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thx for sharing!
though i'm convinced that english should be the only language on earth. but it would be nice if it evolved in something even easier
@WesStark maybe b/c develop is next stable.
@WesStark where the hell would english borrow and mangle words from then?
Beleive it or not somebody created a very simple language called Esperanto. It was created to be a global language but was rejected for English
no need for new words i suppose, just easier to grasp rules. for instance the vowel thing
Esperanto ( or ; in Esperanto: [espeˈranto] listen ) is a constructed international auxiliary language. It is the most widely spoken constructed language in the world. The Polish-Jewish ophthalmologist L. L. Zamenhof published the first book detailing Esperanto, Unua Libro, on 26 July 1887. The name of Esperanto derives from Doktoro Esperanto ("Esperanto" translates as "one who hopes"), the pseudonym under which Zamenhof published Unua Libro. Zamenhof had three goals, as he wrote in Unua Libro: "To render the study of the language so easy as to make its acquisition mere play to the learner." ...
english is good enough and the facto world's primary language. no need for a new one
-> To render the study of the language so easy as to make its acquisition mere play to the learner.
bold statement hehe
also esperanto is one of the first examples of imgs.xkcd.com/comics/standards.png if i remember correctly
there are dozens versions of it...
According to Zamenhof, he created the language to reduce the "time and labour we spend in learning foreign tongues" and to foster harmony between people from different countries: "Were there but an international language, all translations would be made into it alone ... and all nations would be united in a common brotherhood."
and all nations would be united in a common brotherhood -> UTOPIA
By a russian
no wander it was rejected lol
(just kidding) lol no offence meant to Russia hehe
@DaveRandom pong
@bwoebi what's the point in sending the exit code down the extra pipe when the wrapper exits with the same code anyway?
is it just to provide a wait handle for the child ending?
I don't know … haven't written that code.
not good enough. I demand you know everything immediately.
well, then you have no luck :-)
So yeh, I got to a point where I tried to run some code a minute ago, PHP crashed :-P
@DaveRandom have fun fixing php :-)
currently unpacking the source so I can debug it
I was half expecting it tbh, it happened with @kelunik's as well
it's something generator related, I can tell that much from what it's telling me
@DaveRandom is it exception related as well?
yes, why?
the two of those seem to go hand in hand for crashy problems
This isn't true, is it?
Well, clearly it's not true. But I am trying to figure out what his logic is
@Alesana ignorance or misunderstanding of the question
:| I don't think it's the latter, it's not the answer I'm referring to but the comment
> it's impossible to be duplicated
@DaveRandom If php was compiled with --enable-sigchld, it's the only way to get the exit code or know the child has exited without polling proc_get_status. It's probably easier in some ways than a signal watcher.
@Alesana right, but I suspect he's saying that there will not be a duplicate within a single run of his code - which isn't sufficient given the question
@Trowski Can't you just watch for the stdio streams ending?
@PaulCrovella Ah, that makes sense. Now I understand his logic.
(I have no idea what enable-sigchld does)
@DaveRandom Not sure. Some processes close them before they're finished, so that might interfere. Plus it doesn't tell me anything about how it exited.
ahh right OK
@DaveRandom Sounds good. I prefer a PR on things like this so we can comment directly on the code.
@PaulCrovella It looks like the question is marked as a duplicate of another question which is asking what the answerer is answering, but I think that the question is different.
@DaveRandom Either way… I was treating a double call to kill like a double call to close() on streams, but I'm open to discussion on that.
But 5 different people marked it as a duplicate, maybe there is something I am misunderstanding
@DaveRandom It installs another handler for SIGCHLD, so the signal never reaches userland.
Another option that I have no idea why it exists…
I want to put an answer saying to use hexdec(uniqid()); because I think that it is the only actual answer to what he is asking, but I don't want to put an answer on a question marked as a duplicate :|. Anyways it is an old question so I guess it doesn't really matter.
@Alesana nah, I think that dup is wrong too
@WesStark have you seen the 1998 movie Last Night?
@PaulCrovella I guess I don't exactly understand the duplicate question either haha
i think yes, but i don't remember it
i remember the avatar guy and keira knightley
nope. that doesn't look familiar. should i watch it?
