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anyone know how to edit the html templates in Hudson ?
is this as dead as it looks like/
I just found out about these new chat rooms.
is anyone using java porting of gettext @ code.google.com/p/gettext-commons
Good day. I don't use Java much. I am trying to install JAI-ImageIO for amd64 so I can run (already compiled) dcm2jpg. I copied the jar to /usr/share/java, didn't work. How can I teach Java to use this? I haven't looked that hard for the amd64 installer but it's been a pain to try and find it.
2 hours later…
cookiecaper: Look up the meaning of the CLASSPATH environment variable
this really is an very active chat
But I wonder if there exists an IRC bridge to this
either it is an IRC back-end, and then it does, or this is their own custom ajax dohicky and it doesn't
Personally I'd say its unlikely this is IRC based
wouldn't make much sense if you want to bind it nicely to usernames and logos and would invite more problems than it would solve.
this is pretty flush to be honest
is it possible to call C++ library from Java ?
if yes, how ?
you're looking for JNI (Java Native Interface)
Perhaps this will help:
BjornS: thanks! will definitely look into that
while it does work, I would recommend not using it unless you know exactly what you are doing
I am trying to call a Machine Learning library written in C++ from my Java code
have you considered looking into java based machine learning libraries :)
they are slow / buggy for what I want to do.
mahout.apache.org is quite good
the C++ library has the features I want.
ok, but be warned, you might run into all kinds of nasty problems working across platforms like that
Mahout doesn't have a CRF implementation, as far as I know
JNI works in theory, in practise I can say nothing for it other than I suspect you will have funny issues with types and any kind of change in the api will need to be reflected on both platforms very carefully
using JNI is not trivial
mind you, there are several CRF implementations in java you might explore ;) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conditional_random_field
BjornS: do you have any experience with CRFs?
Not much
I've worked with Markov chains before mind you
from what I've read, they are not too different
hmm, ok
I was wondering how many samples does one need for CRF training?
depends entierly on the domain I guess
how much time do you have, how much training data do you have, what quality is it etc etc ad nausium
if you find that you're not getting the results you wanted, turn up the size of your training data :)
this is for address tokenization to: house, street, city, region, etc.
hmm, sounds like a strange domain to do that for but sure
why do you think it is a strange domain?
well most of the time addresses are formatted correctly, its only really applicable if you're trying to datamine for addresses in free text, and you said tokenize so I presume you already have the addresses as a string :)
Has anyone got a good success rate with mturk for subjective questions?
mturk, such a politically correct name :P
anyone know how to do "mouseover" events in swing?
hi everyone
ClassPathScanningCandidateComponentProvider from spring is magic!
what does it do?
before RTFM :)
lets you scan a package for classes matching certain criteria
I use it to scan a package for all classes with a certain annotation and then use that to produce a sitemap
Q: Scanning Java annotations at runtime

AlotorWhat is the best way of searching the whole classpath for an annotated class? I'm doing a library and I want to allow the users to annotate their classes, so when the Web application starts I need to scann the whole classpath for certain annotation. Do you know a library or a Java facility to d...

that is nice
incredibly useful for decoupled coding
having to register each page with a sitemap generator is a pain in the ass, now I can just put an annotation on a page class and it'll just work
Annotations make life very easy if I am using annotations not providing them
providing them is pretty easy too :)
when I use reflections and all those fancy stuff I get easily confused
mmmmm Guava
Anyone have any suggestions for getting an open source java lib off the ground ?
I'll take that as a no then
2 hours later…
Can't help but think that this is a troll name: stackoverflow.com/users/386562/julian-assange
2 hours later…
crick crick :)
Anybody got an idea about this issue? stackoverflow.com/questions/2428109/…
Encountered this one on my code, looking for a workaround...
@Ido From the question: ...I was adjusting some of the transforms and found that the bug does not occur if I just filter through an identity matrix... Have you tried that?
@BjornS He's here to let the world know the cold hard truth behind Android.
urrr, @MarkPeters, hehe yes, AndroidLeaks perhaps?
oh hey
@Ido, are you doing medical imaging?
I wrote my master thesis on Tricubic interpolation of MRI images, coded in java :)
@Markp - no, have not tried filtering through identity matrix, i will try that.
@BjornS - yes, but not stuff like you mention... just some applications/utilities/workflow for an NM scanner host.
thats incredibly odd though
Hi, how can i place logout in .xhtml page of Richfaces?
anybody help me regarding this....
well an identity matrix shouldn't affect anything, and the weird line shouldn't occur
my guess is that it is a flaw in the interpolation maths when A and B are identical.
I experienced similar problem when I was doing Tricubic interpolation
Agreed. that is odd. What did you do in your case? work around it?
