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01:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

Do anyone know how to reset the time from the modify() class in PHP php.net/manual/es/datetime.modify.php
For example: I have a date like 2017-06-18 00:46 called $then
I add a second to it with: $then->modify('+1 second');
But, after some code below the expression I can't reset the time of how it was. I tried: $then->modify('-1 second');
But it doesn't work. It keep adding and adding seconds.
Do anyone know how to reset the time to the previous or current time I was?
@LuigiLopez 3v4l.org/UDduH works for me.
> know how to reset the time to the previous
I'll show
Don't try to do that - just create a copy of the original time, and use/modify that.
@Danack How I could do this?
$dateOriginal = clone $date;
Hi all; if I'm passing the contents of a text field in a form (email address) to another PHP file via AJAX, do I need to escape anything?
> Notice: Undefined variable: then in /in/egIi0 on line 4
@Danack I did it :( but I just haveone variable "$then" so if I do $then = clone $then; it doesn't work
@Arc676 if you're encoding it with JSON.stringify() and passing it as a body, then probably not.
@Danack Updated. 3v4l.org/dJaUY
@LuigiLopez sscce.org
> it doesn't work
That's also not a very good description of how it's not working.
@Danack I solved. After next block of code, I add again the modifys
Look that I add a second, substract a second, and repeated: 3v4l.org/qcHsa
@Danack I'm not sure what 'passing as a body' means; this is my first time using PHP. I've pasted the relevant code here.
@LuigiLopez So? I can't see where you're testing whether the time has been reset or not. The example I showed you, shows that the modify bit works. You're not showing me it not working, you're just dumping a whole load of code, and the bit that's not behaving correctly is likely to not be the time modification.
@Arc676 you can either pass parameters in the body of a request, which POST does by default, or pass parameters as a query string, which puts them in the URL that is requested. As you're using POST it should be fine.
@Danack So I don't need to protect against script injection or anything, right? The other PHP file just writes the email address (and some other omitted variables) to a file and nothing else.
@Arc676 that sounds fine.
Alright, thanks for your help!
@Danack Some images for more explanation...#1 imgur.com/8WeBuzf #2 imgur.com/wP1mTcQ (working)
@Danack #1 imgur.com/nhlQIsN #2 imgur.com/T2GLeeT (not working)
> If you are having a problem with some code and seeking help, preparing a Short, Self Contained, Correct Example (SSCCE) is very useful. But what is an SSCCE?

It is all in the name, really. Take a look at each part. The version prepared for others to see should be:

Short (Small) - Minimise bandwidth for the example, do not bore the audience.
Self Contained - Ensure everything is included, ready to go.
Correct - Copy, paste, (compile,) see is the aim.
Example - Displays the problem we are trying to solve.
From the link.
You're having an issue with time (allegedly). There doesn't need to be any database code in there.
Sorry. I solved. I'll look forward to meet the SSCCE.
2 hours later…
@tereško Read The Kingkiller Chronicles. 3 books, 2 released so far. It's basically Skyrim.
I'm having trouble appending a variable to a global array. For some reason the function only shows one variable inside the array at a time.
function arraycompare($x){

global $needleArray;

array_push($needleArray, $x);

return $needleArray;
if I call the function multiple times with different parameters, it claims the only object in the array is the most recent string I appended to it, and that's it
1 hour later…
posted on June 18, 2017

