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@Sam so the question is to make the block code in setinterval run as fast as possible, the point is make it running less than 1 millisec?
if it runs less than 1 millisec, you won't run into trouble; but if they are overlapping, well.....
Paul's version should run fine
ok.@Sam get you
good day everbody (even it's raining here=
hi hakre
here is to raining. but cool
its summer here
@didxga Actually, you don't need it running that often. You won't notice the difference up to about 30ms unless you are a computer.
@Paul, yes.
@Paul, if we are designing a system for every visiter to our website to contest over a product, the time on when visitor can begin to buy the product is indicated by our count down timer.
morning, (Rep)whore...:P
we have to ensure that every visitor in different place accessing our site synced in our timer
is it better to make the timer in server side, or client side, ore semi server side plus semi client side
Afternoon @RepWhoringPeeHaa
@didxga I would have thought it was better to be server side, you can trust your own server.
but that will involve much network interaction
I would make the count down timer running at the client side, but I would also check the time at the point the client timer running into zero
to say if it is actually running into zero
yes, good point. I'm unsure what the javascript time is based on, but you will have to make sure it is in the same timezone.
@RepWhoringPeeHaa bonjour :)
Bonjour monsieur hakre :)
Hello everyone!
salute @Paul :)
@OmeidHerat Hello
Hey @Donut, what is good ?
Well, nothing special. What about you?
Hi , Guys what's up ?
@hRaval Hello
I am having a very amusing adventure, writing a CV for the first time.
@donut , hi
@hRaval First time on the SO Chat?
so you all are working on PHP ?
@hRaval I am java monkey
@didxga cool .
Well, then check this out if you wanna know some cool features that chat provides .
@Donut ,thanks
@hRaval Your welcome
I wonder how a copyright license can be applied to typed words?
Maybe the legal department of SO should clarify that somewhere ;)
@hakre what do you mean by typed words ?
chatlogs are content and they can be licensed like anyother.
@OmeidHerat Salutations.
@hakre and if you are questioning that, how SE has the authority to release YOUR chatlogs under any license, well, you should have read the user agreement when joined.
@Paul What is good ?
@OmeidHerat That's what I'm referring to. If chatlogs are not a work in the domain of copyright, this should render that statement wrong/useless.
@OmeidHerat Hmm, I have nothing special going on just at the moment, and you?
9 mins ago, by Omeid Herat
I am having a very amusing adventure, writing a CV for the first time.
@OmeidHerat Congrats and good luck. Also for your next assignment.
@hakre it is not, a condition of using the chat is to agree with the SE license agreements and that they reserver the right to distribute your chatlogs under a CC (2?) License.
here is a free piece of advice : keep it short
@hakre cheers.
@OmeidHerat ahh, yes... that is an adventure for sure, so many different options.
@tereško A good one, well defs consider that.
if you can keep in in a single A4 page , it would be the best option
@OmeidHerat But what if you legally can't do that. Not because you don't want to, but just because you can't apply copyright law to it?
@tereško I am trying to, 2 pages atm.
Hi All..
@OmeidHerat , this is how my CV looks :
@hakre Why not ? you can legally apply any copyright to the content you create or gather given that you have the permission to do so in the later case.
@OmeidHerat You don't understand me. Imagine there is something like an apple, you can't apply copyright on it. Imagine there is something like opinion, you can't apply ... - and then imagine there is chatting and you can't apply copyright to it. How could this fall under CC or any other copyright based license?
I have one question.. How can i hide my ip-address during browsing?
@VibhaJadwani , use Tor
@VibhaJadwani there is a few options depends on what you want.
@VibhaJadwani use a vpn and tor
tor is software?
@tereško that is pretty neat, I assume you would use a cover letter as well ? cause IRCC a personal statement is mostly required.
did you try to google it ?
I was checking one contact us page in php.. After page submittion ip address is saved in database. I want to hide my ip address
@VibhaJadwani You can use somebodies else computer to access the internet, than your computer's IP is hidden ;)
@hakre You can't copyright someones opinion, but you can copy right the way the put it in words (ie, chatlog, article, book, journal).
@hakre nice :) but i have no body here..
@VibhaJadwani simply use a webproxy or if you are going to do very naughty things use a vpn provider which doesn't have to keep logs over tor