I wasn't able to fix it in time
hi, guys. does anybody have ready snippet to deep merge two java beans?
@Chupa check out Dozer
@mattb Thanks, will take a look
1 hour later…
How would I make a thread wait until another thread has run for 10 seconds of CPU time?
run a timer with a callback that does it?
@AlexReece CPU time? There's no portable way in Java I don't think
@AlexReece Would probably need JNI or something
@MarkPeters yeah. The java management package offers a way to get CPU time for threads, but doesn't appear to allow me to wait
I can hack it ( a while loop around a sleep() statement ) but that sounds grossly inefficient
@AlexReece Yeah and sleep() is not CPU time anyway. There's no guarantee the other thread had ANY CPU time during that period.
Oh I see what you're suggesting
Yeah what you are suggesting is probably the best bet. It won't be hugely inefficient if you don't need to be hugely precise...just schedule maybe 1 second sleep cycles.
@Alex try to make a habit of posting your question link here if you've already asked it on the main site
@MarkPeters I just asked the question because there is no action on the chat. Sorry
Q: How would I make a thread join on another thread but only wait for n seconds of CPU time?

Alex ReeceotherThread.join( time ) appears to wait time in real milliseconds. I want to wait time in actual CPU time so that I can get consistent behavior within my application. I've done a quick look at ThreadMXBean but that doesn't quite seem to have what I wanted ( it tells me the threads actual CPU t...

@MarkPeters I was hoping to avoid having to do context switching.
6 hours later…
Is anyone in here?
Hi mangst, do you have any experience with using Flex and Java?
No, sorry, I've never used Flex before.
ok, cool. I am a Flex / ColdFusion developer and was just starting to look for resources on how to make Flex talk to Java and what all you would need on the server side to make it all work
I thought that Flex was a Java technology?
im just starting to look through google, but was just wondering if anyone had any good experience with it
no Flex is adobe
Oh that's right, Flex is like Flash.
You could probably just set up a Java web application using Tomcat and then send HTTP requests from Flex to the Java server.
You could write Java servlets to respond to the requests.
yeah, thats the parts im not sure about. I will probably use blazeDS to allow me to do remoting calls to the java backend, but I wasn't sure what else I would need
is tomcat free?
Yes, Tomcat is free.
I don't think you would need anything fancy to do this.
yeah, I wouldn't expect so
You would just create a normal Java web application which runs in Tomcat
does tomcat run on osx?
The web application would have servlets which respond to the HTTP requests that come from Flex.
Yeah it does.
ok, cool
I think it's platform agnostic.
you better hurry if you wanna use tomcat in OSX :P
java is being deprecated
well, I had seen that, but I wasn't sure what that would affect. I figured it was really only going to affect GUI apps like ecplise (which would definitely be bad for me) but I wasn't sure how that would affect server applications
@RyanGuill yeah probably you're right
don't think that servlets have some platform specific stuff
@mangst didn't you hear?
it's like THE news lately
Is Apple going to stop supporting its Java VM?
but the most probable thing is that Oracle is going to take over
Oh, well that's not so bad then.
like they do with windows and unix
I was scared for a second! :X
no, but people tend to spread FUD quickly
don't worry dude
well help me understand this then, what is it exactly that apple is currently providing? the JVM?
custom parts, specially the UI stuff
and then a J2EE platform sits on top of that and runs, like tomcat?
yeah, tomcat is not a J2EE platform
Tomcat provides an implementation of J2EE
At least of the Container half.
I really don't know what J2EE is
I mean, I do know
but it's like fuzzy and buzzwordy
its a misnomer you mean?
so what would you call tomcat then?
There's two parts to a J2EE Application Server...the Container part that runs things like servlets and JSP and the EJB part which runs the EJBs.
I'd call it a servlet container
yeah, I'm not sure if tomcat has one of those
EJB == Enterprise Java Beans?
EJB containers
Yeah, Tomcat only has the Container part
yeah, also EJB == crap
Yeah, I hear less and less people are using EJBs
okay, so the servlet container though sits on top of and requires a jvm?
yeah, since it's written in java
Yeah, Tomcat needs a Java VM to run
and things like jrun are servlet containers too?
never heard of tat
Neither have I
seems like a servlet container from adobe
Im sure it need the jvm too
okay, google says jrun is an j2ee application server
is there a difference?
coldfusion runs on top of jrun (from adobe) by default, but you can run it on other things too I believe
seems like a tuned tomcat that also runs coldfusion
ok, cool
Tomcat isn't a full J2EE application server, it doesn't support EJBs
well what do you need EJB's for? or put another way, is there things that I can't do with tomcat that I would need to?
im talking relatively simple stuff, basic classes, talking to a database, writing files to a filesystem, etc
You can do all that stuff with Tomcat.
ok cool
EJB are more like a "stack" solution
like ruby on rails
I don't know too much about EJBs, but I've worked on fully functional applications before that didn't use EJBs
you get the servlets, the db layer, etc
that's why people say it's bloated (and they're right)
so EJB's are sort of like a framework?
framework is also a misnomer
you wouldn't call rails a framework on ruby?
