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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

did something exciting happen that is another point in favor of me going out and getting another 6.8k rep
@Morwenn night <3
@jaggedSpire C4421: Could not parse
@Borgleader does something even how where it looks more like when it does?
nah, it's not that interesting
I can take a screenshot tomorrow
I was asking if the deleted meta post was exciting enough to add to the list of reasons to hit 10k rep
@Borgleader lol
@milleniumbug thanks
@Borgleader omg hilarious
...I should keep a 10k rep link list, of all the links I should visit when/if I hit 10k
otoh I'll get notified of all the flags in this chat
i.e. once in a blue moon
IME they're not very frequent
now that Don Larynx has gone the way of the Atlantic Grey Whale?
are you sure it's Atlantic Grey Whale not orca?
well he was an Orca, but the Atlantic population of Grey Whales went extinct in the 1800s
somehow the only other cetacean we've driven extinct is the Chinese river dolphin.
Chinese river dolphin will forever live in people's memories :x
u_u may they dance in the river eternal, squeaky and clean
^^ Fuck you Comcast.
They sent me a bill for April and I terminated their service last week. So I had to call them up to get that cleared.
@Mysticial Bravo!
@Mysticial AKA "not webscale"
@Mysticial OUCH
@Mysticial Arent American IPSs allowed to sell your web history to whomever now?
@Borgleader yes
bill battlers
Right now the best thing I can hope for is that guy on the other end of chat wasn't lying and that he really did cancel my last bill.
If they send a collection agency after me, I'll know for sure I won't be alone. Since a couple other guys at work said Comcast sent a collection agency after them over stupid shit.
I mean like sure, if Comcast sends a collection agency after me over $100 bill, it would make more sense for me to just pay it to get it out of the way. But it's almost worth the effort to take them to court just out of principle.
spite is an effective motivator
I wonder if the collection agency thing is enough for a class-action lawsuit
Trump won't allow it. Because it's bad for business.
Trump is bad for business. Yet he allows himself.
not so much so collection agency, but they will probably reduce your credit rating if you don't pay what they claim
but if he introduced restrictions on suing he wouldn't be able to sue in as many situations
@jaggedSpire He'll make exceptions for himself.
if you already have credit card and a mortgage, and not planning to get another in the near future, then credit rating is irrelevant
@jaggedSpire ka is where he should be sent
@Borgleader what did Alaska do to deserve such a thing
actually wait yes
let us send him to Alaska
Alaska is perfectly suited to deal with him
@Telkitty At least if they report it on your credit, you can dispute it much more reasonably.
@JerryCoffin I've been keeping a paper trail. So I'm ready for it if they want to bring it.
@Mysticial Never hurts--but for the credit report, it's probably not necessary. Years ago (last time I bought a house) there were a couple of things I had to write them about. I didn't have any paper trail--just a statement that this must be a mistake, and that was pretty much the end of it. Maybe if they'd decided to fight it would have been harder (but I can't imagine they had any paper trail either, since I'd never done business with either one.
On the topic of bills, I ran into something almost equally as stupid with my power bill.
Because of the timing of when I bought the condo, my first power bill was $4.
But they wouldn't accept payments of less than $5, and they don't let you overpay.
When I tried to pay by phone on the weekend, they were out of office, so I had to pay via a machine. And they denied both my checking account and my credit card - presumably because the transaction amount was less than $5.
64 watt
And my bill was due yesterday.
@Mysticial they being the power company? That sounds like a good case to have the $4 waived because their system does not acknowledge it as an adequate bill
And if they have a sense of humour, they would then raise it to $20 :')
@Aaron3468 I ended up needing to wake up early on Monday to call them up during business hours to get this shit sorted out.
@Mysticial "If tender of payment of an obligation to pay an instrument is made to a person entitled to enforce the instrument and the tender is refused, there is discharge, to the extent of the amount of the tender [...]" UCC 3-603.
IOW, if you offered to pay then $4 and they refused the payment, you no longer owe the $4.
@JerryCoffin I'm imagining a case where I don't pay it, then 10 years later it balloons to few hundred with interest. So they send a collection agency after me which I take to court.
Sounds almost as ridiculous as that cabinet appointee who foreclosed on someone for 27 cents.
@Mysticial Granted, it's hardly worth fighting over $4, but they're still technically in the wrong...
To be fair, I doubt you'll have any trouble if you send a notice to them along those lines, as well as keep a postmarked copy of the notice with all the tax documents you have to keep filed.
@JerryCoffin Technically, there were two options for me to pay: Walk into a pay exchange, or mail in. The latter wasn't possible since I tried to pay on Friday and it was due Monday. The former seemed like a pain the ass.
