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dang, getting bitch slapped by multiple definition errors :(
I've got include guards, and only including the header files in the files that (I am sure) need them. Any suggestions for stupid errors I am probably doing?
Did you put function definitions in the header file?
header guards protect against multiple definitions on the same file. But multiple translation units can still include the same file, and thus they'll end up with a definition each, which means you have multiple definitions
function definitions must be marked inlineif you want them to have definitions in multiple translation units
I've got definition of class constants
they are in the header file, and it's those that seem to be causing problems
well, then don't do that :)
you can't define the same constant multiple times ;)
oh, so I just need to move them to the .cpp
well that didn't work... I'm still doing something wrong
very likely :)
actually, it's not a multiple definition error any more, it saying it is not suitable for use in a constexpr
ok, what is the 'proper' way to define a class constant?
what do you mean by a class constant?
static const?
That is, if what I think you want to do is what you want to do.
class foo{ int a} <- I want that to be a constant value, specifically, one I can use in a switch as a 'case'
I'd personally use an enum
Me too.
atm, it is giving some errors about constexpr
I think enums should work fine with constexpr.
I want to be able to use the value as an int a lot though, and I found it really awkward to just get an int value from an enum, and set the enum based on an int value (well, unsigned char/short to get specific)
well, afaik static const should work too
I think. Like I said, I usually use enuma for integer constants
hmm... let me make sure I have not missed some sort of const flag some where
oh, and I do only need declare it as static, when I assign it a value, I do not use static do I
also, const staitc vs static const does the order matter?
wouldn't it be simpler to show us the relevant code?
@thecoshman Of course it matters. const static sounds awkward due to the the 2x"st" next to each others. But syntactically both are valid, yes
Chili con static :D
in foo.hpp const static unsigned char NBO;
in foo.cpp const unsigned char OpCode::NBO = 0;
in switch case where getting error used as OpCode::NBO
You have to either put static unsigned char NBO = 0 in the header file and inside the class. If you want it outside the class then I think you have no other option but to use an enum.
ooh, I have to set it's value IN the class
god damn it
Actually static unsigned char NBO = 0; might work at namespace scope at well..
I have to write a batch file to change the name of the directory I'm currently running the script from
never written batch files
@TonyTheLion That's a weird requirement :)
weird or not, it's gotta be done
there we go! finnally
thanks guys
@TonyTheLion Rename is mv.
@StackedCrooked says it doesn't recognize mv as a command
isn't it move ?
this windows?
@TonyTheLion Oh, I misread batch as bash. Sorry.
yeah, I think mv is the linux name
Don't know much about Windows batch files.
move would probably do it then
is anyone from UK going to the London SO meetup next saturday?
I'm near London then, so maybe I'll go
but would be nice if anyone from this Lounge was there
Fatal familial insomnia (FFI) is a very rare autosomal dominant inherited prion disease of the brain. It is almost always caused by a mutation to the protein PrPC, but can also develop spontaneously in patients with a non-inherited mutation variant called sporadic Fatal Insomnia (sFI). FFI has no known cure and involves progressively worsening insomnia, which leads to hallucinations, delirium, and confusional states like that of dementia. The average survival span for patients diagnosed with FFI after the onset of symptoms is 18 months. The mutated protein, called PrPSc, has been found in...
@TonyTheLion if I was still in the UK I probably would
I wonder if @DeadMG is near London around that time ???
what time?
if you ever fancy coming to Ireland, a meet up must be done. More or less any where in the country would be 'close' enough
@DeadMG 28th April, around 2pm
@thecoshman ah ok
you can use #define to 'change' what keywords mean, such as turn class into struct
@thecoshman except that doing so is undefined behavior :)
You can do that, but according to the standard that's undefined behavior.
as in the compile can choose to tell you to 'fuck of you bloody idiot!'
as in the compiler can choose to make your program do something completely different
or just make it crash in fun and exciting ways
or open a portal to another dimension, or cause a volcano to erupt under your feet :)
but other wise, #define is good for using short hand for things
#define is perfect for introducing new bugs into your program
@thecoshman Generally they are to be avoided.
oh what a rebel I am :P
Hmm, nobody seems to want to go to the Cambridge meeting …
#define thecoshman anarchist
or should that be the other way around :P
@KonradRudolph I would, but its a bit far from London
so far two people have singled up
I haven’t, I’m not sure I can go anyway
I might try to motivate some people from work but the chances are rather slim
you're not looking for any new devs at work
I could do with a job :P
why is m/~$/ not a default ignore for Hg?
