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^ no flippin' clue.
@crypticツ I love your dancing turd.
@Allenph this ?
@crypticツ Yeah.
Was just curious if you were writing your own controller classes that used reflection or something.
@Terminal-JS it's not a turd, it's a dancing chocolate soft serve ice cream.
@Brandin I made it :D
You got it working? Cool.
@crypticツ Sorry . . . to me it looked like a turd.
Hand honestly . . . still does.
@Brandin yep, I made a tree.json where i store the tree created inside the UI (remember the UL>LI list?!)

"root/someting/about" : "00001"

than I used mod rewrite as you suggested where I simply query the GET["p"] >> the "/" delimited string and lookup for the right json content file
Does anyone else here watch YU-GI-OH?
I'm on the right "path" anyways :D thanks again ;)
IMO, there is never the right path . . . but a better path.
Hi guys, I saw the tutorial of generating excel charts in excel in this link: designdrizzle.com/… and it is using silex framework. First, i don't know if the framework will affect the local server that the web app is deployed
second, can i code this w/o the use of silex app?
and lastly, if i install composer, will there be any conflict in the deployed web apps in local server
need your help
@EarvinNillCastillo What do you mean affect the local server? Like, change the settings?
yes @Terminal-JS
No, you don't need Silex or composer to use PHPExcel.
In the link, that is exactly the tutorial i need to generate the report.
yes, i know i can use phpexcel with just plain php, but why are the tutorials are using silex?
I don't know.
It's the framework they use.
Do you use a framework?
Do I need to use one?
You don't need to.
You can build your own.
with just plain php?
Or you can choose a framework and read a few hours of it's API.
what would you be suggesting?
Or Laravel.
I have no clue how long you've been coding or how good you are.
Or just read the PHPExcel documentation. Here they have a Documentation directory and it seems OK: github.com/PHPOffice/PHPExcel
im a .net user with a knowledge of php
I honestly don't know what PHPExcel is for . . . shrug
currently im still developing my php skills, yesterday i was reading about ajax and can't seem to work
the login form with ajax. sucks for me
It's for interfacing with Excel documents, e.g. reading and writing Excel formatted spreadsheets.
for generating reports?
AJAX is actually pretty simple.
At least if you're doing it with Jquery.
Hello everyone
Hello PavKR.
Is there a bug or maybe even a feature in Apache which could be causing aggressive caching of one particular PHP file?
(server side)
Just use the no_cache hack. e.g. Request http //my-server/my_page.php?id=1234&no_cache=20170316T01370001 etc.
Not sure what that is
If you add a parameter to your URL, you force the server to fetch it again. You force it not to cache.
Right, that makes sense, but the issue I'm having is that the server is server-side caching a php file
in particular - /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php in a wordpress installation
You may have to tell wordpress not to do that. It could be a wordpress thing.
I removed all the wordpress files (the whole site) and left that one file in-place, it was still caching! :/
When navigating directly to it
What do you mean navigating to it?
Hence I was thinking that it could be an apache feature/bug
in the browser, going directly to the file /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
Then add the no_cache parameter. /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?no_cache=blahblahblah12345987
Tried that, still returns the same result
The only thing that gives an alternate response is removing the admin-ajax.php file all together
then it gives a 404
but no matter what the file has in it, code, blank, random text - it always returns a zero
Good point
I will do that and see if it affects the file
These things take some experimentation. Get a good development environment set up which handles such things nicely (no caching, good logging, etc.). Then of course make sure you also deploy occasionally to a staging environment to test your app under "real" conditions with caching and all that.
Does anyone know where to find the algorithms used for public, private, and protected in the class engine?
You mean 'where are public, private, protected implemented in the PHP source code'?
Show me your genitals rhymes
PHP.... argh Say I have $prop->val; how to use it inside preg_replace?
as the repalcer....
`$result = preg_replace('/--(\w+)--/', HEREEEE, $string);`