@Borgleader what an excellent floof mount. :)
I wonder why they have the minimum
@jaggedSpire It is ^.^
and if it's because someone got angry and paid a bill in thousands of single cent transactions
@jaggedSpire Sometimes, it is justified to be an asshole.
The most important part of being an asshole, in my experience, is to be respectfully mischievous. A classhole, if you will.
@Aaron3468 I've never heard of, "classhole" before. TIL
@jaggedSpire luckily Bartek's mom remains alive
@JerryCoffin lemme guess - that's before the subprime crisis
Remove the apostropher
Thank you
@Telkitty No. I'm pretty sure the crisis was the only reason the bank cared about them at all (if memory serves, the total between the two came to something like $50).
1 hour later…
every time macbook asks me to update something, some working item stops functioning
I delayed this update as long as I could
apple, I hope you get eaten by a rabid rat!
Really apple? This was suppose to make our lives easier?
what a coincidence neither am I
@Telkitty I run mac as vm. if things go wrong I can easily restore it from snapshot in a few seconds
1 hour later…
@jaggedSpire what a small world!
@Borgleader That so fucking cute :o
@ProblemSlover except you need to test software on real device from a real mac before you can publish any apple related app
@wilx looks more like an albatross
@wilx loool
@R.MartinhoFernandes eenewseurope.com/news/…
I think they're still cheaper
Yeah, ST website lists that for example for 10 bucks.
Blizzard is in for a big surprise today as they discover that their reward algorithm picks from a pool of cards that include upcoming expansions.
Oh, apparently it's intended behaviour
Hearthstone ;)
> Volcanosaur can be obtained through Journey to Un'Goro card packs, through crafting, or as an Arena reward. Golden Volcanosaur can also be obtained through the Highest Rank Bonus chest at the end of each Ranked season.
I thought I discovered some kind of a bug
Last year I played most of my opponents were not a human.
You must have won a lot then
Well, not really.
I don't know who made that auto software, but he did a great job.
@DeanSeo the game is not actually over after the tutorial
@nwp Trust me. I spent about 500 bucks on that.
@DeanSeo ouch
Possibly because I played in Asia.
Do you guys yell at the monitor when you're losing the game too?
I just blame RNG
and the fact that I play with a disadvantage for not using the best card in hearthstone
> Is it viable to develop Islamic apps?
> If you smoke weed twice a day, does your prayer become invalid for 40 days or 80 days?
@SpongyFruitcake that tag :D
@nwp LOL
> Is loading a website with images haram?
<img> considered sinful.
this is bad on so many levels, I don't know what to do
@R.MartinhoFernandes No, never heard of them before
@nwp I don't even understand what the OP is trying to see.
Are you going to use one for a project?
@DeanSeo which micro-optimization produces the fastest execution, but VS2010 and volatile and terrible code make that impossible
not to mention it probably shouldn't be done in the first place
@nwp Oh wow.
> Am I commiting a sin by living in the UK?
if you commit a sin, don't push it, just drop the stash
and make your amends
I found an interesting selection algorithm, but it isn't under a permissive license ç_ç
"I see no harm in reminding them what sort of people we are." Lord Howard after being accused of "sabre-rattling" o… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/848588066172391424
This is going to be fun.
@nwp Is this true for Qt5 as well? I have never used it but I thought Qt5 was closer to C++11.
@wilx I have never used Qt4, all my rants about Qt refer to Qt5
@nwp Oh, OK.
although to be fair Qt is still pretty good at making native UIs and having a designer is really neat, and since that is the focus of Qt one can forgive its flaws when it comes to using proper C++
> Topaze, un petit chien de race bichon, avait disparu en 2006 de Grand-Fort-Philippe, dans les Hauts-de-France, là où résidaient ses propriétaires. La Voix du Nord raconte aujourd'hui comment ce petit chien a été retrouvé onze ans après, en Moselle.
@nwp Can you make UIs that compete with HTML and CSS, look-wise?
@Ell some people at work are
@nwp what do you think about using it for OpenGL purposes?
@SpongyFruitcake Probably. If you are really lazy you use a QWebView and use HTML and CSS.
@nwp Nah, I'd use it for the native renderer. If I were to use HTML/CSS I'd go with CEF or something.
@login_not_failed It has decent OpenGL support in its QOpenGLWidget and when that becomes insufficient you can do native OpenGL code. Good when you have something like a 3D world editor that needs to have some regular GUI, not so useful when you want to make a game.
@SpongyFruitcake there is also that QtQuick/QML thing that is probably closer to HTML/CSS, but I never used it.
