sister is sleeping over at her boyfriend's. Told me that she's gonna be pregnant and that my sister is a whore. Oh grandma.
Only the story was from a train ride in Austria, around 1970 :)
I can only deduce that obviously the war had left _some_ scarring, for that benign story to make such an impression
@Columbo Wow. Is dementia a factor at play here?
Because, you know. Old people do get thrown back on childhood values and memories.
@sehe Oh, yes. Sadly.
Perhaps she never outgrew it, but that seemed surprisingly un-accomodating.
She just forgets... everything. Many things.
@Columbo Oh yeah. Many awkward moments to be had with the elderly under the bliss of demented honesty.
It's a bit of a nuisance when you spend time in her home. She will take your stuff and put it somewhere, later telling you that she'll find it eventually ...... xD
And fun moments, really. As long as you don't stop to think about the person they used to be, because then it's sad again.
@Columbo Oh, that's better than the paranoia. If you stop by and they can't find something, you get the blame!
Many old people in my family died before dementia kicked in.
@sehe Hahahaha. No, she is very kind and giving, but also a bit stubborn... like a typical elder.
Anyway, I'm going to sleep.
Have a good night! :)
@Morwenn My family isn't a strong branch either (though my grandma demented a quite bit in the end), but my wife's family is rife with centenaries (or very close)
@Morwenn Wait
Don't fall asleep now
that would be a waste of time
My great-grandma lived to 99yo (and stopped living in the real world after her son died), but I don't think that anyway lived past 100.
Peter Falk also suffered from dementia. But I grief more about the fact that he refused to work for his gage back when he was young, thereby wasting years...
Are they trolling? (all lower case?)
Insane how he forgot his own signature role:
> During a 2009 court trial over Falk's care, Dr Stephen Read stated that the actor's condition had deteriorated so badly that Falk could no longer remember playing a character named Columbo, nor could he identify who Columbo was.[22]
@sehe That old meme x)
@Mikhail Have you seen the standard library?
@Morwenn MSVC's?
For real? Now I gotta make everything lower case? I'm freaking out now...
@Morwenn Perhaps I would become delusional, too, if I outlived my own child. See a human being that I gave birth to live their entire life and fade away.
So, there are 33k code style issues in my solution, if I fix one every 5 seconds it will take 46 hours straight to solve them all.
@Columbo Nice one, considering your screen name etc.
@Mikhail So you're gonna make 33k changes just because your style doesn't match theirs?
Thanks for taking the time to look at this! — sd217 31 secs ago
Oh the feels
There is something inconceivable about the death of a person that you've gotten to know so well. Like a part of you is ripped away.
I'm afraid I've really only see people "fall away" that I didn't know too closely. I cannot - yet? - relate too much to that feeling.
Or maybe I'm secretly a psycopath...
@Mysticial I'm trying to figure out where the fuck that style came from. If its industry standard I'll probably have to change my style. Its also not possible for me to spend 45 hours straight reformatting my code.
@Mikhail Fuck the industry standard. Pick something and stick with it.
Just look at the WinAPI.
Sure I hate them title casing everything. But at least it's consistent.
And if you do need to make 33k changes, there are probably faster ways than to do it manually.
Rename one class at a time. And depending on the uniqueness of the class name, you can probably just find-replace it.
@Mysticial Is all lowercase the style you personally use?
@Mikhail No. I use title case for classes and structs.
And namespaces.
Yeah me, too. I don't know where the fuck this shit came from...
For large classes, I prefix all non-public fields with m_. Which admittedly I'm the only one in the fucking world who does it, but I don't give a shit.
@Mikhail standard library...?
@milleniumbug Is that the style you use?
I use both, actually
> Note it also crashes. Don't worry, that's a minor issue (mainly because the reverse edge map is not built up correctly). We'll - hopefully - get to that later, if I don't run out of steam/luck before then!
The things one writes in a draft answer
on the BBC today: Brexit negotations still an utter shambles on the UK side
am starting to think that whole ignoring-democracy thing is looking even more appealing right now
@Puppy The best democracy is bogus.
wonder how bad it has to go before the politicians throw up their hands and just go "Well, we can't deliver."
Why would one give people who have no deeper understanding of shit a vote on how to perform what shit.
because the alternatives are all worse
which really says something I think
It says covfefe
@Columbo yup, that was never democracy, that was demagogy
does anyone know that if a VPS is restarted, does that mean the mail server on it is restarted as well?
Will I be able to transport this into my living room?
Stay tuned!
you can do this: hold the slices between your ring fingers and little fingers, and carry the soup by holding the plate with thumbs and index fingers
Don't fall asleep now
that would be a waste of time
00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

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