Hydrogenum is difficult to ignore.
well this is odd, for some reason my program is not waiting for keyboard input :S
It's in a hurry, no time to wait.
I/O sucks.
@thecoshman Why should it me?
for the same reason m/^\./ would want to be ignored
though I guess often enough you will not want them ignored by default
@ScarletAmaranth apparently so :P
@thecoshman I don’t get it. What’s m/?
ah, I just got it :)
@classdaknok_t Because Desktop on Linux is still a hacky business :(
@KonradRudolph perhaps it is just a perl thing, but it's match
yes, got it. I originally took it for some special directory
@KonradRudolph I already figured that out, yes. xD
when dealing with regex, is it normal to write an (empty) match pattern as m// or just //
I want a Debian system with the UI of Mac OS X.
to make it suck more?
I want a UI that doesn't suck
@bamboon more? Have you seen the screenshot above?
That are humans with snakes in bowl-shaped things that are used as boats.
Washing basins, actually.
Using washing basin to stay dry?
They stay dry?
At least they float, more or less.
@classdaknok_t They love chicks.
Who doesn't?
Oh wait, fuck.
@classdaknok_t why dont you use gnome 3? that is almost the same as the mac osx UI
@bamboon heh, funny joke.
Not even a shared menu bar.
Meh the only thing I like about Linux is the way you can install packages.
Writing recipes in psuedocode is actually pretty efficient!
Global menu bar is stupeed.
And at least Unity has it.
my unit code, it's still teh brokens
I need to write some actual tests to determine which parts are broken
if my octree is broken it could explain a lot
writing tests to test which tests don't test correctly? Testception?
Grah, I hate Windows cmd
How do I get elevated rights from within cmd?
You have to start it elevated
Meh, that's what I did now as a "workaround"
and you can just type cmd into the start menu/screen search and press control-shift-enter
first time in the history of mankind
i've managed to vacuum my USB key
i would use powershell anyway
@bamboon powershell is so ugly, why are you using it
@CheersandhthAlf because it has the bash commands?
@bamboon it haz?
@CheersandhthAlf yup
@ScarletAmaranth Hahahhaha
at least kinda, look here
Windows PowerShell is Microsoft's task automation framework, consisting of a command-line shell and associated scripting language built on top of, and integrated with the .NET Framework. PowerShell provides full access to COM and WMI, enabling administrators to perform administrative tasks on both local and remote Windows systems. In PowerShell, administrative tasks are generally performed by cmdlets (pronounced command-lets), specialized .NET classes implementing a particular operation. Sets of cmdlets may be combined together in scripts, executables (which are standalone application...
@CheersandhthAlf I second the ugly
@bamboon And no, it really doesn't
@Xeo why do you think?
Because I tried working with it once. It didn't end too well
Just how retarded does one have to be to vacuum a USB stick ...
This retarded
Yeah i agree ...
@Xeo I mean you can't expect it to have sudo or such, that is an architectural question. no doubts bash is better
@bamboon i'm just teaching myself gtk, so i have to teach myself bash at the same time.
$ ls *.h
$ for f in *.h; do echo ${f%.h}.tada\!; done
$ _
^ Powershell does that?
@CheersandhthAlf no idea, try it and report back. I am by no means an expert in any of both
The worst thing in Powershell are the errors
I just read the Microsoft blog post
PS C:\Users\Alf> $ for f in *.h; do echo ${f%.h}.tada\!; done
Missing statement body in do loop.
At line:1 char:20
+ $ for f in *.h; do  <<<< echo ${f%.h}.tada\!; done
    + CategoryInfo          : ParserError: (do:String) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
and I can see why they're doing it
@Xeo yeap, they suck that's true
It's clearly not for the developers
PS C:\Users\Alf> for f in *.h; do echo ${f%.h}.tada\!; done
Missing opening '(' after keyword 'for'.
