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@Leigh hm?
@NikiC You used to be more placid and diplomatic. Now you're sarcastic and cynical, just like the rest of us.
@Leigh Ah yes, the good old times. I'm afraid that the PHP internals list has thoroughly ruined me :P
I'm glad you weren't ruined beforehand, or we'd all be on PHP 6 :)
okay, it be benchmarking tiem
brb, closing all apps to avoid disturbance
@NikiC btw, I tried github.com/php/php-src/pull/2137 against my current zend-code and ProxyManager suites - seems to work without changes, :+1:
@Ocramius great
Let's see what Davey says
I need to try it out against the current master/stable codebases
benchmark done, and it gave me the results I hoped for
i.e. only a small performance decrease on the normal cases (string key array -> object, string key object -> array)
@PeeHaa invite is now working (!!!) I have pushed it to master but disabled for now while I build some infrastructure to ensure that people don't abuse it
so, should I write an RFC for this, or just make a pull request?
@Andrea what is "this"?
@Ocramius fixing array and object casts to handle numeric string/integer keys properly
PR, RFC if someone complains
@Andrea uhm, basically supporting integers as property names?
@Ocramius converting integer keys to string keys when casting arrays to objects, and vice-versa, so they don't end up inaccessible
how 'bout empty strings?
seems legit. Not sure about the effects of now having to consider properties with invalid names
@PaulCrovella I think that was already supported at some point
bleh, wait, I suck
yeah, warnings: 3v4l.org/r30Ho
@Ocramius they're not invalid!
$foo->{'0'} is already a thing, as is $foo->{0}
Oh, I had no idea
the problem is an implementation detail
@Andrea imma start putting notifications on whatever you type in here - you are giving me waaay too many bad ideas
objects look up string keys only, arrays look up string or integer keys, but always coerce numeric string keys to integer keys
so if you give an object's hashtable to an array, the array will look for the key 0 where there's only "0", and vice-versa
@Ocramius this was what I was talking about, though it's already fixed so yay 3v4l.org/hDRUn
@PaulCrovella I kinda like what HHVM is doing there :P
and 7.1!
oh damn, indeed. Need new glasses
or less whisky
or more whisky
@Danack I haz a sad: 3v4l.org/FG7Zb
buuut understandable :)
Good evening everybody :)
@Andrea +1
@DaveRandom oooooooh I like it
@PeeHaa That's what you're mom said last night.
I bet she did!
must...not...correct...grammar... ARGH
searching for this image, with an awkard face receiving a welcome (something about ranting on "your welcome")
Q: xampp with php 7 is fantastic

atheneI remember running xampp with earlier versions and l used to get lots of errors on cms installations, but now l notice since l have started using xampp with php 7 , everything has been fantastic, no issues. Its just fantastic. My question is what has change in xampp with php 7?

