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@Collin it's not ident-sensitive
@Abyx Then no
Ooh, you should make it space sensitive and vertical tabs to separate modules or something!
@Collin I have that image on my desk !!
@Abyx Forbidding is rarely a constructive idea and violates the principle of least surprise.
@CheersandhthAlf it won't help with renderers which uses 8 spaces, like google.code
So there are still people who use emacs voluntarily ?
@Scottymac What? You print on your desk?
@ScarletAmaranth Want to fight about it? XD
@Abyx Doesn't google's beautifier interpret vim modelines and such? That would be a nifty feature
@sehe i use crayons actually
@Collin There are not valid arguments pro emacs :)
@ScarletAmaranth wut
@Scottymac Well props for doing the drawing yourself
@ScarletAmaranth You don't need valid arguments to use an editor :)
@Collin Unless you consider yourself "a real programmer" in which case it's ok :)
@ScarletAmaranth I use it mostly for stuff where the only IDE available is eclipse.. uggggghhhh
@ScarletAmaranth spoken like a true vim user
@ScarletAmaranth inspect();
I'd gladly use VS for all my C++ if I could, but the embedded platforms I normally work on kinda keep that from being practical
@ScarletAmaranth We all are. As long as you don't use Visual NetClipse, you should be fine
@Scarlet... was trying to reply to @Callin
@Scottymac Why? I'm a true vim user and I can see why people like Emacs. I'm just too old to learn two editors well
Let's all use Notepad!
@sehe me too... hard to teach old dogs new editors
@sehe I can kinda use vim, but not that well
@ScarletAmaranth don't have notepad in linux
@Scottymac install wine :)
@Scottymac Kate!
@Collin Kate is far superior. Even comes with Vi mode. I use that when using Frescobaldi (which embdes KatePart)
@sehe Used kate to take all my notes in history classes - was far better than OneNote or it's linux equivalents
Let's all use MS Word to write code! (Or an open office alternative!) :)
@Collin That has been a while, I wager?
@sehe 2008?
@Scottymac One time I had to fix things from single-user mode on an OS X 10.2 install CD. The only editor available: ex.
@ScarletAmaranth I think MFC includes the source to worpad.exe (or write.exe)? It's open source so run it on wine and be done
We need to find the most impractical text editor.
ed is pretty close
@Collin I dunno. I reckon there would have been Zim, Tomboy, Evernote, XMind, Gedit, Kate; just a rather broad selection from memory.
@Collin +1 for that
But hey, I did use EDLIN quite extensively, back in the day
@ScarletAmaranth Anything EBCDIC specific
Anything involving punch cards
I just found it easier to pound away in a text editor than deal with any of the note-taking niceties in anything else

Math though, couldn't do that on a computer to save my life
I still remember when 4dos introduced line-editing for dos 3.x - weehoo, complete with command history. Way cool
@Collin +1. I use vim for precisely the same reasons. I also hate it when programs run slow (like, Tomboy, would crawl when I pasted in a largish body of text)
@Abyx they will just have to adjust. after all, who will be more popular
Hullo - Can i ask a question on the off chance it's a ridiculously easy one?
well... anyway, if I'll create that language, it seems that I'll be the only one who will use it. So it's OK that compiler will force code style which I like.
oh, another ape (or monkey?)
Forbidding tabs is a perfect idea.
@Graeme You can. But you already did
@CatPlusPlus But only when you can globally enforce it. Ban it from the charset. Or make it nolonger classify as whitespace
That's true
I just realize it'll look like this:
C:\foo>foo.exe src.foo

error CRAP0001: src.foo:11:22: tabs detected. Your code style is a crap.
You could just rewrite the source file (i.e. replace tabs with spaces) and call it "undefined behavior"
@Abyx There's only one major issue there: C: should be capitalized (windows capitalizes on everything) and you are missing a nice C54938 error number
what, having tabs in there is undefined behaviour? :D
@Potatoswatter That would be unspecified, then?
@sehe fixed
@Abyx Quick: @rem I just realize it'll look like this:
@sehe Call it a surprise. No, a gift.
There's a very good code style reformatter for C++, I've used it before to fix my indentation style (which is all over the place, I'm obviously disused to languages with curly braces) can anyone think what it might be called? I can't imagine there are that many good ones.
@Eloff astyle or bcpp
Is the priority of the logic && and || operators strictly defined? For example, what is a && b || c?
Of course it's defined, why wouldn't it be defined?
@CatPlusPlus Strictly defined.
@PaulManta Yes, both precedence and order of operations are defined. It's (a && b) || c, and the order of evaluation is a, b, c.
@Potatoswatter Thanks.
A: Why doesn't std::weak_ptr<> provide a bool conversion?

