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oh, it was @towc
always me
ok, the break was very productive
I did nothing of importance
no fun ideas came to mind
and now I just feel more tired
Are the server games judged separately? @towc
although I guess I distanced myself from previous problems
Cheer up:) everything will work @towc
am I the only one who doesn't feel any better when other people tell him "enjoy this and that!" or "have fun" or "everything will work out"?
and feel more like "what exactly are you trying to accomplish?"
@BenjaminGruenbaum in prague THIS weekend that just went past?
So, the comments on this post indicate a specified iteration order of for ... in, but i can't find it in the spec
@ASDFGerte Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
(ecmascript 2017)
did you read the answer?
> For for-in and Object.keys: No.

For some other operations: Yes, usually.
the answer is for es6 and outdated
the comments are more relevant
the answer was revised
e.g. Object.keys has the specified order in es2017, that one i could also find
@ASDFGerte benjamin gives you the point number, and the link to the spec
also that
however, I wouldnt take the spec as "all browsers do this"
check the specific implementations you're using
I don't think babel would even implement something like that
it might take too many checks and redefinitions for it to be reliable
I just avoid situations where object keys need an order
Apparently there was yet another change from ecmascript2016 to 2017 in the related parts, i need to read a bit more first :/
Ah, the comment sais ecmascript2016 then links to the 2017 spec but there is a difference between those versions in the relevant part :(
there's a concerningly warm brown liquid coming out of the potato bag
and quite a few flies
that sucks.
@ASDFGerte learn the web of versions. they're a bit of a mess right now.
I think there has been a couple of generation of flies living in the potato bag
no clue how that liquid is so brown and so warm
Well, my problem is that i can find the parts where it sais that Object.keys has a specified order just fine (which by the way contradicts the revies part of the post, as it sais that even in ecmascript2016 there would be no order to Object.keys)
smells so disgusting
it's definitely not shit
@ASDFGerte es2017 is es8.
it's like a dead carcass
This is why gloves exist.
@ASDFGerte so where is the confusion. es7 says one thing, es8 changed it?
@rlemon What'd it take for people to drop the es\d name and use es\d{4}?
I prefer the single digit myself.
I cant find the part where it sais for ... in has a specified order
your preference is wrong.
@rlemon It's not the name though
I don't call you rle
and you should feel bad
@Zirak I'm not naming the name, I'm naming the version number
they're both valid imo. describing the same product different ways
MDN sais some confusing things about order which don't really add up for me and the spec first sais order is not specified but then it is forced to call an internal function recursively which guarantees order
@ASDFGerte I'm trying to formulate an answer to you but (1) @rlemon is wrong (2) it bothers me a great deal that you write "sais" instead of "says"
@Zirak bite me
ECMAScript (or ES) is a trademarked scripting-language specification standardized by Ecma International in ECMA-262 and ISO/IEC 16262. It was created to standardize JavaScript, so as to foster multiple independent implementations. JavaScript has remained the best-known implementation of ECMAScript since the standard was first published, with other well-known implementations including JScript and ActionScript. Coders commonly use ECMAScript for client-side scripting on the World Wide Web, and it is increasingly being used for writing server applications and services using Node.js. == History... ==
ES8 is valid punk
I'm fine if you say "es 8th edition"
Like "ES the 8th"
es8 es8 es8
it's just one potato
you're hurting meeee
@towc plant it
probably had eggs in it beforehand or something
@towc Throw everything away
it has the consistency of a soggy bag
You don't want to mess with this shit
will do, I guess
yea, fuck that.
rotten potatoes isn't the end of the world. if the rest are not green and don't have eyes on them I'd probably just rinse them off
if they do have eyes, plant them
get more potatoes
Thanks, i am not a native english speaker and will have to google a bit about "sais vs says" ;) corrections on my english are always welcome.
that's very likely correct, but cheap enough to not bother worrying about it
burn it, and if not work try jQuery
@ASDFGerte ES2016+ (IIRC) specifies object iteration order, defined in
> ascending numeric index order
> ascending chronological order of property creation
@towc just don't eat green potatoes
I... thought green meant better? 0.o
or the rotten ones
how am I not dead yet.
green potatoes still contain a toxin
That is, numbers first, followed by the keys in the order they were defined
they won't kill you in that low amount, but they can make you sick .