this is my favourite question
@Andrea That question deserves a gold badge just for not being deleted.
@Sherif ikr
this question makes me happy in a way
Does it?
It makes me kinda sad that someone thinks XAMP and PHP are two different things.
Well, they're complaining about something working
1st world problems
They're profile says "web developer at insurance", so I take it they graduated from the school of Google.
Good evening @Sherif :)
@JonathanLafleur It's always morning. Never evening.
Also, there is no proof that it has been good.
1st world rule
it's morning somehwere
@bwoebi to err is human
@PaulCrovella I like that haha ! :)
Tim Berners Lee circa Aug 1991's usenet post on the World Wide Web
Wow, that was short.
He promised a short summary, folks, and he delivered!
and thus the "tweet" was born
had they defined GSM yet in 1991?
“first deployed in Finland in July 1991”
Yea, GSM was widely deployed by 1994, actually.
Of course, the US had to come up with their own unique thing, as usual.
Always deviating from the world we are.
We dont do wordpress here lol..
@Dsafds We don't do WordPress here.
Why are there 5 comments that have 15+ stars on the same thing?
@Dsafds Well, we don't do WordPress here.
By the way /o .. Yea im just suprised on the stars..
@Dsafds Well, we don't do wordpress here.
seriously are we gonna stop saying
wtf is going on xD
"Welll we dont do wordpress here" ?
Star Wars
@littlepootis Accurately described..
More like Star Spangaled Banner? Get it? .. (yea no good... :/)
I think the PHP Room got the Star Disease .. :/
derp durp dope
Yes, I can haz free null pointer
bwahahaha! Parallel CTPH comparison implementation in PHP: 687.3K/sec on 8 cores ... Same implementation in Go 614.1K/sec
Something must be wrong with the world today
How'd I get slower!
@Sherif PHP is an extremely slow langauge
By extremely i mean... Extremelyyy... Probably slower than Ruby
Look at this one comparison.. PHP Just went out of the chart : jaxbot.me/articles/benchmarks_nodejs_vs_go_vs_php_3_14_2013
I hope everyone knows.. PHP Is Extremely slow..
cough those are all, I guess < PHP7
@Saitama Ahahaha
And PHP 7 .. makes all the diffrence right?
Try running C++ with a -03 with your own webserver.. its billon times faster (exageration)
well I won't say it solves all the problems, but still the performance improves quite a lot
Try making a website with C++.
@littlepootis Many tutorials on that
Not practical.
And post-traumatic stress therapy as a consequence
I can learn about webservers.. But i am currently learning Operating System Development.. so dont have much time.
@littlepootis Ok you guys are not the go the hard way guys so.. lets see
Forget Go.. thats not even in the same arena
Node.js vs PHP
Go is much better for Web Dev, yes, compared to C++.
@littlepootis Ofcourse. fun lang
Anyways back to my point
PHP Is extremely slow..
Why does anyone use PHP These days?
Let me guess... facebook?
@Dsafds not really
@Dsafds gets shit done, can scale horizontally
@Ocramius And cant get shit done on Node.js or Go ?
has a type system that is sufficient to avoid shooting myself in the foot every 10 seconds
@Ocramius You shoot your self in the foot every 10 seconds with Node.js?
@Dsafds in Go? Yes, if you have time to rebuild a struct every time you need to parse some JSON
in Node.js? Sure, if you don't have to maintain it
And you dont shoot your self in the foot every 10 seconds , when it takes 20 seconds to load a freacking PHP Website?
PHP is not slow
I have some stuff written in Node.js by following "best practices" of 2014. I hate everything of it :P
@littlepootis tell that to Facebook
oh, and btw, the PHP web server written by @rdlowrey and co is pretty much on par with node's
@Dsafds no, I usually have < 250ms load times, and that's fine. For other things, I use aggressive caching with varnish
!!package amphp aerys
Facebook wrote their own stuff, optimized PHP to death, wrote their own EE.
[ amphp/aerys ] A non-blocking HTTP/Websocket server
because solving the O(1) problem is not a solution
@littlepootis Really? Ok
anyway, off - speaking in 6 hrs, sleeping 4 hrs =_=
@Ocramius Well
Bai bai.. ping me later when you..
come back... i guess
@Dsafds you don't need to behave like Nodejs under load :P
I use Node.js because I hate PHP, the language.
@Ocramius lmao
@Ocramius II Absolutely Hate Node.js
I havent done Webdev in about 4 months now
I thought everyone here knew i hate Nade.js
@Ocramius may the force (energy) be with you
@Ocramius i dont understand that sentence..
WTF is a Nade.js?
@littlepootis it largely depends on what you're doing with it and what you're comparing it with.. did some comparative benchmarks on a large, real-world, text processing project some years ago and php beat out python and ruby, but lost out by a wider margin to perl
@Sherif Node.js man.. you knew what i meant..
stop being that person who knows what they means.. but have to point out spelling errors..
@PaulCrovella of coruse
<input type="hidden" name="q" id="q" value="<?php echo $_GET['q'];?>" /> this input get the q value that is a link to reset a user password
@Dsafds Tell me more. I want to subscribe to your newsletter.
the password reset succeeds but I have a strict standard
Strict Standards: Only variables should be passed by reference
@Sherif Your jokes dont even make sense..
what does this mean?
@Riccardo990 by refrence? Is this a C++ Question getting asked in a PHP Room ? xD .. (I might be wrng here lol)
Q: Only variables should be passed by reference

Frank Nwoko// Other variables $MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH = 260; $file_name = $_FILES[$upload_name]['name']; //echo "testing-".$file_name."<br>"; //$file_name = strtolower($file_name); $file_extension = end(explode('.', $file_name)); //ERROR ON THIS LINE $uploadErrors = array( 0=>'T...

