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here's one electronics shop that has a special event where they auction several devices, starting bid is 1 €.
includes IPhone7
If I won 56 M€ EuroJackpot, I'd go there and immediately raise everything to 1 € under the retail price :D
because I am so pissed at that chain
so basically it'd end up costing (relatively) very little to me, but it'd ruin their marketing event :d
What have they done to raise your ire?
at first they marketed themselves as "we have the lowest price of all; if you find the same product elsewhere for cheaper, we'll pay you the difference"
well, it was ruled to be illegal to market like that
and now they sell way more expensive than in other places but people still believe that to be true
though, I guess people would be pissed at me :D
but at least half of them would consider me being some sort of accomplice to their schemes anyhow :d
because "how can anyone be so stupid that they'd pay everything 1 € under retail price right away"
*buy everything for just 1€ below the retail price
I guess they'd got some rules in that auction for that, like, maximum raise is 10 €
@JRichardSnape I see what you did there
brief cabbage
@AndrasDeak you are also in this scary room :p
@ColdFire everyone is
@ColdFire including wim
i see
still visible if you type @ + w
@ColdFire I've been here and in matlab and in the ministry for a long time; you're the one popping up suddenly:P
@AndrasDeak haha i was in ministry for some days now matlab becoz of crabs and here becoz of meta question :P
Meta question? Did somebody get the boot again?
but seriously, which meta?
scroll above^^^^
@AndrasDeak the good ol' wim whining
from march
Oh, OK
I thought it was a new one
haha no idea it was this old
you can see the date in the bottom right corner......
well i didnt check it.........................
Mar 31 at 19:55, by wim
I'm back
Mar 31 at 19:40, by davidism
user image
I remember that:D
we all were here back then :D
you me, @khajvah ...
the Spring of Love in Python
gotta go now, rhubarb
damn I have spider-man reaction
just caught my pen from my desk's border without even looking
@khajvah Tony Stark will be round shortly to measure you up for your spider suit.
Warning, you may be required to go mano-a-mano with Captain America.
I hope they will call me for avengers
Yes, Stripe did a good job there
THANKS!!! Your Python skills rock!!! — android_dev 1 min ago
Nice - they've obviously never met Martijn though :p
@DSM self destructing notes!? Sounds dangerous :p
Appears the OP is happy enough - not sure about introducing "smarter" handling for the open statements...
The way those comments read now, it looks like you added a note to confirm that your python skills rock :D
@JonClements "smarter handling"?
@JonClements It's unfair to compete with Martijn, he is a ninja
Hmm, what's a good stack exchange site to ask SQL questions (if any such site exists)? Database Administrators?
@Kevin StackOverflow
@Kevin too localized, or wait, that no longer exists, so SO it is.
SQL is programming, so shouldn't be off-topic here.
It's going to be hard to provide an MCVE because my database is a hundred megabytes.
@Kevin try to go to dba.stackexchange.com but before that , pop into our room there might be a guy or 2 or even 3 who might be able to answer your question chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/11391/sql
What's your actual problem? Can you produce a sqlite-ish example? Especially useful - can you just randomly generate some correct-looking data via a Python script or something? Or, if your data is publically available just post it on a gist somewhere or something.
sqlifiddle is good
oh yeah, there is that site, huh?
Since you asked, my problem is:
ORA-12048: error encountered while refreshing materialized view "AAAA"."DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD"
ORA-12034: materialized view log on "AAAA"."BBBBBBBBBBB" younger than last refresh
It happens when I open table BBBBBBB in SQL Developer and edit a value in a row and click "commit"
I think something must have gotten screwed up when I imported the database to this new computer. It worked on my old one.
I did get about a hundred and fifty warnings... I didn't read them because I didn't think they'd be important.
I'm guessing it's MSSQL then...