@OmeidHerat Are you sure that is possible for chatlogs?
@Paul exactly, Now I have focused on a single page one though.
@OmeidHerat , actually in Latvia very few companies care for cover letter .. they might mail you back to ask for full portfolio list , but usually that all is handled in the interview
i just keep it as short as possible so that noone has to fuss with it in the interview , ad make it look original enough so it would stand out in a pile
@RepWhoringPeeHaa thanks for link.
@hakre I haven't seen anything out there to specifically talk about it, but nor have seen anything against it. However, chat log is categorized as 'content' and it can be copyrighted indeed.
Isn't all user contributed data CC licensed by default on SO?
including chat
@OmeidHerat Only works (in the meaning of copyright law) can be copyrighted. There might be other laws - like database rights - which may play a role, but for the US I think that does not exist. 'Content' does not qualify per-itself as a copyrightable work, so I think your statement is wrong.
if company cares enough about your candidacy , they will google you
@OmeidHerat Yes, one page is a good idea. A cover letter can be good for a quick thanks for considering me and a tiny statement as to why you think you would be so good for the job.
@tereško I think they will invite you to speak with you. Who googles in times of SEO?
ok .. that will work only if you have unique enough name
@tereško that is dentally the case with me. :)
@hakre what do you mean 'content' does not qualify as copyrightable ?
whatever you write, even if it's a chat sentence, you as the author has the sole copyrights of it unless you have granted any sort of rights to anyone else.
which in this case, everyone who use the chat has granted the right to SE to distribute the chatlogs under CC (2, I guess).
@OmeidHerat Content does not say much about itself specifically, especially not if it matches the requirements to qualify as a work under copyright law.
@hakre The content is not important. it can be anything but still the author has the copyrights.
@hakre everything is copyrighted by default
@OmeidHerat Let me ask you a question: can everything what author does be coyprighted? Like his or her pee for example? Naturally not, albeit we all agree that even piss qualifies as content. So how can you be that sure that a chatted expression can?
Your analogy is pretty naive, you fail to understand what is 'content'. I suggest you to at least read wikipedia pages on copyright -- or anyother topic -- before you start arguing with people.
@OmeidHerat I'm sorry if the analogy offended you, I wanted to pick something we deal with every day, like talking, breathing air or chatting. The exact point here is the line between what can be copyrighted and what not. Content can not be always copyrighted, that's the point I'm trying to make visible.
You say it always can, so that's the different opinion here, just to clarify. If you say a chatted expression can be copyrighted because it got logged, I'm just asking you if you can explain why and what the legal background is for that. Because I just doubt it in the sense that copyright must not apply to it. And that's all.
@OmeidHerat Good example, especially: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Content_(media)#Public_reaction
But I doubt you wanted to support my position with that link^^
Those arguments are pretty false for what I believe in, they all ignore the fact that spoken and legal languages are not the same.
now the issue of legal language is another issue open for debate.
Even though, I am personally not happy with how legal language has formed and strongly support Plain English but that doesn't mean I should ignore the complexity and try to understand the legal paper as if it was a magazine article, because that would be pretty much an Ostrich solution.
What's going on?
its mostly him , trying to make the rest of us feel like uneducated barbarians
@ircmaxell Hi
since when does downvoting questions not take rep? :s
Recursion be damned :(
@Donut recursion is cool sometimes.
I know
but coding is damned.
Recursion no friend
@Donut recursion is like friend of a friend of a ...
Exacly, ends up nowhere.
And that results that recursion is a friend of a friend of [a friend of] stranger which results that it's not friend.
recursion is awesome
recursion is just like recursion, only simpler
Well, it's pretty fun if you are working on algorithm and got lost. I started to do random things.
Well, I ended up nowhere.
That never works, if you get lost you take a step back, do something entirely different, take a walk, get some coffee, and nag at someone for writing bad code. Always works
@sg3s That was pretty much failed joke from my side :)
@NikiC dood.. can u spare a few minutes.. ? i've this select statement:
SELECT * FROM mytable where DATE(datetime) = CURDATE();