(I don't know much about it, I am just asking)
I would, yeah
would you call junit a framework?
or a library?
I think that once Java web frameworks like Spring became mature, people began to see EJBs as unnessary and bloated
ah, I see the distinction I think
That's my impression anyway
okay, I have access to a windows 7 box, would it be easier to work on it rather than osx for installing and working with tomcat?
im pretty comfortable in both
I'd use OSX
just to avoid dealing with the crappy windows console
but, I haven't use windows for a while now so my opinion might be biased
Installing Tomcat just involves unzipping a ZIP file, so I don't think it really matters
But the Windows console is indeed crappy.
yeah, if im going to have to live in a console I would much prefer to be in osx
Then to start Tomcat, you run a shell or BAT script depending on your os
well im going to be using blazeDS, and im trying to figure out if it has tomcat in it already or if I need that separately
this page: adobe.com/devnet/livecycle/articles/blazeds_testdrive.html leads me to believe that tomcat comes with it, they call it a BlazeDS turnkey server
Looks like it does
okay, so this page says this:
If you have downloaded the BlazeDS Turnkey ZIP file, unzip it to create a directory structure on your computer that contains all of the resources necessary to build your application.
Alternately, you can download and unzip the BlazeDS binary distribution ZIP file, which contains just the blazeds.war web application file and a readme file; you deploy the blazeds.war file into your application server.
so, what exactly is a WAR file?
is that what I would use if I already had tomcat installed? I put the war file into tomcat?
A WAR file is just a ZIP file with a different extention.
When you drop it into Tomcat, Tomcat recognizes it, unzips it and starts the web application.
awesome, okay
All you have to do is start Tomcat, then copy the WAR file into the webapps directory.
well im thinking I just use the turnkey option
im hoping that would give me everything I need
okay, this line in the instructions: Make sure that the machine you are installing on has a Java Development Kit (JDK) installed and a JAVA_HOME environment variable.
how do I make sure of that on OSX?
Open a console window and type "echo $JAVA_HOME"
nothing but a blank line
That means you don't have the variable set.
I think that you can set the variable by editing the .base_profile file.
okay, am I setting the variable on my bash profile for my console? or system wide?
It should be system wide
So setting it in your bash profile should work
hmm, i might need help doing that
I am following some instructions, but it doesn't seem to have worked
Oh ok, open the .bash_profile file in your home directory
nevermind, I didn't read far enough that I had to close the terminal window and reopen it
Then add the following textJAVA_HOME=/path/to/jvm" to the end
Yeah, you have to do that
okay, im good now
is there an appropriate place to put this in osx? this says to put it in /Library, is that right?
I think that Applications makes more sense, but you can put it whereever you want
Applications is where I have my Tomcat installation
BlazeDS might be different, but to start Tomcat, run the "startup.sh" script in the "bin" folder
Applications in your user profile or at the root level? (might not be the right terminology, sorry)
That's at the root level--it's located at "/Applications"
so to run it, is it "./startup.sh" ?
Yes, you might have to modify its permissions to make it executable though
And then to shut it down, run the shutdown.sh script
To make it executable, you can run "chmod 744 startup.sh"
how do I know that I have a JDK installed?
Type "java -version"
java version "1.6.0_22"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_22-b04-307-10M3261)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 17.1-b03-307, mixed mode)
So that means that you have Java installed :)
alright, so I installed the blazeds in /Applications, and it has a /tomcat/bin folder underneath it
Oh wait a sec.
That means that you have a JRE installed, but not necessarily a JDK
So try typing "javac"
it gave me a usage help
thats good right?
Yeah, that means you have a JDK
javac is the command used to compile Java files
okay cool
right, I actually knew that I think, but its been a while
You can't compile anything with just a JRE. You need a JDK to compile Java programs.
A JRE is only used to run Java programs.
okay, so I am in /Applications/blazeds/tomcat/bin/
and I type ./startup.sh start
and it says Cannot find /Library/Tomcat/Home/bin/setclasspath.sh
This file is needed to run this program
I have a setclasspath.sh in this bin, but it isn't in /Library/Tomcat...
Oh that's right, you have to make all .sh scripts executable
Because startup.sh references other .sh scripts
So run "chmod 744 *.sh"
okay, I did that, but it still gives the same error
This is BlazeDS you are running?
Ok, maybe they changed Tomcat around.