but like: `$prop->{$1}`
@littlepootis what does that even means? (google translate doesn't seem to fire at this time)
Dutch ballots are so big, a man got stuck in one.
@RokoC.Buljan $1 being the result of a capture group?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier exactly.... :(
@littlepootis nervous laugh like when you don't understand but wish you did
like, the stuff people vote in?
And you also hope you don't get caught not understanding
SO basically I have a string say like "bla bla --foo--"
but I also have a $prop->foo
was about to ping @Paul, but seems he was there already :)
@PaulCrovella yup that did the trick
@FélixGagnon-Grenier no, the paper
They use an A0 paper, he got stuck in that
He probably got stuck in the slot.
He's dutch, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was the paper he's been stuck in.
@littlepootis lol. ok I believe I can start to picture that
4th time I've seen this question over the last day.. at least they switched it up and are posted from a different account this time
I take it you flagged these for duplicates accounts already rite?
(never sure if we should pile up the votes flags or leave just one)
I flagged it for a mod, yes. I assume more flags neither help or hurt, but don't really know.
I think I might misunderstand how stackoverflow works. Do you mean that you flagged it for a moderator?
Or did you mean to say you flagged it for a moderation?
Or maybe even a modular... no nevermind...
that would be for a moderator
(took me quite some time to notice the different ending)
but, we could say we flag it for moderation to happen
Sorry I should have italicized it like you. Good thinking
through the actions of moderators
Ha what a language eh?
ok. there is something that haunts me since like, three years.
and I need to get to the end of it.
Anyways my point was going to be that I thought that moderation was done through the regular users of stackoverflow, but I guess for issues such as duplicate accounts it would need an actual moderators attention?
Alright shoot @FélixGagnon-Grenier
@Alesana yes
But a moderator wouldn't be able to warn someone for off-topic questions, or things like that, would they?
@Alesana they could, though community moderation usually handles stuff like that
what does that mean.^ was @DaveRandom really there 3seconds ago (back when I clicked on the image)? or does it only mean it is the last time they interacted with Stack Overflow as a whole?
Hmm interesting, I didn't think the two would have overlapping roles
the latter, afaik, but expect that info to be very very fuzzy
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Let's test it out.
I am going to close out all stackoverflow.com tabs for 2 minutes, then open and interact with the non-chat part of stackoverflow.com for an additional 2 minutes, then open the chat on here and say a word
Alright starting a timer
> expect that info to be very very fuzzy
you went over the 4 minutes mark!
did you really interact with the site at 2 mins?
By like 20 seconds
At 2 minutes I did, then I hit reset timer which didn't actually start it, it just reset it
So from there I went through the browser history time haha
So such science
@Alesana thanks a lot. I can sleep in peace now
What happens if I leave the chat tab open while I interact with the non chat part of stackoverflow
actually, let's examine the js event bound to the avatar
if (
    && a > 0
    && l.push("seen <b>" + ToRelativeTimeMini(s.last_seen) + "</b>"), s.last_post
    && l.push("talked <b>" + ToRelativeTimeMini(s.last_post) + "</b>"), l.length
    && c.append("<div class='last-dates'>" + l.join(", ") + "</div>"), s.issues)
omg this is so dirty I'm getting excited
That is actually quite a good idea though
Where did you even find that?
through the inspector. let's you see the various event handlers attached to elements in the dom
each avatar has a handler
Through what tab in the inspector?
this is a part of it
the "inspector" ("elements" sometimes) one, the one that shows html
function y() { yield yield => yield yield => yield yield; }
I think the event handler only parses this page
So that would be where the real values come from
> is_moderator: null
these guys are artists
... but wait.
like... I could kinda hijack the client?
I was thinking that for a second
But then I realized that this must be only for reporting
So, it would only show it as it when you click on the avatar
shouldn't be this @Paul? "is_moderator": s.is_moderator,
it should be fucking boolean is what it should be
oh I see, you look the respionse
... lol. yeah I tots had noticed that right away
wow, last seen really comes from the server
they really have the perfect recipe for ddosing themselves
We may never know
"let's have a request every time someone clicks anywhere on the chat interface, what could possibly go wrong"