@SpongyFruitcake you can apply CSS to the whole UI, which is how you can switch between native designs and the fusion design
@nwp when making a game you really don't want to pay the overhead of Qt's event loop
@nwp yup, we tried QOpenGLWidget's and it worked fine, but I was wondering about overall workability of the whole Qt approach to this task, after you ranted about it :)
@SpongyFruitcake Duh?
in PHP, 24 secs ago, by Jimbo
Also the C++ guys all suck and this should be shared in their room
He is star baiting his own message :/
apparently it worked
@Jimbo just admit it, you are an attention whore
@Telkitty just a whore
if you speak in the general term, then yes
@nwp His friends, probably
reminds me of how much I want to whack those people who randomly dump rubbish
Meh I just don't give a shit
@Rerito This isn't healthy D:
@Morwenn Oh, you mean I need a daily intake of bullshit?
@Morwenn but it saves time
Don't worry I get enough of that from other sources ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@Rerito more like expelling
@Rerito Nah, I meant that you needed to take dumps, not to intake bullshit x)
@Telkitty Hmm, talkative with a weird sense of humour, maybe... and what @JayIsTooCommon said.
You guys used to be so much cheerier in here
Is C++ that depressing nowadays?
it's depression to see people dump rubbish where they should not be
@Jimbo you may ask your very important questions here: chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/116940/c-questions-and-answers this is a lounge room for discussing cats
@Telkitty Cheer up! :)
but the tosser is in right in front of me, oh noz!
Praise @SpongyFruitcake, our savior is here
I find it amusing how telkitty is the only one the trolling attempt worked on.
> Sweet and pulpy, yet soft and crispy.
actually shoe did too, what a shame
@nwp Yeah, you would have thought she developped some sort of immunity. The irony
only because I thought it's my duty to defend this place from lesser trolls :'(
@Telkitty Oh, that makes sense
Absolutely zero offence was intended. I have messages I used to send (maybe years ago) where the C++ guys would pop in and have a bash back for a laugh. It's entirely possible this occurred before you joined stack overflow, @Telkitty. Anyway, cheer up you lot, we work with PHP which is almost as bad! (Y). Also FTR it's not going to change, see ya!
@nwp ?
@Shoe you seem to be getting trolled in the PHP room
Am I?
I've been away for too long then
@Jimbo Yeah you're like an IT oncologist
I don't feel angry though
hi folks
Surprisingly I know
@Ell yo
@Rerito I had to google oncologist :')
You are lucky to have never been exposed to that word I guess
It seems like no all out war is happening. I imagined mods and timeouts and moving of messages. What a disappointment.
speaking of which, how's your brotocol tumor doing @SpongyFruitcake
f*ck this, apple is not giving me right device types, I am using device geometry to figure out which device it is and create the appropriate layout for it
@rightfold youtube.com/watch?v=soKTK6hK70s special cases <3
Can anyone recommend me a site like cplusplus.com but error free?
Thank you!
I even banned cpluscplus.com from appearing in my google's search results :)
Damn son!
I'm just starting to learn C++
I have programmed in C, C# and Python.
C++ feels overly complicated, coming from my background...
wouldn't exactly call it "error free", but it is at least authoritative in its errors.
Guys, is it legitimate to use only .h to crete classes?
I mean... Do I have to create a .cpp file to implement a class's method?
@Trauer might want to go here
Ohh, okik
Wrong chat, hehe
the rules fell off the starboard, someone should fix that
Rules thing missing.
Give your best
Be very afraid if you have entered here without reading The Rules.
Not enough bold :D
NSFW (very dirty)
@Morwenn Cute--but reverse psychology presumes the subject is intelligent enough to be perverse. ;)
Daily Mail at its best.
personally, I'd click on a link that would say something like «slightly dirty», but never on «very dirty», because it's boring
@login_not_failed True
@R.MartinhoFernandes Hehe :D
@R.MartinhoFernandes The specter of the trafalgar battle was wandering with that tiny ship
I like the Spanish foreign minister response.
"Someone in the UK is losing their cool and there’s no need for it"
Basically "chill, mate"
Hey. I'm trying to build a simple test that utilizes the iperf library. I've built the library, and installed it, so it is sitting in /usr/local/lib/ When I try to build my program via the command below, but I'm getting a undefined reference error.
g++ -o "/home/pi/projects/LinuxIperfTester/bin/ARM/Debug/LinuxIperfTester.out" -Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now -Wl,-z,noexecstack /home/pi/projects/LinuxIperfTester/obj/ARM/Debug/main.o -liperf

> undefined reference to `iperf_new_test()'
But when I do a nm -Ca command on both the .so and .a file, that method is definitely defined in them.
