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@DeadMG Java sucks so much at functional programming that practically nobody does FP in Java.
@FredOverflow Exactly my point.
if you want to cover both OO and FP and generics and SSE intrinsics and DirectX and low-level sockets without wasting your time re-learning many, many basics in a new language, C++ is the best overall.
I think C# is a close second.
@FredOverflow Nah. Sucky deterministic destruction support -> very hard to code against many APIs you might want to use.
As long as you need the resources only locally, you're fine with C#'s using statement.
not helpful
I can't have a local-only vertex buffer that I need to render my shit
whats the difference between functional and oop generics?
@Ell I have never heard of that distinction before.
it's like call-with-resource as C's RAII- sure, you can use it and it might work, but the number of applicable situations is so low that it's just not that useful.
@FredOverflow ahh sorry never mind I misread deadmg's message
@DeadMG Maybe someday C# will offer using as a declarator for members and local variables? :)
#define scoped(x, y) for (auto&& x : y)
@KonradRudolph I don't see the point of doing that. Oh, it's for locks. Neat.
I removed all the cycles from my graph, except those that directly relate to the Controller class
@FredOverflow I’m thinking aloud whether this justifies a macro (not with this name, of ourse) … and I’m thinking the answer is actually “yes”, since (ab)using for in code to get this would just obscure the code
@DeadMG how would I do that clipping thing you suggested earlier? I know I have to return a reference to the canvas for the draw methods, for the clip method, do I just return a ScopedCanvas type thing which clips on construct, un-clips on destruct? And overlaods the -> operator?
@Ell Yes. And return a pointer to the canvas, else you'll be doing -> for Clip and . for the rest.
@KonradRudolph Combining macros with two C++11 language features sounds kinda weird though :)
I think I'm in love with C++11. I mean, I appreciated its beauty before, when it was just a growing flower... But I actually have feelings for it now.
@DeadMG ohh yeah, kk, thanks
@DomagojPandža Have you already proposed to C++11? "I want to spend the rest of my scope with you!"
I think I'm gonna cook some noodles now.
does boost::asio take care of endianness?
I am thinking about it. But MSVC will not be invited to the wedding until it starts accepting C++11 for what it truly is, in all its glory. For all eternity, until all mains of this world return and destructors do us part.
@FredOverflow ok :)
why can the . operator not be overloaded?
@DeadMG IIRC, no.
players: must issue orders to simulation. simulation: must notify players of certain events. result: dependency cycle -> :(
unless I were to consider them the same component
you are going to get some dependency cycles
it makes sense that there will be cycles for a client/server model
it's peer to peer
oh :L well.. player/simulation model?
i dont know :L
@Ell It was actually Bjarne's decision. But he did contemplate possibility of allowing overloading of the member access operator (or the dot operator, how some like to call it). The problem simply stems from the fact if we were to allow overloading of . in a class A, then how could you access its members without hacking the shit out of your class?
what is the syntax for overloading the -> operator
I'm gonna cut the Player and merge it with the Sim component
@Ell T operator->()
the Sim cannot exist without the Player, and the Player cannot exist without the Sim
so it makes no sense to separate them
@RMartinhoFernandez re rmartinho.github.com/2012/05/27/dependent-names-bliss.html - looks much better now with less stenographic hints at code samples. I miss the punchline that really works to summarize the whole deal about the benefit of C++11 aliases: "It almost doesn't look like template metaprogramming at all" <-- strongest pitch
@DeadMG why cant a sim exist without a player?
@Ell Because the players dictate some simulation parameters- for example, vision.
Because a player is the sim's bitch. A player doesn't exist without a sim.
the simulation represents a multi-player scenario, it does not make sense to simulate one player
or, at the very least, a simulation which can only simulate one player is worthless
so it must have a Player representation to handle such things
You exist because we allow it. And you will end... Because we demand it.
I exist because I'm going to eat some food
Delicious steak.
