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no, functionB is psf_props_to_Soundfile()
Is sopython.com/chatroom down for anyone else?
@MorganThrapp yep
we just have to stay here in our safe bubble
@Kevin SoundFileType->tp_alloc has a valid address all the way until I call psf_props_to_Soundfile()
Who maintains the sopython site mainly?
@davidism Did you bork something? sopython.com/chatroom
Ok. Are you printf-ing the tp_alloc immediately before psf_props_to_Soundfile(ifd, &props, sf) in open_sf, and immediately before args = PyTuple_New(6); in psf_props_to_Soundfile? If so, we can discard the "Some code not belonging to me..." theory
yeah, I was thinking of pinging him, but wasn't sure.
@idjaw I think davidism and maybe joncle.
Since as far as I know there's no mechanism in C that could make code execute in between a function call and that function executing
[ going to take this to other place ]
Ah, that could do it.
@Kevin Yes, I am sure.
It's not possible that SoundFileType could resolve to different values inside the two functions, could it? Can you verify that it has the same address in both functions?
I'm guessing no. Wait.
Today's musical choice is in the metal domain. Listening to Ion Dissonance. If anyone is interested, I'll post the track. It's a bit intense. :)
@Kevin I'm getting a null pointer in psf_props_to_Soundfile() right before PyTuple_New()
If &SoundFileType is zero, then... I don't even know what.
@PM2Ring Nice ! I was smartassing but the curiosity was genuine
Like I said before, SoundFileType->tp_alloc is a null pointer inside psf_props_to_Soundfile(). As to SoundFileType, it has a different address inside of psf_props_to_Soundfile().
0x60b240 in open_sf() and 0x60b760 in psf_props_to_Soundfile()
My theory is that there are two SoundFileTypes and only one has a valid tp_alloc attribute, but I have no idea how you'd get into such a state.
I think it's possible if open_sf and psf_props_to_Soundfile are in different files, but my mental model of the mechanics of #include is way rusty
Yeah, that's what I was thinking too. I tried removing other includes that could have been causing conflicts, but I got nothing.
Lazy solution: pass SoundFileType as a parameter everywhere
Yeah, I figured as much.
(Lazy for me, the solution suggester, rather than for the solution implementer, who will have to do a lot of refactoring)
Not necessarily. I could just throw everything away and start over.
There's not that much code really.
Its probably something very stupid.
This is the kind of mysterious problem that would compel me to whittle the code down to the most minimal form just to see how this could even happen.
That much I know.
@tristan marketing idea: object-oriented DevOps
@RobertGrant Agile Cloud DevOps
@RobertGrant Oodop?
Dop dop oodop.
huh, I thought I had the web service configured to start on boot
@Kevin If I make SoundFileType not static I get this compilation error:
CMakeFiles/embpython.dir/src/c/pypsf_utils.c.o:(.data+0x0): multiple definition of `SoundFileType'
CMakeFiles/embpython.dir/src/c/pypsf.c.o:(.data+0x0): first defined here
CMakeFiles/embpython.dir/src/c/pypsf_soundfile.c.o:(.data+0x40): multiple definition of `SoundFileType'
CMakeFiles/embpython.dir/src/c/pypsf.c.o:/embpython/src/c/pypsf.c:61: first defined here
13 year old piano prodigy Emily Bear plays Gershwin's immortal concerto Rhapsody in Blue with the Performance Santa Fe Orchestra conducted by Joe Illick.
I think I got it.
[davidism@web368 ~]$ crontab -l
@reboot supervisord
[davidism@web368 ~]$ supervisorctl status
unix:///home/davidism/supervisord.sock refused connection
sopython.com is back up now. Thanks, davidism
Yeah, started supervisor manually, no clue why crontab didn't.
Time to have a @SopythonStatus on twitter ;)
@Jovito Cool.
I'll let you know when I do.
@Jovito you're doing it wrong, yet again.
Their crontab at least lists @reboot in the man page.
@AnttiHaapala relax.
I got this.
What is that monstrosity @AnttiHaapala?
we need a bot to collect all the music that was shared here
and just have it as a nice massive playlist that keeps growing
I've been wanting to listen to some stuff tristan posted, and I can't remember any of them
@MorganThrapp Nope.
@BhargavRao Cool, just wanted to make sure.
What if val is NaN? ;-) Yeah-I'm-in-that-kind-of-mood cabbage for all!
This is a very interesting breakdown of what happens when things go bad with a hot new technology
@DSM "You can create a sentinel object if you need to, but most of the time, None will work as a valid default value."
Or does that break because of NaN's stupid "I don't compare equal to myself"?
Yep. :-)
We already know that tel and nam aren't None, because if they were, OP would be using is tel rather than == tel. /s
I feel sorry for that poor kid who just got dumped on for posting a self-answered question. stackoverflow.com/questions/40426583/… Ok, it's not a great question, but it certainly doesn't deserve that sort of downvoting.