Any ideas?
@R.MartinhoFernandes What is it with right wing Brits and war over foreign British land that nobody else gives a fuck about.
I know.
I was just wondering, what the fuck is up with their warboner.
jealous of the US I think
@EtiennedeMartel Though "foreign British land" sounds really weird.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Right.
I should have said
"far away"
But then again Gibraltar isn't too far, at least compared to the Falklands.
Anyway I guess the British right has figured that war is a good way to drum up support for a failing government.
They have small rows over the rock all the time. This one just happened to be while Gibraltar and Brexit were in the news.
But of course some idiot(s) would start throwing around bellic threats.
Why do they want that damn rock so much?
Napoleon has been dead for ages.
Anyway, Spain should give up on its enclaves in Morocco before claiming rights over Gibraltar :p
@Morwenn Spain hasn't done anything to further their claim in over a decade.
The more isolationist a culture is, the more aggressive they are in rubbing their dick everywhere.
@EtiennedeMartel The Brits or the Spaniards?
@R.MartinhoFernandes The Brits.
Also that:
The Perejil Island crisis was a bloodless armed conflict between Spain and Morocco that occurred on July 18, 2002. The incident took place over the small, uninhabited Perejil Island. == Background == Perejil Island (Isla Perejil in Spanish and Jazirat Laila in Arabic) is a small rocky island under Spanish sovereignty and about the size of 15 football fields, lying 250 metres (270 yd) from Morocco, and 8 kilometres (5.0 mi) from the Spanish city of Ceuta, which borders Morocco, and 13.5 kilometres (8.4 mi) from mainland Spain. The island itself is unpopulated, only seldom visited by Morocc...
For Spain, well, it was taken by force, and they don't want it to be a tax haven.
And it's kinda next door.
@EtiennedeMartel It's mostly inhabited by British and it is their rightful prize for winning the War of the Spanish Succession.
Also, it's an important military strategic location as it controls access to the Mediterranean/to the Atlantic.
Guise quick C++ question
Can I feed a C API taking a function pointer with a pointer to a function template specialization?
Something like foo_with_c_linkage(&some_func_template<T>);
it's probably simpler to wrap in a non-capturing lambda
allows for inference of template params
@ratchetfreak Agreed but our clients won't use C++14 compilers
And the idea here is to ship a header for our client wrapping std::default_delete and std::default_allocator in function templates
So that they can simply forward that to interface requiring a function pointer to an allocation/deallocation function
They could do it themselves of course but hey, I've been told this should be done nonetheless
@R.MartinhoFernandes What's the actual story?
@EtiennedeMartel Keep in mind that its residents are British citizens. They've held at least a couple of referendums, and those residents voted (overwhelmingly) that they wanted to stay part of GB, not be ruled by Spain. Whether GB gives a damn about the rock itself or not, they're morally obliged to defend their citizens from foreign invasion.
Worked great for HK
@Rerito technically no but only one compiler has ever care about that in super-ultra-duper strict mode
"except you need to test software on real device from a real mac before you can publish any apple related app"

It's BS. Do your research first.
@SpongyFruitcake HK never had the same status. HK was never actually part of GB. It was simply their possession--and, in fact, they never even owned quite a bit of it--they had a 100 year lease, and when it expired, they gave it back to the owners. At least from the official British viewpoint, Gibraltar is part of Great Britain. In family terms, ceding Hong Kong was like returning a chair you'd borrowed; giving up Gibraltar would be more like letting somebody kidnap your child.
HK citizens were Overseas British Citizens, though. They hold a British passport.
Steve Bannon just got fired.
@SpongyFruitcake hey.. Soho man..
@SpongyFruitcake I thought they had HK passports. I'll need to ask my parents. Though that would've been decades ago - as in, before I was born.
They have both. I am not sure if the younger generation has one, but people above 30-40 yo definitely have one, or at least the option to.
Why you suddenly became a cake.
@SpongyFruitcake That's true--and GB didn't (at least officially) abandon them--just the land where they happened to live (but HK citizens who decided to move to England, Scotland, Wales (etc.) before HK was returned to the Chinese were free to do so.
@SpongyFruitcake Spanish boat wandered into disputed Gibraltar waters, British boat asked them to leave, they left.
@SpongyFruitcake and Yes, i'm still straight :/
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol
Happens all the time; doesn't hit the news, and doesn't result in war threats outside of Brexit contexts.
So there won't be a Gibrexit anytime soon it seems
Gibraltar overwhelmingly voted Remain.