@DeadMG would it make sense for ScopedClip to be friends with Canvas, and the BeginClip and EndClip functions to be protected? Then ScopedClip works with any Canvas
strcat and strdog still cracks me up.
I want rain.
And modules.
But also rain.
Delicious rain.
Everything simply works with delicious.
Delicious dead body of a dog?
If I ever write a book on C++ best practices, I'll call it Delicious C++. See, automatic warm & fuzzy feeling to it.
Gray rectangles?
@RadekdaknokSlupik You've obviously never been to China, that's a no-brainer. :Đ
A dog is a great source of meat for gulash.
@Pubby orange box with white rotated P and black outline?
We found scope in a bracketless space.
In fact, two gray rectangles, one gray square and one black square.
is £21 per person a lot for a chinese? I don't have a good bearing of costs
White polygons on a green background?
What does all this mean???
You want to buy a Chinese?
A chinese meal :P
@RadekdaknokSlupik Don't judge.
@Ell it's enough in NL. Not sure about UK though.
IT IS 13:37!!!1 :D
l33t time!
All good things must come to an end.
Anyway, for me it's always leet time.
Sixty seconds later.
@DomagojPandža Jazap, (delicious) monad god
@sehe ik verveel je.
@RadekdaknokSlupik Te veel eer
Anagram fail.
@Ell Because foo.bar would mean foo.operator.(bar) which in turn would mean foo.operator.(operator.(bar)) or something ad infinitum? Dunno :)
what is that phrase about argueing, like ad homenium or something?
@RadekdaknokSlupik Where?
@Ell argumentum ad hominem?
@Ell fallacy?
@Pubby thats it - what does it mean? or should I google?
An ad hominem (Latin for "to the man" or "to the person"), short for argumentum ad hominem, is an attempt to negate the truth of a claim by pointing out a negative characteristic or belief of the person supporting it. Ad hominem reasoning is normally described as a logical fallacy, more precisely an informal fallacy and an irrelevance. Types See also; List of fallacies Abusive Abusive ad hominem (also called personal abuse or personal attacks) usually involves insulting or belittling one's opponent in order to attack his claim or invalidate his argument, but can also involve pointing o...
@Ell Proof by analogy is fraud?
It has always entertained me that people actually classify logical arguments and counter-arguments.
is it "c is bad because c programmers are mean" or something? :L
"Ik, Reve, vel je"
Q: Why can't you overload the '.' operator in C++?

FerruccioIt would be very useful to be able to overload the . operator in C++ and return a reference to an object. You can overload operator-> and operator* but not operator. Is there a technical reason for this?

@sehe worse :P
Thanks for your reply. But I am working on linux, and the C++ code is compiled and executed by makefile. There's no constructor/destructor in the code. the pointer is defined as char* foo="" and deleted as delete [] foo. Comments out the delete line, everything looks fine. So I hope to find in the code where it the pointer foo is deleted. — Enchanter Thunderbird 37 mins ago
@DomagojPandža Žap a goddamn Jo
^ Oh me oh my
A: How to check when a pointer is deleted?

Cheers and hth. - AlfSet a conditional breakpoint on the destructor of the type in question. Let the condition be that this points to the object you're interested in. E.g., in Visual C++ Express 2010: For the above figure I first executed to after the three new expressions, then noted the address of the b object, ...

> The Commando Pattern is used to get in and out quick, and get the job done. This pattern can break any encapsulation to accomplish its mission. It takes no prisoners.
@Ell Imagine a glass structure supporting an apple. Ad hominem is basically shooting the glass in order to make the apple fall. It doesn't have to work though.
@DomagojPandža That's a unique, and not very accurate, description. It does convey the 'emotion' of the method, though
True, it's a bit crude. There's more to it.
@DomagojPandža ur description of ad hominem sucks because ur name is similar to demagogue. i think
@CheersandhthAlf "I think" - the bullet crumbled right there
I hate it too, but it's a local favorite. It was the name of an ancient Croatian pirate who terrorized the Adriatic.