At line:1 char:5
+ for  <<<< f in *.h; do echo ${f%.h}.tada\!; done
    + CategoryInfo          : ParserError: (OpenParenToken:TokenId) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : MissingOpenParenthesisAfterKeyword

PS C:\Users\Alf>
Sorry, I pasted the dollar sign first time.
@CheersandhthAlf I don't know why, but I really really hate that "Exception" in the exception name...
@CheersandhthAlf I don't think Power shell supports posix shell.
@Xeo Indeed, XeoHuman.
I have trouble deciding whether I should learn bash or standard shell.
Learn what you're using
And since Bash is the most widely used one AFAIK...
Bash can run standard shell code, but not vice versa.
It's like learning g++ vs c++.
good argument
Hey guys what's up? I was wondering: What are some reasons for why something wouldn't scale? My project involves hash tables and vectors and works perfectly for a small data set, but when I try to use it on a data set of about 200 MB, it seg_faults immediately.
@JamesRoseman 2 many q
@CheersandhthAlf q?
What does that mean?
Q = Question.
Too many questions? This isn't making sense.
You asked two questions.
That is too many for us to handle.
"What are some reasons for why something wouldn't scale?"
Wow three already.
there is a bottleneck
Is your memory full?
Why is class daknok_t a tool?
There, now four!
Look at that, you can count!
Nothing's up.
gas prices are up
Yes they are.
A movie about floating houses is Up.
Haha I read that as horses
Buy a pair of glasses.
Here, pair of glasses.
Oh God they found water on Mars!
We've got some nerds and 3 cups. That can't be good.
And a Mars.
But that one will be mine. I'm the audience of the some nerds 3 cups show.
hi guys!

I need a help with virgins
@magesi Wrong website?
You need help with what ?
Nah, probably nothing bad will happen.
@ScarletAmaranth 3cups1girl?
@DeadMG There are no girls on the internet, did you forget that?
3 cups 1 girl would be boring.
@DeadMG Who knows, i reckon a girl has yet to enter this lounge. So we have to get by on 3 cups some nerds.
Kk, get him kicked :)
Um what
3 girls 1 chick. Now, that would be cool.
@Xeo no, it's not! C++ is a sex tool in IT-world, so the right room is
stabs himself in an eye with a fork
Shame on you... I had life-problem, advice is needed, not removing it
I'm so confused
@magesi How in the name of god do you think that this is appropriate in here!?
He strives for attention :)
@magesi Not really appropriate here. That was just way .. over the top .. even for this room.
@Scarlet Why? Are you expecting to get skullraped?
@classdaknokt Nah, i just enjoy a good stab in an eye with a fork. Got any problems with that ^^ ?
@OctavianDamiean cause C++ == sex , so it's appropriating
You make me want to strangle baby seals ...
@magesi Words fail me ...
Damn :/ I missed it
@magesi I think the humor has long worn off. Please, find something more on topic to discuss?
Maybe, you will help me , please! I shall be very thankful, cause it's a real problem.
@OctavianDamiean How words can fail you?
@magesi Last warning.
Who is magesi?
@TimPost It's not a humor, it's a problem! I was crying with such fail yestarday
14yo looking for attention on teh internet :)
@magesi You're so close to a suspension.
That prime number guy?
14 is far from prime :)
@ScarletAmaranth Unfortunately he's completed a degree in Mechanical Engineering or something
@magesi But this is the internet, there are many places to find that sort of thing
@KianMayne Who ?
@ScarletAmaranth There was an annoying guy in the past with a prime number in his name (something ending in 1997), and I ignored him on chat.
14 is next to 13, I don't see how that's far
@ScarletAmaranth The magesi one
See? Us blue people come in handy from time to time :)
Yeah i think we should get an initiative for blue people rollin'.
Meh I just hid his posts
He's on a 24 hour cool down now.
Brb going to finish cooking my danish pastries
I'm guessing it was graphic?
Thanks @TimPost!
@ScarletAmaranth oh and he is 22, not 14.