Xeoif(!wp.expired()) is almost always a wrong check in multithreaded code, because directly after that if statement the pointer could expire. As such, if weak_ptr had exactly that as the semantics for the bool conversion, it would never be used anyways. If you want to check if the pointer is alive,...

Anyone mind checking if I'm spouting any bullshit there? :)
Bah, nvm
@sehe yeah it was astyle, thanks
@Xeo is weak_ptr::lock thread-safe?
@Xeo It's fine.
@Potatoswatter so... false && false || true is false?
surely it depends how you read that
@thecoshman no it doesn't. It depends on how the compiler reads it only.
And that is well-specified
which is...
c will be evaluated only if a or b are false if it's (a && b) || c.
It's really an if-else.
so it just does it from left to right?
If a is true, then b is evaluated and if b is true, c isn't. If a is false, then go directly to c
@Abyx It should be, but I seriously can't find anything in the standard backing that up
Yes… the left-to-right evaluation is actually independent of parens or precedence
shared_ptr<T> lock() const noexcept;
    Returns: expired() ? shared_ptr<T>() : shared_ptr<T>(*this).
Refcounting in shared_ptr is thread-safe.
Oh, wait, nvm
the check is the other way around
Argh, no, that still doesn't make it safe
I is confuzzled
the linker, ld, is giving me some issues with -lc++abi not finding and loading libc++abi.so.1 which is on the linker search path (/usr/lib, verified by passing -v to ld) how do I link a dynamic library (.so)?
@CatPlusPlus refcounting might be, but doesn't the construction suffer from the same non-atomicity problem as a manual check?
@Eloff Are you trying to compile C++ code in a .c file or with the gcc command or something?
@Xeo so if it's not, you'll need an external lock, and then you can safely use if(!wp.expired())
@Potatoswatter actually just trying to link libc++abi into libc++ (the clang abi and clang c++ stdlib)
@Abyx That's what I'm currently trying to find out
I could've sworn that lock was promised to be atomic
@Xeo Eh, dunno.
§ -- shared_ptr atomic access [util.smartptr.shared.atomic]

1 Concurrent access to a shared_ptr object from multiple threads does not introduce a data race if the access
is done exclusively via the functions in this section and the instance is passed as their first argument. shared_ptr atomic access [util.smartptr.shared.atomic]
1 Concurrent access to a shared_ptr object from multiple threads does not introduce a data race if the access
is done exclusively via the functions in this section and the instance is passed as their first argument.
been trying to build a hello c++11 world with clang, on ubuntu, it's not been easy :P
@Eloff the abi should be part of the stdlib. Are you modifying the stdlib or its makefile? How did you get here?
@CatPlusPlus I was first :)
That doesn't help, does it? The shared_ptr might still be destroyed before the new one is created
it's a separate thing to the stdlib, it's possible to use libc++rt instead of libc++abi, or even use the gcc c++ abi thingy, but I doubt that last one will work nicely
But I guess, you could have another check inside the weak_ptr constructor of shared_ptr...
Lock all the things!
(Multithreading sucks.)
@CatPlusPlus it's not so bad with locks, it's when you try to use threads and not lock all the things that the fun really begins
> Throws: bad_weak_ptr when r.expired().
So you can still have a race with lock
@RMartinhoFernandes, halp!
@Potatoswatter so the idea is build the c++abi, which I managed, and then build libc++ and link it against the abi (which I can't seem to do). Is -lc++abi meant to be able to find and link a file called libc++abi.so.1 ?
And why is this damn chat so slow for me >_<
A lock with no potential for a race would be useless.
      lock() const // never throws
#ifdef __GTHREADS
	if (this->expired())
	  return shared_ptr<_Tp>();