You might have to install it in /Library
the installation instructions say this:
# To start BlazeDS on Microssoft Windows, open a command window, navigate to install_root/tomcat/bin, and enter the catalina start command. On OS X, UNIX, and Linux, enter ./catalina start. Optionally, on Windows you can navigate to the install_root/tomcat/bin in Windows Explorer and double-click the startup.bat icon.
Right, but didn't it say to install BlazeDS in "/Library"?
but if I run ./catalina start it syas no such file or directory and if I run ./catalina.sh start it says the same thing as before, can't find setclasspath.sh
let me look again
it talks like I can put it anywhere
even my desktop
But it suggested /Library?
well thats just where the error message says its looking
but even if I move it to /Library, the path still wouldn't be right
I wonder if there is a configuration file somewhere
Try just running "./startup.sh" without the "start"
I really appreciate your help with this btw, you have been very patient and helpful
Thank you, no problem!
same output
Does BlazeDS come with an installation program or something?
no, everything im reading seems like I can just extract the zip
try typing "echo $TOMCAT_HOME"
nothing, blank line
you think I need to add that to my bash profile?
I thought that maybe it would be set to /Library/Tomcat/Home, which is why it's trying to look for setclasspath.sh in there.
ah, actually I think I see the problem
What's wrong?
sweet, that was it
I had added these lines to my profile:
export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/Home
export CATALINA_HOME=/Library/Tomcat/Home
whatever catalina is it is what it says to run
but I got those lines from another tutorial that I guess expected I was installing tomcat in /library
fixed that and now it seems to be working
Ahh ok, excellent
sweet, the samples are working
yes, very cool
you have been a great help, is there a way I can give you reputation for this?
thank you! hmm I don't know
i just found out about this chat thing a few days ago
yeah, same here
i'm glad that you got it working
yeah, and it seems to walk me through the rest on how to start setting everything else up
so let me ask you this though
so I am going to go to eclipse and create a new java project, write my code and all that, and I guess im going to tell it to compile it to a certain location?
is there a specific place I should put it or will tomcat be able to find it wherever?
You don't want to create a new Java project
You want to create a new Dynamic Website project or something like that
That is what you can use to write J2EE applications.
im opening it up now to see what my options are
Then, there is a "Server" view.
You can add your Tomcat installation to this and Eclipse will deploy your web application and let you run Tomcat.
yeah it's integrated nicely
how can I tell for sure what version of tomcat I have?
Run "./catalina.sh version"
Server version: Apache Tomcat/6.0.14
is that a fairly new version?
yeah that's pretty recent
the latest version is 7.x
ok cool
Scratch that: the latest stable version is 6.x, 7.x is in beta
oh thats sweet, I can start the server directly in ecliipse
Yes, just make sure to restart the server any time to make a change to your application in order for the changes to propagate down.
so everytime I compile?
ok, very good to know
on osx, how can I extract a war file?
nevermind, I found it
open with - duh
The default extractor program works
okay, what is the difference between an EAR and a WAR
I think that EAR is for EJBs.
I've never worked with EARs before.
ah, okay
alright, so I created a Dynamic Web Project
do I put my code where it says Java Resources: src ?
Yes your source code goes in src.
Then, basically everything in WebContent gets deployed to Tomcat.
The compiled class files go in WEB-INF/classes, this is a J2EE standard.
okay, so this thing started something listening on localhost:8400
is that tomcat itself I guess?
Tomcat runs on 8080 by default, but maybe blazeds changed that.
okay, so here is possibly a stupid questino
Haha no problem!
but I am looking through here and under the tomcat directory there is a /webapps/samples directory with a bunch of different directories underneath it
that samples directory has a WEB-INF
Yes, samples is a web application
I think that BlazeDs said that it came with sample apps
how does tomcat know that WEB-INF directory is there and to look there for executable code?
That's a J2EE standard--all J2EE apps have a WEB-INF directory.
in other words, if I create a test/WEB-INF/ project, will it just pick that up automatically? or is there something I need to edit?
You also need a deployment descriptor, which is a file called web.xml
Eclipse should have created a default one
yeah, thats in the WEB-INF
but is there another file that I need to tell tomcat that there is a new WEB-INF folder with a web.xml file?
Yes, this file specifies things like the application's servlets and login information.
No, Tomcat will see that there's a new directory or a new WAR file in the webapps directory and it will automatically start the application.
oh really? automatically?
yeah, you don't have to run any commands or anything
thats awesome
it listens for changes to that folder
but it would need to be underneath the tomcat directory though right?
yeah, the application has to be under TOMCAT/webapps
ah, gotcha
okay, so what do I need to do in my eclipse project to tell it to put my stuff in that webapps directory?
But if you make any changes to the application's source code and the class files need to be recompiled, then you have to restart Tomcat.
do I just change the default output folder?

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