Maybe the system should make self-answered questions more obvious, eg a slightly different background colour, &/or a banner on the question & the answer, and perhaps an auto-link to inform people that this is a perfectly valid thing to do on SE sites.
God I hate NaN.
I downvoted it because I don't think it's a useful question/answer pair.
@PM2Ring I actually upvoted before the storm, because it's a real question I have asked myself in the past.
(I usually just do triple quotes.)
@MorganThrapp I faced the same kind of situation here. I received a few downvotes because, people thought that "sentinels are those which can occur in the input".
His answer isn't strictly correct because it's two keystrokes to add/remove the pound sign on both ends of the code block
Unless you have multi-cursor abilities. In which case, you probably already have a hot-key to toggle block comment.
Yeah, sufficiently advanced editors don't need tricks like this :-)
@idjaw: thanks for that, forwarded to our tech slack.
@DSM np!
@PM2Ring I feel it's noobist philosophy. The if false, at least the indentation it implies, isn't useful and many courses/tutorials offer hints to quickly comment out blocks of code
FWIW, of course
@PM2Ring I agree with something more explicit to quickly indicate this is OK behaviour. While it could be argued that the question itself is not of good quality. I think the motivation with the downvoting is more towards the fact that it is a self-answer, which, yes, is bad form on the downvoters part.
> It started killing CI servers one by one, with 2 hours in average between murders.
I would watch that movie.
Nerdcop could solve the case..
The CIs are being CM(urdered).
@randomhopeful I use a fairly simple editor (KDE's kate) to do my coding, but even it supports fast toggling of blocks of comments.
Nerdcop S01E03 - CI To The Slaughter
Notepad++ has ctrl-K to comment out selected lines but I constantly forget about it
Done and done, time to start the weekend!
@IljaEverilä enjoy.
@PM2Ring For example, yeah !
@Kevin So true, N++ is such an unsung hero
I think all documentation should guilt-trip noobs into taking an oath to only use Python interactive mode for the first couple of years
It's a bit of benign dictatorship, if I may
I have a birthday party to attend this evening and I have to decide what's more important: looking sheveled in front of my peers, or participating in No-Shave-November.
Parallel problem: according to the men's fashion subreddit, polo shirts and khakis are "boring" so I have to decide whether they're more boring than jeans and a tshirt.
@IljaEverilä Ilja and new job: working until 6pm.
@kevin I use Notepad ++ to organize the chaos that is my daily life. You only need its auto saving, session feature and basic highlighting
Caring about my appearance is hard, when can I become a transcendent energy being
I had to unscruff myself last week. I was looking a little "like a homeless person", as my father puts it.
@Kevin I saw you in ST:TNG
I boiled it down to basic decency. Not smelling hostile, be consistent in clothing colors
@Kevin so I guess around 24th century.
That's all I owe to mankind
@DSM My own father preferred to call me "mountain man", in my more beardful days.
was going to write 23rd but then realized it is 24, but the rd kinda stuck there :d
@randomhopeful consistent in clothing colours, like Finnish metal fans?
I can get pretty close with a morphsuit and fluorescent paint, I suppose.
@AnttiHaapala Same core, I guess, but less message-passing
Being neutral to the eye
But I'm not gonna spend precious survival money on appearance. That's crazy
@DSM That's my struggle with facial hair. I either look like a baby, or a crazed homeless man.
There are a lot of questions which come up when talking about python2/python3 compatability
@mgilson ?
And frequently question askers don't even know that they're running into a 2-3 compatibility...
@randomhopeful But it's natural. Lots of animals spend precious resources on appearance. Like the poison dart frog.
A user commented on one of my older answers this morning.
I think we could all learn a little bit from poison dart frogs.
then fix it :D
No, my answer is right :-)
I have to spend some time upgrading some of my old answers -- in some cases, the library has changed so much that my recommendation is absurdly overcomplicated now, even though it was best practice at the time.
I guess I'm wondering about SO norms around tagging such questions
And changing their titles.
Specifically, the question is this one
@mgilson ah yet another case where itertools.consume would be useful...
@Kevin @AnttiHaapala Problem solved.
@Kevin -- that's one of my favorite BBC documentaries of all time.
I guess I'm wondering if I should go ahead and re-tag at python3.x -- and if I should change to title to "Filters in python 3.x"
@mgilson I hate it when I see Unicode questions that don't give you the slightest clue of whether they're using 2 or 3. Surely even the newest newbies have heard that Unicode handling is one of the major differences between 2 & 3...
It also makes me wonder if there should be a way of marking questions as sitting on the boundary between python2.x and python3.x
But at the same time ... Python3.6b3 is out ... So ...