How apt
> I apt-got clang today.
Bad pun.
Rated Arrr for scurvy dogs.
@RadekdaknokSlupik I klu-klux klan today?
klu-klux clang? I was rather thinking of klu-klux MSVC.
so which component should be responsible for creating the sim and the players?
The God component.
@RadekdaknokSlupik People who get offended by not having all possible races in commercials are hands down retarded. What's 2112. going to look like when someone forgets to include the Zerg in a commercial?
@DomagojPandža What exactly are men supposed to do in female hygiene product commercials?
I'm offended by the bad photoshop job they did, not by not having a black guy in there.
Not you, I'm not attacking anyone here. But people in general who think it's necessary to put black people, asian people, purple people just to be "politically correct".
Jesus, it's more offensive to shove everyone in it, it's condescending and shallow.
Only thing that remains is giving them name tags: "The Black Guy", "The Asian Guy" and what not and a big table disclaimer above their heads: "Don't worry, we consider you human too!"
@DomagojPandža 'terrorized the Adriatic'; tidier_trait<char>::zeroed() (C++ is in your namesake)
I have once seen a sign that read "For black, red, yellow and normal people."
@DomagojPandža ZERG RUSH
its stupid in exams where they have exotic names: "Alsan, rajeed and jesus were conducting an experiment..."
can friend classes access protected members?
@Ell Yes.
@Ell Both protected and private.
That's the point, right?
kk. anyway, lunch time!
yeah I just got a compile error - i must have mucked something up
I don't like others touching my private parts, so I have no friends.
@Ell show us code
@FredOverflow You don't? I'd say, in general, you could be missing out on something.
Fred exposes everything as public. I've read about his exhibitionism in the papers. :Đ
@sehe I'm perfectly happy living with comrades that don't touch my private parts :)
@DomagojPandža I watched a talk on Monads in C# yesterday where the presenter misspelled public as pubic :)
Ahahah, damn, that's awkward.
@FredOverflow "monads in C#" what?
May 4 at 10:26, by sehe
I remember constantly typing "Pubic Property Get", "Pubic Function" etc. back in my VB days
(yes, waaaaay back)
Abusing enumerator (yield) blocks, I guess.
Possibly with some `async` stuff too
@Fanael Well, LINQ is built on Monads in case you didn't know. Here is the talk I mentioned.
Where in the standard can I find the definition of function?
It's not in §1.3 Terms and definitions.
@FredOverflow I don't know C# at all.
@RadekdaknokSlupik Do you mean 8.4 Function definitions?
@Fanael C# is kinda like Java in the same sense that C++ is kinda like C. (In other words, not very much besides some common ancestry.)
@sehe The definition of the word "function" is what I need.
@RadekdaknokSlupik That's in a dictionary
@RadekdaknokSlupik function as in mathematics or as in C++?
@FredOverflow as in C++.
> Any informal reference to the body of a function should be interpreted as a reference to the non-terminal function-body. (§ 8.4.1, ad 1)
@FredOverflow I do know that.
@FredOverflow Functions as in C++ are functions as in mathematics. They take the real world as an (implicit) argument and return a new one (implicitly).
@Fanael C++ functions are not referentially transparent.
If they take the whole world in they are
There's multiple ways to sufficiently qualify it. By addressing it as a modular piece of code which can stand on its own, taking a certain amount of parameters which are required for the block to operate properly and optionally returning a value whose meaning is defined by the programmer. I wouldn't really equalize them with their mathematical name-equivalents (functional programming excluded, to a point).
A function is a named sequence of statements. would that be close?
@RadekdaknokSlupik Doesn't sound wrong. Why do you ask? What do you need the definition for?
@FredOverflow I'm designing a language and I need to define what a function is. I know what a function is, but it's difficult to express in words.
Yay, a Haskell course by Phil Wadler!
@RadekdaknokSlupik Just specify your language as you see fit. You won't be able to make it hold consistently (with your implementation) if you start copying legalese from other languages.
