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How is your weekend?
Stressful, due to Things. Otherwise fine, thanks:P
How's yours?
Hosted a meetup this afternoon. Double the attendance of last month!
Nice. What kind of meetup?
From 2 to 4 other than myself
Programmer meetup
numbers don't lie
Small town in Idaho...
I meant that +100% is +100%
Wow... smaller than I thought even. About 60k
@AndrasDeak yes, I got it. Just continuing my rambling
Was just a casual coffee shop conversation. Need to start presentations and other activities
good luck with it
How are things going with you? Any progress on projects?
no, not really, but I usually don't have any
Do you code professionally? I know you're a physicist, not a computer scientist.
Yup, I program for work. Well, sort of: I code a little and use a lot
OIC... for some reason, I thought it was more of a hobby for you
it is:P
I'm a computational physicist
but my hobby is programming:D
How can programming be a hobby when you don't have projects?
I dabble in various stuff
lot of my fun comes from looking at questions on SO
Will those are projects, right?
I gathered most of my python knowledge by trying to answer questions
well, these things are so diffuse that I wouldn't call them projects per se
Yeah, SO is a great resource, and not just for getting questions answered.
the projectiest thing I've done so far was advent of code
I learn a lot just from reading some q&a's
I usually have to use stuff to remember them later
Rbrb for a few.
bash: pytohn3: command not found
time for another new tag
kitty likes to curl up in my lap while I'm at the computer
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
Hello to you super cool guys. I've got a question. It would be helpful if u answer it. I wrote some code for my simple chat application(Android Clinet & Python Server). I used socket connection for communicate. It works fine on local network but when i executed my code on a cheap VPS it only works if i have a little data to send and recieve but not working if i have for example a query with 1000 raw from database.
My question is that how can i run my python code on something other than VPS? Is it possible to execute such a code on a host with CGI-bin for example?
@Matarata May be there is some data-transfer limit or connection timeout limit for the connection imposed on the VPS. Also, are you sending this data via load balancer? If yes, there is a possibility that your connection is not persistent with the servers.
PS: I am not an expert in it. These are some factors I am able to think of right now
@Matarata the most probable explanation is that your program is buggy.
and running it on a VPS uncovered the bug, you should strive to fix it instead.
unless you use UDP only, I cannot believe you can find a VPS where the connection would be stable enough to get the stuff in there, but not stable enough to use...
1 hour later…
(1st gear) caaaa (2nd) aaaa (3rd) BBAAA (4th) AAAA (break) Ggg \o/ gge
Accident :D
I think you mean (brake) not (break). Unless you broke your gearbox. ;)
Yes Brake!
FWIW, in the PostScript language, instead of using quote marks parentheses are used to denote strings. And you can have parentheses inside strings without escaping them, as long as they're properly balanced.
It failed for the first time, so was playing safe :D
K thx. Testing strings in here wouldn't be a good idea. Where else to test?
Parentheses are free for this use because they aren't required to group expressions, since PosScript is a stack-based RPN language. And it makes string literals consistent with other array literals: [] are used for lists, and <> are used for dictionaries.
@MYGz There's a Sandbox chat for experiments.
I see. Room no 1
Oh, and {} are used for procedure objects.
@AnttiHaapala You got pinged from Room1?
Hey @AnttiHaapala I had a look at random.py to see how random.randint handles the bias vs runtime issue. It opts for infinite looping. github.com/python-git/python/blob/master/Lib/random.py#L249 The worst case is randint(0, 2**k) because it calls getrandbits(k+1). Thus it returns after 1 call with probability almost p=0.5, 2 calls: p=.25, 3 calls: p=0.125, etc. I.e., the expected number of loops is almost 2.
noyce = not.
but yeah, it is uniform
if you're good with something else, you can always use the return int(self.random() * n)
explicitly written
@PM2Ring remember this in Python 3.6
@AnttiHaapala But that's biased, unless n is a power of 2. :)
@AnttiHaapala Yes, I'm aware of secrets, although I've never used it. But it's for crypto use, not general simulation programs. OTOH, I guess if you're writing a card / dice / roulette simulator for a gambling site then you want the highest grade randomness you can get.
there is nothing particularly good about mersenne twister except that it is guaranteed to have a long cycle
much longer than the cryptographic ones have
though for ultimate security, could feed mersenne twister into the urandom pool
@AnttiHaapala It sure beats the linear congruential PRNGs ones based on 2**31-1 that we used to use in Ancient times. :)
@AnttiHaapala What you mean my program is buggy? Its working fine on local network even for large data transfer but on VPS it does work while i have low data for transfer and i'm sure its cuz of the weak CPU. I don't know if its possible to run my code without any problem on a web server like Nginx or not?