It's Oracle. Or is Oracle also MSSQL? Is one a subset of the other? The SQL ecosystem is confusing to me.
is Oracle
Ms SQL is Ms SQL
When you have errors like ORA-12048: , it is inherent to oracle DB
@AndyK hehe yeah... my bad
@Kevin why the heck are you using ROWID anyway?
no worries Jon
That query is autogenerated by SQL Developer so it's not my fault
is there a primary key or unique index on the table it's somehow not realising?
has anything changed in your master table? like an additional column that was added or something like that?
something to the structure of the table means
Not in the last year or so, no
I think I'll ask in the SQL room.
Is there a way to add more info in ManyToMany relationship in Django?
i.e. more columns in intermediate table.
Our sql room is more specialized in mssql
nevermind, I did it
@Kevin that sounds like your problem is that your materialized view hasn't been refreshed. I don't know how to do that in Oracle, but do that. Then try to run your update.
Alternatively, update the underlying tables
Yes, manually refreshing the view is definitely something I want to try. Oracle's documentation gives me migraines though so it may take me some time to find the proper command
manually refreshing the view can be long
depending on the size of your table
It's 20,000 rows or thereabouts
100 MB I think 'e said
Important to note, but I think it should be fine, unless it's bizarrely complicated
do you have a lot of columns?
Morning cabbage.
The details pane says "QUERY_LEN: 26595". It has 88 columns.
can you do a test on a dev env and see how long does it take?
@MorganThrapp that reminds me how much i like and coincidentally miss Jamaican cabbage :*(
are there people who are also using that view?
Ok, found some documentation on refreshing views. I'll just read through this and... [skeleton covered in cobwebs sitting at computer.png]
@anshanno Is that slang for weed?
@AndyK Yeah, this is all totally local. Nothing I do will hurt anybody else.
@WayneWerner lol ... no, cabbage. jamaicancookery.com/2015/03/…
Ah, this looks relevant. "Use the DBMS_MVIEW.REFRESH procedure to refresh one or more materialized views". I'll just go ahead and try that and... Error report: Unknown Command. OK then.
Oh, there's a "force refresh now" button here in the GUI. Saves me some effort.
hé hé
@anshanno Ah, well that does look delicious
@Kevin I always feel like a Jedi when I use the force options
@WayneWerner, if you ever find yourself in south florida - seek it out :)
Ok, I think it's working now. Forcing a refresh on the views seems to have done it.
Python can be ugly too
o/ o/ o/ o/
Is that the easiest way to get time from a datetime date?
I need UNIX timestamp
can't think of anything else
Never mind, I was wrong. It's still broken.
I got commit succeeded once because the particular commit I was testing didn't actually make any changes to any tables
In [61]: d.timestamp()
Out[61]: 1473945253.292019

In [62]: time.mktime(d.timetuple())
Out[62]: 1473945253.0
@Kevin testing the correct thing is surprisingly important
>>> a.timestamp()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'datetime.date' object has no attribute 'timestamp'
At least I got a new error: ORA-12032: cannot use rowid column from materialized view log on "AAAA"."BBBBBBBBBBB"
Ah yes, the ol' rowid column from materialized view log problem. A classic.
are you guys just trying to get a unix timestamp in python?
ooooo wow, date object doesn't have timestamp() but datetime does
@idjaw Stripe
because... reasons, I guess
I mean, there isn't any time on date
it's weird(ish) that it has timetuple, I suppose, but not really that weird
you might need to change it to a unix timestamp
since that's a thing you could do
cabbage Antti
@khajvah additionally, timestamp() of datetime most probably does something not exactly unlike what you wanted.
@idjaw presumably from an existing datetime, and not just get it, right @khajvah? Cause... time.time() does that, right?
yeah...I jumped in too late, so trying to fully understand. I figured that time.time() was tried already and you guys aren't looking for that
@WayneWerner that too
@Kevin can you do a dbms_mview.refresh('<name_of_your_view>','c')?
use the c option not the f one
c stands for complete
>>> datetime.datetime.combine(datetime.date.today(), datetime.time()).timestamp()
and datetime module is utterly retarded.
additionally datetime.*datetime* has today:
>>> datetime.datetime.today()
datetime.datetime(2016, 9, 15, 16, 22, 12, 528897)
... which again does something almost but not quite exactly unlike you didn't want to not do
I decided to just drop every materialized view that doesn't have an obvious purpose, which is about 90% of them.