I like it a lot. It's not for everyone though. I asked because you remind me of a character in it, she's running around counting down to the end of the world
fast release process
you don't learn anything about her, she just pops up every so often to yell how much time is left
just like shit software
actually I take it back, you absolutely should watch it.. because if you enjoy it then you deserve to enjoy it, and if you don't you deserve to suffer
holy shit it fucking works @Trowski @bwoebi @kelunik
you fixed php?
oh right, it turns out I still had 7.1.2 in my %path%
once I removed that entry so it was actually using 7.1.7 it was fine
D:\Projects\amp-process>php examples\ping-many.php

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Pinging stackoverflow.com [] with 32 bytes of data:

Pinging google.com [] with 32 bytes of data:

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Pinging github.com [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from Reply from bytes=32 time=12ms TTL=57
bytes=32 time=10ms TTL=55
Reply from bytes=32 time=10ms TTL=54
Reply from bytes=32 time=11ms TTL=57
oh huh, looks like windows ping doesn't output a line at a time
does here.. or at least does a reasonable facsimile of it
or you're just talking about the summary bits
Reply from Reply from bytes=32 time=12ms TTL=57
bytes=32 time=10ms TTL=55
aahhhh, okay. that.
meaning the "Reply from %s: " and "bytes=%d time=%dms TTL=%d" are done in two separate operations (in terms of how it is written to the process output pipe)
yes, i get it now
well since I wrote a multi-threaded program in C, obviously it randomly crashes approx 1 in 5 runs with mysterious non-obvious heap corruptions
in different places every time
^ lol
but still, it does at least semi-work
PoC, anyway
good enough. ship it.
My only c programs were attempts to make it object oriented using macros
multi threads are impressive
@William not particularly, the threads are just loops copying from process stdio handles to sockets
still, it's the first time I wrote a complete C program from a blank sheet of paper
I think it's actually pretty tidy and legible, mostly because there are almost no macros in it
I always overused macros because it did things like LISP in a sense. Yeah makes in incomprehensible
@PaulCrovella cool post. I wish I understood haskell and it didn't have bugs :'( as for c maybe in another life I will understand it
that was intense
I'll hurt you. I swear.
omg so many things happened all at once
didn't expect that.
stop, @wes. just stop. take it to another room.
i'm just saying it's a huge episode
and also shut up and watch it, don't be like bwoebi :D
Hi guys,
Is there any service that provides free 2FA?
I was reviewing my past answers ... and found that the one I am the most proud of got only 2 upvotes and the guy never approved it >.< lol stackoverflow.com/questions/33499648/…
Life sux haha
2 hours later…
good morning
posted on July 24, 2017

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

moin Fabor
holy. shit. https://www.reddit.com/r/oneplus/comments/6nx4eo/i_had_to_dial_911_on_my_op5_yesterday_saw_a/ https://t.co/LJpe1JjrRi
this is madness...
I love OnePlus too.
Yeah I saw that, pretty dangerous
@WesStark done.
the mohawk haircut doesn't really fit tyrion, right?
sorry sorry. just a joke :B
o/ mornin Joe
Hey Joe
Hi every one
Hi guys.
I have a MySQL property,
Which has values in billions.
Data Type: BIGINT
Since PHP Integers in a 64 bit machine can't be over 2 billion,
How would I handle a value bigger than a 64 bit integer?
(Note that I need to use Integer over float as these are monetary values)
you might have counted thousands separators wrong
-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
how many billions do you count :P
i don't know that much counting...
it's 9 quintillions
@HassanAlthaf signed 32 bit integers can't go over ~2 billion
64 integers are ~4 billion times larger.
PHP_INT_MAX is 2 billion
then it's not a 64 bit php
oh, it's that guy who refuses to install a 64-bit build and instead keeps blaming php (or "circumstances") for not doing what he wants
Oh wait nevermind.
My bad.
@PaulCrovella oh right lol
@PaulCrovella To be fair, blaming PHP is a valid strategy that works most of the times.
ISIS makes a terrorist attack? I'm fairly sure it can be boiled down to PHP's fault in some fashion.
Is float
Safe to use as long as there is no decimals?
@MadaraUchiha check his history here, he lost any benefit of the doubt
@HassanAlthaf Define "safe"
Apparently, it rounds up numbers.
Due to a few decimal numbers not being able to be precisely written in binary.
i.e. 0.1
"a few"...
Oh come on.
We're not having an english class here.
It's pretty much the case that no practical decimal fraction can be represented as binary
Practical decimal?