A function is a mapping.
@sehe I agree with that.
You have to define it on your own, since you are writing a language for your purposes. You know exactly what you wish the concept of functions to do in your language.
And simply shove that into words. :Đ
I'll just define it as A function is a named sequence of statements or a named expression. for now. I can always change it if I need to.
@RadekdaknokSlupik There are no functions.
Statements in a functional language? Ew.
Only bodily functions or family functions
Functional language?
@RadekdaknokSlupik like LISP or Haskell
I'm designing a procedural language.
Starting simple is fine.
@RadekdaknokSlupik Fictional language.
Functional language, a language which is designed around the notion of mathematical functions which are precisely a mapping from one set to another, related by a mathematical expression, constructing a valid and consistent ordered pair for all defined inputs in a certain range.
So basically, there's no statement yanking and changing behavior like you see fit.
It's consistent and rigorous.
@CatPlusPlus What's the TL;DR version of that?
There's a nice write up by John Carmack on the FP approach.
@FredOverflow C++ functions aren't functions. I guess.
C++ functions are subroutines
@DomagojPandža unfortunately it doesn't mention move semantics (which would improve the performance of returning large objects).
Indeed, unfortunately, most "programmers" don't like going out of their comfort zone, even for beautiful things like the notion of rvalue references and move semantics. It is unfortunate that John has to cater to such an audience.
They simply don't want to think about the fact a named rvalue reference is an lvalue.
@DomagojPandža Who is John?
John Wayne.
John Carmack, id Software, FPS genre pioneer, 3D programming extraordinaire, Carmack's reverse... Doom?
@CatPlusPlus As far as I can tell, that's purely a giant pile of mathematical wankery.
John von Neumann maybe? Also known as John Bottleneck?
@DomagojPandža Pity he hasn't done anything worth talking about since Doom.
@DomagojPandža Oh, didn't see that. Where can I find it?
@DomagojPandža Not to mention Armadillo Aerospace.
That article is quite nice. I read it a few days back.
> C++ doesn’t encourage functional programming, but it doesn’t prevent you from doing it, and you retain the power to drop down and apply SIMD intrinsics to hand laid out data backed by memory mapped files, or whatever other nitty-gritty goodness you find the need for.
Sounds like @DeadMG will like the article :)
I can almost imagine the way John says "nitty gritty goodness" :Đ
Programming is the only thing that puts a smile on his face without forcing it. :D
@DomagojPandža "nitty gritty goodness" - That sounds like a contradiction to me
In my ears 'nitty gritty' sounds a little less than optimal (the nitty gritty details are usually the ones that are less elegant (therefor, nitty, or even gritty) and nitty gritty sounds a bit like petty, puny, pesky too.
Language and logic don't go together. I want to smack people when they use conditionals without imposing a term, in contexts that make absolutely no sense.
If that upsets you, don't ever try to learn Croatian.
The language "specification" and what people talk, dear lord, sometimes I want to shoot everyone.
@DomagojPandža I'm completely lost. What does that refer to?
It's hard to translate it into English. Fundamentally different languages. But on your comment that "nitty gritty goodness" sounds like a contradiction, which is true, people still use it. And will continue using until the end of time because most learn languages on experience, connecting meanings and expressions even though an expression might logically take off in an entirely different direction.
To elaborate on conditionals, which require a term to return true in order to execute, people like to use them without even connecting to the notion of a term, a condition. And I don't mean that it's implicit, it simply has no logical meaning at all. And also, a statement such as "If you could, I would" is a politeness statement, for the "I would" to execute, you just need to be able to, not actually do it.
Still, people use it to require someone to do something, even though its logical requirement is just having the ability to do it, not actually do it.
I just saw the trailer for Last Resort, it's shameful what people are willing to finance.
The world needs more bad programming tutorials programmings tutorial!
They don't even use indentation. Oh what a piece of shit.
For ( a=1;a<=5; a++)
Cout<<"Number \n";
Really? Capital letters? C++ ain't Visual Basic.