Hey, it's good enough for ASCII raindrops.
@Matarata that.
your program is buggy. You cannot prove that it is not buggy by having it working somewhere
the only thing you can ever prove by running is that a program is buggy :D
Which part of my program is buggy? If i share my code with you. Can u tell me where is buggy?
OTOH, you can prove that each function in your program passes its tests...
so, what does it prove :d
@PM2Ring And where is test?
it doesn't prove the program is not buggy, it just proves that it once passed the tests :D
@AnttiHaapala omg
@Matarata You have written tests for your functions, right?
@PM2Ring I remember the test that was written for int->str in C,
@PM2Ring What you mean tests? What tests?
it checked the -12345 -> str by: "result must have length 6, and must start with -"
so, the code converted that number to -00000
I don't know what is test?
@Matarata I think you better read this: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_testing
my company doesn't write tests
a test here means automated code testing :D unittesting, regression testing, functional, integration testing
@khajvah good for them
I decided to write some and that meant I had to refactor like everythign
so I gave up and started working on a different project which is small and can be refactored
well, they don't write unit tests only, they write the rest
and have lots of QA guys
this is what I was saying, before, I thought I am a bad programmer. Turns out I am not
If your functions are really small, then it can be obvious that they're correct so they don't need testing. But it's still a good idea to do some tests in case you made some dumb mistake implementing your logic.
I think everything needs testing
Nov 11 '15 at 17:02, by Ffisegydd
Tests are the for weak, your code either works or doesn't.
How else are gonna make sure everything works?
I was working on a feature, had to load up a database, populate it with really complicated data, and then test
it took like a whole day
@PM2Ring That was helpful. I learned something new today. This room is perfect actually. You guys are awesome. Tnx
No worries.
I should write some test for my functions and see what happens
@Matarata unit testing is not easy though, I suggest you read about them before blindly feeding random inputs
>>> a = 1.0
>>> a is 1.0
>>> 0.0 is 0.0
How is it different?
0.0 is 0.0 should have generated 2 different objects?
>>> 1.0 is 1.0
I meant
@MYGz The interpreter is smart enough to recycle the 1.0 object when it's reused on the same line.
Q: Why does id({}) == id({}) and id([]) == id([]) in CPython?

spenthilWhy does CPython (no clue about other Python implementations) have the following behavior? tuple1 = () tuple2 = () dict1 = {} dict2 = {} list1 = [] list2 = [] # makes sense, tuples are immutable as...

>>> a = "#$"
>>> a is "#$"
>>> print id(a), id("#$"), id("#$")
140463901972480 140463902004288 140463902004288
seems consistent with other objects as well
hmm, rbrb
Uh, that link doesn't actually explain 0. is 0.
It's still got lots of good info, though.
Why would code work when you feed it "1" but not with other integer strings? Once you've got a good theory, see stackoverflow.com/questions/42187375/…
Haskell is good
Scala is bad
@PM2Ring TIL that quolls are a thing and they're adorable as babies
all babies are adorable except human
@AndrasDeak They are cute. I've never seen one in the wild, though. OTOH, there are plenty of Australian native animals that I've never seen in the wild - many of them tend to be nocturnal &/or very good at hiding.
Should we close this one as unclear? stackoverflow.com/questions/42187541/… Sadly, we don't have a "OP is a yam-head" close reason...
Some critters from my local area: coffscoast.com.au/see-and-do/wildlife/in-the-wild
@PM2Ring busy guy
not like us, slackers, who spend whole day on SO
@PM2Ring close as anything
I voted too broad
it's also tagged
I couldn't resist an asshat comment of my own
@AndrasDeak lovely
ok, I opened 2 questions after not answering for month(s), both terrible
my go-to response to "I want ..." requirement dumps is "I want pizza."
@khajvah instead of slowly killing your liver, you need to get to 3k to help out with these stuff
of course you can also do both
@AndrasDeak can I close vote with 3k?