(let's assume caching doesn't exist for the lulz)
I want to learn how to hickack these variables just client side
Not these in specific... you know......
Wait who is a moderator here?
you mean... in the room's regulars?
Yeah like who is a PHP room moderator?
there is no such thing as a PHP room moderator. there are room owners, whose name are in italic
Ah, I guess that's what I was wanting to say
there are SO moderators, whose names are in blue, such as Madara Uchiha, that comes here often
I didn't realize he was SO moderator
So DaveRandom is a room owner? That's funny because I remember he had to go make a new room with Tiffany because he was told his chats were getting close to crossing a line.
well, he crosses lines on a daily fashion, but that sounds lolworthy
It was haha
Now it is even more ironic that I know he is a room owner
It is kind of like when Joel Spolsky almost got warned for posting his Trump related question
you seem to have a very intense definition of what "being warned" means
Maybe so
From my experience multiple warnings usually lead up to a ban.
I haven't actually looked into how it works here
morning gents
@Alesana I don't believe Joel Spolsky could be banned. which is actually why so many people went on a rampage. People don't get to "warn" Joel Spolsky.
Ah, I misunderstood. I thought he almost did get warned! I thought it was quite a humorous thing that happened
Morning Valentincognito
I just read your discoveries about chat activity ahaha
I am as bored as you were probably
hey guys :)
thanks for joining in, this will be a much more comfortable environment for discussion
so @arif_suhail_123, can you please explain to me what you are trying to say? I get the feeling you are confused about something I say?
Can I explain it better?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Felix i am removing the comment and japani guy to from this you want do that also?? and than i will make tea, can you explain me what you try to say here, my whole beef is you can either assign or compare, and than you said not actually he is verifying, what the difference between verifyng and comparing
@arif_suhail_123 yep, I deleted all my comments already (except the one that is for OP) I'll still be here when you finish with yours
I'll also go make some tea then
dafuq is happening
after a heated discussion with some very nice people in comments on a question, I invited said people here so we could finish our argument in a better place
we're discussing the differences between ($i = true) and ($i == true), and the uses of the former in flow control
morning linus
ok first because i was arguing with of you, so first i will make what i am saying clear, if it's not clear let me know and hello japani guy
if you remember correctly, japani guy said, remove the variable, and i said i agree with you, because as soon as you add the variable and equal sign, you changed the whole equal, you literally saying just return true, m i clear
sorry again
np. take your time
japaniguy said use this line if( $conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username=?")){ he removed the variable here, actual line was this, if($stmt = $conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username=?")){ and i said i agree with japani guy
yes, both these would have a similar effect
yea think the only difference between the two lines is
you get to be able to use $stmt
let's get this back towards a common track.
because as soon as you add the variable $stmt with equal sign, you change the whole equation, so i am getting that i am wrong,
not exactly.
the whole point is, about using if ($stmt = $conn->prepare())
no wait i read the japani guy message, i got you are saying that i am wrong, just let me run one example, as it is two against one,
in this case, we do not want to use two equals, because we are not comparing $stmt to $conn->prepare
so may be i am wrong
Felix and JapanGuy, i kinda feel silly now, i run the example, and i am wrong i ran this code $b=false;
if ($a = $b) { echo 4; }
and it prove what you are saying
yes indeed, this is one of the examples I gave here eval.in/755450
yea no matter what $b is, if the assigning process went ok, the condition is always true
also not quite correct. if $b is falsy false, the condition will be false
if you did not declare $b the condition wont work
yeah right
or yeah if $b has errors, think it wont work either
no Felix that's not the point, the point is if b is true than it will,
@JapanGuy error override normal code execution, as always
@arif_suhail_123 yes, it's exactly the goal of using that in the first place
5 mins ago, by Félix Gagnon-Grenier
in this case, we do not want to use two equals, because we are not comparing $stmt to $conn->prepare
yup, i completly miss the point
    [return] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [911111111111] => 1