I think float is safe to use here, we will never have a decimal value.
@HassanAlthaf Why use a float to begin with?
What's wrong with int?
My current machine is having 32bit PHP
@HassanAlthaf stop wasting your (and everyone else here's) time, and just install a 64 bit build
@HassanAlthaf Why?
You clearly need larger numbers
And you have a 64 bit operating system
Guess I'll do it then...
@MadaraUchiha 16 bit OS.
Guess I'll do myself a favor and install the 64 bit version..
great. it only took you a week to pick the right decision
I expected the project to be delivered the past friday, but the client decided to have shit tonnes of extension features
@HassanAlthaf As they always do.
@WesStark Was just not willing to configure all my apps for a painful project that will only last for a few days
But turns out, extensions will pull the project for another month.
@HassanAlthaf instead you've wasted your, our, and your client's time struggling with one basic issue
@PaulCrovella Lol
My client's time has not been wasted at all.
I had two months to deliver. I delivered within a month.
if you come back in here with this nonsense again I'm going to assume you're just a troll, which I'm pretty sure you are anyway
I'm not a troll.
I've been in this room since years.
If I really wanted to troll, I would troll the Java room.
People get pissed there very easily.
Wow, should have done this before. Isn't that hard.
Weirdest Monday && first day at new job. We are going to sail and swim as it will be 38°C :P
I haz a vacation \o/ deal witit
@Ekin nice.
@Gordon nice :-)
You'll probably get imprisoned for it though
We aren't going to try overtaking the Greek islands
BRoke xampp. gg
Oh, you are working in Greece now?
@HassanAlthaf you cannot break what's broken by default
@Gordon Nope but they are right across here and we will be sailing nearby
@Ekin how about Troy though?
:D not enough men
ah, you'll just need a big horse, that's all
Yeh with just 8 people in it
GoT giving me the warm fuzzies :P
@Fabor take it to spoiler room for discussion
@Gordon lol
Btw guys, how do you set the installation directory for PHP?
the path^
By default it is C:\php
processes in uninterruptible sleep when disk usage (backup) – #74976
@HassanAlthaf I was serious. We don't use xampp. We either use a VM or containers. Xampp is shit
I'm talking about just PHP
@HassanAlthaf for your local machine you set it to what you want it to be
I'm trying to make it: C:\Program Files\php\php7.1.7
I did create a PHPRC system var.
Let me try rebooting.
Nope. :/
When I type php on console I get that.
Why are you installing locally?
How else?
You mean I should do VM?
I usually use Vagrant for that nowadays
I believe you have to download a fresh copy of Linux or something.
Yes you should use a VM
For evrey app
because through shared folders, I don't even need a local composer
@HassanAlthaf no, you download an image once
I'm on a very limited connection unfortunately.
I tried brew/vagrant (cannot remember exactly) once.
It had me download ubuntu and I didn't even realize
brew and vagrant are completely different things
but yeah, it will download at least one image
And if you just want PHP, just download PHP. It has a built-in server and sqlite will do for a DB. There is no reason to use xampp
OSX comes with PHP doesn't it?
c:\program files looks like windows to me
I used to have a Mac before.
And I tried it on that.
Yes, Mac has built in PHP.
And no, I need MySQL, MSSQL, pMa.
Will I get crucified in here for saying that I use Homestead?
Is there any way to setup PHP to that path
Instead of C:\php
Download Virtual Box > Download Vagrant > go to puphpet.com and build a config file > run vagrant up
@GNi33 Why would you? Just because Laravel provides it?
@Fabor No internet to download a Ubuntu image. :/
yeah, I tend to be cautious about that in here :P
Only got 5 gigs left for the rest of the month.
@HassanAlthaf why?
@Gordon So that I can have multiple versions and switch from either of them
And not spam my C:\ folder. I like it clean.
@GNi33 not really, just a bit of lapidation.
Morning 11!
good, I can deal with that
@HassanAlthaf use a VM. It does that
@GNi33 You a Laravel fanboy like me?
@Gordon Like I said, only have 5 gigs left. Can't setup a VM.
Internet here is really expensive.
@HassanAlthaf Buy some more then
Then get more
We aren't suggesting this because we're too lazy to figure out windows for you. We are telling you for your own good.
@HassanAlthaf get a VPS?
