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Think of it as making a twin. You have to start with just one twin at some point.
But more like o->clone() or just new T(*o)?
I believe the second was supposed to be value_ptr.
Mine does o->clone() for polymorphic classes, and new T(*o) for the rest (and custom cloner in case you don't have clone, or need specials).
Doublesmart pointer!
Whether an ADL-enabled, generic clone makes sense or not and if it's useful at all is the one thing holding me back from writing my own.
Hello guys, this is certainly not the place to ask this, but i'll try anyway:
Can you give me an example of 2 pieces of code that are functionnaly equivalent but NOT semantically equivalent ? (or vice versa)
Wouldn't it require a virtual function anyway?
I wonder if anyone ever went insane merely by using a computer?
cause they drive me crazy at times
Polymorphic would. But you could have clone(base*) or something, and not overload for derived types.
@Soohjun Sounds like an impossible task to me.
just some loops?
@RMartinhoFernandes Does it mean that semantic equivalence implies functional equivalence AND vice versa ?
Dunno, I'm not sure about the exact definitions of those terms.
@RMartinhoFernandes Generic in the sense that if the type doesn't have a member you get a dumb copy.
try something with side effects
@LucDanton Mine just refuses to slice.
If it's polymorphic and no clone(), you need a custom cloner to compile.
int f(int x) { return x + 1; } int z = 0; int g(int x) { z++; return x + 1; }
as a function they are equivalent, but obviously not semantically- if the rest of your code depends on the value of z then they are not equivalent
Q: copying contents of .txt file to a list using ifstream, .eof() not working as expected

HollyI wrote a basic method to read in a playername and score from a text file and store them in a list. later on in my program i cout'ed the contents of that list and found that the last playerScore is duplicated (but not the playerName). For example my .txt file contains Holly 10 Carl 938 But my...

exact duplicate
@DeadMG Great example there, thank you!
But they are functionnaly equivalent only when "seen from above", right?
@awoodland BAM! That was fast.
C++ close brigade.
Nuke that shit.
@Soohjun What do you mean?
for the FAQ ones it's totally worth doing
for every argument n, f(n) and g(n) return the same value. That is functional equivalence.
if you were to define it strictly, anyway
I find the notion quite worthless and usually use it interchangably with semantic equivalence.
Yes that's what I mean. Equivalent when seen as functions and not the bodies of the functions.
Q: Writing a C++ Parser to Parse C# Scripts

FuementirI'm working on a game with a team and I'm working with another programmer to program and script the game. Now we've thoroughly discussed this and we want to make the game run with C++ but the logic written in C#. The goal is to have the strength of C++ but the usability of C#. How would one go ...