@PM2Ring wonder if it refers to a pony
@khajvah yup
I thought it was 10k
that's worth it
10k is delvotes on not-so-recently-closed questions
+see deleted crap
+see offensive chat flags
I wouldn't want that
you're missing out on a lot of fun:D
too much responsibility
but 3k is much more constructive
I expect kind 10k users to share with fun deleted crap
@khajvah You can post stuff like that using [tag:cv-pls]. But you should wait 10 minutes on the off-chance that the OP improves the question. And it's a good idea to post a comment first to encourage the OP to fix the question (but you already did that). Unless it's a typo or dupe. Or really bad and attracting answers
@khajvah you plebs always expect that, don't you?
@AndrasDeak Only incidentally. Do an image search on "I want a pony"
@PM2Ring haha:D
Speaking of wanting a pony:
Andras probably won't like it because it's rather bluesy.
I could tell by the cover image
@PM2Ring so many bronies
@PM2Ring cute voice
10-year-old cute
the lyrics might bias my perception:D
yeah :D
@PM2Ring this kind of music is rather "safe". You can't go too wrong
Her voice is a bit juvenile, and she exaggerates it for that song, since it fits so well. But yeah, it can get a bit annoying after a while. Still, she's had a decent career.
@MYGz there is constant folding in python compiler.
however, it only folds constants within that code object.
Hey friends,
I'm trying to implement celery, with django
I'm unable to figure out how to setup an enviroment like,
django is running on a VM, and celery workers on other VM.
even posted this question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/42112312/django-celery-tasks-on-multiple-worker-nodes
please help
as the lines are compiled separately (with exec mode 'single'), they cannot share constants.
and floats are not cached unlike small ints
my little brother is more pushy than most adults. He keeps pushing me to teach him new stuff in programming
ask him to join here
can't trust you to teach him properly, perhaps you'd even let him use python 2...
@AnttiHaapala he will find out that his bro is dumb, so no :D
@khajvah fraternal love <3
just tell him to keep his age secret if it's <13
github navbar still ugly.
what? folding?
aaawwww @PM2Ring you missed a ping :PPP
@ PM 2Ring I need some clarification... Can you please explain in an answer? — JerryPlayz101 1 hour ago
this is too busy guy
I'm a bit worried that martineau wants to answer it
@AndrasDeak So tempted to reply: "Sorry, I'm too busy".
hahaha that's gold:D
or do you mean this: — Antti Haapala 32 secs ago
caught him in the act
that's photoshopped
@AnttiHaapala it doesn't suite the rest of the site
@AnttiHaapala I remember that question.
First GitHub cpython pull request sent (for a patch that's been rotting in the Python issue tracker; this is where we learn wether or not the review process really is now easier and faster) :-)
@MartijnPieters Good luck! I suspect that a lot of PRs will happen over the next few days /weeks due to the novelty factor.
I think more than a dozen sprouted right after the migration
we wrote a guess the number from 3 turns game
@MartijnPieters was there a need to sign cla or does it work with the github user from roundup profile?
What kind of learning curve should I take as I'm a novice on Python but I would like to solve one problem where I need trees and best-first-search?
guys, suggest me some fun complete beginner kids problems/games
@JaakkoSeppälä do you know any other programming languages?
@JaakkoSeppälä go solve puzzles from this year's advent of code in python :P
when stuck you can look at solutions by others
there were several graph problems that were rather nicely solved with best-first-search (and also breadth-first-search with proper pruning)
@khajvah I have done some COBOL, Java and PHP but as computer science was my minor subject on the university, I don't have very much experience on writing code.
CS students don't write too much code either, so it's fine
Antti's suggestion is good then
there are plenty of solutions in our githubs
you can try to solve yourself, and if you fail, you can cheat and look into our code
and davidism's bitbucket :P
bwaa, always need to have one dissident :D
I have tried problems in ohjelmointiputka.net/postit
these are similar
sopython.com/wiki/Advent_of_Code our solutions are here
can we change back the nav bar of GH
it is more fruitful to not just solve but compare with other people's solutions
it's really ugly
@khajvah it is
@JaakkoSeppälä also, if you're into more mathy stuff, then project euler
if you get stuck you can ask marcus for hints :D
@AnttiHaapala I have done some Project Euler problems.
I should do one-problem-a-day project Euler challenge
of course start with non-trivial ones
@AnttiHaapala It uses the bugs.python.org info
@AnttiHaapala: your bugs.python.org profile has a 'github.com username' field; fill that in and then the bot will tag the pull request with your CLA status.