Some steps for write first program in C language.
0. open your c program window
1. First enter # tag with library of stdio.h (<stdio.h>)
2. This tag use for  include stdio.h library and it’s function on your program
3. Now write main function (main () )
4. Now you can write a programming within { } this braces.
5. You can easy to learn through this hello world program
6. printf is a command for write something in c programming.
It sounds like Chief White Puff wrote the steps.
In a tent.
> C Programming Tutorials which is the base of all the programming language that helps you to make coding bar to begin program can easily learn here online without any difficulty. JAVA Programming Tutorials also available for the convenience of the students. C++ and C# programming languages are also present at Programming Tutorials to let the students present their program in a best way that helps mainly for their personal development and skills.
Oh God…
Teach Haskell instead. Oh wait no, it would hurt Haskell programmers.
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Now you can write a programming. [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq]
> C ++ is a programming language which based on objection oriented programming (OOPS). It is provide various features and easy to learn options because it is use real world concept in the programming.
Objection oriented
OOPS! They got it wrong.
Your honor, objection!
> Internet is a second reason for popularity of java programming because java is a most comfortable language for web browser.
because it is use real world concept in the programming that doesn't even make any sense.
Yay, I understanding a programming.
It must be the objection oriented paradigm.
This is the worst website I have ever seen. It makes me cry.
It's worse than cplusplus.com.
Anyone wanna have a good rant at a moronic webmaster? programmingstutorial.com/members/contact
What is type casting?

A. Way for make a variable
B. Use for initialize value
C. Make a function
D. Add a function in Library
E. Create a programming in {}
So many wrong questions :(
Meh you need to register to do that quiz.
I got 11/13 questions correct
You can do a register in a home pages.
Okay I'm going to do that too.
What is the Pointer?

A. Data type
B. Variable which store other variable address
C. c operator
D. String function
> Which symbol is use of store address of pointer variable?
*, +, % or $
What is preprocessor?

A. Keyword
B. Macro
C. C Library
D. Function
@Pubby neither of those is correct
%f in use in c programming?
A. Float value
B. Integer value
C. Character value
A pointer is a second finger.
It's not a pointer, it's the Pointer.
Ehm I cannot choose the correct answer. It's a double.
What is the limit of Integer in C programming?
A. 32567
B. 32667
C. 32767
> C programming is developed by?
Who the fuck is Dennies Richie?
Total Time 120
Time Taken 120
Total Question 13
Correct Answer 12
Is INT_MAX equal to unsigned(-1) / 2. Or am I off by one here?
@Pubby or INT_MIN.
Somebody denies Richie?
@RadekdaknokSlupik He's dead, as I recall. He was one of the old-time geniuses from Bell Labs. And no, Benjamin Franklin didn't invent the telephone: until 2004 it was Alexander Graham Bell.
@StackedCrooked Is overflow defined by the standard?
I thought it was UB.
@CheersandhthAlf Dennies Richie is nobody. It's Dennis Ritchie.
Dennies is plural for Denny.
@CheersandhthAlf Dennis Ritchie
@RadekdaknokSlupik There is no overflow in unsigned arithmetic.
denies ritchie, ha ha
Oh God. Why. Does this even matter?
Steve had a job and Dennis was rich.
Does humanity matter?
No, unless I'm humanity.
Do you take Steve Jobs as your lawful wedded wife?
Oh right, I forgot
Does T matter?
Only if it's complete.
No, unless it's Mr T.
Lol, that must be my dumbest joke of the day. Until now.
#define Mr const volatile
template<class T> struct foo{
  Mr T;
In a short while this will have devolved to the point where a tortoise and Achilles enter the Lounge.
Mr should be a type modifier like const or volatile.
For type safety of course.
Because Mr. T. is volatile!
> Declaration does not declare anything.
Stupid warnings.
Error: Mr T pities the fool!
I was surprised that int; is a valid C++ source file.