How do you get from "let's use C#" to "let's write a C# parser"?
Gawds there's that scripting language nonsense again.
I can't look at those comments.
Wait, you mean C# is actually NOT a scripting language???
No, he means that distinction is worthless.
I was going to do something.
I was just trying to poke the Cat.
Dammit! That's what I was going to do! Link to that tweet.
@RMartinhoFernandes It's been reposted by Joel 3hrs ago. You've had enough time, robot.
@sbi I got distracted... :(
Adn I wasn't around three hours ago.
vs 2012 looks pretty promising to me
Especially the fact that it doesn't support XP.
@ScottW It's been established here long ago that robots don't sleep, but merely recharge. Just as kids do.
Damn, how did I manage to mess up that tweet so badly? And none of you bastards told me.
so what does it mean when you start to hate programming?
I'm trying to understand non-type template arguments.
@TonyTheLion Means you're doing it right.
it can be so damn frustrating at times
> Some people, when confronted with a problem, think, "I know, I'll use threads," and then two they hav erpoblesms. — Ned Batchelder
Take a walk. Watch a movie. Get out.
@sbi Ok, now you get a star.
@TonyTheLion What's currently frustrating you?
@Nils like pointers and template template arguments?
@TonyTheLion Welcome to adulthood.
@Nils vb.net
> Please avoid extended discussions in comments. Would you like to automatically move this discussion to chat? stackoverflow.com/questions/10286659/…
Bad idea, I guess? :)
just stupid things that are supposed to work and don't work
@TonyTheLion VB? I thought you were talking about programming?
@sbi hahah
@TonyTheLion That thing still raging?
or just do it like a CS prof write your theoretical proofs and algos in pseudocode, don't care about the implementation
on paper they always work :)
@TonyTheLion Then get away from it. Same holds for mfc, stay away.
What do you mean VS2012 does not support XP?
dumb people will bitch about it
Can still build with XP as target, right?
@Soohjun I mean, it doesn't.
I'm bitching
@classdaknok_t By the way
no idea
it's a pipe dream to think that the CLR's GC can cope with games.
Apr 19 at 14:26, by jalf
anyone else wanna have a good rant at the MSVC team? http://blogs.msdn.com/b/vcblog/archive/2012/04/18/10295093.aspx
@awoodland well I never used template parameters for anything other than types
games written in Java or C# do more memory management than those written in C++ and almost C as well
Whaaaat. What's new in VS2012 that just cannot work on XP? I don't get it. The runtime?
@awoodland It's confusing but 'non-type argument' does not generally include template template arguments. So arguments like template<int I> struct foo;.
@DeadMG seen the question the game won't use that much memory anyway.
@LucDanton I figured template template arguments was probably the most obscure since templates in and of themselves aren't types
Apple never supported anything older than two releases or something. Result on a Mac you don't have any old gui crap, just Cocoa on Win you have tons of legacy.
Basically, non-type parameters existing means that types can work as kinds.
See, clear as water.
Well I find that quite surprising from MS' part. They're always putting a whole lot effort on keeping dinosauresque compatibility.
They're also known for their braindeadness.
Oh well. Guess that'll sell more W7
@Soohjun Who will buy them?
@RMartinhoFernandes posting an angry comment there is like posting something on meta; the people in charge won't care anyway.
It will only result in selling less VS11.
I think the devs will go for VS11 anyway
Actually, I think the managers will go for VS11. Not the devs.
@classdaknok_t That's not fair. They cared when everyone got angry about "no new C++11 features in VC11".
@RMartinhoFernandes They did?
@classdaknok_t The managers are the ones that won't want to lose customers.
any good examples of when to use non-type template parameters?
The devs do want to get their hands on the new features, but the managers want to keep customers. And in this case, the suits are right.
I don't know any manager that actually cares about my IDE
@Nils std::array, static factorial.
I failed to understand this article: molecularmusings.wordpress.com/2011/09/19/…
@Soohjun They care about the code you can produce.
@Nils fib series
classic TMP example
For the record Microsoft is supporting consumers with XP until 2014.
@TonyTheLion Show me..
@Nils I think @DeadMG raged about it a few days ago.
uses non-type params
yes, well I think std::function also uses non-type template params or not
I didn't rage about it at all
@EtiennedeMartel I try to understand it not to use it :)
all I said was that I've had things come out of my backside with more value.
@DeadMG They added range-based for, and put up that survey to roll out new features out-of-band.
I go write an answer and you produce, like, 1000 messages.
@Nils expression templates? Useful and non-trivial compared to Fibonacci
@DeadMG Yeah, that's what I mean by "rage".
Rage-based for.
@Nils std::tuple.
@RMartinhoFernandes Didn't know they'd introduced range-based for. Pity they couldn't have picked a feature of actual value.
true about the survey, though
Hey, range for is useful.
Sure, they didn't quite deliver yet, but have shown they do care.
@EtiennedeMartel Rage implies some kind of emotional attachment, of which I have none.
What is std::array for? I used vector so far. Tuple is the new pair, right?