to get today's entries.. i have to use DATE() because datetime also has a time part in which i'm not interested
and now i want to rewrite it so it returns today's entries + those of the last 10 days
SELECT * FROM mytable where DATE(datetime) BETWEEN CURDATE() AND CURDATE()-10

wont work :/
i assume because i cant subtract numbers from a date..
got it:
never mind :)
Anybody used the github api yet?
That makes me a sad sad panda
Oh well. Guess I have to do without CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER for now
hi @NikiC
@RepWhoringPeeHaa what are you looking for?
@hakre I'm trying to do a cURL request to the github API, but when I set curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1); it fails. I already have gotten myself a recent ca root bundle
@RepWhoringPeeHaa hmm, that should work. can you open a SO querstion if it does not exist yet?
I hate those fucking sites
"Oh sure, you can download for free! But only at 75kB/s, want more? Pay us 50$!
@hakre Sure. Let me finish what I'm doing and I'll post a question
@Truth cyberlockers are dead all hail newsgroups ;)
Hm guys I'm trying to do an API request every 0.2 seconds until the api returns a certain value
I measured 10 requests in miliseconds and every 0.15 seconds I had a responds
Which I measured by just refreshing
Now I thought lets put it together in a while loop.. now 10 requests took me 11 seconds
Why did I lose so many performance?
Can you provide some code?
Is there any other way to fix this?:P
Q: If not RegExp, than what?

TruthMy experience tells me that one should not use RegExp to parse HTML/XML, and I completely agree! It's Messy Not robust and easily broken Pure evil They all say "use a DOM parser" of some sort, which is fine by me. But now I got curious. How do those work? I was searching for the DOMDocument ...

@Mittchel You did loose performance compared to what? You think one request is the same like 10 resuests?
Anyone wanna try and answer it?
@hakre I already know when I should use RegExp and when I should use a DOM parser
I don't need my dose of eye opening thank you
haha, so what do you wonder about?
Could you link to the source, and/or explain the mechanics behind a parser engine?
@rdlowrey Thanks
@Truth Are you looking for examples for a parser that uses a tokenizer?
@rdlowrey Yes
And possible an explanation of the algorithm
Which provides an excellent example
But it's a comment, and it's only a link
@rdlowrey yo. You were offering to do proof reading, right?
I want a full answer to accept
Well, I'm not in "answer mode" but if you want to see a basic example of a tokenizer written in PHP I can show you a simple one @LeviMorrison wrote to parse URLs into routes for application routing
@GordonM yeah
@rdlowrey Sure go ahead
@hakre In fact, I have the following as an auto comment: Please refrain from parsing HTML with RegEx as it will drive you insane. Use an HTML parser instead.
@hakre So basically it's not possible to have a request every 0.2 seconds?
lol @ class Barinfuck
Good ol' times.
@Truth This is the tokenizer and you can see the companion parser RouteList::parseRoutesWithTokenizer at the bottom of this code
A tokenizer basically turns an input stream into individual tokens and you use a parser to analyze combinations of tokens (or individual tokens) to get the information.
@Truth There is actually one good answer in a related question that links the description how to parse HTML with regular expressions (more an article than a description), but I have lost it. That one would be worth to link as well.
@rdlowrey Okay, if you've got a moment free I was wondering if you'd mind taking a look over something I wrote on G+ last night. Probably too late for an actual proof read, but input is appreciated anyway
@GordonM I'm about to walk out the door right now, do you mind if I don't get to it until this evening?
@GordonM Cool, I'll look at it later. Also, I haven't ever really used my G+ and I want to start using it for code/programming related people. You're likely to get a friend request (or whatever google calls that) later as well.
@Truth. some css selector tokenizer and recursive ascent parser in PHP: github.com/hakre/XDOM/tree/master/src/XDOM
It uses regular expressions for the tokennizer
Q: How do recursive ascent parsers work?

Daniel WHow do recursive ascent parsers work? I have written a recursive descent parser myself but I don't understand LR parsers all that well. What I found on Wikipedia has only added to my confusion. Another question is why recursive ascent parsers aren't used more than their table-based counterparts....