	    return shared_ptr<_Tp>(*this);
	__catch(const bad_weak_ptr&)
	    return shared_ptr<_Tp>();
	return this->expired() ? shared_ptr<_Tp>() : shared_ptr<_Tp>(*this);
That's g++'s.
So it's sometimes safe? ....
@Potatoswatter Huh? Why?
Threads are hard, let's go shoppin.
Yeah, I kinda understand why people like coroutines now. Multithreading in a single thread!
@CatPlusPlus I don't understand how that can be a race, there's only allowed to be one thread inside the lock at a time. What variable is the race on?
who wants root access to my machine via ssh? for the price of fixing my link errors?
@Ell delete ALL the things
@Ell I do :)
@Xeo If you know a lock will always succeed, then there's probably no need to lock. It's only useful if another thread might acquire the lock instead in nondeterministic fashion: a race condition.
I think the above is safe.
But am too lazy to further analyse.
@Eloff We don't talk about mutex locks, we talk about weak_ptr<T>::lock()
Coroutines are magical.
@sehe seriously I'm not even kidding - you can have root access for half an hour if you can fix the linking errors
just promise not to steal anything from an innocent child
@Xeo no idea what that does
@Potatoswatter Wait. We're not talking about mutex / thread locks here
Also STM and functional programming.
@Ell I am always serious. Here's my pubkey in a second
@Xeo I thought we were talking about both: locking a weak_ptr while it might be freed by another thread.
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDzV4nU7ivFTS6ULZaUkp/WciEUXrv0JJWsVTIfLUKFovuoI21ABB5bRPRCae4qHw4Q04Mx7jaMv09iqYzh86h4WB5oGSYOM5ArJlw9DvFg4YitWuAI1O2A/t5qCMHiqhhAgARIWCz4cd4XCb9Y+5Jr5UUKT7s6l/rmDJiz5KgdnrIDySiIT11hK90paDCVMAhcAy+q7S3wH/ndkqYL0xECxG9SdRFxZJ103upMbeOeA47C1dole+g2zMN+m6lo94noAUUoix554rn52TRBNYSJ9A4lm++y7YUvCM8VVBxSVzdQCvYxhMn9m7N0VpXkuntanUjnAU5yJ8LkIFINdcAZ sehe@somewhere
posted on April 23, 2012 by Herb Sutter

Last month in Kansas City I gave a talk on “Welcome to the Jungle,” based on my recent essay of the same name (sequel to “The Free Lunch Is Over”) concerning the turn to mainstream heterogeneous distributed computing and the end of Moore’s Law. Perceptive Software has now made the talk available online: Welcome to the Jungle In the [...]

