Good Question,
i usually try not to test getters&setters directly since i see a greater benefit in testing only the methods that actually do something.
Especially when not using TDD this has the added benefit of showing me setters that i don't use in my unittests showing me that ether my t...
@edorian fine answer. I tend to test the getters and setters separately. It's superfluous when they are covered elsewhere but I like to be complete, even if it was just for agile documentation
@JamesPHP to remove certain characters from a string you can use a regular expression, or if you don't want to get your head around them you can use str_replace
usually, when learning a language, going to the effort of writing a test case in something like codepad answers the question for you. The process of breaking down your question into modular problems makes you think more laterally about your problem.
Rubber duck debugging, Rubber Ducking, or the Rubber Duckie Test is an informal term used in software engineering to refer to a method of debugging code. The name is a reference to an apocryphal story in which an unnamed expert programmer would keep a rubber duck by his desk at all times, and debug his code by forcing himself to explain it, line-by-line, to the duck.
The process is to meticulously explain code to an inanimate object, such as a rubber duck. It is expected that when the programmer comes across a piece of code that is incorrect, they will realize this
Similar terms
@Karem if you have the capability to change the key it is associated with - it may simply send its own scan code, which autohotkey can be programmed to match
@Greg hmm thats what i dont know any link for a good button that have its own key, i only managed to find some usb buttons that opens a website and stuff -.-
@JamesPHP where are you from actually? Maybe someone in the chat comes from the same country. You could open a chat room for you two then so you can speak in your native language. Might make things easier.
Oh, and sorry for making fun of you. Wasn't fair if english isnt your native language.
Hi All,
Brain not working today - can anyone give me a regexp that would turn:
{events:{click:"function() { alert('hi'); }"}}}}}
{events:{click:function() { alert('hi'); }}}}}}
any any other instances such as this in a string.
@Shikiryu: do it in groovy - it's compiled to java bytecode and it will be much easier this way (or any bytecode supported platform - jruby, jpython, etc.)
yes you can :-) I don't like java as much as I did before but this was very common thing to use groovy for scripting (and seamlessly integrate with existing app)
Yeah, but again, I can't choose what to use here. I can make a proposition for it but it needs to be integrated and fully understand by all developpers here (they got their habits); So I won't lose my time with that.
Especially hijack wifi sessions since they are forced to reconnect every few 9.5 minutes. SO it would be trivial to bomb the schools router so it drops out and setup your own. Boom, instant MITM attack facilitated by the inept security policies of the school...
Save yourself some typing and put it into a loop...
foreach ($varname in array('vFoo','vSomeValue','vAnother')) {
if (!empty($$varname)) $result .= '<li>'.$$varname.'</li>';
Well, using iterators:
class SKUFilterIterator extends FilterIterator {
public function accept() {
if (!parent::current()->isFile()) return false;
$name = parent::current()->getFilename();
return strpos($name, 'SKU#') !== false;
$it = new SkuFilterIterat...
@Gordon: you're right - but without PHP5.3 you can use only create_function which is ... :-/ (BTW: it can cause OutOfMemory if you call create_function in a loop :-))
is there a good link to start learning the internals of php ?
a video like ? ( python )
or anything, pdf, books, link that can i start ? to learn from the very root how php work. i google, and shamely olny have found a mailing ...
@Gordon: there was a project that reimplemented all std unix utilities using php (to be really portable - without need for compiling C code which is of course as much portable as possible)