    [error_row] => Array
            [0] => 911111111111

but really, it is not something that we should use a lot
it get settled quite quickly,
@PureRhymerOrganization please don't do that
at least paste this code block in a pastebin and link that here
no problem sir
ok than, it was nice chattting with you Felix and JapaniGuy, and i could not delete my comment i will do it tommorow,
... you still have time to remove that comment and paste it in a pastebin tho
why couldnt you?
about that i got an error because their is missing in array in error_row
@arif_suhail_123 it was a pleasure. do come back, we can definitely use more people that can actually discuss without getting angry
i dont know, i am clicking on the cros and nothing happenig
the error is Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
@arif_suhail_123 cros?
think he means the cross icon next to comments
but was i want to say thank you to Japani guy, because he was the first who mention it, than thank to you because you are the one who explain it in the end,

how can eliminate the missing array?
Felix the reason people get angry because they dont want to be proven wrong
please help anyone
well, I believe this is the nicest outcome to a comment discussion I have seen in... all my six years of participation to Stack Overflow. @JapanGuy and @arif_suhail_123, you are awesome.
pure rhymer post your code in the question section
Felix you are awsome too,
hah no worries. Btw i m interning at a tech company in japan, everyone uses java frameworks here, i like java but they all keep slating php off, saying it is not how a programming language should work and etc.. please cheer me up lads
love php and esp. symfony
@JapanGuy same thing here in korea... I feel you
Valent one of my room mate is in the korea, and she is saying korea is so wonderfull, she want to leave their please kidnapp her, she is a mess
hahaha wonder if korean devs are as stubborn and old fashioned as the ones here
sorry she want to live there
100% similar , japanese slightly more crazy
@Valentincognito billions of meetings per day?
you have a meeting to plan the next meeting
hahahah we are actually doing it right now. no kidding
multitasking at its finest :)
have you slept in your company yet ? @JapanGuy
this is the true experience
this is also when you look back at your life choices and be like... s***... this escalated quickly
isnt this just ridiculous
looks like you have a clear window for a break between 12pm and 1
wow... when do you actually work?
that s a lunch break..
we do work sometimes, but these people love meetings... any new proposal results in a meeting...
I read a book from a french author recently describing japanese working culture, it was quite hilarious
i like it that they know what agile development is, but they take the concept of team discussions far too seriously
agile development was made to make the development process clearer and faster, but they insert meetings relating to agile sprints to left and right
I regret sometimes to have left my home country too early because I only know about asian working style
I am very curious to know how things work back home or in other non asian countries
same here man...well we hired a dev from Oracle and he is complaining about the same things, just waiting till he learns japanese so that he can tell them about the proper ways
you can try to explain to proper way in any languages but they wont understand
they don't want to understand
they reply things such as: "but we have always been doing like this "
unless there is eventually a major fuckup. then they evolve
Q: Multi-Dimensional Array if array elements are missing in foreach

Pure Rhymer OrganizationI have this kind of multi-dimensional array Array ( [return] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [911111111111] => 1 ) ) ) [...

mornin o/
@PureRhymerOrganization what does putting (Array) before a variable in foreach do?
@PureRhymerOrganization Ah, mate... you're not going to get a useful answer with that question.
You don't explain where $check_cloud_id_exists comes from (one assumes it's the array mentioned earlier? If so, then what's the point of casting something you know is an array?) . And you don't explain what // code here is or does. You say you get a boolean.... from where?
@JapanGuy it difference than my question
@Sara [return] has more nested array inside of its array than [error_row]
@JapanGuy it will the php that inside of foreach is an array
@PureRhymerOrganization I like pickles.
@JapanGuy you watch animes?
nop, all of my friends do and it is hard to enjoy japan if you dont like anime
@JoeWatkins well congrats, and a small greenlet reminder :-P
@bwoebi it won't be this week, I'm taking the kids away this weekend ...
I disabled issues on krakjoe/phpdbg so they can be directed at php-src, will be updating readme to mention that this is only existing for historical reasons
@JapanGuy :D
@MadaraUchiha forwarding twitter.com/waderyan_/status/842140783331360768 and twitter.com/waderyan_/status/842141057898835970 to you. Not sure we really need the lock on the Q. If we remove it, he could at least edit the question. Wouldn't make it less of a shopping question, but yeah… your choice. I told him to flag the thing anyway.
@JoeWatkins \o/
Good mornings
Haha... I just generated a bogus support ticket
Client forced me to use shared hosting (symfony)... I forgot to upload the database and blamed the company.
Hello, anyone knows anything about this? stackoverflow.com/questions/42804012/…
@littlepootis That's the Ducth theonion :P
is there a recommended ui testing framework for php apps?
@PeeHaa plz tell me you voted for the wig? xD
symfony framework
@Naruto I didn't vote
@PeeHaa shame! ding!
phpunit.de/manual/3.7/en/selenium.html I found this, will implement later, wanted to see if there are any recommended ones
@JapanGuy users
hello guys
a question
i have a table
with two columns
teachername and lessonname
how to get teachernames which have same lessonname?
thanks in advance
SELECT teachernames from t1 where lessonname = "something"
used these to save my excel file in the path of php
// Instantiate a Writer to create an OfficeOpenXML Excel .xlsx file
$objWriter = new PHPExcel_Writer_Excel2007($objPHPExcel);
// Write the Excel file to filename some_excel_file.xlsx in the current directory
when I used the syntax for direct downloading it to the browser
which is this:
2 messages moved to Trash can
Use a paste service please.
@JayIsTooCommon Uh, that was a fresh clone and on the tests branch
Fresh as of last night

what if
frank and jess who have lessonname3 and todd who has lessonname4 and jack,mary have lessonname5
in this case i need to get
SELECT teachernames from t1 where lessonname = "something" or lessonname="something else"
just find yourself a basic sql tutorial explaining how to do selects

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