@sehe Man I got scolded for copying in some bash code to my root prompt..
@Ell Of course, don't give me root access. Just give me enough to have a look
@sehe okay now I have to figure out how I set this up with ssh :L I've only ever used it to play around within my network :L I will figure it out in a while :)
@Collin scolded? Scorched?
@sehe now that really is getting pedantic :P
@Ell Just append the line to .ssh/authorized_keys, usually job done
@sehe okay :) there shouldn't be anything on there - unless mint thinks its a good idea to store passwords in plaintext
So do I have the right usage? ld -lfoo will link libfoo.so.1 ? Or is it only for .a static libs?
Don't use ld directly.
Unless you know what you're doing, but in that case you wouldn't be asking
@sehe Maybe that wasn't you.. counting how big ARG_MAX was?
@Collin indeed
@sehe give me a second i'm just investigating ssh for a little :L
am I the only one who thinks the D3 beta was a disappointment?
@DeadMG didn't try it. I hear the servers were swamped all weekend?
most weekend
there were some spots where it was fine
@DeadMG A bit.
what really gets me most is the changes to the skills
I get it that Diablo 2's skill tree was hardly a master stroke
but D3's is even worse
the signature skills are weak as all hell, the mana drains really, really quickly, and you can't have a skill useful for both taking down a boss/rare and dealing with multiple enemies equipped at the same time
in D2 I bound Glacial Spike to my left and Blizzard to my right
I played with Barbarian, and some skills generate Fury and some use it.
Demon hunter or whatever was pretty fun.
But yeah, the system is weird.
@sehe this may take longer than I had thought :L I will inform you if I actually get anywhere xD
@DeadMG Maybe try this?
I've ordered pizza and it's old guy delivery guy again.
the one who can never, ever find your place?
Yap. He just called.
At least it'll be on time for a change.
I hope.
arghh I can't reboot my router :O
i will have to run ssh on my minecraft port :L
@CatPlusPlus I'm an adult, I'll use ld directly if I deem it necessary, your condescension is not necessary. A lot of build scripts do and that's what I'm modifying - so do you know the answer or not?
The answer is "don't use ld directly".
once a year I get to do a lecture on "Why I use C++ instead of C or Java". It's like trolling but constructive
@awoodland What audience?
@Potatoswatter 2nd year undergrads
@awoodland Ooh, constructive indeed :)
@CatPlusPlus right rewrite the build script to not use ld directly. That makes perfect sense.
@CatPlusPlus I won't play with scissors either, because they're sharp. Can we please be adults here?
@Potatoswatter yeah they get 3 lectures at the end of programming paradigms one for each
@Eloff Because clearly you need to modify the build system to use a supported feature of the compiler. The way the runtime library is built isn't an integral part of it or anything… it's just a mix and match.
@sehe I wont be able to do ssh for quite a while! I will inform you when I can :) thank you for offering :)
@Potatoswatter the same is true for the gcc std c++ library. It depends on an underlying c++ abi library.
"Being adult" has nothing to do with it.
@awoodland The lectures are for C, C++, and Java? That sounds a bit dated. I'd hate to see the guy who needs to promote C to today's kids… although it's certainly an essential job skill.
You use ld directly when it's absolutely needed.
what, C++?
@Potatoswatter the guy who gets C is actually really good
Otherwise let g++ do the right thing.
@Eloff And you can use the underlying ABI library if you're stripping things down. But that doesn't mean using ld directly, and you don't worry about it when building the C++ standard library itself, because that's handled by the rest of the incredibly sophisticated build system.
@CatPlusPlus Sure it does. You say "don't do X" without giving a reason. That's how you treat a child. I don't know about you, but when someone says to me don't do X, I want to know why, especially if it seems to me that I need to do X.
@Potatoswatter yes I see your point, but this has nothing to do with gcc here, I'm using the clang compiler, and their build scripts for libc++ and libc++abi invoke ld directly.
Do you use a linker script?
Can somebody explain "The ID3v2 tag size is encoded with four bytes where the most significant bit (bit 7) is set to zero in every byte, making a total of 28 bits. The zeroed bits are ignored, so a 257 bytes long tag is represented as $00 00 02 01." to me ?
@CatPlusPlus yes, that's correct
@Abhishek What's ID3v2?
@Rushil MP3 metadata
For Clang hello world?
@Rushil id3v2 is a specification for metadata which stores your tag information " artist name etc" in an mp3
@Potatoswatter so can u explain me what the person in the above lines is trying to say ?
@CatPlusPlus to build libc++, the clang compatible std c++ library
@Abhishek So you're taking a 28-bit number and encoding it in a series of bytes with values 0...127.
the actual hello world invokes ld through clang, much like gcc would
Because the enclosing file format might not like bytes with values ≥128… for example ASCII text files.
I mean ld linker script, the one that determines the format of the output image.
Also, libc++ is probably still not a very good idea on Linux.
So just like encoding a number into decimal, where each byte gets a value '0'-'9', they are encoding into base-128.
33 mins ago, by sehe
@Ell Of course, don't give me root access. Just give me enough to have a look
@Collin Aha, now I get what you meant with 'scolded'. Also, note ^^
@Potatoswatter whoa! base128!
@Potatoswatter thanks :-)
@Abhishek Yep. That's all there is to it.
@CatPlusPlus the whole clang suite is still not a very good idea on linux :P
now that makes sense ... second part .. how the hell do i read it ?
Clang works fine with libstdc++.
@Abhishek I think that should be 257 bits right?
@Rushil nope
@Potatoswatter i think they are encoding in base 28
Anyway, pizza!
@CatPlusPlus you make a good point, if I just upgraded my libstdc++ and used that, it might save a lot of pain
uint32_t acc = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++ i ) {
    acc = acc * 128 + tag[ i ];
@Potatoswatter thanks :-)
@Abhishek np
pizza is always a good point
@Potatoswatter lets see if we can port that to js , should do
@DeadMG I you're pizza is a point, I bet you will end up very hungry. I prefer my pizzae to be circles (in the Euclidian sense)
it's an N-dimensional sphere!
@Abhishek Be careful, JS doesn't play well with things that aren't really text.
Can you tell me the equation of left edge in this pic (i.imgur.com/6xRKA.png) ? [Is it x=15 ?]
@Potatoswatter reminds me of.... php
@Failed_Noob I can.
@Potatoswatter yeah i am experiencing that but i am not using pure js , i am doing it on server side environment on node.js
@Failed_Noob ? 25 - 15 = 10, maybe?
@DeadMG Please let me know the anwer
that's effort
I prefer to dream of how I will crush the world through excellent software
@sehe I dont think thats right
@Failed_Noob Ooh. I'm all ears. Do tell me why you think it's not right. Perhaps in doing so you might accidentally ask the question that was missing.
@sehe In this case, I think the equation for left edge will be either x=15 or y =15
What is X? What equation? What does the arrow point to? What is the desired 'unknown'? Is it about the length of the line-piece pointed at? Is it the offset from the left (underspecified)? Is x the colorcode for the fill color?
equation of line .... By x I meant to say x cordinate
is x the weight of your mother in solar masses?
If you mean to imply that (15,15) and (25,25) model (x,y), then you just answered your own question, by asking it proper in the first place.
lol who flagged that?
Ooh, a blue flag with a yellow star! That's our new emblem!
@FailedNoob watch it, please. Flags are not useful in general, and absolutely inappropriate at this point, for you
How can I get the tick count in c++ in linux
Q: Getting the System tick count with basic C++?