Maybe you should just use arrow @khajvah
Now I'm getting Commit succeeded (and I'm really testing it properly this time)... But at what cost? Probably no cost. That's how much cost.
@WayneWerner ?
Negative cost if you count the space I'm saving
@WayneWerner NEGATIVE
No? Bad arrow?
you can shoot that arrow into where the sun doesn't shine
it is even worse than datetime
parses everything utterly incorrectly
@Kevin if you are saving space, that's already a good thing
I am making subscriptions for 30 days instead of "monthly"
just to not get into pain
is highly unfamiliar with date fiddling in Python, so most of his opinions are probably naive
@khajvah remember... dst :d
@AnttiHaapala so there is pain in there too ...
Wow, that's bad
our time system sycks
it just happily parses totally random stuff
while it says "supports iso8601" instead of erroring out
wait... let me find the fractions stuff
That's terrible. Yeah, nevermind, forget arrow :P
god this is terrible
I hate dealing with time
I know, it always works against you
>>> arrow.get('2014-10-29T00:11:22.3344005+00:00')
<Arrow [2014-10-29T00:11:22.033440+05:00]>
@WayneWerner ^
my favourite <3
(just installed the newest version from pypi)
>>> arrow.get('2010-01-01T00:00:00.0000000905+00:00')
<Arrow [2010-01-01T00:00:00+09:05]>
that was reported like years ago
no fix
morning everyone
Morning, corvid
rbrb, cinnamon rolls for breakfast!
@AnttiHaapala It's not a bug, it's a feature
the proper tihng to do is throw an exception, throw a goddamn exception in any damn case where you don't know how to handle things in a consistent manner.
>>> arrow.get('2010-01-01T00:00:00.0000011Z')
<Arrow [2010-01-01T00:00:00.000001+00:00]>
>>> arrow.get('2010-01-01T00:00:00.0000011+00')
<Arrow [2010-01-01T00:00:00+11:00]>
I got a fish for breakfast, it's great
@corvid pix or it didn't happen :P ah I thought you meant "caught a fish"
@AnttiHaapala But “Arrow is heavily inspired by moment.js”
So no errors :P
Nah, just a fish I bought from the Italian market because I'm close to that area at new work
@poke moment.js works:D
Object { _isAMomentObject: true, _i: "20160101T112233", _f: "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss", _isUTC: false, _pf: Object, _locale: Object, _a: Array[7], _d: Date 2016-01-01T09:22:33.000Z, _z: null }
But if moment fails, it does not throw an exception
that’s what I mean
Object { _isAMomentObject: true, _i: "20160101T112233.123+05:00", _f: "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss.SSSSZ", _tzm: 300, _isUTC: false, _pf: Object, _locale: Object, _a: Array[7], _d: Date 2016-01-01T06:22:33.123Z, _z: null }
well, that is true...
they should've been inspired by the features of moment.js, not by its leniency.
Do you even want it to throw an exception? Seems not very intuitive for javascript
@corvid just guess why Python is my favourite programming language and Javascript not quite that much
nice xD
once I had a problem with a string not working correctly with JQuery... it turns out it was a new String not string...
here we go again, django migrations throwing random error
Does someone here happen to have a recommendation for a similarity analysis library?
@khajvah mysql
@anshanno sklearn
I know what to do -- rm -r migrations/
@khajvah how about pip uninstall django
"Django - reimplementing your favourite libraries/functionality (poorly) since 2006."
I have no idea what this thing is doing
@khajvah switch to sqlalchemy, anything, alembic.
ok all the migrations pass but the tables aren't being created
django <3
perhaps it forgot to commit...
or perhaps they pass just because you just deleted the migrations
I made them again
@AnttiHaapala - thanks! I didn't realize sklearn had cosine similarity :)
we have a hackathon going on today and tomorrow....turns out that my team likes what we're doing, because we were all interested in the same hackathon project.
@JonClements: okay, but you get to dup-close the OP's followup question about extra linefeeds everywhere. ;-)
Hackathon cabbage for all!

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