@Sherif My fault..
I'm sorry I didn't read the above link
btw I succeed to reset the password but I receive this notice
@Dsafds Take this opportunity to dig up more 8 year old contrived benchmarks for me. I obviously thrilled with what you have to say.
@Sherif Brother....
I can litterarly compare Go or Node.JS Vs PHP
@Riccardo990 It helps to read the error message carefully. It tells you which line the error occurred on.
The comparison wont be comparable
@Sherif your obviously a PHP Addict...
@Dsafds Fascinating. Do you have a mailing list I can subscribe to?
@Sherif Yes its called [email protected]
I have the line @Sherif here it is
<input type="hidden" name="q" id="q" value="<?php echo $_GET['q'];?>" />
this is a hidden input to get the reset password link sent via email
@Riccardo990 You might be off there. That code wouldn't give you that error. Try looking around (the line above/below it). You're looking for anything passed to a by-ref function as an expression.
For example, something like end(explode(" ", "foo bar")) would give you such an error.
@Sherif Any more lame jokes?
Or are you done?
dude stop. now you're being annoying. let people do useful stuff instead.
wait a moment
Can anyone help me with some RewriteEngine?
do you mind taking a look at it?
@CallumCarmicheal RewriteEngineInPHP?
@Riccardo990 This isn't the code that caused that error. You're probably looking in the wrong file. Be sure to read the error message carefully. It also tells you which file the error occurs in.
@Dsafds Just .htaccess, i dont know what chat to ask it into. its a simple issue so i would prefer to ask here rather than ask a question
@CallumCarmicheal have you already read stackoverflow.com/questions/20563772/… ?
@CallumCarmicheal Provide a 3000 word essay on why you think you should be allowed to ask a question in here, first.
@Sherif Okay hold
/me holds
@Sherif because that is what usually happenes
if it is a small question you ask it in a chatroom..
@Sherif is this maybe? jsfiddle.net/hbrvewhc/2
@Sherif 3000 word essay?
@Riccardo990 You're asking me? Remember, I can't see your screen, read your error message, or know which file and line number was provided in the error message.
I simply edited the fiddle
@CallumCarmicheal Obviously a ludicrous request. Just as useless as asking to ask.
$essay = "";

for ($x = 0; $x <= (3000); $x++)
$essay .= "word ";

$stackoverflowChat->SendMessageMention("Sheif", $essay);
does that suffice?
3000 "word" essay.
@Riccardo990 line 17, see the signature for bindParam
what do you mean for see the signature
Click on the link and read.
The method expects a variable. What you gave it was an expression.
Someone fill me in what is @Riccardo990 's error TLDR edition?
@Riccardo990 the second argument should be a variable, which it takes by reference, but that's not what you gave it
and you're talking about the latest fiddle I provided aren't you?
holy shit password default
why the fuck I have it?
@PaulCrovella did you understand what I'm testing? a simple php forgot password thing
I have the change part and the reset part
I don't care what you're testing, I'm pointing out why you got that message
when it comes to reset I compare the salt and all that stuff
someone please make knowledge transmitter nanites of some sort.
how can I fix it?
$query->bindParam(':password', password_hash($_POST['password'], PASSWORD_DEFAULT));
this is the wrong line
@Riccardo990 yes. you either want to set the result of password_hash to a variable and give it that, or use a method that accomplishes essentially the same thing without using a reference, such as bindValue
@Ekin I think IBM is working on that. They expect to be ready for launch some time in 2057.
@PaulCrovella so if I used bindValue I'd simply replace bindParam for bindValue and the rest is ok
$query->bindValue and so forth
meh, I will be 65 if I see that happen and it will be as weird as my grandma trying to understand how email works.
@Riccardo990 I'm not doing a code review for you here, and I've already stepped through enough of this with you. It's time for you to rtfm, try things, and figure it out.
@Ekin Does she need to understand how it works to use it though?
legit point, however I would like to
I mean.. my mother still thinks Skype is YouTube for some reason.
She's like "get on the youtube so I can see you!"
you're right I just tought of syntax differences
heh :-)
@Sherif makes sense, it's you on the tube
@PaulCrovella fair enough
The woman also still has no idea what I do for a living.
She's always telling her friends how I'm a "Computer Administrator". Like that's a real thing!
"no, mom - I'm a webmaster"
People born before the transistor was invented are probably never going to catch up.
My mom thinks I earn by playing games on a computer.
@PaulCrovella Even my 8 year old kid knows that's wrong.
yeah, but your 8 year old doesn't know that used to be an actual job title
i'm using bindValue but I still have the same error
@PaulCrovella Actually, she knows how to count to 1010 in binary. Kids learn fast these days.
$query->bindValue(':password', password_hash($_POST['password'], PASSWORD_DEFAULT));
ok, I made some nice progress on the time parsing thing so far... however I need to sleep or else I'll miss the ferry to colonia del sacramento
night everyone o/
(oh lol wth chat that was a new msg) o/
message to keep the chat alive
ignore pls
good morning
posted on September 24, 2016