Donal RaffertyI essentially want to reconstruct the getTickCount() windows function so I can use it in basic C++ without any non standard libraries or even the STL. (So it complies with the libraries supplied with the Android NDK) I have looked at clock() localtime time But I'm still unsure w...

@0x90 Is it too hard to search? That was literally 4 seconds of google. clicking the first SO hit
@sehe I am trying to do liang Barsky algorith (skytopia.com/project/articles/compsci/clipping.html#edges) hence I needed to know the equation of left edge
@Failed_Noob Perhaps you mean 'an equation'. This is more like an implicit formula for it, and yes, obviously x=15 is fine, IFF x is the first element of the coordinate tuples as shown in the illustration.
@sehe yes, that confirms it . Thank You
@sehe I looked 20 minutes didn;t found
@sehe and clock() return 0
@0x90 Really? Here's my google search: linux tick count
@sehe Google is hard to use.
Also why y u same avatar as robot.
const clock_t start = clock();
// do stuff here
clock_t now = clock();
clock_t delta = now - start;
@CatPlusPlus It is. Thank god there is stackoverflow.com
@sehe why delta is zero?
@CatPlusPlus Because you need to refresh you browser? Badly?
That bear looks like a robot.
@CatPlusPlus In that case: you need to see an optician. Badly
I'm not going to analyse every avatar. They look similar.
@0x90 I strongly suggest you at least READ the linked answers. I mean, I can see that google is hard to use, but now I used it for you, could you at least read the answer? Thank you
@CatPlusPlus omg
I know they're different.
But on quick look they register as the same one.
@CatPlusPlus Strong words, robocat! :-)
Apr 13 at 15:24, by R. Martinho Fernandes
user image
I bet Freud would think this is an interesting association. May I kindly suggest you, dear Cat, to not worry about it and just ignore the gravatars?
Meh I have 911 rep. Is something bad going to happen now?
@classdaknok_t Absolutely. I found a bug today in code checked in on 9/11/11
What software was the bug in?
Jet engine drivers?
@classdaknok_t My work project. No we don't use Jet Engine :)
Meh I'm sick of Ubuntu, all the crap it ships with.
Imma install Debian with just the core tools.
Grump grump.
@classdaknokt you must not use windows often if you think ubuntu ships with too much crap...
it's all relative
@classdaknok_t For a server, +1. For a desktop: Mint
@Eloff Zing! Indeed: bare ubuntu 64bit: <4Gb. Bare Win7 64 bit >30Gb :)
Mint ships with a GUI, and therefore it ships with crap.
@classdaknok_t Oh, well, time to switch to gentoo. Compile times are ok as long as you don't use X
Just Debian.
All I really need is emacs and clang for now.
@classdaknok_t By the way, my definition of 'desktop' includes a GUI. That's why it was in the conditional clause.
@classdaknok_t Debian will be fine. As will, Arch, Mandrake, Gentoo, Sabayon, Puppy* etc
meh -bash: sudo: command not found
How the fuck am I supposed to install sudo without sudo?
@classdaknok_t su?
of course :)
I actually like the ubuntu unity thing everyone gripes about, but again maybe this is just my windows background.
Unity is more OSX than Windows.
And that's not a good thing.
@CatPlusPlus Really? With the 'global menu' thingie, perhaps. The whole experience, however, is rather unpolished. Very crufty indeed.
Take unity/dasher, type in 2 filter letters and behold: a world of crap unfolds at your fingertips.
And system buttons on the wrong side of the window.
@CatPlusPlus Oh that. I forgot (I revert that 1st thing after installations. Not anymore, since I'm on Mint now)

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