Maybe its time to forget about python2.x all together :-)
@Jovito Excellent! Don't leave us in suspense, tell us what you did!
@PM2Ring I'm not nearly as optimistic of the base knowledge level of newbies.
@Kevin I live in hope, despite the vast number of Unicode questions I see that neglect to mention the Python version. :)
> This question was closed because it appears to use python2.x and we don't want to answer those questions any longer.
Especially those whose first language is Python, and who are only three chapters into the tutorial. I expect them to know how to work a keyboard and speak english* and not much else
(*it doesn't have to be good english, obviously)
I was defining SoundFileType in the header instead of .c file. When I included the header elsewhere I ended up with many declarations of SoundFileType which in turn caused the issue of SoundFileType having a different address in psf_props_to_SoundFile(). As soon as I moved the definition out of the header file, everything worked fine. Now I was able remove PyType_Ready() and call PyObject_CallObject() as I was supposed to instead of SoundFile_new() followed by SoundFile_init().
Ah, the old "putting stuff in the h file that you shouldn't have" problem, which bit me many many times.
Just a stupid mistake.
@Jovito Ah, yeah. That'll do it. That's why you declare stuff in C headers, but you never define stuff in them. That's a hanging offence in some parts. :)
C thinks it's so special with its two file extensions.
In Python we've got just the .py and we're grateful for it! Grumble grumble uphill both ways grumble 48 kids living in a shoebox on the side of the road...
@Kevin 3, if you count the .o files.
Well then in fairness I'd have to count .pyc. We'd still be winning, but not by as much
4 if you count .C or 5 if you add .cc (although that may be more common for C++?)
@Kevin Well, we also have .pyc, and .pyo, and .pyd stackoverflow.com/questions/8822335/…
The chain of reactions a silly mistake like that can cause... I was removing every #ifndef in the source code.
@mgilson Yeah, .cc is C++
Don't forget .pth!
Fortran has .f, .F, .f90, .F90, .f95, .F95, .mod ...
I've also seen .inc and .h ...
typo, closed as dupe (hence nr) stackoverflow.com/q/39862702/4099593
Thanks a bunch @Kevin
I'm making a debian package with a virtualenv. Yes, I know about dh-virtualenv, and I'm still not going to use it
because it's a legacy package and I don't want to throw everything away and start from scratch
@Jovito Glad things cleared up :-) good luck with the rest of your project
the problem I'm having is that I need to install stuff in debian/my-project/path/to/a/virtualenv, where debian/my-project will become / when the package is installed in the target machine
but using pip --root is breaking the installation of some packages
does any of you understand about that?
I'm trying to remember what "debian" is
@Kevin whether it's debian, ubuntu or any debian-based distro is irrelevant. The point is having a .deb package
rhubarb for a bit, I'll join back later.
I'm a Windows native so I have no advice to give, unfortunately
Try... Turning it off and on again.
meh, people who need to download and install things from untrusted sources
Microsoft will roll out apt-get any day now, I'm sure
I hope they do something like nix instead. I really like using .deb or .rpm, but producing packages for them is a pain in the ass
There's OneGet.
To be fair, there are almost no packages in it and no one uses it, but it does exist!
you cannot use pip to install a .deb file ... and dpkg does not play nice with virtualenv... I think you may really want a container for this (ie docker)...
if you dont want to install it globably at least
Will be updated with more details. But here's the first link to Travis Oliphant's talk: skillsmatter.com/meetups/8595-pydata-london-november-meetup
The synopsis I wrote: Travis Oliphant, Founder of Continuum Analytics, explains recent advances in Continuum's open source projects. Travis says: "We are making rapid progress and there is usually a lot to catch up with people on around conda, conda-forge, numba, bokeh, dask, jupyterlab and machine-learning on top of dask, not to mention the still in incubation projects of blaze, ndtypes, and a re-factored array-computing engine we are working on."
@holdenweb: is the talk going to be recorded and/or streamed? Here at NumberFirm we have a lot of numerical Python guys who would be interested.
@idjaw Please confirm receipt of my lawyer's notice.
@DSM Continuous Disintegration
Continuous InTEGRAtion
I understand that SkillsMatter will indeed be recording. Should be on their web site the following morning
(Trying to show the integrations that change it as it's going, but failed.)
@tristan bring it
rbrb Bobby G
please make a hip hop album
@idjaw Well, I think that the Canadian Post office will bring it. Doesn't make much sense for me to drive up and hand deliver it.
Ooh, Continuous DisinTEGRAtion. This level of detail is why Nerdcop is technically the best.
@tristan I'll be furiously staring at my mailbox then.
@hw: excellent. We use a lot of Continuum stuff here.