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

@Wes :P magik
Do I have to restart the Aerys server each time for code changes or is there a faster way? @kelunik
@Fabor Yes, you can use inotify or something like that to restart it automatically.
Cool thanks. Will look in to it.
If you're running in non-debug mode, you can use vendor/bin/aerys --restart
Mind if I quickly chatroom you or busy?
@Fabor Not really busy
Ah okay, ignore IRC then :P
I said not busy :D
Damn I saw a comma for some reason. I messaged the stuff on the amphp IRC channel privately to you.
What do you call an Argentinian with a rubber toe? Roberto
@Jeeves ha
@Linus 'While My Guitar Gently Weeps'.
@Jeeves :P
@Linus Yes.
@Jeeves twinkle twinkle little star
@Linus How I wonder what you are.
@Jeeves Up above the world so high
@Linus Like a diamond in the sky.
@Jeeves you know the whole poem right?
@Linus Yes, two roads diverged in a yellow wood.
wow... i just learn twinkle twinkle little star :)
mornin tereško o/
mornings o/
Sap guys. Please any help on how to format a column while retrieving data from mysql in Laravel? I want to turn the created_at to a timestamp when querying before returning the results.
@ultrasamad we don't do Laravel here. Try asking in laravel.io/chat
Morgen fine people and @tereško
@DaveRandom how's the office and home stuff?
morgen PeeHaa
Are they both still there?
@tereško thanks
oh... I forgot to change my name... shit
Who are you?
I was Saitama, BUT NOW I AM KURISU!
It's all hentai to us
i searched for meaning of hentai google shows me xvideos...
@Linus It's tentacle porn
All of it
@PeeHaa no, some have interesting plots as well
and as for me, I watch it for the plot alone
Yes like the plot of the pool cleaning guy turning out to have a huge dick kind of plot
Only his dick are actually tentacles
Boku To Misaki-Sensei
great plot ^
a close up of a giraffe https://t.co/FFwV1yWMO5
The gift that just keeps giving cc @DaveRandom
brb, gotta pawn some n00bs
Guys, what word should I use as an alternative for "punishment"?
> I took a wrong ticket and I have to pay a "punishment" to cancel it
what? you mean " ... I have to pay a fine to cancel it" ?
penalty also you can use
fine also means sort of penalty
Ah I see, I will go with penalty. Sounds good
confirm with other too :P
Hello, does someone here have experience creating user license system with account & sub-accounts?
@Linus I did it already ;-) . penalty is the suggestion of a native too.
in RegEx - Regular Expressions, 2 hours ago, by CSᵠ
@HamZa can we disable php bugs from Jeeves? could it spam something relevant for this room?
@PeeHaa ^ ??
Yes it's a plugin. It can just be disabled
@PeeHaa but can it be disabled for a single room?
yes it can / should
I see
@Jeeves buddy!
@PeeHaa And sorry I could not travel both.
file(): http:// wrapper is disabled after upgrade to PHP 7.1.6 – #74774
What did one snowman say to the other snowman? Smells like carrots.
I don't get it
I mean, I get that snowmen have carrots for noses, but is that the only joke here?
yes it is
Dad jokes aren't supposed to be good :P
!!annoy Kurisu
@Kurisu @Kurisu @Kurisu @Kurisu @Kurisu @Kurisu @Kurisu @Kurisu @Kurisu @Kurisu @Kurisu @Kurisu @Kurisu @Kurisu @Kurisu @Kurisu @Kurisu @Kurisu @Kurisu hi
!!annoy room11
room11 room11 room11 room11 room11 room11 room11 room11 room11 room11 room11 room11 room11 room11 room11 room11 room11 room11 room11 hi
php -l syntax check error in default php.ini – #74775
whizzo: absolutely first-rate; superb; excellent.
!!search samayo
undocumented change: PHP 7.1 preserves scope of call_user_func, breaks usage – #74776
I have a nice program but main is a mess :'(
@kelunik I figured the issue … basically, within the destructor of the UVLoop, we try to cancel a task, but it's not cancellable as the task has already been started or finished. It will then call the callback once the task is done - and within that callback, we're calling this uv_fs_stat() function, leading to the mentioned warning…
@bwoebi So what do we do now?
@kelunik Probably ignoring the actual callback and call it with a cancelled message
@bwoebi Did you see github.com/amphp/file/issues/16?
!!lxr mkdir
[ /main/php.h#120 ] # define mkdir(a, b) _mkdir(a)
lol mkdir macro
@kelunik probably related… looking
My friend says my sarcasm level increased and also humor improved thanks r11
@kelunik Yep, a simple counter should be fine
Did you run the parallel tests with UV yet?
@kelunik and pcntl? not yet
Yes, of course.
@Ekin y tho? ;-;
@Kurisu Because that's my avatar, Saitama :P
You have a different image tho... And a different name as well...
I will change it again after 1 month... No worries 😁
:-) yeah, just weird there are three Kurisu avatars in room now :P but anyway
@K__ Could you say "Who'd want a pervert's banana" one more time please?
cc @Kurisu @Ekin
php is just a prank, bro
@MadaraUchiha Who'd want a pervert's' banana​? 😚😚
BTW is K__ and Ekin different persons?
@ndugger :p
@MadaraUchiha :P hentai tensai shoujo yo
that's a freaking funny scene :D
Don't trust atoms They make up everything
@Jeeves why not electrons??
@Linus Because I hate circuits.
@Jeeves your argument is invalid Sir
@Linus I wasn't arguing...
@Jeeves you know you make my day ;) thanks PeeHaa
@Linus You're welcome!
Somebody with macOS + php-uv here?
I'm having trouble appending a variable to a global array. For some reason the function only shows one variable inside the array at a time.
function arraycompare($x){

global $needleArray;

array_push($needleArray, $x);