@SpongyFruitcake F* you ignoring piece of cake :P
@R.MartinhoFernandes Looking at it from the other viewpoint for a moment, I can (at least sort of) see putting up with such incursions as part of what some Brits could think of as their loss of sovereignty under the EU, and Brexit is simply letting them more freely express their feeling about something that may have been irritating them for quite a while.
What's the relationship with the EU?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Probably nothing official in the actual treaties, beyond the fact that the treaties did make it more or less official that GB and Spain were officially allies--but as long as GB was one of the biggest parts of the EU, I can see where they would feel constrained to "play the part" and maintain at least some appearance of unity.
What's going on with brexit?
@JerryCoffin Well, the bigger issue here is that Gibraltar needs free movement of Spanish labour and, as usual, the UK wants to have its cake and eat it too.
(FWIW, the treat that actually makes Spain and the UK allies is NATO)
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm not sure if it's nearly as much that "UK wants to have its cake and eat it too", as "most UK citizens didn't really have a clue what Brexit really meant".
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm pretty sure there are quite a few treaties between them at this point.
@JerryCoffin The military agreements that are under EU treaties are blocked because they require unanimity (maybe they'll go into effect after Brexit, but not at present).
@JerryCoffin Yeah, probably more like that.
@Mysticial nope he wasn't.. you are a victim of fake news :/
@JerryCoffin Anyway, the point is that Brexit still leaves Spain and the UK as military allies.
(Probably something that Leave voters also didn't realize)
time for Nexit
not sure if N stands for Next or for Nato
@nwp Trump?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Fair enough. But NATO never meant (and still doesn't) mean that they were necessarily particularly close friends--just that they were more worried about the USSR than they were about each other.
someone should figure out how to fake an alien menace to unite earth without causing an arms race
@fredoverflow Kotlin/Native :D
@nwp those who want to fight back vs those who want to befriend them
@ProblemSlover The sources seem pretty reliable at this point.
@Mysticial Yes they are.. but still remains in the post of his strategist.. that's a sad thing.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yeah, I hardly see a war actually breaking out of Gibraltar
@R.MartinhoFernandes Sounds like it would cause more dividing than unity. Probably not feasable anyways.
Phew! I almost thought I won't be able to play BluRay discs here.
Though I have underestimated how big the files are. 35 GiB for 152 minutes is huge.
3.5 MiB/s through WiFi to my TV?
@wilx why bluray>?
explain me
he's old
@ProblemSlover If I tell you you must promise not to laugh. :)
@thecoshman thanks for clarification.. I'd give it 100 stars
@wilx you like to eat bluray discs for dinner?
like vinyl discs I mean
vinyl doesn’t sound tasty
@ProblemSlover Well. My daughter got first Harry Potter book for Christmas from relatives. She is only 5 so I am reading it to her, slowly. I thought we could watch the first film after we finish the book. However, I couldn't find decent version with Czech sound track, well none 1080. So I decided to buy something for once instead of downloading it.
@LucDanton I used to throw them out from my windows being a kid.. though I got a nice slap from my "bodyguard"
I am basically doing it for my kids.
@wilx teach her to use thepiratebay. extratorrents as soon as possible.
@ProblemSlover No. My kids do not get to sit in front of the PC or use tablets or phones when they are with me. It is enough they want to watch TV a lot.
@wilx are you raising them as amish?
@wilx ohh tv.. damn.. i used to believe it's thing of the past like cobol. Can't remember when I watched tv last time
@nwp lol, no. But kids need to learn to use hands and their imagination and PCs and watching TV does not help there. It is better for them to spend the time drawing, creating things, and playing with toy construction sets, etc.
I can find pretty much to watch any stuff on youtube nowadays .
@wilx I would argue there is no way for a kid to spend time better than in front of a PC. They learn actually relevant skills, such as the things you mentioned, just better.
@nwp They don't. It might be true for older kids and adults but it is not true for 5 year olds.
your faces
At least 5 hours for the first encoding pass. sigh
@Shoe It happens and that's good
Farage's "EU = mafia" speech was great.
amazing how much people can completely misinterpret what you're saying
@Shoe The stupids won the vote, and now they're getting what they want
@rightfold You are pro-brexit?
Gotta love Yahoo comments.
@Mysticial youtube actually
@nwp They're often indistinguishable.
@R.MartinhoFernandes @SpongyFruitcake
@Mgetz Good riddance.
> Black Waters, not Brown Shirts
I don't even know what I'm using. I just use the out-of-the-box Ubuntu 16.10.
And have been doing so since Ubuntu 12-ish.
Regular Ubuntu uses unity.
Remember when they tried to integrate Amazon product search into Unity?
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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