Or at least as far as clang is concerned. GCC doesn't compile it. Clang does. :/
Ah, I've deleted stuff from my writings. And moved something. And now it reads better I think.
That's not a translation unit.
@CheersandhthAlf At least it will read faster.
main; works in C
% cat foo.cc
% clang++ foo.cc -pedantic
foo.cc:1:1: warning: declaration does not declare anything
1 warning generated.
Followed by an obvious linker error.
Do you think that Intellisense-friendliness is a factor of code quality?
It just makes a guess it's an int, that's why it goes through.
IntelliSense should be able to handle the most obscure code.
@StackedCrooked some should link to Petzold's essay on the matter
Sometimes Intellisense can't derive information by definition. For example when working in code where types are not yet instantiated.
IS fails.
Just fucking call it autocompletion.
"Does Visual Studio Rot the Mind?"
Visual Studio is rotten itself.
Visual Studio is Skynet
It's color scheme at least if nothing else is rotten. (VS11)
@Pubby but a factor 1e999 dumber.
Skynet is a family of military satellites, now operated by Paradigm Secure Communications on behalf of the UK Ministry of Defence, which provide strategic communication services to the three branches of the British Armed Forces and to NATO forces engaged on coalition tasks. Models Skynet 1 There were two Skynet 1 satellites; the first, launched in November 1969, failed after less than a year of operation. The apogee kick motor on the second failed, leaving it in geostationary transfer orbit. Skynet 2 Following the failure of one of the Skynet 1 satellites, the timetable for the launch o...
@DomagojPandža you can't change the colors? D:
Too lazy to check. :Đ
Linq was designed for intellisense. select A from B where C was changed into from B select A where C because once from B has been typed Intellisense can provide a list of options for A.
My color scheme is like this. I like it.
The purple is too hard too read
ah, linq = sql + intellisense
Ah, not code coloring, the actual UI is a bleak grey (and a few shades of it)
@RadekdaknokSlupik Holy shit, that's a long enum identifier.
@Pubby your eyes and my eyes differ.
But my personal opinions mean more :(
@DeadMG That enum is going to be ginormous so I need something descriptive.
@RadekdaknokSlupik You know, it would be less hassle to simply write the error as a string.
@RadekdaknokSlupik Oh gawd.
@DeadMG I know, but the same diagnostic may be emitted in different places.
Oh well.
aaargh d3d9 render Y U FAIL ON SOME PEOPLE'S MACHINE
stupid damn silent failures, which fucktard came up with that
People, cats and dogs never liked my coding style.
@DeadMG you haven't used PHP yet.
@DeadMG You've got to love that. My favorite is a bit of a cross-API difference, OGL 4.0+ core profile against DX11, both rendering the same scene with same tessellation complexity. DX11 renderer instance runs at 75 FPS when set free and OGL instance runs at ~32 FPS.
@RadekdaknokSlupik Yes I have.
And on some other machine
both run the same
@DomagojPandža Sucky driver.
@DeadMG Poor you.
@CatPlusPlus Yeah, probably. But I still can't get over it.
@RadekdaknokSlupik I know.
it's PHP, I knew that after I spent ten minutes in the language
On to writing the parsah.
@RadekdaknokSlupik At the pace you're going you'll be done by the end of tomorrow!
@StackedCrooked I'll not.
Ha, there are 2^4 users talking in 2^3 rooms. How cute.
That's not cute. And not even true.
@RadekdaknokSlupik What language is compiler for?
1 hour ago, by Radek 'daknok' Slupik
I'm designing a procedural language.
For fun.
Interpreter, compiler or hybrid?
JIT compiler, but that doesn't matter. It can also be compiled ahead of time.
Isn't JIT a lot more complicated?
You have to write two compilers
It'll be just a very simple language so that I can get a bit familiar with compiler design.
@Pubby I'm going to use LLVM, so I'll not feel all the pain. :P
@RadekdaknokSlupik Just don't get too familiar or somebody will end up pregnant.

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