@CatPlusPlus Usefully junk.
AFAIK the VC team is tight on resources.
@DeadMG presumably it's low risk as far as features go - easy to review and sign off
Towers of Hanoi using recursion. Cool!
I also ordered the book about the new std
@Nils Static array.
@Nils Yeah, but unlimited.
Why should I want this?
I have std::vector
range-based for is a worthless band-aid over the fact that lack of polymorphic lambdas and range-based algorithms suck donkey cock
@Nils wrapper around C-arrays.
@TonyTheLion do you have a code example?
That's pretty huge
@awoodland And it was already there. They had some for each extension.
You can return them from functions, for example.
and the fact that the Committee recognized this for one specific algorithm but not for all the rest makes me doubt their sanity
std::array is an array that doesn't decay to an useless pointer.
@classdaknokt well I thought that is what std::vector is for
ah ok, so there is a subtle difference
@Nils Vector is resizeable.
@DeadMG Hey! Range-based for is very useful. For locking and shit.
vector is a dynamic array. array contents are not allocated from the free store.
@RMartinhoFernandes true, it does look like appeasement for Java users
@Nils If you know the size at compile-time, you can use std::array instead of std::vector.
Less overhead.
@RMartinhoFernandes True, I've seen you invent some interesting abuses for it :P
heh where does std::vector have overhead?
@Nils dynamic allocation
all the elements are placed next to each other in memory
@Nils Size and allocation.
template <int I>
@classdaknokt ah you mean for small stuff
@Nils new is expensive. It's not like the end of the world, but it is something.
maybe yes
well I used std::vector for gpu programming
you can upload and download the memory allocated in a vector easily to a gpu
@Nils think of an std::array<T, N> as a T[N] that can be returned from a function, used with iterators, etc…
You can use the std on gpu now?
Because in most code, the difference won't matter.
@TonyTheLion thx
@Soohjun You can load arbitrary buffers from main memory to the GPU.
Well yes but on GPU-side they're still seen as raw pointers, no?
Just pass v.data() along, probably side-by-side with v.size().
@classdaknokt ok
@Soohjun Sure, but vector does the memory management.
I need to get Back To Work™
What's work?
whoever's crazy enough to do that?
@Soohjun no but the standard assuers that the data is next to each other in mem, all you need is a raw pointer and the size
Don't answer, I'm posting that on the site if I can't find an answer.
:3419210 I was reading that :)
Now I know what it said.
@CatPlusPlus something about iterators and moving vectors
If you move a vector, will iterators pointing into the previous vector point into the new vector
or something like that
@CatPlusPlus Something about iterator invalidation
@RMartinhoFernandes My bet is on invalidation.
But then again, pointers.
meh pointers
this guessing game is so much more entertaining than 95% of TV shows
How did you get that 95% number
Does not seem legit
Reference please
@Soohjun like the other 80% of statistics that are made up on the spot
Convincing enough
60% of the time, it works 100% of the time.
Every time I see nub, my brain goes crazy.
What's so crazy about nub?
It "setifies" a list.
Shorthand for noob
I cannot not read it as noob.
i am.
@DeadMG Every iterator referring to an element in one container before the swap shall refer to the same element in the other container after the swap.
I couldn't find anything about moving them, though.
So, not invalidated.
Is it okay for C++ sources to contain characters like ▒█?
Why, yes, of course it is
Are you hatin on chinese ?
I don't think any implementation supports that yet though.
As an identifier, or inside literals?
Oh dear, Bézier curves.
Inside literals it's okay.
I also don't remember how that works, and if it actually produces desirable results (beyond literals, which are going to be safe).
Implementation-defined in identifiers I think.
@LucDanton Clang 3.1 does.
I think there's strictly specified character set for identifiers.
@CatPlusPlus Plus implementation-defined freedom!
@CatPlusPlus It's a minimum.
Well then.
Time for Block++.
If your identifiers don't match [A-Za-z_][0-9A-Za-z_]*, you're a moron.
look at this nice identifier : _____________
@Soohjun Reserved.
Identifiers with consecutive underscores are reserved.
I know! But it matches! fsgds!
@classdaknok_t What about π? φ? λ?
@RMartinhoFernandes meh infinitely unportable.
@classdaknok_t In fact, not valid anywhere :(
Delicious π.
Fuck portable. I want #define λ [&] just for kicks.
To find closure, perhaps?
You people might like APL?
This finds all prime numbers from 2 to R in APL: (~R∊R∘.×R)/R←1↓⍳R. In O(R^2).
#define ∀ std::all_of
#define ∃ std::any_of
Oh, I'd take those for my TMP aliases, not for the algorithms.
What's a TMP alias?
#define ∈ :
@classdaknok_t Amazingly readable.
@Soohjun Amazingly easy to type.
@classdaknok_t Template aliases I use for template metaprogramming.
I have All and Any.
So TMP = template meta programming?
Amazing, huh.
Also stands for C:/Windows/tmp
That folder doesn't exist. For about 12 years now.
My XP and I disagree
#define ≠ !=
Yeah I'm still doing that.
#define ∧ &&
#define ∨ ||
It's time to fork clang.
Fork this shit!
#define ℤ int
Now you're pushing it.
Meh #define ℤ std::set<int>
No, ℤ is not type of integer sets.
It's one particular set.
No, no, this is pushing it:
A: C++ Removing object inside function