return $needleArray;
if I call the function multiple times with different parameters, it claims the only object in the array is the most recent string I appended to it, and that's it
Why are you both returning and setting the thing (eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek) globally?
@PeeHaa Not to mention it's called arraycompare and it's not comparing anything...
/me starts lighting up the fire to put the code in :P
automatically convert all strings given in php script file – #74777
Although that probably will summon cthulhu
@PeeHaa Could you please put gist.github.com/trowski/65345c045c806d2fc66fccc0f909d3fa into ./bin/test.php in amphp/parallel and see if it hangs while running?
I need to get a fresh parallel checkout while I am at it?
Don't think so.
Wait, I think that won't run on Windows...
Replace the stream_socket_pair with @\stream_socket_pair(\stripos(PHP_OS, "win") === 0 ? STREAM_PF_INET : STREAM_PF_UNIX, STREAM_SOCK_STREAM, STREAM_IPPROTO_IP)
No the function is called array compare because i still have to add in additional functionality, but cant do it unless i get this part working first. And Needlearray is a global variable im calling into scope with that declaration
The function arrayCompare is called from another function that uses a POST variable and uses it as a parameter in the arraycompare function
@PeeHaa Nevermind, already solved.
Great!! Mariadb just decided to stop working for no reason.
@Shafizadeh what did you delete?
@Wes Happy birthday
@bwoebi @Trowski Letting the GC close resources is extremely ugly. github.com/amphp/byte-stream/commit/…
@kelunik why do you need to do that at all?
I tried adding an explicit if ($this->resource) @\fclose($this->resource);, but that makes a UV assertion fail.
@bwoebi Yes.
sorry, meant why
@bwoebi Because we don't fclose but let the GC handle that.
oh, I see
I think close is so explicit, it should really close the resource.
It only really matters in such a test though
usually you just control one end, and then the code is fine too.
And any other case where the user keeps a reference, e.g. because he's doing other things in the same coroutine afterwards.
Then closing will wait until that coroutine finishes.
whether you explicitly ->close() or unset(), is the same?
I don't explicitly ->close(), I use ->end() and expect it to close it.
it should shut the write stream
and that's good enough for your test
Right → \fclose.
no, stream_socket_shutdown()
That does only work for TCP streams, at least not for all streams.
@kelunik You only end() TCP streams.
No, might also end STDOUT.
does it not work on unix streams and pipes?
IIRC, no.
@kelunik it should though according to the man page
ah… well, works on unix streams, just not pipes
@bwoebi github.com/amphp/byte-stream/commit/… seems to work, on pipes it's a NOOP I think.
Are pipes always unidirectional?
pipes are only half-duplex by nature
Can we somehow know whether it's a pipe or not?
I don't know
We could just \fclose() those then.
But could you investigate the assertion error?
Just replace the shutdown with a fclose and rerun the tests.
@kelunik I know that assertion error, it's inherent to libuv, nothing to do about that. Just ensure all watchers are stoppped before calling fclose()
Ah, so I just have to cancel the watcher before the fclose?
@bwoebi What's the way to prevent travis-ci.org/amphp/file/jobs/244282246#L958-L961 again?
@kelunik you wanted to add a busy counter?
@bwoebi I suggested that, didn't say I'm doing that yet. :D
But do you think it's caused by that?
1) Amp\File\Test\ParallelHandleTest::testWrite
Failed asserting that 12 is identical to 6.
^ That one fails locally for me now, but it's fine on Travis.
Yes. otherwise the loop wouldn't be terminating
Do you have time currently?
One day I'll destroy all computers... or maybe they'll destroy me.
@bwoebi Should I change github.com/amphp/file/blob/… to a lower value than PHP_INT_MAX? Might create overflows somewhere?
@kelunik shouldn't matter
but if you want to, just set it to /2
Any idea why 1) Amp\File\Test\ParallelHandleTest::testWrite fails with 12 instead of 6?
Evenin room
@bwoebi Seems to be fine on Travis now: travis-ci.org/amphp/file/jobs/244287923
@bwoebi Regarding github.com/amphp/byte-stream/commit/…, should we use fclose there?
!!lxr stream_get_meta_data
[ /ext/standard/streamsfuncs.c#515 ] PHP_FUNCTION(stream_get_meta_data)
@bwoebi The info is there, just not sure whether we can pull it out: lxr.room11.org/xref/php-src%40master/main/streams/…
> I was referring to the visual ambiguity - the fn($x) part of the syntax is
indistinguishable from a function-call.
Someone please tell him that fn($x) => is indistinguishable from a function call in the same way that if($x) {} is indistinguishable from a function call...
by. your. command.
@pmmaga There was an ad once I think here on SO careers a few years back, about wanted a node developer with 6 years experience. I contacted them and told them that given node existing for only 4 years at the time, they'd have a hard time finding a dev.
They tried to hire me.
@MadaraUchiha it's a good bait to get people to respond :P
@pmmaga Never assume malice in place of ignorance.
Although you do have a point there. I didn't get that vibe from them though
it's probably a honest mistake, but it works!
Right now we're looking for JS devs at our company
And we're getting mighty sick of people with "4 years of experience" that don't know how this works in JavaScript, or whether events propagate upwards or downwards