@classdaknok_t well, his profile says so
@classdaknokt Yeah because everything in your public profile on SO is true :)
Damn, i should have said that I'm a long legged blue eyed 21yo blond ... (the fastest answers possible)
@ScarletAmaranth I didn't think that far. :P
I'd have like a club of stalkers who would answer every single one of my questions
When I first saw your name I assumed you to be female
I suck at coming up with nicknames rly :)
Amaranth is a song.
And a female goth model.
And a flower ...
(originally a flower ...)
@ScarletAmaranth that is very true.
Anyone here likes squeezing bananas?
@Collin Yeah, that was way over the top. And then he defended himself after I repeatedly asked him to knock it off citing his lack of virgins as a 'real' C++ problem. Just when I thought I'd seen it all.
C++ problems don't belong here either.
Obvious troll is obvious, nothing on the internet surprises (or offends me really) anymore, but that was annoying
@TimPost I'm rather new here, how often does this chat get infested :) ?
He's got a few days to think it over ;)
@ScarletAmaranth Things tend to get a little saucy in here, but outright trolling? Not too bad (at least going by the flags I've seen in the last couple of months)
@TimPost The sauciness is easy to detect as soon as you check the starred chat-lines at any point in time
I leave you for few hours and holy carp what the hell.
> Holy carp
Had only you been here, Cat, nothing of this would have happened ^^
@ScarletAmaranth You could tell that guy was going to go on forever because he though he was hillarious
@Collin Yup, can haz attention internet people ...
@KianMayne I've started playing Recettear again.
That game looks addictive
The most addictive game I've ever played is Diablo 2 ... I'm too scared to buy D3 now
What should I do
If the recipe says my dough should be sticky and a little dry but it's only sticky
Make it dry with a hairdryer.
>Fedora now uses the Unified structure of organizing the file system. It means, that several directories like “/bin”, “/lib” and “/sbin” have been moved to “/usr/bin” etc. respectively.

@classdaknok_t Bake it with a hairdryer
@Collin where did you read that?
With FIRE.
@bamboon Except they're switching to firewalld, which I'm sure is better than iptables, but jeebus, I just figured out how to iptables
@Collin well, I am no linux expert but the file stuff with fedora always confuses me in comparison to ubuntu
so I am glad that will change
@bamboon Ubuntu has them spread all over the place too
@Collin right, that is true
Windows is pretty organized.
@classdaknok_t Good one
Why do they break FHS all of a sudden?
^^ I've always liked windows :P (i can see the hate coming now)
@ScarletAmaranth I hate you.
Meh Windows 7 isn't that bad. Still horrible, but better than previous versions.
@CatPlusPlus They're leaving symlinks in for compatibility, but it's mostly because FHS is stupid
If you're going to have a bin folder, why would you split them up arbitrarily into /bin /usr/bin and wherever else
the FHS was devised when they ran out of space on one floppy and had to load more programs on another (so it needed a different mount point)
@ScottW A bunch of friends have re-appropriated this phrase so that it sounds incredibly dirty
… “hey baby let’s go to my place so we can take the Hobbits to Isengard”
Needless to say, I approve
@Collin to separate mandatory binaries from optional ones.
@classdaknok_t But that's what opt/ and local/ are for
@Collin No idea.
@DeadMG That’s where we got this from, of course
@Collin you know a bash command to print the OS name?
it just sorta stuck because that's how it was done when not everything fit on one partition, and people have ret-conned it to fit into it
uname -a
well more like fedora 28 or ubuntu 14.02
or do you mean the distribution? I don't think there's a standard way of getting that
ah ok
I have a file called etc/fedora-release
maybe others have similar files?
I will check ubuntu
Well this puff pastry looks layered
I have yet to see whether it turns out good
Stop making fun of politicians.
flatmates are laying down Stairway to Heaven on an acoustic guitar, pretty sweet
it’s a bit annoying because I wanted to listen to Ten D but now I kind of “have” to listen to their awesome music
Cry me a river.
admins of SO are f*cking silly ))) haha
Put up a "no stairway" sign
Q: strategy to free memory from std container in case of bad_alloc exception

lurscheri'm thinking in implementing the following strategy: When handling a std::bad_alloc exception in a class method, memory will be attempted to be free whenever possible/meaningful before rethrowing the exception. So if an object has some std containers (std::vector<>) that can be freed, then we...

Anyone understand that?

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