@towc Oh my
nonono green potato is toxic.
Solanine is a glycoalkaloid poison found in species of the nightshade family (Solanaceae), such as the potato (Solanum tuberosum), the tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), and the eggplant (aubergine) (Solanum melongena). It can occur naturally in any part of the plant, including the leaves, fruit, and tubers. Solanine has pesticidal properties, and it is one of the plant's natural defenses. Solanine was first isolated in 1820 from the berries of the European black nightshade (Solanum nigrum), after which it was named. == Solanine poisoning == === Symptoms === Solanine poisoning is primarily displayed...
now you are sterile.
well, dead in general because of many things I have no clue about
@Zirak I will cherish this memory for the rest of my life
if this was a relationship, this is when I ask "never leave me" with a guilty face
@Luggage good news for humanity
We won't leave. We have a lot of money riding on the exact circumstances of your death.
Whatever the cause is, I'm $500 in for a Darwin Award
so i have to wear this stupid heart monitor, and that's the second time now I've got the cord caught on something and almost ripped out some chest hair.
stop bragging about your chest hair
all eight of them are still in tact
don't worry
@rlemon Just one heart monitor? I have 7 all over the place
The issue is i can find a chain from e.g. Object.keys to OrdinaryOwnPropertyKeys but i cannot find any for for ... in. I found Runtime Semantics: ForIn/OfHeadEvaluation which appears to use EnumerateObjectProperties
nahh, they gave me five. first three I ate by mistake, the fourth is hanging form my rain gutters
#5 is the winner
oh man i'm dying
still working on a diagnosis?
I feel fine. I'm 100% sure it was a virus
3 people at work got the same symptoms
ohh.. i guess that's good then.
ouch :/
well, ouch and great?
as long as my doctor isn't a biatch and doesn't think I'm just bsing her
I'd really love my license back. she way overstepped her bounds
doctor reported me to the ministry and I lost my license for a year :(
all because I came to her dizzy with an ear infection
kinda bullshitty
i think they only do that for epilepsy here.
I get it, I was dizzy and light headed. I shouldn't be driving.
but a fucking year?!
I'm appealing it
@ASDFGerte Oh, you were talking of for...in? Then it's a slightly different story for historical reasons. The order is unspecified, but must conform to some set of rules
Well, the comments on the linkes post say there is order for both
the post itself was revised but says there is no order (which the spec disagrees with)
(at least for Object.keys)
The comments are wrong
MDN first sais something about in original insertion order but then later other confusing things about order which don't add up
well, for Object.keys, i can read in the spec that there is an order
but for for ... in i find a lot of confusing things
Note that Object.keys also refers to EnumerateObjectProperties which for...in uses
hm, maybe i read about the wrong Object.keys then
Object.keys goes to EnumerableOwnProperties
Look at step 5
which uses [[OwnPropertyKeys]] which has specified order
So it uses something that has order then ignores that order
or what
You can think of it as doing internalGetKeys().sort(anotherAlgo)
so both for ... in and Object.keys dont have any specified order still
Thanks, i overlooked that step 5
shit. it's cracked.
ok, next lot of mac and cheese is in the oven
I may have overdone every single thing in terms of quantitites
gonna be great
I should probably eat it over a period of 4 days, but I'll probably finish it tonight while watching GoT
I ended up with a couple spoonfull's of boiling water on the inner wrist though. It kinda hurt
@rlemon you can even see how similar those songs are from the graphs
Foo fighters are awesome might go to their concert
young Michael J Fox looks a lot like Nathan Fillion
(Martin McFly from back to the future and Mal, captain of Serenity in Firefly)
Does anyone else get that feeling of "OK, what else do I need this function to do? Wait, holy shit, I'm done, that's everything."