S01E03 is "off-by-one" fwiw. If you want to pull a netflix and try to make a topical soft reboot, go for it.
will have to wait for the second season to think of a reboot. It will be very netflixy! I guarantee that
Here's S02E01 for you QwestWorld
NerdCop: A Netflix Original. Only showing beyond season 2 because it is our original.
Yeah, no way would I let Netflix's writers add to the existing universe.
it's a typo, innit
@tristan sigh.
That's it, you're dunder arrest.
When I lived in the East End, my supervisor swore up and down he didn't say "innit", even though he did.. until one day I was in a mischievous mood and called him out immediately. I still remember his chagrin. Personally, I steer into my dialect's quirks. It's FLAYG!!
I try to avoid the regional dialect here... I'm no Matthew McConaghey or however you spell his name
alright alright alright
references are a flat circle
Much like the Earth.
I'm glad we all see the truth
@idjaw youtube.com/watch?v=efnJ2OidSc0 you'll probably like this video then
oh my goodness. They even added the whistle
I hope you all know about Thomas the Dank engine remixes, too
oh my goodness this is incredible
Come On by Thomas the Dank Engine is better than the original
Oops. I just answered an "assigning a list doesn't make a copy" question. I guess I should've hammered it. OTOH, the OP's situation is complicated enough that I guess it deserves its own answer. Should I still hammer it, or just link the dupe target? And if I hammer, should I delete my answer?
@PM2Ring -- My feelings are that it's fine to answer dups and than hammer them ...
I have no problem with answering a question and then hammering it. But then again, I have no sense of right or wrong in general.
@mgilson Should I make it community wiki?
Yeah, I will make it community wiki, to stop people thinking I'm doing something shifty to stop others earning points on a question I answered.
Nobody has ever yelled at me for doing exactly that, FWIW.
If, like me, your moral code is "whatever doesn't get you in trouble"
In my constant learning and moulding myself in to fitting in with the community more, I'm learning to be much more lenient on how to answer things and I think hammering a dupe and providing either a quick explanation in the comments, or enough info in the answer that gives them the answer is OK. However, I think I also would be more inclined to answer if the OP put a solid effort in their question. If it is a really bad question, dupe and move on.
OTOH, I've seen Martijn answering & then hammering... but his answers are generally textbook quality (and I don't mean LPTHW :) )
However, should a answer + dupe result in a wiki answer, or is it OK to answer and get potential rep?
because that can be frowned upon by the community, correct?
Theoretically yes, empirically no B-)
Maybe it's because there's more than one Kevin floating around and people just assume it's a coincidence that Kevin answered the question shortly before Kevin closed the question.
Mileage may vary for users with unique names.
@idjaw The question's code's a bit messy, and he didn't really show proper inputs & outputs, but it wasn't that hard to locate the problem. And the dupe target kinda assumes that you realise that the problem is caused by not copying a list correctly. I guess we could do with a better canonical.
So hammering to that target without some additional explanation is likely to leave the OP in a somewhat bewildered state.
Right. Which is a thoughtful approach and helpful.
But if the OP decides to reward me they can randomly upvote another one of my answers. :)
overall, the longer i'm here, the more I'm realizing that SO has a hard first layer you need to penetrate to see the good in it. As a newcomer, all it takes is that one bad question reception to turn you away from the community.
Well, if you approach the site with the attitude of "hey, i deserve free help", I can see that.
That's optimizing for pearls for ya
I kind of think that the downvote swarm on typo questions is undeserved, but then again, if you're a newbie, why are you not using an IDE?
@tristan Oh yeah. We can further categorize the deserving from the non-deserving. For example, the free help asker who quickly understands that it was their mistake and adjusts, hopefully has a pleasant experience.
Meanwhile, the other side is the person who refuses to accept and still demands, and adopts the snark...well, not much can be done there.
@tristan I also want to know how many of these new users are students who's profs are failing them in providing the proper setup help in order for them to know how to effectively troubleshoot on their own.
doesn't mean that's anyone else's responsibility, so my sympathy is very limited
I've got a lot of sympathy, but SO is a beach with a million dying starfish.
I can't remember. Do we write ABCClient as a class name or ABC_Client?
I do the first one, but I won't be happy about it
CamelCase for class names is convention
NOT PATRICK! but in all seriousness, I feel like some people are beyond hope, you would think googling 'ValueError' for example would help them a lot more. Or heck even trying to run the code themselves. The prof shouldn't need to spoon feed the student towards an IDE or what an IDE is. I feel like if you google "how to Python" or any tutorial the first thing most of them teach you is how to install an IDE or what not.
Maybe AbcClient if I think I can get away with it
@tristan: yeah, but the initialism makes it hard to read..
@DSM Camel case doesn't do underscores, so ABCClient.
@DSM No underscores in class names, unless you need to do it to be compatible with an existing interface.
Just expand the initials. SelfContainedUnderwaterBreathingApparatusClient.

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