If you cannot afford that I doubt you really really need this setup
yeah VPS is cheap these days. hell google has a free tier
and basically unlimited bandwidth
I like Local PHP. :D
Don't you have to configure the VM every time you have a new project?
you can't have the butter and the butter lady
lol @FlorianMargaine
(I guess that's not a french expression I should have translated literally.)
And getting MSSQL-PDO to work is painful on Ubuntu anyways
@FlorianMargaine oh, you certainly should have. i'm keeping it.
@HassanAlthaf yes. And that's okay because the VM needs to match prod as close as possible to avoid surprises when deploying
a popular following is ".. and her ass"
Just ordered some KFC and the delivery guy gave me a scratch card. They don't have coins in Vietnam though. Actually that reminds me as I was coaching baskteball last night I tried to explain a coin toss and it wen't completely above their heads.
morning o/
@Gordon Production machine is gonna be Windows.
@Fabor right! thanks.
@PaulCrovella hehe
@HassanAlthaf then setup a Windows VM
I don't have 500 MB for Ubuntu, I definitely don't have 3 GB for Windows. :D
@Ekin happy birthday for yesterday <3
All I hear is "I don't want to do proper development"
@Gordon lel
I'm not a million dollar agency. :D
@HassanAlthaf So you don't have money for bandwidth but I remember you buying twitter followers before -_-
@Fabor Twitter followers?
@HassanAlthaf, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Website, Mobile, Desktop Application Developer and Designer. #Technophile
122 tweets, 368 followers, following 41 users
I only have about 400
Who even buys twitter followers, there's this app called tweepi or something where you can get 'em for free
If this is development for a client, you should have no problem affording a proper setup. If it's a private project, I question your choice of using a Windows stack over a Linux stack
@HassanAlthaf no, I just like using Homestead
@JayIsTooCommon you mean 20th :-) thanks. To you too
+1 Gordon
@Gordon Yeah, it's a client.
@Gordon that's his shtick
But I'm gonna be testing it on production server before release anyway...
@JayIsTooCommon She tried to hide it from us but I am a <s>stalker</s> detective. Muaha
but nice!
I just ended up getting a VPS.
highfalutin: pompous; bombastic; haughty; pretentious.
But realized that 7.1 is not available in ubuntu?
PHP 7.0 is the one that is installed when I apt-get install php
@Fabor :P lol
I bet it was the gameboy
Damn, you found my secret ways -_-
Dope present though. Batteries lasted forever on those things.
Did you hear about the followup to the database movie? It's a really great SQL
@HassanAlthaf sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ondrej/php
@Fabor Yeah. Been playing a lot of tekken last few days
So good. I loved Tekken on the GBA. Worms too
@Patrick Thanks, figured.
To use pecl, I have to do sudo apt-get -y php-pear yeah?
@HassanAlthaf what? why?
what year is this?
I need to get PDO drivers for SqlSrv
you run sqlsrv on ubuntu?
oh happy belated birthday @Ekin
No, it's a remote server.
The main game server runs on Windows.
But the web server runs on Ubuntu
Hey @Joe 🎶 thank you :-)
For some reason I keep getting that error when I execute: 'sudo pecl install sqlsrv'
Basketball time \o
o/ sailing time. Laters
working with linux makes me feel like a hacker
aloha! o/
@bwoebi Does :* even work? Shouldn't that be :0? github.com/amphp/aerys/commit/…
I have Laravel app and I am trying to show articles data in a Datatable. How many record I should allow to show Datatable Without slowing my page load. Lets say I want to show (id, title, updated_at and active) fields.
$articles = Article::pluck('id', 'title', 'updated_at', 'active');
wtf is that code doing
view() // functions available in global namespace
Coupling of object to global function
any one here using Push queues ?
The problem, @abdallaarbab, is that this is not object oriented programming. It has so many side effects that we don't know are happening, and coupling everywhere, that I'm not sure I know how to give you advice
looks like laravel
Oops. it just for demonstration. I didn't even try it out. I am just looking for the right count in the if statement.
@Patrick plucking of course
only about 100 collection methods that you need to remember :D
can't bring myself to click that link
Just got offered an extra £100 for the week if I integrate with a SOAP API... Definitely not worth it.
@abdallaarbab there is no golden answer for that, it depends on too many things, how large is the table, how slow are your machines, what is "too slow" for you, etc..
@pmmaga how slow laravel makes it

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