For JS developers you don't want people with experience
@NikiC I want people who know the language
You need someone who's only 3 months on the job market, more likely they knew the new hot JS framework :P
I don't care if you worked with Angular 2 for the past year or with React+TypeScript+Redux+WhateverFlux
I care if you know what a closure is, how the prototype chain works, what features the language has and when to use them.
People like that can learn any framework to near mastery in a few weeks.
Kind of similar to PHP, but it's worse in JS
There are so many ways to accomplish the same thing, that you can actually skip significant parts of the language and be productive at a framework of your choice.
So far, we've found one candidate we really liked
And he spoke neither Hebrew or English -_-. Just Russian.
How did you interview him?
Did someone just happen to speak Russian?
Coworker who speaks Russian
I'm telling you, I was never so disappointed in my life. What a miss. T_T
There was a brief moment when I considered hiring an extra translator just to hire him
(guy was 59 y/o, I doubt he would have learned Hebrew or English)
Must have left quite an impression...
@NikiC He answered all of our questions on the phone 150% completely
If it weren't for the language barrier, I would have hired him without a formal interview just based on the phone talk.
He smelled like the kind of guy you give a half finished sketch to and he'd come back 2 days later with a full working page with transitions and perfect responsiveness, and apologize it doesn't work in IE8 at 1024px width.
@kelunik yw :P
user image
@samayo thanks :B
@Ocramius Considering the things you make them do the latter is probably what will happen
!!lxr stream_socket_shutdown
[ /ext/standard/streamsfuncs.c#1730 ] PHP_FUNCTION(stream_socket_shutdown)
Night all 🌃 o/
@kelunik @bwoebi @NikiC @PeeHaa
ignore the trunk
i'm finally happy with the result :B
I think I like that except for the left two cells of the ear
I liked it more before
Not a fan of the cell structure
But how does that look in the small version now?
need to improve the transition on the ear
@kelunik so the gradient transition on the ear must be improved
and the eye should be perfectly centered in a cell
also the "notch" of the trunk shouldn't be too close to the tusk
these are the changes i'm gonna make, thoughts?
i really like this one
I thought it's too much first, but I think it works, suggestions look fine
@bwoebi I'm getting php: src/unix/core.c:519: uv__close: Assertion fd > STDERR_FILENO' failed.` also if I call Loop::cancel before the fclose.
@bwoebi Do you think github.com/amphp/byte-stream/commit/… is fine?
@kelunik i think now is actually finished tho
i just had to do all these attempts. it just had too much potential for leaving it so bland :B
it's not bad but it feels.... unfinished
like we lost the opportunity to do something actually great :B
@Wes now, or nearly? :D
nearly :B
it's the bloody trunk
and the spirals. AGH
someone should really improve the spiral tools in [insert any software name]
@Wes php
That needs more spirals
Some fractals even
i.imgur.com/3Dhqypx.png @kelunik try this on amphp.org
wait i'm an idiot
@kelunik I assume you're aware that amphp.org is full of dead links?
here is the proper one @kelunik try this on amphp.org :B
it is a big improvement from the one that is up currently
@NikiC No, wasn't... sending GitHub support request...
@kelunik Huh, why do you need a support request?
dang so sexy
again eye must be centered within that cell
you don't like it?
I don't like the segmentation...
@NikiC Because we were using GitHub Pages on the master branch. Now we renamed master to 2.x, which implicitly disables GitHub Pages and worse doesn't allow to re-enable, because it only allows master, not simply ./docs on default branch.
It was good as it was
@Wes The version on amphp.org is better than that one for comparison. :P
@kelunik i don't remember anymore what's what
@NikiC was, which? this? i.imgur.com/TASCQSE.png
@Wes The one on the website now is nice
looks bland to me
@kelunik or you mean compared to the new one?
But the cell one probably looks better when it's larger
Night 🌃
:B yeah that was complicated
Is that illustrator?
it's doable in illustrator but would've taken me even more time. it's rhinoceros
illustrator is terrible with snapping (of any kind, tangent, perpendicular, grid...)
How is the learning curve?
it is much simpler than illustrator if you use it 2d
@samayo in illustrator you can do pretty much anything if you try enough, but there's a problem, you spend half of the time switching tools
i think they had something in mind in the beginning and they stick to it
Which tools?
if they changed tools now the whole community would rage
pretty much anything
I use Adobe PS pretty well. I have been wanting to try Illustrator, but not sure if Rhinoceros 3D is better.
keyboard shortcuts help but it's still a lot of overhead
ps is much better designed than illustrator :B
if you want a job in web design you should learn illustrator :B it's just me using rhino :B
Yeah :)
I think I will try Illustrator first and then move on.
I am doing everything in my current job.
From making logo, wireframing, graphic design, front-end/back-end, drupal 8 .... you name it
01:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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