nightcrackerThis is good: #include <memory> int main(int argc, char **argv) { std::auto_ptr<Object> ptr = new Object(); }

Oh wait yeah xD
#define ⌊ floor(
#define ⌋ )
But that one is still correct.
λ() → ℤ { for(auto&& e ∈ c) { if(e ≠ 42) return 6; } return 9; };
But int is not ℤ. C++ doesn't have bigints.
#define ℤ mpz_t
Btw, GHC actually has an extension to allow the use of , , and other Unicode goodies instead of good ole Haskell thingies.
I have conceal set to change some of those to Unicode for viewing.
I wouldn't want to type it.
I'd have to change my layout again.
:abbr /= ≠ :P
@LucDanton λ → ℤ!
@CatPlusPlus Well what if you do want some parameters?
FTR, [] -> int is ill-formed.
I don't think it is.
Because it needs ().
Ambiguities? foo[i]->bar
Stupid lambdas.
@LucDanton How is that ambiguous?
That doesn't make sense. There's foo[i]()->bar.
What could foo be doing there if it was a lambda?
Also, it'd appear lambdas can have attributes.
#define ∑(from, to, step) ([]{ auto frm = (from); auto t = (to); for (; frm < t; frm += (step)); return frm; }) meh I'm late and it's probably wrong.
In fact, if I'm reading this right, every statement can have attributes.
@classdaknok_t std::sum
And make from and to iterators.
You mean std::accumulate?
template<IteratorT> ∑(IteratorT begin, IteratorT end) { return std::accumulate(begin, end, IteratorT::value_type(0)); } then.
Right, that. Dammit.
Apple went crazy and went very descriptive with their identifiers. NSUbiquitousKeyValueStoreDidChangeExternallyNotification
foldl1 (+)
Yeah, but we're defining sum.
Well, foldl (+) 0 would probably be better.
Or even foldl'. So many choices!
@CatPlusPlus That's the Prelude definition.
GHC doesn't use that though.
And none of them as ugly as the above.
It explicitly accumulates, for some reason.
Basically what I'm saying is Haskell FTW.
Haskell fuck's the world?
for the win
@RMartinhoFernandes Wait, sum doesn't use any variant of fold?
sum     l       = sum' l 0
    sum' []     a = a
    sum' (x:xs) a = sum' xs (a+x)
@GManNickG In GHC's implementation, no. Don't ask me why.
@RMartinhoFernandes Huh, all of my wat's.
You can define USE_REPORT_PRELUDE to get fold implementation.
Yeah, but GHC's implementations are usually tuned.
I've used Haskell once but I didn't understand monads.
Bu I really don't understand why sum is written "by hand".
@classdaknok_t Monads are actually easy.
They're just scary looking.
Cue links to the usual blessed teaching material.
sigfpe's article is nice.
Also one on monad transformers, which make monads infinitely more useful.
Tbh, transformers can get quirky some times.
Like how fiddly the position of ErrorT on a stack is and such.
I always get that wrong.
Nevertheless, without knowing transformers you'll just sit there with 2 and 2 and no way to put them together.
Been there.
> You may now be wondering where test4 and test6 are. So am I.
Need one moar upboat. :.
@CatPlusPlus Where at?
Haha ok. Going to leave too, so cheers.
So a monad is a function with side-effects?
I'm so confused, especially after reading the article.
is there something like std::iter_max ?
Or do monads allow imperative programming?
@bamboon what do you want it to do?
@classdaknok_t return *a > *b ? a : b ;
anyone here good with dynamic programming
Didn't you ask the exact same question yesterday?
(or the day before)
^ that thought too I.
yeah but i was not able to get any help with the question
95% of the time people don't know how to do whatever it is i am trying to do haha
hello with varags am i right in thinking you can declare as an argument like foo(int n, ...) { //iterate over arguments } or you could do foo(int* n) { iterate over addresses } and the client could the foo((int[5]){1,2,3,4,5}); which way is preffered?
Don't use varargs; use initializer lists or variadic templates instead.
off to google what your talking about thanks :-)
If you can't use either because you're still stuck on C++03, use a container like vector.
putting it in to context i'm trying to create a command line menu this is what I have so far, i'm thinking that client should be able to build it like MenuComposite menu('1', "one", MenuLeaf('2', "two"), MenuComposite('3',"three", MenuLeaf('1', "one"), MenuLeaf('2', "two"))); rather then calling add(...) for everything. constructive criticism always welcome
evening all
need to order new headphones
@DeadMG Same problem here.
did your cat chew through the wire, mine did and the were a nice too
no, I'm just rough on them
@classdaknok_t Not really. Handling side-effects is one use of monads.

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