Yeah, it seems I had filled it in already (dunno why, and when)
I think I should get that pgettext into 3.7
added [python] for potential hammer
Is this a good dupe for this?
if the answer is "yes", :P
looks good to me
I couldn't find anything related on sopy/common questions, maybe something like this should be added
please do
the accepted answer concerns op's question exactly
I might, when I find the time. I'll try to keep it in mind
@AndrasDeak Surely there's a good dupe target for that... but it's hard to find something appropriate given all the other import-related questions.
yeah, and it's so egregiously no-effort-made that I'd rather close it as something roomba-able
@AndrasDeak Good point. I just posted a link in a comment. The answer's good, but I don't think the question as a whole is a good dupe target.
OP needs a "how do imports work" Q&A
And it's been closed for 11 minutes, so I'd be a bit late to hammer it anyway. As I've said before, it's really annoying that you have to refresh the page (or attempt to vote or answer) to find out that a question's been closed.
but the new top bar will increase productivity gazillionfold
you can get to SOD and Developer Story even quicker:PP
@PM2Ring if you are already answering, they notify you with a small yellow bar
@UrielEli but then you're still within the grace period
(and if you post the answer, it'll get through... another very useful feature)
@UrielEli Well, yeah.
you can't submit after closure (at least didnt work for me)
you can, depending on Stuff
@AndrasDeak Wonderful :rolls eyes:
@UrielEli link
pupper pupper pupper
you mean pupper pupper pup pup doggo
we can go with that
I am to setup node.js with mongoDb and angular and facing this error:
"Stacksight error: apikey not supplied" when running node server.js
I have tried everywhere but not found any resolution for this
This is the Python room.
You should try another room that matches your problem.
@SohaibAsif ew
JS ecosystem needs to die
clickbaity title is clickbaity
18k user answering brain fart tutorial-grade question ARGH
why do I even care
@AndrasDeak heartbreaking
damn this python-github looks awesome
Q: Why the value of a global variable from a module cannot be changed if imported with 'from ... import' in python?

Nicolas GarnierI am struggling to understand the following behavior of global variables from a module. I want to import a variable from another module, and change its value through a function call (this is because in my use case that function had to access some other 'private' parts of the module). I know how I...

dupe pls :?
@AnttiHaapala why isn't the dup you found a good one?
because it is of a different thing and too confusing
it is the same but
there is an indirection
so guy is modifying bar.a and thinking it sohuld modify bar.bar.a
too much headache
does the use of global allow you to rebind the global name?
hmm, I guess it should
read please
@AnttiHaapala he got it :D
@AnttiHaapala btw, I like that question, could be a good interview question.
@vaultah wat, kevin'd by vaultah
@khajvah if a "python" programmer can't answer that then shouldn't hire him at all.
or is that vaultah'd
vaultah'd by vaultah.
@AnttiHaapala self-hammered
well, it's confusing at first, because of package/module names
which is weird because OP has 1 rep?
@GaneshPandey anw, surely you can wait for people to read your question for longer than 2 minutes before requesting help.
@AndrasDeak I'd want to find the real duplicate
then we can dupe all this shit to that
I wanted to write an answer but I felt so stupid writing an answer to an obvious duplicate that I just scrapped my partial, but then I couldn't find any target.
you could have told me
I don't feel ashamed
@AnttiHaapala sorry i'm new to chatroom.. i am confused :D
@GaneshPandey then cabbage, you'd fit right in here.
we all are more or less confused here.
some more than others
@GaneshPandey basically, rules say that you shouldn't link questions asked sooner than 1-2 days
Okay won't repeat again :)
ugh 10k lines of code in a single file feels aweful
I was facing import related issues in my new Django app. After debugging everything for around more than an hour, figured out that WSGI_APPLICATION was incorrectly referenced. It should be the first thing which I should have checked :/
@Kevin's list.append(A Monster Calls) // 8.4/10 by me
@Peter have you seen The Girl with All the Gifts?
@AndrasDeak not yet, worth watching?
@PeterVaro I think so, yes:) It's a very interesting new take on the subject
@idjaw you should tweet that @dog_rates on twitter!
Anyone familiar with anaconda?
@AndrasDeak added to my list then, cheers!
@JacobVlijm please just ask your question sopython.com/chatroom
@vaultah Ah, Thanks, I'll look
@PeterVaro hope you'll like it:)
vaultah and Jacob look like brothers
Brothers from different continents. African and Asian ;)
not sure where you got that idea.
Andras is well known for finding such nasty relationships :P
I meant your continents.
I am not that well known for this but sometime I come up with such nasty examples ;)
early morning rhubarb
1 hour later…
early-post-midnight-for-a-change rhubarb

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