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

I have a system with a "import from XLS" option, xls contains lakhs or n number of emails,
the user uploads the file, which is added to a Queue (Queue::push). My problem is that i have
set a cron in the windows scheduler which verify the emails in the list, Queue takes a while
to process the emails to verify using dns records and mxhosts and so people will have to wait a lot.
Let's say it takes hours to verify each file and there are 10 files in the Queue, the last one to
upload will need to wait of hours. Is it safe to run multiple commands? The amount of process will
anybody have any solution for my question
Can we run big process in Php for multiple users at same time using Cron ?Please suggest how to possible this task?
is there anybody ?
Hello Wes
we don't do wordpress here
no it is core php
is it possible wes ?
Hello saitama
Have y ou any suggestion for my question ?
do you know anybody, who can answer this ?
No Idea, just wait, if anybody can answer, they will...
morning all Linus reporting sir..
I have a system with a "import from XLS" option, xls contains lakhs or n number of emails,
the user uploads the file, which is added to a Queue (Queue::push). My problem is that i have
set a cron in the windows scheduler which verify the emails in the list, Queue takes a while
to process the emails to verify using dns records and mxhosts and so people will have to wait a lot.
Let's say it takes hours to verify each file and there are 10 files in the Queue, the last one to
upload will need to wait of hours. Is it safe to run multiple commands? The amount of process will
Can we run big process in Php for multiple users at same time using Cron ?Please suggest how to possible this task?
is there anybody ?
so much "we dont do wordpress here"
it is in core php
Can we run big process in Php for multiple users at same time using Cron ?Please suggest how to possible this task?
\o/ regex answer
A: php nested array with explode

SaitamaThis thing works just as expected: <?php $str = <<<STR category1_subcat_1 category1_subcat_2 category1_subcat_3 category2_subcat_1 category2_subcat_2 category3_subcat_1 category3_subcat_3 STR; // Explode the string, with a newline as the delimiter $lines = explode("\n", $str); // Init the cate...

@Saitama C for effort. F for using a for loop on an array.
@Sherif :P didn't optimize it at all :D
@Saitama Yea, I wasn't looking for optimizations.
Hello Sherif
Have you any suggestion for my question ?
Hello Linus
Have you any suggestion for my question ?
@SagarJain I suggest you look both ways before crossing the street and don't piss in the wind.
Hello Danack
Have you any suggestion for his question ?
saving you time
@Sherif, I am asking solution here
morning @andho sorry but we don't do wordpress here
Hello andho
it is in core php
i'm dying
You should get that looked at.
Sounds fatal.
@Wes no wonder why this chat sucks
Hello Danack
@andho Wrong. This chat sucks because it doesn't come with free beer.
@Danck, Have you any suggestion for my question ?
i knew it ^
Ahh! That's what that's for.
and for installing the OS
Yes, you do need lots of beer to install an OS.
This is very true.
lol i mean, sorry Sherif but we don't do wordpress here
we don't do wordpress here
@Linus We don't do wordpress here
"we do wordpress here"
@Saitama you wish
won't I get -stars ?
@Saitama You fail at the Internet.
@Wes 🔥🔥🔥
1 hour later…
@NikiC Any idea what might be the cause of github.com/sebastianbergmann/phpunit/issues/2301? When I run that test with xdebug.auto_trace=1 the trace just stops in PHPUnit's error handler.
@SebastianBergmann [L10 0x7ff3cd0fc3c0 RECV_INIT 1 <constant> $value /home/kelunik/GitHub/kelunik/daas/test/Test.php]
That's where it hangs, weird.
> with xdebug
could be anything :p
Do you get the same issue without xdebug loaded?
@Leigh Yes.
Interesting is that sometimes I get a endless loop printing RECV_INIT, sometimes it exits after step in PHPDBG.
grumble I don't have a good environment for debugging right now :( - Kind of foobar'd my laptop hacking on cryptsetup
probably want to pause it in gdb while it's stuck in that loop, and see what condition its failing on
I have a system with a "import from XLS" option, xls contains lakhs or n number of emails, the user uploads the file, which is added to a Queue (Queue::push). My problem is that i have set a cron in the windows scheduler which verify the emails in the list, Queue takes a while to process the emails to verify using dns records and mxhosts and so people will have to wait a lot.
Let's say it takes hours to verify each file and there are 10 files in the Queue, the last one to upload will need to wait of hours. Is it safe to run multiple commands? The amount of process will vary as people start to use it more. Is there any other approach to have it run concurrently?
Can we run big process in Php for multiple users at same time using Cron ?Please suggest how to possible this task?
@SagarNaliyapara Yes, you could run multiple processes safely in that situation. What I would do is have a master "process manager", which starts the worker processes that consume queue items. Using a process manager like this allows you to cap the number of concurrent workers (so if, for example, someone uploaded 20 CSVs in a short period of time, they wouldn't consume all resources).
@SagarNaliyapara You may also want to investigate pre-built job servers such as gearman
@SagarJain ^

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