@rdlowrey Great, will look forward to it. Have fun out! :)
@hakre Thanks
What's faster.. a recursive function or a while loop?:P
But I mean descent not ascent. The recursive descent parsers are normally relativly easy to write.
@Mittchel normally while loops
I can't seem to figure out how to call an api every 0.2 seconds
this is ridiculous:P
or every 0.5 seconds for that mather
Well you see, you go to the website and search for the contact page...
...at least I think thats how you call an api.
@EventHorizon I think you need to see a doctor
@RepWhoringPeeHaa do you make use of a domain model?
I have a model of my domain. Because I'm a villain from a Bond movie. Villains gotta have models. Especially ones that rise up from underneath a panel in the floor!
@Mittchel No I haven't. I just love going back and seeing that I've done it all wrong ;)
Who's mr. peehaa here?
that peehaa
is that usable already?
does this chat cross over into mysql ?
@Chris usable, but not finished.
> Although I have just started with the rewrite it can already be used in projects, however please note that the class is subject to change and that things may break in the future.
i are bit drunk, will look latr
Q: Keeping overflow:hidden really hidden

user823527If I have a div with the style overflow: hidden; I found that there are times when keyboard actions can cause the div to scroll anyway. And since there are no scrollbars, there is really no way to make the div go back to its original state. Is anything I should do in addition to specifying the ...

@hakre are you sure there isnt a suitable duplicate for stackoverflow.com/questions/10464412/…?
also, the XPath should be a[img]/@href instead of your suggestion
YetAnotherMineCraftClone cubelands.com
@RepWhoringPeeHaa done what wrong?:p
404 - Not Found @Donut
@RepWhoringPeeHaa Fix'd
@RepWhoringPeeHaa hows your development going?
@Mittchel I did many things plain wrong and I had to improve lots of things. But that's ok.
haha alright :)
@Mittchel pretty good. Just implemented github api support for my projects in my site
Cool.. like you're able to push stuff from your website?
@Mittchel I could do that. However I currently use it the other way around. To get info about my projects into my site
Alright cool :)
But you're not working with an domain model?
Lets say you've a project.. do you really use an Project object and stuff?
Oh god, @RepWhoringPeeHaa Can you limit the question box a bit in your extension?
@RepWhoringPeeHaa upload it.. wanna see it :P
@Donut There's an option to limit the size in pixels. I had the same issue :)
@Donut I think thats what the height option is for.
@Donut you can do it yourself ;) go to settings or simply click on the icon in the addressbar. I like it at 30px
@Mittchel yup. logical models
Riiiight, I'm blind :(
and thats a really shitty solution
Rep Whorin' time!
@sg3s it's the @ 'solution'
Why there's no easy non-duplicate questions that no one answers? :(
the real solution would be to make sure that the check is done before the output is started
lol posted at almost the same time :P
Lol, from -1 score to 4 in few seconds.
85 rep more :c
@Mittchel cannot. Next thing on the list is implement tutorials. Still thinking about how I want to set it up. I'm thinking wiki style. Not sure yet though
Anyone here using Redis?
@RepWhoringPeeHaa Did you follow any tutorials while designing your framework? I'd like to set it up like you did looks great:)
If so, what do you do if all Redis servers can't be contacted?
IOW, is that a recoverable exception for you?
@Mittchel Not really. Mostly common sense and just making what I need
Or do you just halt?
More specifically, could you continue if you could not connect to a Redis server?
I'm working on the codeigniter-redis library and contemplating adding the ability for clients of it to define a callback if (for some reason) you can't haz Redis.
> Let's just say the ob_* methods exist for a reason, and using them in this snippet is practical.
But that assumes 'no Redis, no cache, I can keep going!'
heh if redis is somehow used for caching then by all means you should always be able to do without... cache is expendable, does not have to be used or exist for a program to continue running
That's .. basically my argument
But, we're talking about a lot of people that don't know any better.
I'm thinking it would make sense to provide a setter to define a callback if the socket suddenly died.
Then the show could go on, or not, depending on what you built.
I'm not sure it's your problem to worry about... You should carry on and maybe trow an error is the callback isn't defined as that covers an edge case you might not have to deal with until the code is live somewhere, enforce the need for the callback
It's not quite like halting due to the DB being offline. Well written apps should be able to continue without it, even just to say "this feature is offline, sorry!"
so the user of the framework can still throw an error in there if needed/wanted
Yeah, either way, they need a callback if the socket died
Continue or not, up to them. No callback, just die.
maybe retry making the connection before really giving up...
if thats an option
Well, make that an option too
Thanks for rubber ducking :)
you're welcome
@RepWhoringPeeHaa stackoverflow.com/questions/10465383/… what the hell man :s
people don't get the real world it seems
How do you exclude content within HTML Tags when using preg_replace()?
@sg3s :(
@Sammy you might want to duck for cover
You don't use regexes to match html content
@Sammy what do you want to do exactly. What does exclude content mean. What content? Everything? Some tags?
plain text inside a tag?
I posted this 30 min ago and waiting to see if there is an answer: stackoverflow.com/questions/10465414/…
bah did the zalgo answer on html matching with regexes get deleted or can I just not find it? :(
that hopefully explains it
@Sammy after reading the first paragraph I can already tell you should use a proper html parser
@sg3s it's still there
A: RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags

bobinceYou can't parse [X]HTML with regex. Because HTML can't be parsed by regex. Regex is not a tool that can be used to correctly parse HTML. As I have answered in HTML-and-regex questions here so many times before, the use of regex will not allow you to consume HTML. Regular expressions are a tool th...

i am not a php pro so i dont know what is a proper html parser
Q: How to parse and process HTML with PHP?

RobertPittHow can one parse HTML and extract information from it? What libraries exist for that purpose? What are their strengths and drawbacks? This is a General Reference question for the php tag

hello :)
does anyone know the main purpose of shell in php?
@SoroushAtarod it's just freaking awesome!
im developing a chess game. and from the games that i read they all say to display the board create a shell
i'll check this out
whats the point of creating shell to display chessboard :S
@SoroushAtarod How are you developing a chess game with PHP..?
@SoroushAtarod probably to keep a separate process which manages the game state while players make their moves.... where do you get your info?
PHP game programming book
developing and creating the rules are not a challenge
the challenge in it is being efficient
now every 2 second it makes an ajax call to retrieve the last movement
which is the last record inserted into the table movements
i should have created a server (sockets) and let it handle it
but couldnt find a legit example that works :(
and issue with ajax every call it makes increases the ram
of the browser
@SoroushAtarod Who told you that?
i observe it through task manager
Which browser?
thats why they let sockets handle heaving ajax application
any browser
bez sockets are on server
ajax and jquery are on client. the load is on client
Well, StackOverflow is opened on at least 3 tabs here at chrome
Each tabs sends many AJAX requests
And the tabs are opened for at least 5 hours
yea stackoverflow message are handled by sockets
Wouldn't that make my computer explode?
they mostly be using node.js, websockets for chrome and safari
PHP can have no effect on memory usage in the client whatsoever (unless it sends a huge HTML document to it). AJAX can cause a memory leak if it's not used competently.
@GordonM true
does anyone has code example of sockets with jquery
For example if you create a new XHR object for every request without disposing of the old one, you'll run out of memory. You need to either destroy the old XHR before creating a new one, or recycle the XHR and use the same one to make all AJAX requests (second approach preferred)
@GordonM im developing a multiplayer chess game
so every valid move, the from, to and pieceName is stored into table movements in sql
and the ajax calls every 2seconds fetches the last inserted row, and appends it to the board
i do know that socket should inform the players browser that an action has been done
but couldnt find a working example of sockets with jquery
you do not need jquery to make a websocket
hell .. you do not need jquery at all , if you know how to write javascript
my issue is i dont know how to write javascript
then maybe , just maybe, you should learn
i will definitely
does that mean sockets dont work with juer :S
websockets work with javascript
jquery is a library written in javascript , it does not add or remove anything from the language
i have a big problem
until i find a working code working fully
i cannot do anything
@tereško it does add a lot...
haven't you ever benchmarked it? ;)
@RepWhoringPeeHaa , well .. i tried to ignore the negative in this case
i spent almost 5hours finding how to use websockets
none of the examples worked
@SoroushAtarod you're doomed anyway just because of your attitude: "until i find a working code working fully"
@RepWhoringPeeHaa the issue is
i check codes from books
they dont run
i check online codes
your english is somewhat horrifying
i checked the documentation for websockets in html5 its poor
im typing fast and its 1am here
the docs aren't poor. websockets api is pretty easy. any docs is great
@RepWhoringPeeHaa have you used websockets before?
lemme ask you this , @SoroushAtarod : why do you need websockets for your project ?
@SoroushAtarod not in live code, but I've checked it out
@tereško im developing a multiplayer chess game
so the moves should be informed to the players
what i do now, is i insert the valid move location into the database

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