Raccoons will wash their food before eating it. What happens when you give it some cotton candy? https://t.co/DwQg3pB7le
@William lol
@William that made me sad
poor trash panda
@KendallFrey the classical case of "Mr Client, this is going to take 20 more hours. Oh actually, I'm done..."
@towc For me, it's always a case of: "This is gonna take 20 hours. 50 hours later This is gonna take 20 more hours. 1 hour later. I'm done!"
that's more like it
most of the time, I don't even know how I could have estimated better
Estimating is hard
@KendallFrey "this is going to take 20 more hours" KendallFrey is now playing Factorio
Tomorrow it's gonna be Kendall Frey is now watching the sky
Yea I still need to open up my welding mask and make it always dark.
It's auto darkening. But I don't quite wanna put my faith in that for the eclipse
Apparently anything less than shade 14 is deemed unsafe
No idea what mine is, but I'll be careful
Am a little jelly
be a lot jelly
Actually I'm jelly I won't see totality
Although I will get 2 full lunars next year
So that makes it up I guess
@rlemon oh shit, they took your license for a full year? That sounds ridiculous. Any chance that can be revoked / shortened?
@KamilSolecki Lunars are cheap
@KendallFrey Youre cheap. Arguably blood moon is as spectacular
But more common
(than totality)
Hm agreed
@KamilSolecki working on it
hello people
@BitByBit Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
What is the javascript code that scrambles the source code so its not possible to scrape a site?
I see it happen on this site: parrotread.com/sitemap/people/a
obfuscation isn't fool proof
it has two effects, it can make someone say "fuck this noise" or make someone say "well now, a challenge"
either way, they will still be able to reverse engineer the code
haha, nice one.....can you give me hint
on the challenge part
look at any code after being passed through a minifier.
almost unreadable.
the challenge is making it readable.
yea but, this is more than minified
same concept.
you're giving the source code in an executable form to the client
with that said, most minifiers have an uglifier option which will obfuscate the code.
thats about the best you'll be able to get I think
something like this: aha.....so for example there is function that sets every a to z etc.
not as simple as that. but sure
Then you have the guys with the function(p,a,c,k,e,r) {... bullshit, but that's easily reversed by replacing eval with console.log
But isn't this a problem for the site's SEO
@BitByBit Check the dev console btw, that site has sourcemaps enabled, meaning you can get the original source extremely easily.
@BitByBit google "javascript obfuscation"
but really, most often it isn't worth it.
it's an illusion of security
@rlemon, I get what you mean. None, of the big companies do it
Ugh, I need a third screen
i have an issue where one of my React component's constructor is being called twice when I refresh the page using React Router.
i'm setting up a setInterval/timer in the constructor and so this is problematic because it creates two timers
show us
!!giphy show me what you got
!!giphy rick show me
man that changed, it was the right gif on my other tab
damn cache
@towc Fuck your vue, Marko is in town
rlemon already introduced us
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm around
@MadaraUchiha What the fuck does "watch ass out bad" mean?
Don't dead open inside
@BenFortune hm, looks nice.
damnit I keep falling for it. "No towc, your stomach can't bend the laws of physics. Finite space is a thing"
basil plant tried to warn me, but as always, I wouldn't listen
we don't make for a great couple
rewatching BttF2. It takes 30 years for Martin to have a grandson of his same age... that must mean he had a son right after coming back, and that son made a son at the age of about 13? 0.o
you weren't siring sons at 13?
how have you been building your own personal army of towc soldiers
@towc But imagine if your stomach could create degenerate matter
@hsimah my mint grass research team is on that. I think they're going with cloning
my webpack builds but there's no out folder created..
oh, i am using webpack dev server which just loads to memery
now whenever I type on stream, key blocks fall on my head! https://t.co/2XcNjnW61L
I love it
@KendallFrey that's pretty impressive

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